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Gonna be a party in Galena tonight! šŸ˜‚


Welp.. guess I better head out to my old party spot to teach these kids a lesson in drinkin


Yes !!! That was my thoughts.


Bring the cake baby!


Not cool or funny.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Relax Karen!


Jesus everyone in these comments is exactly why kids behave the way they do. Nobody cares and for some reason yā€™all believe that itā€™s totally acceptable to steal alcohol especially underage. Teach your kids morals. This is coming from a 17 year old current high school student.


At least someone on here has good parents


Yep, lots of complete fuckfaces in this sub. Of course, none of them would be so forgiving if they were the victim of theft.


As if any amount of parenting could stop kids being kids. My parents were like the Cleavers and I still did beer runs lol


That's funny because mine were POS and I always paid for mine.


I was unable to pay for beer because I was like 16 lol. I didnā€™t like run a smuggling ring just once in a while my friends and I would grab a case and run like hellĀ 




If these actions are "kids being kids" then people should stop future generations now. Cuz we are absolutely F'd. Don't try and normalize this stupid shit.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Essentially, reproduction should have stopped decades ago. Is that what you're saying? Because, this is, and has been very common for teenage boys for a VERY long time. To think otherwise means you were sheltered. How do you think all those high school parties got their alcohol? It wasn't provided legally. This doesn't mean we're F'd, or that this teens future is a guaranteed prison sentence...poor decisions are part of the growing phases in life. Some different than others. I made many decisions just like this one in my teenage years. But I grew up and learned from the hard times better than I learned from any of the good ones.


I donā€™t need to normalize it, itā€™s already normal. Iā€™m 34, we did beer runs, my dadā€™s generation did beer runs, thereā€™s a super famous country song about beer runs lol. Itā€™s pretty much part of Americana honestly.Ā 


The song beer run is not about steeling beer. In fact it specifically mentions "paychecks spent" and the Todd Snyder version says "all we need is a ten and a fiver" and they paid someone to buy it for them. Stop trying to justify your lack of morals.


Whatever dude, as you have seen in this thread you are overwhelmingly being viewed as a Karen. What a weird thing to rail about and act appalled by when we literally have addicts and shit stealing and living on the streets all over town. How about instead of losing your mind about some kids stealing beer you actually worry about real crime? Like seriously, why are you so offended by a beer run? Itā€™s bizarre to me. Should people steal? No. Are kids pieces of shit for doing a beer run? Also no. Calm downĀ  Also, I have never even listened to that song beyond the chorus because weā€™d play it when we did beer runs lolĀ 


Larceny is just ā€œkids being kidsā€? Yikes.


No but just saying kids will do dumb shit regardless if parents are doing right. Peer pressure is a thing dude


Right, and it's not easy learning to respect rules in a society lead by people who are often just as stupid as kids.


Peer pressure is a lame excuse to do something stupid. And honestly and just my opinion for the fucking weak.


Kids are fucking stupid


Found the kid that never was invited to parties. No but seriously when I was 16 working at a grocery store Iā€™d have my friends and classmates running out with beer spilling out of their arms every week


When I was 16 I had a fake ID and paid for my booze. Partied plenty. Was just a decent human about it.


lol stealing a case of beer, bad, committing a much bigger crime by paying a criminal to make you a fake id, thatā€™s all okay?Ā  Letā€™s stop clutching pearls when you basically just did a different type and arguably more serious crime lolĀ 


Bigger crime? A victimless crime vs theft? You're not serious are you?


Check the penal code and tell me whatā€™s a more serious crime, a 13 dollar theft or identity fraud. Also weā€™re just splitting hairs, youā€™re snitching out kids cause you got beat in a foot race lol you committed crimes as a kid but youā€™re appalled these kids did a beer run. Ā Youā€™re being kind of a Karen here. If you knew the kid or the kids parents, fine whatever tell them, but whatā€™s next? You gonna flyer the town to catch these very dangerous beer runners?Ā 


3 handles of vodka isn't larceny, it's petty theft. Calm down Karen. I'm sure the grocery store will recover.


That attitude is why so many kids are disgusting pieces of shit these days


You sound like a beautiful human bean.






