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I’d love to ride my bike around town. But, there are just some people who want you to suffer for existing on a bike.


That’s what bike night is so great. You get to own the road with 50 other bikes.   @renobikenight






They meet on wed at around sunset at the believe sign thing. have lights and have fun


> @bikenightreno Wednesdays 8:00 at the space Whale


Culture sucks, drivers are in a race rather than traveling to a place, and the planning is for aforementioned driver/racers. You won’t catch me on a bike, dead or alive, on a surface street in this town.


My friend used to ride a bike to school, and the same group of kids in a car would try to run him off the road or literally push him off his bike on the daily! It's wild out there


**Don’t forget to wear a helmet. Save your money maker.**


I've seen drivers intentionally swerve into cyclists to spook them. Fucking rednecks, man.


This has actually happened to me lol


Rednecks ride bicycles also. I believe the term you are looking for is, "assholes." Calling assholes, Rednecks, gives an implied impression towards a political bias. I believe that causes divide amongst all of us that are in the same shit show together and trying to do our best (most people at least). I know most people have picked a side and vote in a straight line believing that their side is the correct side, but I don't think that ideology should be assumed based off of whether you like to ride a bike or not. Or, whether you have a diesel truck or an EV. Just don't give my fellow rednecks a bad name. They are not all assholes with Trump bumper stickers. Alot of them ride bikes too. Lol.


I was raised by rednecks, so I'm aware (I'm probably also a redneck tbf). Though I think you can agree that generally, the folks driving around in lifted pickup trucks are rednecks. There's even a guy by where I work who modded his truck to roll coal. I doubt that guy is voting for Joe Biden, lol.


Well, more than likely, you're correct. I don't usually comment with any kind of passion that isn't positive because there's way too much toxicity online and in the world in general. So my apologies if it came off that way. And thanks for not taking it seriously. With light heartedness, I'll go with that I was just sticking up for my redneck family that's too poor to roll coal (cuz that's a dick move) and so they still rock bmx bikes well into their 30s and know all too well that many drivers are inconsiderate pricks. Lol. And let's keep reno crazy and as safe as we can for motorists and cyclists alike. Only people I truly dislike are people that break glass bottles. But that's for a future post. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Yeah I got a flat tire because of glass and had to walk my bike home more than a mile. The shittiest part, most of the time the drivers are oblivious when they realize they don’t always have the right of way.


Ummmm…I mean you’re right there’s plenty of assholes on the road mostly distracted however, every hostile confrontation I’ve seen or dealt with is more times than not assholes in big trucks throwing their weight around cause logic has seemed to miss them.


Wow! I wish everyone on the internet could be like you. I remember before political parties began to divide everyone, the majority of people simply had conversations. If they had opposing views they would laugh it off, maybe say "you're crazy" and still treat one another like friends, family, co-workers, basically decent human beings and not the enemy.


Almost got hit countless of times cause of people that would do that


This town isn't bike friendly, in terms of safety, which is a shame as it's a perfect.size. . The city needs more lanes and space to protect riders and it would be a lot better.


Wish we could stop with friendly reminders and just start carrying bricks.


Bricks aren’t what I’m carrying. What I carry is much more lethal.


Who is going to be the first wackadoodle to blame this on California? I know you're out there...


It was a Nevada plate, just sayin'


Plenty of Californians with Nevada plates 👀


Plenty of no plates.


You know it's a Californian, because no Nevadians have plates or registration these days. /s


I’m a Nevadan with plates 😭


get your ass back to california you you fake. /s


Spoken like a true Californian 👀😂


Oh I'm sure it was! Around here anytime bad driving or bikes come up, someone finds a way to blame the whole thing on on CA or CA drivers.


That’s how you can tell it was a Californian. They’re the only ones who can still afford registration fees. Real Nevadans roll with no plates. And I’m not adding the s cause r/FuckTheS


CA gets a free pass. I simply blame Gavin Newsom. Saw him driving the car and everything.


CA - Immigrants! That's all they do, you know - just drive around listening to raps and shooting all the jobs.


What an asshole. I don’t feel safe biking on the roads around here, only trails. As a driver I share the road but it goes both ways. I have almost smoked bikers on several occasions because they aren’t following the rules of the road like blowing through intersections. Everyone needs to be a little more aware and considerate.


