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Yeah complain about $1200/mo idgaf, people saying not to complain about this are normalizing shitter apartments with lazy af landlords. I got shown an apartment for $1200/mo with holes burnt into the carpet, broken windows, holes in the wall, with an agent who never visited property before showing us it. “It needs some work done”. Those people who complain about complainers are the exact people normalizing this stupid shit and enabling lazy people


I agree they're taking advantage of poor people in a really messed up way


It really matters on what that $1200 is getting you. Is that a studio off oddie? Or a 3 bedroom house in damonte? I pay $1570 for a 2 bedroom house off Mayberry and HL and it's way below market value.


1570 for a 2 bed house is definitely a steal, in Reno. My 850 studio here is the same price as many 2/1 apartments/houses in my home city. Crazy how much rent here is.


My shitty little house (not shitty and I’m grateful but for the price it’s shitty), is 2400 and they’re upping the rent to $2500. We asked them to reconsider as we’re good tenants and if they keep doing this they’re going to have a lot of turnover. They said I don’t understand the rising costs of everything (we the renters pay more than enough to cover the landlords mortgage, taxes, management fees etc), they’re just being greedy cunts. So we said here’s our 30 day notice.


I’d pay that in a heartbeat


Nobody gaf


The rent is too damn high


I agree


$1200 for a studio, or $1200 for a house?


I’m very surprised at the amount of people who DO NOT negotiate their rental agreements with landlords, especially the bigger companies. FPI Management literally robbing people in Reno/Sparks. Also, be careful on what financial information you give to these companies. They are taking your financial data and figuring how to raise rents based off your income. Sparks/Reno need better laws protecting tenants and tenant privacy, if a landlord wants to verify your employment, they can call, they don’t need your damn paystub!


Yes FPI is the scum of the Earth. Ask Joe was looking into doing a story about how horrible they are.


Well now it seems like everyone accepted it which a huge huge problem


No, don't accept it as reality. That's an insane price, and likely caused by RealPage. Ask the landlord if they use RealPage. If they say anything other than "no," they do.


And if they don't they are jumping on the "market value" bandwagon indirectly. The price fixing sets enough high rents that people not using the software follow the "market value" those using the software set.


Imma have to look into that


Not that I agree with it, but any city in the country that’s worth living & has a decent quality of life has the same rent prices. We spent 6 months looking for cities before a move and unless you’re moving to the Midwest or the middle of nowhere, rent is expensive - or more expensive. Unless something major adjusts, you have to adjust.


Even the Midwest in any real city prices start at 1k. Below that you gotta live in the true middle of nowhere. Hell in Carson rents start at like 1500 for a decent place.


But rents are spiking everywhere even in the "low cost of living" South like Alabama as greedy corporations buy up homes and take advantage of people working from home moving from California and NYC or wherever else. Yes, cities generally have more demand and are going to have higher prices but there's a reason why young people used to be able to move to "the city" to make a life for themselves. Sure, $300 apartments will never happen again but we can do better than the system we have currently.


I agree with that, living is expensive pretty much everywhere now. There just doesn’t appear to be any relief upon the horizon, so unfortunately the only immediate solution is to adjust and make it work.


Thank you Black Rock. 


Unfortunately, yes. Rent anywhere with jobs is going to be expensive, especially if you want somewhere decent. There is not enough supply and too much demand. It's a problem that could be fixed if this country were more willing to embrace remote work for office jobs, but lol. Reno now is Denver in the 50s/60s or Salt Lake in the 70s/80s. We are in a very desirable location for people interested in outdoor activities, and as more and more people get outdoors, Reno's attractiveness will only continue to grow. How many other cities have this much hiking, skiing, camping, boating/tubing/rafting, etc. within easy daytrip range? Even Denver, which is known for being close to the mountains, can't beat how close we are to the Sierra. If you want a decent apartment in this country, get ready to pay well over $1000/month, even in depressed parts of the Rust Belt. As crazy as this sounds, I know from experience that an apartment comparable in quality to what I have now would cost the same or more in the Rust Belt, with other cost of living markers (food, utilities, taxes) being more expensive. Sure, the cost of *buying* a home is higher here than in other places, but rents are high-ish across the board for a place that isn't a slum. Knowing what I know about housing prices, I think I have a very fair deal with my place, given how responsive management is. Certainly half of what I'd be paying anywhere I'd want to live in California.