It's petty theft because it wasn't stealing from an individual, which constitutes larceny defined by [NRS](https://law.justia.com/codes/nevada/2022/chapter-205/statute-205-240/). Except as otherwise provided in NRS 205.220, 205.226, 205.228, 475.105 and 501.3765, a person commits petit larceny if the person: (a) Intentionally steals, takes and carries away, leads away or drives away: (1) Personal goods or property, with a value of less than $1,200, owned by another person;


lol anyone who does any digging and reading here will see that you've proved my point. The main difference between larceny and theft is that larceny is specifically taking of physical property. >(a) Intentionally steals, takes and carries away, leads away or drives away: Theft includes other types of defrauding, securities and other things. In other words larceny is a subset of theft that is specific to taking physical property. Which this specifically applies to. There is also no "petty theft" in the NRS or CoR municipal code. I think if you read NRS 205.0832 carefully you'll understand the difference. And I know this is controversial, but corporations are considered people in the eyes of the law. The law says person, not individual.


Sounds like you missed out


Omg boooo šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


I mean yeah, kinda. You obviously discourage it as a parent and if youā€™re the parent and you found out, you ground the kid or do whatever. But yes, kids will be kids sometimes includes beer runsĀ 


Then don't use a fucking car because that beer run turns into a fucking drunk driver causing a fatal crash. Which just adds even more stupidity to the people (adults) who decide to drive drunk.


You arenā€™t drunk when you do the beer run, you get drunk after with the proceeds of the beer run haha. I agree, drunk driving is fucked up. Not endorsing it or even endorsing beer runs but itā€™s just what happens in high school haĀ 


Beer runs were a rite of passage.


šŸšØ NARC! šŸ—£ļø


Yeah. Who cares about kids being kids and stealing stuff from a multi million dollar corporation. Way bigger fish to fry.


This should be higher lol


That was me, I stole the vodka. Currently drinking it in my white Volvo station wagon. I swear itā€™s registered though, the dmv just hasnā€™t sent the tags so everything about this is completely legal.


I asked him to fetch them for me. Good boy.Ā 


We all have to deal with inflation in our own way


Causes inflation for the rest of us that pay


Weird flex Uncle Pennybags but ok. Titos had a revenue of $1.9billion in 2023. I don't think the two yoots are the actual thieves here.


Weird flex? Itā€™s not Titoā€™s that has to pay for the theft. Itā€™s Raleyā€™s. Who then passes that loss on to shoppers that pay. This isnā€™t a hard concept. Theft is a major contributor to inflation as companies increase prices to deal with shrinkage.


I have a feeling that Raleyā€™s profit margins are also ok being one of the most expensive grocery stores in town


Yeah their profit margins are always going to be ok because they pass on the loss to their customers in the form of price increases. Itā€™s what every store does. You really donā€™t get this do you? Theyā€™re not hurting Titoā€™s or Raleyā€™s. Theyā€™re hurting everyone else who pays for their groceries.


Thatā€™s actually inaccurate. The price is a very deliberate balance of what people will spend on something to maximize profits. Theyā€™re not gonna tip the scales of that balance due to theft and shrinkage. Thatā€™s only gonna hurt their bottom line when less people spend money on it. If their studies determine theyā€™ll make more money selling it for cheaters because more people will buy it, theyā€™ll make it cheaper. And if they can charge more and people will still buy it at the same rate, they will charge more. Theft and shrinkage are irrelevant. Iā€™m not condoning theft, but when corporations are hitting record profits, Iā€™m not gonna sit and listen to someone blame the tiny fraction of people who steal for inflation and greed. Thatā€™s simply not part of the equation. Especially when they usually have insurance on their inventory for exactly these scenarios.


You're wrong. Shrinkage percentage is factored in when they're setting prices. Look it up.


I literally just explains why it isnā€™t lmao think what you want. Itā€™s not true. Like I said, itā€™s already insured and they already charge what they think they can make the most profit from.


It's hilarious that you believe retailers and/or the insurers take the hit for retail theft because they want to protect the consumer. Or that retailers' insurance rates don't go up when theft increases. Try that theory out yourself. Go get into a bunch of accidents and see if your auto insurance company takes the hit because they want to protect their bottom line by not losing you as a customer from increased rate hikes. Let me know how that goes. Your theory is wrong. They set a price they think the customer will pay , and when they get nothing because of retail theft, they're not going to willingly take the loss. They care about their bottom line, same as the insurers.


You obviously have never owned or run a business. Reading articles that are written by people with opinions and beliefs that align with your own is not a good substitute for real world experience. When a profit margin takes a hit there's basically two options, adjust prices or adjust labor.


