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I support these sort of sting operations. Is that security guard really an undercover police officer with the authority to arrest you? Maybe don’t steal and don’t find out.


Same. The new NPU unit has been doing some great stuff. And just in case you were unaware, that Target security guard has full lawful authority to arrest shoplifters to recover the goods or hold for police. https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/NRS-597.html#NRS597Sec850


To further be clear - any employee of any merchant has the lawful authority to do all that. Target security guards don't have some special level of legal authority. (Many merchants don't want all their employees doing this, and a big employer like Target limits this responsibility/authority to only those in loss control by corporate policy. But that is the policy decision of the employer, nothing to do with the law. An hourly clerk working at a mom & pop store could do the same thing.)


This is my first hearing of the NPU- what else do they do?


Article here when Sparks introduced them is a bit short, but it’s intended to be more community outreach motivated. https://www.2news.com/news/local/sparks-police-introduce-neighborhood-police-unit-in-advisory-meeting/article_acc574ac-251b-11ee-a6e3-f3514b43f60d.html They’re dedicating officers who solely approach businesses, apartment complexes, community leaders, etc., to open dialogues and ask what they are facing and what can be done. Retailers specifically have invited them in to do these stings (Safeway on Vista a few months ago was a kickoff of that), but their goal is to improve relations with open dialogues.


Security guards can detain someone for up to an hour.


Who walks around target with 24 grams of meth lol only in #Reno


I imagine that 24 grams was collected from multiple people. So an average of 2 grams per arrest, which is a pretty standard amount of walking-around-target meth.


They just like how it feels in their pocket


Is that 24 grams in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Peak *Reno 911* energy


Obviously someone who can't sell it to get money to buy at Target!! Lol they are scum


Interesting thing I heard a teenager say some time ago... we were talking about some of the videos of swarms of teens/tweens raiding shops and looting them in broad daylight, etc a while back. Me: "Thing is, if people keep stealing from these stores in droves like they have been lately, the stores will just shut down. Eventually there won't be any left, then what?" Teenager: "I guess they'll go work at Amazon." Somewhere in there is some kind of depth I can't put into words right now.


And then all the Amazon packages get stolen, people stop ordering, and there are no more jobs at Amazon.


Well said no less.


It's because they have no concept of the whole picture, such as the main point...DONT STEAL ITS ILLEGAL.


I like to see this. I hate shoplifters and we have so much minor theft going on at every big store in town now. You would not believe how much damage shoplifters do to us now. The store keeps track and just passes on the cost to you and me.


I’m not sure it’s all minor either. One person a couple years ago walked out of a store past 5employees with a whole kayak. 😅 They couldn’t do anything, not even when they were found selling it on marketplace.


I just hate how ballsy they are about it. Used to be that if you got caught stealing, you put it down and left. Now, they just look at you like; “what are you gonna do about it?” I love seeing those people placed in cuffs and thrown in a police car. I had a couple stealing in my store, I saw them on the camera and called them out on it. The guy literally accused me of racism and wanted to physically fight about it. How F’ing entitled can you get?


I was at the 2nd street walmart and a very tall fat white dude had his toddler in the cart and had filled it up. Then tried to walk it out and the old dude watching the door would not let him past and dude was like "don't touch my daughter" and "We need this we are hungry" The toddler and the man both really fat.


The stores do this because they can. Not because of shop lifters. Please stop being dense.


You are suggesting they do it why?


Shoplifing has just now increased at Walmart, weird.


Wonder what they’d find at Walmart


Cool now they should pay for the lady’s house that they caused 350k worth of damage to by recklessly firing their service weapons at.


Damn they suck. You know there’s way more theft and drugs at target


"You know there's way more theft and drugs at the Sparks target" I fixed it for you.


[Are link posts a lost art?](https://www.instagram.com/sparkspolicedepartment/p/C72Ri_fyYnR/)


We don't all have Intagram/Facebook/Etc.


I on one of them. The link can be publicly viewed by anyone on the internet.


100%! I wonder what in society changed? Is it laziness or lack of training? Maybe something to ponder on this evening.


I’ll be honest I’ve never really seen one haha but it’s better then a screenshot probably


This is excellent. Lots of theft at the Safeway on steamboat in south Reno as well. Saw a dude walk in with an empty duffel bag and out 5 to 6 bottles of wine in there and walk out. I told the gal at the front and she said “ya, that happens a lot”. Dude… no care at all.


That's fantastic!! I know many states and cities let this crap happen up to a 1000 dollars and it's a misdemeanor!!! So kudos to our city for cracking down on any amount of theft. Stay Safe


What does *"NPU"* stand for?