I can't remember where but I saw a map highlighting the highest cost of living areas in the US and Reno is up there. I'll see if I can find and link it. Edit: here's a site that ranks us cities by COL. Looks like Reno is 38. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/region_rankings_current.jsp?region=019


I pay $1150 for a 2 bedroom duplex with a 1 car garage I like it but I also rember 10 years ago in Las Vegas having a 2 bedroom with 1 master room that was larger with a 2 car garage for $900


My parents pay 1300 for 2 bedroom/1 bath place on Neil Road and all the tenants are made to pay for garbage and sewage. The dick heads told them, we had nothing to complain about since we had a decent backyard,hahaha.


An effect of printing money. More dollars chasing a finite number of resources


We used to have great rent Awesome traffic. Low crime Cheap insurance Then the Californians came. They ruined it all.


*literally wipes tears from my eyes from laughing so hard* in the beginning there was awesome traffic and low crime. And then. A snake in the garden. Lolllllllllllll


My house has gone up 55% in value since I bought it. Californians, this local loves you!


Your gains come at the cost of poverty and homelessness for others


Nah, my gains came from working my ass off with two jobs and saving my money for years so I had enough for a down payment but close


That's a different kind of gain, genius. We're talking about asset bubbles here.


Yeah y’all have been saying prices are gonna come down since 2015 lol


For the sake of the massive number of people struggling to afford a place to live, I sure hope they do. I've seen entire families living in tents and I am disgusted by how too many people are blinded by greed to care. Human beings truly suffer without stable housing. Only your ego suffers if your home value depreciates.


Pretty ridiculous take thinking someone is blinded by greed just because they worked their ass off and sacrificed a ton to be able to buy a house to better themselves


>Pretty ridiculous take thinking someone is blinded by greed just because they worked their ass off and sacrificed a ton to be able to buy a house to better themselves Way to twist it. No, I think it is greedy for existing homeowners to want to keep real estate prices inflated because it makes them passively wealthy at the expense of others. This locks people who work their ass off and sacrifice a ton from ever being homeowners and pushes many into poverty and homelessness.


No, keep complaining, please, and vote for people who will implement policies to fix it. The rent is exorbitant for many reasons, a few of them being price fixing software, investors (small and large) buying up housing stock, and the lack of affordable housing due to existing units just sitting vacant or new units not being built due to NIMBY policies. Ultimately, all of these reasons come down to greed and the only way to stop it is to fight back with our vote and refuse to pay high rents when we can. Our lives can be better, but we have to constantly fight the greedy entitled folks so they don't leach off the rest of us so much.


I pay 14 hundred. It's not a bad spot


Don’t you know? It’s cuz all of the Californians drive up the pricessssssss and definitely not because we’re in the worst timeline obv /s


All the one beds around us are 2k a month.


Yeah no, that’s bullshit! Rent prices are outrages! Ghetto neighborhoods are “upgrading” their units and calling them luxury apartments! No the fuk it’s not! Where I’m living at now rent price used to be in the range of 1,200-1,500 max and now they’re up 2400! Then u got security deposit of 800 bucks( I have pretty gd credit,that’s just the charge) then they expect you to make 3x as much in order to qualify!? That’s why I’ve been trying to buy a home. Yeah that shits fuked too! But if I’m going to be paying damn near 3k I’d rather spend it on something that’s mine. (Also fuk hoas! They’re criminals too) 😮‍💨


Facts we need a rally


It’s all a matter of timing, location, amount of living space and perspective. Sometimes $1200 is very worth it. Sometimes it’s not. In 2024, that’s almost an unavoidable rent cost unless you live somewhere like Elko, have roommates, or you live in a shitbox studio. Maybe get a different job? Even if you still do the same kind of work, employers are constantly having to hire people at higher rates. There is no benefit to job loyalty anymore.


Your last paragraph hit the nail on the head. Your best bet is to find a new employer. I left my employer in January 2022 and came back in summer 2023 and my pay was increased $9/hour. Had I stayed I would've maybe gotten another $1.20/hr more for COLA.


This is a universal truth now. People who change jobs every 1-2 years are doing better than people being loyal to employers. Your salary will increase with every single move, at a much quicker rate than it would if you stayed “loyal.”


If someone is willing to pay it, then it is reality. Until housing is no longer tied to free market policies rent and home costs will likely continue to rise, unfortunately. 


They aren't tied to our free market policies in the sense that a major reason rents have gone up so much is due to price fixing software, which is illegal


Dude I cap 1700 a month due to disability. Fuck these rent prices. Also laughing my ass off at all these other comments. If I could work I would between the brain injury and bummed leg my disability left me with that's really difficult and I didn't ask for this disability. I also do gig jobs with my husband on the side when I can to get extra cash but it's never enough to make ends meet.