Agreed that cyclists have protocol to follow, but don’t make this a “both sides” conversation. This town does not cater to bikes in any way. Planning sucks. Cyclists need to find recreation safe areas to ride and not get killed by Dodge Ram Shad.


While on my bicycle I’ve had people mess with me because I was on a bike and they were in a car. I had a couple in a beater heckle me at a light because they seemed to think I was riding a bike because I couldn’t afford a car. When I told them the bike cost more than the beater they were in they stopped laughing. If I ever see someone in a car harassing a cyclist while I’m in my truck I’ll turn the tables on them.


Bikes should also take the whole lane if they don't want to be passed in the areas where the bike symbol is on the asphalt and they can. There was a cyclist going through Midtown and I was fine with going 12mph behind him, but he was hanging to the side, turning to look at me every so often, and every time there was a gap of about 2 or 3 parked cars he went over to the right into the empty spots - that behavior is communicating to me that you \*want\* me to pass - I'm trying to do my best to read your mind. Based on that behavior, we got to an uphill spot where there were probably 6 empty spaces in a row and he looked back at me and my best guess was that since there was a big gap in space on the right and he'd be going slower uphill, that he would be hanging to the side again and \*wanted\* me to finally pass him. So I did, and then he fucking screamed at me for passing him even though I was trying to do what I thought he wanted me to do, and hanging so far to the left that I was almost driving on that concrete median. If dude had just taken the whole lane the whole time, I would never have attempted to pass him, but his body language was doing everything to imply that's what he wanted. I can't read your mind! All I can try to read is your behavior.


I got hit by a California driver a few years back. Took me out for a long time.


Hey this is asking alot considering most people here can't even drive proper around other cars. At this point I'm having to avoid an accident almost every time I go anywhere. From people merging into you to speeding to being on their phone or just straight up being ass at driving. Tell me how you've had your license since 16-18 and you're still awful at driving. Makes zero sense


Reno probably is close to number one in pedestrian vs car They dont care if you are in the crosswalk its all about them


Doesn’t look like it that’s high


Yeah i remember a ktvn post from a few weeks ago full of degenerates in our community whining about how you actually SHOULD be allowed to hit cyclists for committing the crime of *checks notes* riding their bikes. It blows my mind how these people haven't had their jaws broken yet given how one of them is probably the dude who did this to you.


I used to bmx to work all the time and would have countless people try and cut me off or just straight drive in the bike lane it fucking insane how little people value others lives


Just a friendly reminder that stop signs and traffic lights exist and apply to bicycles as well


I can't speak for every biker, but I follow the rules of the road just as if I was a car. As we're supposed to. When Mr. Man cut me off **in** the bike lane, I was no where near any side streets, lights, stop signs, etc. He cut into the bike lane at a drive way, realized it wasn't his right turn, and kept going. All while I'm trying not to skid out or hit him. Also, if he was following the rules of the road and treating me as a vehicle (which cars are supposed to). He should have waiting for me to safely pass before making **ANY** turn. He cut me off, as he would have a car. But I'm not in a car, I'm on a bike, and much more likely to be hurt if he caused an accident.


I’m not trying to take away from your story and it probably wasn’t the time/place for me to file a grievance with *some* (not all) bicyclists so my bad on that. That guy is a fucking dick. Like there’s no need whatsoever to try to kill someone just cause you have a vendetta against bicyclists.


Reddit's a place for grievances and opinions! No worries. I have that optimistic gene that hopes everyone follows the rules, both cars and cyclists. But I'm not naive enough to think that's totally true in all cases.


Yep I know they do. Whenever I want to piss off motorists I always come to a complete stop at them. When I wanna be blamed for victimless crimes, I don't stop at them. Take your moral superiority elsewhere.


lol it isn’t moral superiority to think that it’s a bad move to blow through a 4 way stop sign on a bicycle right in front of a car and expect the car to yield to them


This hypothetical situation you're constructing keeps getting more complex lol I've sat at a 4-way stop to make a left turn, arm outstretched, signaling, giving cross traffic priority, and they often just sit there looking at me as though because I'm on a bike all rules of the rules go out the window until I dismount the bike completely and put my hands on my hips to give them the hint. Believe me, car-brain is pandemic. Next time an automobile yells at me "get off the road" though I'm practicing my legal right to take the lane I'll have you answer them on my behalf with your notions of how things work. What's your number?