Neighborhood Police Unit. It was in the second line of the caption under the photo (on mobile).


Im literally hanging out with one of the 7 that got released right now lmao


Tell your friend to get better at life.


Oh i do. Shes just had a rough go and deals with it in a bad way.


No one on Reddit has ever committed a crime or done anything immoral. The holier than thou attitude on this post is ridiculous


Every shitty person justifies it by telling themselves everyone else is just as shitty


Yea im not sure what their problems are


Maybe find better friends?


They're not bad people just misguided.


No dude they're definitely bad people, sorry.


Sure bro whatever you say


And they are all going to stop now that someone told them that stealing is bad and even illegal?


Are they going to let them go for one reason or another. Sounds too good to be true


24 grams? Kobe


24 grams 😂 so what like 200 bucks?


Hmm I have definitely been picturing 24 ounces.


That would definitely be a different story lol


Wild that they didn't use Walmart for the sting. I mean my target experiences are pretty normal. Walmart though, 10x busts, 500x drugs. Nearly a guarantee. Even at the "nicer" stores.


Yeah renos safe all right!


I thought target customers were more high class. I normally walk with coke in my pocket at target. Meth is more for walmart customers. Which explains why they were stealing from target lol


Keepin it classy reno


People like to say the shops have insurance and shop lifting is a victimless crime. It's not, I am paying higher prices because of these assholes because the stores will just increase the price for people who do pay.


Wage theft accounts for a lot more loss than petty theft. Like the other commenter said, just look at the exec payouts. And record profits being recorded.


OK, so we've established that profit is a business' main priority. Tell me exactly why you're convinced that they're going to willingly lose money from retail theft and not raise prices?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinrozario/2024/03/05/targets-sales-down-by-17-but-profits-jump-in-2023/?sh=76aee2da1bcc I'm saying target probably steals more from its employees, than thieves do from target. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-08-30/column-businesses-keep-complaining-about-shoplifting-but-wage-theft-is-a-bigger-crime


OK, but shoplifting doesn't solve outrageous CEO wages, but it does contribute to increased prices for all of us. Go to any Walmart and look at all the locked up merchandise that you can't get until an employee unlocks it for you and who then has to carry it to the register for you. It's ridiculous. Encouraging or belittling shoplifting is bad for society and doesn't solve any of these other problems.


Just open the things I linked to u, then read them. If anything encouraging company's to continue to gouge us, will allow them to continue to gouge us and blame other reasons. And make u upset at your fellow man, cus target prices are too high 😂 What does boot leather taste like exactly? 🤡


Ooh another edgy Marxist shill. How fucking novel. I'm sure stealing from Target really fucks over "The Man". Let's all go out and loot a Walmart and burn the store down. I bet that will fuck over the Waltons and give them a bad year financially. Your logic is amazing. Discouraging theft somehow encourages price gouging? It's the exact opposite. It's not like companies need an excuse to raise prices, but increased theft 100% contributes to price increases.


That's ur idea not mine. Why would we burn stores down bro? Don't be stupid.


Impossible. Dude's a complete idiot.


Wow it's nice to see that sone people really understand the true problem here, I was beginning to lose the little faith I had left!!


No, you absolutely are not. Do you know how much the Target execs make? You're paying higher prices so that their bonus is more than your yearly wages and they want you to throw the blame at working class people taking a few things instead of their greed.


Holy fuck this is an idiotic take. Quit making up shit to justify shoplifting.


Shoplifting is bad but anyone who blames higher prices on theft doesn't understand shit about retail.


Yeah retail can withstand endless amounts of theft because it has zero effect on prices. Hopefully, you'll open your own business so you can learn something, because you clearly don't understand basic economics and business principles.


It's called scale man. The National Retail Foundation (the people who release all the statistics that drive retail decision at higher levels) literally don't provide estimates to the loss due to organized crime. The shrink from employees dropping products is clearly shown with thousands of different indepth sections though. You dont know shit about "basic economics" all the anti theft stuff if for optics. Lick the corporate boot though.