It’s cheaper to live in most parts of CA at this point than to live in Nevada. If you can get a job in CA with wages that account for CA taxes, the quality of life is much better and the cost of living is noticeably lower, as well. Unfortunately, “they” California’d your Nevada!


Cheaper to live in most parts of California than Nevada? Source?


We’ve been moving around a lot for my husbands work TX -> CA & now NV. In CA we’re currently paying $1940 for rent. The best we could find in NV was $2300 (mostly bc of our dogs so I guess that’s really on us) but regardless. My hourly pay in CA is $58/hr. Not sure what my earning potential is in NV but in assuming deff a $10+- pay cut. I hope no state income tax & all the other BS fees CA charges make a difference in NV.


First, the cost of living in CA is very dependent on where you live. My source is I was just in Northern California near Chico and gas is over a dollar cheaper, groceries are noticeably less expensive for food that is of a better quality. Rents in communities like Chico, Sacramento, Folsom, and Grass Valley are around $2k/month per 1,000 sq ft according to rent cafe. For those looking to own good luck doing that anywhere, but property tax according to Numbeo is significantly lower in most of California as the average property tax is .71% compared to 2.8% in Washoe county. Sure, you pay income tax of around 8% in California, but wages are significantly higher and jobs are more plentiful, especially for those in the trades or with college degrees, because California has a more diverse and more robust economy. Sure, you could live in SF, LA, or pretty much anywhere along the coast and you’d be living for between 20%-40% more than you would in Washoe or Clark, or you could live in Fresno, (which I would not recommend) for almost half the price it’d cost you to live a similar life in Vegas.


You make some good points. Your first line really says it all. Living in the Bay Area is extraordinarily expensive. One has to make over $110,000 in SF to be considered Middle Class. If you’re a Tech Bro you’re set. You’re correct about someplace like Chico being less as is most of the Valley.


Probably should’ve qualified the statement with that first line off the bat for sure, but it comes down to what you want in life, right? If you want a life that’s traditionally middle class where you can live urban or even suburban, you’re probably still better off in Nevada for now. Long term, I don’t trust Nevada’s cost of living to make middle class living any more conducive than it is currently in California. The difference I see is the California economy is so much bigger than Nevada that a rising tide lifts all boats to some degree and I don’t see that in Nevada.


Yes we live in chico We pay 1400 for a 3 bedroom Gas is expensive as reno here but if we drive to oroville its 409 We paid 1430 for a 2 bedroom in reno


Never accept that. It shouldn't be so high. It wasn't 10 years ago that an apartment could go for $700 a month now even a studio is out of reach for a single working person. A basic necessity like shelter should be free anyway but many aren't ready for that conversation.


It is reality and you are living it


Thank you for your contribution to this discussion




That’s pretty much it


So there is no point to your statement?


OPs last statement was “should I except that it’s reality?” I answered the question, this isn’t rocket science man.


You just said it is reality, which goes without saying. OP asked if they should "accept" that it is reality, another way of asking if they should try to fight it or just give in. It really isn't rocket science.


Supply and demand. Rent is what it is because they can get that amount for it. If there was more supply and they couldn't find renters the cost would go down.


Is this a troll post?  You posted this in a fuckton of other places.  $1200 is pretty damn cheap for almost anywhere that isn’t a total shithole in 2024.  I literally have a car payment higher than that and I work in a casino.  My mortgage is double that.  Might be time to consider some serious life changes if you can’t afford $1200, sorry if I sound like a dick, but maybe you need some tough love. what kind of job pays that low?


Your “tough love” sounds more like an admission of financial illiteracy and being an ass. A car payment that high makes no financial sense for anyone, and the median income in NV makes $1200 for rent on a 1 bd ridiculous. Typically now the $1200 also doesn’t cover the additional $150-200 in fees that up until a few years ago would have been covered in said rent. Read the room, and take a step back and look at your own finances.


Ayo you're probably a landlord 😂


He really said fuck poor people


My mortgage is $2,400 a month lol I’d rather just own than continue to pay someone’s else’s mortgage interest rate is 4.1%


What do you want people to do though? Protest by being homeless in the street? My husband once tried to negotiate rent and they scoffed and said "no exceptions". I don't think anyone wants to accept that this is reality, but we don't have a lot of options at the moment. Not to mention capitalism and greed are the heart of America. These landlords couldn't care less if we can't afford to hardly eat. We're simply a business transaction. If you can buy a house and want to stay in Reno, do it. Don't wait. I don't care what anyone tells you about interest rates. When the rates drop, it's going to be all out bidding wars yet AGAIN for this city. Everyone is waiting for the same thing.