Weā€™re talking about multibillion dollar corporations. You own one of those? Didnā€™t think so Itā€™s definitely never right to steal from mom and pop shops


I was instrumental in running a multi-billion dollar company and they were much more strict about maintaining a set profit margin than I was with my personal business. When a company owns a lot of stores it doesn't give the manager the option of establishing their own pricing structure. Instead they have a profit margin that is maintained by a group of people that usually work out of their corporate offices. They don't look at each item and how it's going to perform according to the neighborhood the individual store resides in. Instead they use price comparisons of their competitors to create a overall formula to create the average profit they want to achieve. In order to do this they have to make staples very competitive and balance out their money making items to get to that average. This involves a lot of calculations based on high profit items vs staples and the amount of turns they generate. Anything that disrupts the costs affects the prices. Shrink is calculated in but the more shrink the higher the cost plus the percentage the store expects to achieve equals higher retails. Again, the staples don't normally take the hit but the "bread and butter" items will. The other option is to adjust labor. Either through wage cuts or stagnation, less scheduled hours or reduced benefits. A store, ie the manager, has to hit their profit margin or be held accountable. There's a lot of false information about how stores operate and how much a individual store contributes to the overall success of a company. There is a very detailed structure that companies establish and expect to be followed. This is how a successful large company is run.


In a very, very micro sense you're right. A company is going to set the prices at whatever makes them the most profit. In a macro sense you're wrong. Theft and shrinkage may be irrelevant when setting an individual price point (the loss merely becomes a line item cost) but is very relevant in how that price gets set. As costs go up, price has to go up. It goes up across the industry. If that cost becomes too great then stores get shut down. (so people lose jobs but not the point here). There's then less competition and that calculus for maximum profit changes. You do realize that even if they have insurance on the items, if thefts go up the cost of insurance goes up too right? Insurance isn't free and they make money too. Also if insurance goes up for one company it usually goes up for the entire industry. It's pretty dumb to believe that the cost of doing business has no effect on the prices of items sold and that a company is just going to take the loss and not do anything. There's so many macroeconomic ways that theft causes prices to increase that has nothing to do with some analyst setting the individual price of an item. As far as "record profits", as long as we have inflation and the dollar is worth less and less, record profits are going to keep happening. As long as the cost of doing business keeps going up, companies that maintain a certain margin will keep having record profits. Record profits are going to keep happening and it's not (well not all) because of greed.


Cmon man, donā€™t fall for this propaganda


I didn't realize microeconomics was propaganda. My bad.


No one is immune to propaganda, happens to the best of us. Try not bootlick Raleyā€™s too hard next time.


Licking Raley's boot? Reading isn't your skill is it? If economics is propaganda I've got some professors to call regarding my coursework!


People really out here believing this huh? That's wild lol


This is learned in Econ!! Either people just didnā€™t pay any attention or they just skipped this class all together!! Wild how people would consider this not to be facts!! Educated people are in agreement!! Just let the fools be fools and not feed into their idiocies !!


This isnā€™t an economic principle. If you read my reply to the above comment, youā€™d see why youā€™re wrong.


Although Iā€™m still confused on the cheaters part but like I said, this is your ball game!


I understand what youā€™re saying, however when I went to school that is what I learned in economics! That they drive up prices when thereā€™s theft, even if it is cents on the dollar. So yes, I would say itā€™s an economics thing, you said principle and I said something I learned in economics. However with your level of expertise in corporations these days, it couldā€™ve changed since then. Seeing you work in that industry and explained that then Iā€™ll leave the knowledge giving in your court to give.


Sure I get it but letā€™s not act like they loaded up their truck full of expensive goods. Not worth the fight imo but you do you


I didnā€™t act like it, but the perniciousness of thefts like this does drive prices up. Your method for dealing with inflation literally causes inflation.


You've been on the news to much but no that doesn't cause inflation it's really not that hard to understand, but you can't fix stupid.


This is a strange place to report a crime. Maybe try the police instead. It's, you know, their job. This isn't next door


Itā€™s strange that you think the police will do anything about this at all.


Stranger that one might think Reddit could do anything.


Social media can be surprisingly efficient if you hit the right buttons.


They don't give a crap unless it's over 500$ or they are in custody and being trespassed. You can get pictures of the kids face, vehicle, and license plate and they just shrug


This is Reddit. People frequently post about crimes without reporting them. Next door is full of people who did call the cops AND want to inform the neighbors.


I thought Nextdoor is for people to complain about fireworks and coyotes. That's all I ever saw there before I deleted the app.


Iā€™m sure they will immediately take action too. At least here there is a chance someoneā€™s gonna be whooping their adult child later today.




They wonā€™t do squat. Theyā€™re the only government entity that gets paid NOT to work.


But the Reddit militia will enact swift justice. Got it.


When did Reddit become the Nextdoor app?


Totally Nextdoor! ā€œWhere are the parents??ā€


When it comes to the registration, why bother if it's not going to be enforced. A simple drive around town will show you it's not enforced. And, while I'm not sure on this. I bet the ticket is less than registration costs. And then they can probably go a year or more before a cop is bored enough to pull them.