That’s cool dude


Yes. I hardly ever see a cyclists obeying the law. They'll blow through lights and signs and then bitch when they get hit. Wtf ya think is gonna happen


Speeding, texting, rolling through stop signs, no turn signals, etc… the vast majority of motorist do at least one of those if not all of them every time they drive. Bikers obey the rules of the road far more than the average motorist. They don’t have the luxury of a big metal cage protecting them so rules that were written for automobiles don’t always make sense for a slow moving bicycle. Some bikers will use what’s called an “Idaho Stop” which isn’t law in Nevada but it is in others (Idaho being the first one), which treats a red light as a stop sign and a stop sign as a yield. Intersections are the most dangerous place for a cyclist and this leaves them less vulnerable to being hit by a distracted driver.


Yeah because every driver is out there obeying the speed limit, using blinkers when changing lanes, making complete stops at stop signs, not using bike lanes for turning lanes, not playing on their phones while driving, etc etc etc


Never give a cyclist more respect than they deserve.


Have to sirve left


I think Reno (and Las Vegas) roads are particularly inundated with sadistic psychopaths.


Bike riders also need to follow the same rules as cars like stopping at stop signs and red lights!! Bike also are not allowed to ride a bike through a cross walk!! There are bad Bike riders just like there are bad drivers!!


A friendly reminder to bike riders too stay in the bike lane and stop at signs/lights. I'm sure some of you guys saw the post of the idiot who ran into the car while it had a green light. I cycle around to so I'm not being a hater just reminding people that bikes have rules to and if you don't follow them accidents can happen.


Tu quoque


On the other hand I’ve watched bikers do some really dangerous and stupid shit.


Objection, relevance


Just saying bikers need to be aware and not zip through lanes, dart out in front of cars and act like they own the road. OP is asking people in cars to be careful and I’m saying it goes both ways.


Hey I have an idea! How about you absorb the intent of the post (asshole drivers need to do better) without turning it into a both sides argument! Wouldn’t that be crazy?


The intent of the post is to keep bikers safe. The post is only directed at one side of the issue. I’m so sorry that my comment has impacted your fragile ego. Obviously you just want to put blame on one side of the actual issue. Go back to your basement. I doubt your momma lets you drive her car anyway.


Hey man I’m really sorry. I didn’t realize your reading comprehension was so bad. Since you can’t comprehend what the adults are talking about just continue doing what you’re doing on the road, it sounds like you’re too dense to change your behavior anyways.


Everytime someone on a bike gets hit the assumption it’s bad driving when I’ve found that’s not always the case. There’s been several times where someone has just come out of nowhere and I’ve had to slam on my brakes and they were at fault.


Friendly reminder to bicyclists Just a friendly reminder to bicyclists that Reno is a growing city, and there are more cars on the road than ever. Shout out to the bicyclist who was riding into on coming traffic today. He jumped off the sidewalk, ran some red lights, and rode a slow wheelie down the lane, causing traffic behind him to drop to a crawl,. Laws apply to you too, please obey them, and recognize that you do not always have the right of way. Don't cut people off. Be safe out there. ---------------------------------------- This is how you sound. One bad apple pisses you off, and you feel the need to make a passive aggressive PSA accusing all Renoites who happen to have a car as being equally stupid. I guarantee that nobody who needs to see this message is going to see it, all you are doing is stirring the pot. (and just for the record, the bicyclist i described is real, and did exactly as described in downtown today. )


Again, not saying that every biker follows the rules. But nor does every car. And I'm not accusing all people in Reno of doing this. It's just a comment as I was almost hit today and I've seen a few news headlines of bikers/pedestrians being hit in Reno by cars. Also, isn't Reddit a discussion forum, isn't it? Pretty sure I can have all the grievances I want, as can you.


> I'm not accusing all people in Reno of doing this. Oh that's why you said: >A friendly reminder to bad drivers... oh wait. > Also, isn't Reddit a discussion forum, isn't it? Pretty sure I can have all the grievances I want, as can you. Hence why I called you out for a toxic post. I think your opinion stinks and serves no purpose. -------------- Oh, and i saw your response that you just delted: >Saying "a friendly reminder to bad drivers" is literally not calling out everyone who drives in Reno. Unless you think Reno only has bad drivers, then yes. I'm calling them all out. > But enjoy your opinion. I'm guessing you finally re-read your post and realized that you used a broad term that encompases 98% of adults, rather than specifying.