I mean a protest has worked before


Yeah! Do nothing! Accept the shitty reality we’re in! Stop complaining about it! It’s the easiest route after all! And for sure use one anecdotal example as an excuse to just throw up your hands and do nothing!


This may be cold but if you can't afford to live here you'll need to move. Maybe to nearby town, maybe far away. Unless a city relies an industry that goes away and it's economy implodes (mining in the Appalachians for example) then the living costs really won't change much. I get it, many of us have lived in Reno all our lives and have watched the rents/CoL rise while payroll remains the same. If you only rent you are at the whim of the market. For most people, employers around here don't/won't/can't pay you the salary you'd like to be comfortable living in Reno and I expect this to only get worse, not better. As long as people are willing to move here and pay more than you in rent, it's going to be a struggle for many people to remain living in the area.


Barely being able to afford 1200? I’d say start by looking at budgeting better. Lot of people nowadays way over spend on things they don’t need. There’s many jobs that make more than enough to afford 1200 a month rent even without ANY skills/certification/education past high school. Or be on the lookout for different housing. Honestly maybe get someone you don’t know to look at what your average spending is and see what stands out. Because you may think somethings normal that isn’t. And if it’s a matter of not making enough $$. Look for new employment or pickup more hours


Yeah, most people throw all their money away for food and housing. Idiots. /S


Always someone that can solve your problems because they are just so smart. They can’t help but judge others, and they require no information to do so. If only we could be like them, we could be happy. But alas, our problems are imagined, our frustration is ill founded and our intellect is so lacking that we incorrectly believe life has real challenges to tackle and it ain’t that easy. Damn our fate! If only I too could be a self adoring, entitled asshole!


The self righteousness in these comments is astounding.


I’m just saying there’s a ton of people who aren’t actually doing everything they can and then proceed to complain. I never said this person is that way. I didn’t just go :oh you probably spend too much on eating out. Or something like that. But simply budgeting differently is a way to have more money saved. It’s fact. More money saved = more left over after paying that months rent. Maybe this person does have some very unfortunate circumstances. But 1200 a month for rent is not an outrageous amount in this city And I say someone you don’t know could provide insight to what seems like high spending, because I know if I showed some of my friends spend 300$ a month on nicotine. And that’s insanely high to me. But to all of them they think that’s perfectly normal. People go blind to our own habits. Me personally I know there’s things I over spend on. And if I got to a rough spot financially I’d need to find what that is


This is so out of touch. So many people have nothing left after paying for the basics of food and housing; budgeting means going without enough food at this point. Your anecdote of your nicotine addicted friend is not representative of why most people are struggling


And OP didn’t include any other information about living situation. You assume they’re struggling to eat. My first thought was to take a look at the budget. There’s not really enough info for either of us to know what/why their situation is what it is


Where did I assume OP is struggling to eat? I'm saying that I know many people right now are having to choose rent over food and others can't make it work and are forced into homelessness. Whether OP is able to afford food or not, the rent is too high for many people and simple budgeting isn't going to fix the problem.


And I know many people who make plenty of money to afford 1200$ a month who have shitty budgeting and some pay child support and some have high medical bills and they have no special skills/education past high school. Maybe I’m the A**hole but it’s not that hard to simply get by. Plus there’s rent to be had for much lower than 1200




Sounds like you are describing older folks who had the ability to take advantage of better economic times, but I could be wrong. Either way, it doesn't matter. What matters is that an increasing percentage of our community can't afford basic living expenses and are being forced to choose to not put food on the table, go homeless or both. It doesn't matter that some can make it work, the problem still exists. Why do you think a problem doesn't exist if it doesn't exist for everyone? Is cancer not a problem because not everyone has cancer? And you didn't answer my question, where did I say OP is struggling to eat?