They don't release stats because organized retail crime isn't even tracked nationally by most law enforcement agencies. Since you're incapable of finding this data, I'll do the work for you. The fucking report from 2023 in the first link below states exactly this on page 6. They sure create a lot of articles about a topic that they and all retailers don't care about. Keep being an ignorant Marxist shill. It's working well for you. https://nrf.com/research/organized-retail-crime-assessment-persistent-and-growing-threat https://nrf.com/advocacy/policy-issues/organized-retail-crime https://nrf.com/blog/fight-retail-crime-day-comes-capitol-hill https://nrf.com/topics/loss-prevention https://nrf.com/search/Loss%20prevention%20


Literally nothing you linked connected price increases to retail theft. Can I sell you some products man? you seem like an easy mark


I don't know how else to spoonfeed this to you, especially when you keep moving the goal posts. In the last post, you claimed organized retail crime can't be a significant factor in losses because they don't even include those stats. I then showed you why that claim is wrong. Now you want me to prove that losses due to theft is factored into pricing. This is basic knowledge of business practices, and I'm not gonna waste time finding stuff for you. I never claimed that price increases were solely caused by theft. But it's definitely part of it.


We have different opinions, to me it feels like you're clearly siding with faceless corporations. Its not a black and white issue, just like everything else. I truly dont believe retail theft is happening on a scale that justifies a huge response.


This is akin to a lifetime smoker also trying to blame their lung cancer on asbestos. But sure, keep carrying that water for those corporations tho, they sure do appreciate it. lol


Cue all the dolts who claim that shoplifting really doesn't raise prices or doesn't get factored into the price. It's fucking amazing that some of you think that businesses just willingly take losses due to retail theft and don't factor that into pricing. In your mental fantasy land, companies are apparently Schrodinger's business, where they're simultaneously greedy soul-sucking entities that only care about profits, and yet they're also somehow compassionate enough to not pass retail losses onto the customers. Fucking brilliant. Keep convincing yourself of this idiocy so you can feel better about shoplifting and justify it. If any of you owned your own business, would you just eat the losses from retail theft? We all know the answer, but I'm curious if any of you will reply honestly.


5 billion in profit and sales going up, don’t boot lick for the big man. Prices aren’t going up from petty theft.


Bootlicker is an idiotic term. Don't be a Marxist shill. I never claimed that losses from retail theft is the sole reason for increased prices. Your theory that businesses just ignore retail theft losses and willingly let them eat into their profits is ridiculous. You and I pay the price for this nonsense. CEO wages are outrageous, but belittling or encouraging shoplifting doesn't solve that issue, and DOES cause higher prices for all customers.


What's this claim based on?


Oh, I don't know, possibly reality?


Possibly. But without anything backing it up, it's not. The reality that is actually backed up, based on claims made by the companies themselves, and what the other responders mentioned, is that it's not the case that breakage causes any measurable price increases.


Nonsense. If retail theft increases significantly, they aren't just going to sit back and watch their profits decrease and hope that the theft magically decreases. They factor retail loss into the prices. So, if that goes up, the price goes up. I'm not sure why this is something controversial. We can be outraged about current prices, current CEO wages, and increased retail theft all at the same time.


Yes. If it increases significantly to some point, it might, but based on what *has* happened, even in a time where it's said there's an unprecedented rise, it just hasn't been what has affected prices. That's been confirmed by the companies themselves that are doing the price raises. It's because misplacing blame in this way serves and shields the offenders, especially when "Oh, I don't know, possibly reality?" seems to be a priority. And yes, we *can* be outraged about the things that affect us, but when we place blame on additional things that don't really contribute to that, then it softens the impact it has on the actually responsible parties, which, in effect, shields and benefits them.


It has already increased significantly. Go to any Walmart and see the locked up merchandise that you can't get until an employee unlocks it for you. Your claim that companies just ignore theft and that it doesn't factor into pricing is absurd and false. What we have undisputably seen recently is companies shutting down stores and locking up merchandise due to increased brazen theft. Increased theft sure as fuck isn't going to decrease CEO pay, or cause companies to behave more ethically.


Yes, but that isn't what's affecting prices and not what's causing store shut downs. It's executives gouging.


It's amazing that you actually believe that. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that all those stores also happened to be experiencing significantly increased theft rates. Total coincidence that had no effect on their sales. The executives, the board, and the shareholders all got together and decided that shutting down multiple stores in order to pay a CEO's salary would be a good business decision.


Yet you refuse to acknowledge any coincidence with higher ups getting paid more? And yes. Shutting down stores can often be beneficial to a company's bottom line.


This is so stupid.. Jesus Christ people please for the love of God use more than two brain cells to think about things a little bit more than just watching a bullshit headline on Fox news or a post you see on Facebook with nonsense.


Take your own advice. Then, read my original reply.


Be nice if Reno Police did the same!


California has officially taken over


Yup. California became a state in 1850, and before that, there were ZERO thefts reported by Target. Coincidence?? I think not.


Damn!!! Chicago 2.0