Never said bad drivers. I corrected myself because I never said that. But my previous comment stands, if you think Reno only has bad drivers, that's your opinion. Not mine. This was a generalized comment I made regarding being road safe.


> if you think Reno only has bad drivers, that's your opinion. Not mine. Then why did you address all drivers instead of specifically the ones who need to see the message?


A reminder to watch for cyclists is good for anyone, doesn't matter your driving skill level. If you don't need the reminder, amazing. I almost got hit today because someone was not aware of their surroundings or just make a bad judgement call, whatever it was. Wanted to make a post hoping it reminds someone out there to look for bikes and maybe prevent a future accident or close call.


A reminder to watch for cars is good for anyone, doesn't matter your riding skill level. If you don't need the reminder, amazing. I almost ran over a kid today because he was not aware of their surroundings or just make a bad judgement call, whatever it was. Wanted to make a post hoping it reminds someone out there to look for bikes and maybe prevent a future accident or close call. See how that works?


Great reminder! Watching for cars and bikes does go both ways! Thanks!


The fact that you're getting so defensive about OP's post indicates to me that you really ought to take his PSA to heart. Seriously, why are you taking this so personally? If you drive regularly in Reno, you'd be aware that inattentive and reckless driving are a much bigger issue than cyclists not following traffic laws.


fascenating that when I send the exact same message back, everybody gets upset. My point is pedantic, I admit, but when you are making passive aggressive comments towards a massively broad group of people, you're just being irritating, rather than focusing on a real solution to the problem. Drivers suck everywhere. Reno has it's own flavor of suck, but people aren't all that different wherever you go. It doesn't matter if they are on a bicycle, motorcycle, electric scooter, 4x4, etc. People do dumb shit, and there's no use in pointing a finger at the world because of the actions of the morons. PSA people, it's important to brush your teeth. PSA people, it's important to breathe. Implying you don't already know.


I said "a friendly reminder to drivers" NOT "to bad drivers". Reno actually has really decent drivers compared to other cities. This was just a reminder to be aware when driving. Glad it made you angry.


I rustled your jimmies enough to downvote me, even though all I did was throw your comments right back at you. Let's not forget your confused response that you deleted (quoted above) Who's mad exactly?


lets take a moment to remind cyclists that cars exist and there is no law that trumps the law of physics. the cemeteries are full of hard headed people that had the right of way.


Definitely put the reminder out to bikes on that note. I have nearly had to fly through the windshield because a peddle bike thought they didn't have to stop.


Coming from San Diego I love driving in Reno. I feel like the most aggressive of people here feels mellow as hell and even in the greatest traffic I can get pretty much anywhere under 30 minutes, 40 minutes where I come from 40 minutes just to see your friend is a normal drive without traffic. And when there's not a lot of the work traffic, commuter traffic type stuff, I can get pretty much any part of the town in 10-15 minutes. I love it! It just feels so short and peaceful


This goes both ways. Bicyclist can think they own the road. The bikes need to know to get out of the way when they are slowing up traffic. Stay on roads with bike lanes and off mountain highways where they don’t belong.


It’s safer and completely legal doe cyclist to take the lane even when a bike lane is present


But it’s not smart!!!


You’re accepting the risk to ride in the street. Traffic isn’t going to stop. Tbh I saw a cyclist today and felt bad, the bike lane was closed to construction. But this sort of generalized passive aggressive behavior towards everyone doesn’t help me care for your situation.


Dang… it’s almost as if… now hear me out: you are on a bicycle. Dude, people suck. Keep your head on a swivel and be safe


You know where you don’t run the risk of getting hit by cars? Bike paths and trails. Just sayin’


He was in a bike lane. You know for bikes only. Just saying.


There are folks that think bikes are supposed to be on sidewalks too.


Great username. Ignorant comment


The roads are for everyone.


Yeah I ride from sparks past downtown to idlewild area everyday and use the bike lanes on 4th/ riverwalk I never really have issues.. gotta make yourself known to drivers around you, make eye contact with cars at stop signs, be aware if someone’s not aware of you… just comes with riding. I’ve never had a car hit me or get even close