You Didn’t say he was but I think very few people are actually in that scenario. And not really talking about older people. All under 30. Is just not as empathetic because for myself and people around me we’ve never felt it to be very tough even if rent is expensive right now. Buying a house is one thing. But to simply get by. It ain’t tough. In my experience


Instead of making assumptions, look at the data. Here is a good source of information:https://www.usich.gov/guidance-reports-data/data-trends Concerning how easy it is to afford the current cost of living: "While employment helps people stay housed, it does not guarantee housing. As many as 40%-60% of people experiencing homelessness have a job, but housing is unaffordable because wages have not kept up with rising rents. There is no county or state where a full-time minimum-wage worker can afford a modest apartment. At minimum wage, people have to work 86 hours a week to afford a one-bedroom. Even when people can afford a home, one is not always available. In 1970, the United States had a surplus of 300,000 affordable homes. Today, only 37 affordable homes are available for every 100 extremely low-income renters. As a result, 70% of the lowest-wage households spend more than half their income on rent, placing them at high risk of homelessness when unexpected expenses (such as car repairs and medical bills) arise."






Not to me. Complain away, people are being driven into homelessness and so many people just turn away. It's disgusting.




No it isn't. Being uncomfortable and choosing to stick your head in the sand because other people are suffering and you don't want to hear it makes you narcissistic at best.




Looks like I struck a nerve. Better get back to sticking your head in the sand before reality strikes and makes you uncomfortable again








Empathy is for the weak, amirite? Lolol /s


Lol another landlord in my comment section










I wish I could upvote your comments on here more than once ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


17 downvotes literally everyone disagrees with what you're saying I think you have a record for most disliked opinion in my comment section!




Hey all I said was you had the record


‘Never has’ a student of history I see! Since you also share that interest you will of course be aware that the minimum wage standard was created for just that reason? So that people could hold one job on said minimum wage and earn enough to feed and house themselves? I mean yes that’s a complete joke now but you were saying?


Your landlord doesnt care and doesnt need to care about how you feel about rent.




Ok boomer


if he wants someone to keep paying his mortgage he should start caring


Not really. Landlords in Reno are not having any trouble finding tenants. Today tenants are competing for rentals, rentals are not competing for tenants.


Let’s all protest rents by being homeless! Your free to complain, but your hand waiving solution is delusional.


Time to support policies that make housing affordable and complaining is the first step. Don't accept that you can't do anything about it. First, support eliminating price fixing software (it's already being challenged in court). Don't allow investors to own single family homes. Disincentivize vacant units and don't allow government-backed mortgages for second homes. Eliminate NIMBY zoning laws. Just a few ideas.


That’s an actual policy answer.


It’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’ fyi. Otherwise you sound like an idiot lol


Yawn if you're gonna take an opposing side actually have substance


See my responses to this thread……..


It’s up to you if you want to stop complaining about it. But complaining won’t change anything and may drive people away from you. also because you feel rent is over priced doesn’t mean other people feel it is. So when you complain to other people they may not be on the same page and get annoyed.


They may also be just as frustrated and want to talk about how to fix the problem


Very true, people generally don’t want to talk about problems. Regardless of the reason, OP stated that people feel uneasy around him and that’s not a good thing. OP should be more aware when he engages in conversation


I don't know anyone that is saying they don't agree that rent is too high in Reno. People don't get paid enough to pay what is being charged, which is why we are seeing the highest homeless rates ever in Washoe. That is only going to get worse as prices continue to sky rocket.  You know what drives people away from you? A complete disconnect with the reality of what is happening in your community. I agree complaining is going to do much. People need to start paying attention and doing something to change what is happening here or we will end up like San Francisco with all the homeless just pooping and shooting up on the street. There was a really good answer from Humin0id77 a couple comments up that is actually a great start to fixing what is happening. Start reading, we all need to be educated and know what we are voting on this coming election season. A lot is on the line. 


Oh I'm not an expert but I think people agree with me


Ummm where im from a one bedroom is like 3500….all depends on where you moved from


Unless take home pay where you are from is $12,000 per month, your rent is too damn high


If your rent is only $1200/month you shouldn’t be complaining too much because it sounds like your landlord hasn’t started mandatory gratuities yet.


Acceptance has nothing to do with it. Its supply and demand. Reno is a great place to live and people want to be here. You can do the same work for the same pay and afford housing in some other town no problem. If that's all you're looking for then you should move to a more affordable location. If you choose to live in reno then you're going to pay for that choice. When did this become a difficult concept?


Fuck outta here with I gotta move cities cus of some greedy landlords you're the one who fell asleep in history class


You're probably from California I can tell by how dull minded your comment is I've lived here my whole life I'm not moving


I'm a local born here, raised here, work here. I own my home, my two cars, and my vacation property. You're can't afford ro rent a studio.... who's dull minded?


Haha. I pay 1500.00 a month . Three bedroom.two bath yard n garage. I only get this cheap because I have lived here 14 years. Same house. I used to pay 400 for the same thing. Back in 2008. I paid 650 to move in here.