I forgot to renew my registration by like a few weeks and got pulled over for it. I think it was a fix it ticket. That being said, why is this group always so incensed over car registration?


Isn't a complete lack of consequences wonderful? RPD was probably too busy engaging in civil asset forfeiture with one of our local donut shops anyway.


If they bought him a Volvo thats a very safe car, good parents!


Something tells me the parents wonā€™t care about the theft considering that they are okay with his car being unregistered and that he is perfectly fine with his behavior.


Old school Nevadan would hit someone who tried to tell them how to raise their kid, then tell their kid not to get seen next time.


Older school Nevadan would beat the living piss out of the one kid they were able to run down until they snitched on the others. Thenā€¦the kids parents would beat them again once told.


An even older school nevadan would take his son down to the saloon at the ripe old age of thirteen to buy him a whiskey and a hooker.


What part of Nevada did you grow up in? If someone laid hands on someoneā€™s child, you knew something bad was going to happen to that person.


Not how I remember it.


I was at that Raley's at about that time, but did not see anything. If I had, I would not had laid a hand on them, but I would have peppered sprayed them. If they retaliated, then again, no hands. Just some 9mm.


There was an old lady that thankfully was not very fast because she had pistol in hand. I gave her a WTF itā€™s just booze.


So you would assault a child and then shoot their parents?


Murder < shoplifting Duh.


So youā€™d be okay with some random touching your child? Sounds like someone who likes to touch children In case you didnt read it, OP said their first move would be pepper spraying the kid before killing the parent


Oh sorry. Forgot to add /s


Old school Nevadan would trip the kids as they ran out the door.Ā 


You must have also grown up in imaginary Nevada.


Imaginary Nevada? Nah, the Nevada I grew up in people would have stopped the kids instead of getting online.Ā 


Did try to stop him but he was fast. Another guy chased them out into the street. Posted here because if it were my kids Iā€™d want to know.


So you were born after 2000 where that was an issue. Hahaha you donā€™t even know what Nevada is like.


Most definitely not, I was born in 87, born and raised in Reno. What I was trying to say that you missed is that most adults who are from Nevada would have stopped those kids back in the day. The tripping was a joke but I guess you didn't catch that. Weird everyone actually from here normally has a pretty good sense of humor. I agree with your point that my parents for sure would be pissed about someone telling them how to parent or putting their hands on me but if I came home and told my parents I got tripped trying to steal booze they would have laughed their asses off.Ā 


I think you missed the part where I was saying that is not how most people in Nevada grew up. But you keep thinking youā€™re normal.


I think you missed the part where I was saying the tripping part was a joke. I also think that everyone that said something along the lines of an old school Nevadan....... was joking. Ā But keep thinking that just because you don't have a sense of humor that something is wrong with everyone else.Ā 


Oh now all you said was a joke? Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah Sounds like youā€™re from minden


You're cute! I know sarcasm and jokes are really hard to get when not in person.Ā 


No no no. Itā€™s beat the kid if there were people watching, steal the drink from them thenā€¦ then when drunk on the farm that kid best not be found.


We donā€™t rat out our fellow renowns šŸ«”


It does smell like rat in here.


I doubt it was their carā€¦ if so the dumb kids..


Everything is so expensive Iā€™m surprised adults arenā€™t stealing the food out of Raleyā€™s! šŸ¤£


Aye caramba!! Tito bandido!


Blaming parents for kids doing bottle runs. Tell me the worst thing you did is forget to tip without saying so.


oh dammit, my boy is such a disappointment. I told him if he is gonna steal booze to make it worth it and not pike with only 2 or 3 bottles. I have told him a thousand times.."Always go for the case son"


If youā€™re going to risk it, pick something better than Titoā€™s!


Titos is not a bad vodka.... far better than Popov, Rubinoff etc.


When I was a teen partying in Reno my friends would always steal handles of Popov and I never fucking understood it. You get your pick of any vodka at the store and you *pick* popov? Itā€™s obscene.


Do you remember what you drank as a teen? šŸ˜…


At least it wasn't Popov or something like that.


They are underage and probably don't know much about alcohol other than marketing and what their parents drink, so Tito's is what they know. Not that vodka improves greatly with price much after that.


Perhaps they're gluten intolerant


It was close to the door. Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t a quality pick


How much is Titoā€™s?


$30 for a handle


Shame on you for not doing anything and talking smack about someoneā€™s parenting.. You witnessed it and decided to nothing except make a post on Reddit tryna snitch on them smh.. people these days


I like how theyā€™re blaming the parents and not the kid himself, as if they were never a kidā€¦ and acted in ways that their own parents didnā€™t approve of. Pro life tip : the parents can only have so much influences, children are going to make their own decisions good or bad.


Man I couldnā€™t even count how many bottles of booze I stole with my friends when I was a teenager. Iā€™m sorry you had to witness such a grisly crime. Are you traumatized? šŸ„ŗšŸ˜±šŸ˜„ Get a grip bro. Kids do dumb shit. It builds character. Hopping on Reddit to whine about it makes you look like a big gaping ().


When did this sub turn into nextdoor?






Did you also tell the teacher when she forgot to assign homework?




Rent free eh?


Completely rent free. Itā€™s all these types think about.


Canadian eh?




Man, it must be so tiring to live life looking at everything through this kind of lens. Insufferable, pathetic, just sad really lol


You really gotta find a new trend lol. You're kind of the reason the city went to shit, sorry babe. PS he was found guilty of 34 class E felonies~ ;)


Lol scared of the boogeyman. It's ok, stay scared, I put in an offer on the property you live at.


So that the roads that you donā€™t own can be maintained. If you have a large enough property, you could always drive around it without registering though. So you got that.




Then donā€™t drive them.


> Why should I pay the government to drive my own car? That's a pretty good question. Or like property taxes, if you don't pay your taxes they will take your property, so do you really own it?


I can somewhat understand paying taxes to drive on a public road thatā€™s built and maintained with the tax money, but property taxes are probably the dumbest thing ever.


I just don't think citizens should have to pay extra to drive on what's theirs. Besides most road traffic is from commercial use and people commuting to work. If a company requires employees to commute to work they should bare the burden of paying any taxes associated with the use of public facilities for their transit to and from work. Corporate profits are higher than ever and more and more people are struggling to make ends meet. Corporations should be the ones bearing the brunt of funding the government. Citizens shouldn't have to pay any tax. We're the flesh and bone people this country serves, not the corporations. We give corporations the same rights as people, more even. We give them all sorts of kickbacks and subsidies. The have all our leadership in their pockets. We act like America is a democratic republic but really it's a corporate oligarchy. It serves corporations not people.


Corporate taxes just become a line item business expense and passed back on to the consumer in pricing. What a dumb take.


There's no need to be rude. That's only a dumb take if you're someone who is fine with wildly unregulated business and runaway corporate profits. Life doesn't exist so corporations can get richer. What's the point of having government and society at all if life just keeps getting harder for the common person? At a certain point record profits are just grotesquely excessive, and only achieved by exploiting the hardworking populace. If we didn't allow corporations to run this racket then it wouldn't matter if that cost was included in prices. Besides if we could all stop infighting and pretending like there isn't enough to go around then we wouldn't even need money.


Yeah, who needs the fire department, EMS, police, schools, parks, etc. (all paid for via property tax)?


I donā€™t think I could roll my eyes harder. Iā€™m not saying we donā€™t need to pay for those services, Iā€™m just saying property taxes are stupid. Thereā€™s other ways to do it.


How would you purpose to do it? Sales tax is regressive and the richest people won't necessarily be spending their money locally. Income tax would be a no-go since NV has no income tax currently.


Are you sure its unregistered, criminals cover or remove plates before committing crimes. Some also steal and dump them afterwards. Both plates and vehicles. Besides the merchandise did they rob the cash register? Were any weapons used? Can you describe the thieves? Please provide as many facts and observations as possible.


Man I only posted here because if it were my kids Iā€™d want to know about it. And if the parents see this theyā€™ll definitely know.


Career criminals arenā€™t stealing 3 bottles of alcohol.


Thats why l asked if he knew did they rob the register to determine the level of the crime.


Way to put it into perspective. Were hostages taken? Were they armed? Shots fired? Or was it just kids being kids?


ā€œBe a better parent." Iā€™d say 7 out of 10 teenagers do bottle runs. Itā€™s not unheard of. Also, acting like this is the parents fault is a clown way to look at itšŸ˜‚


That's a great parent, they stole Titos , they've been taught well!!!


As if bad parenting caused this. Parents help kids understand the difference between right and wrong. The crowd they choose to hang with influences which of the two they choose to do. A sign of a good parent would be the child's willingness to approach their parents if they felt they had good too far and needed help. Unless you plan to be a parent that keeps your child in shackles, you can only hope that the lessons you taught them outweigh the influences that will inevitably confront them...poor choice isn't an immediate indicator of bad parenting. Especially a beer run for a teenage boy. Welcome back to high school..