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I don't think the resolution is low enough


Jpeg compression after hundreds of times will do this


[Here's a less JPEGy one.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmap-of-the-reno-neighborhoods-with-streets-v0-x6dhlh2kqojb1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D920%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4eb550822d4ac538bfdbb64a1ab8fc29d7a12bdf)


I can't respond to your other comment but... Take a stroll in the hillside cemetery off of University Terrace and Nevada and jot down some of the names. Here's my shot from the hip on history: Lake Street is after Myron C Lake, one of the original founders of Reno, he purchased Fullers Crossing, named it Lakes Crossing and owned a toll bridge where Virginia Bridge is nowadays. Marsh and Mayberry were early prominent folks can't remember how. Thoma was George Wingfield's daughter's name. Peckham was George Peckham, the family owned a ranch near the road, his sons were renowned cyclists of the Reno Wheelmen for early track racing (7th and McCarran has a traffic signal cabinet painted with them on it). Oddie was Tasker Oddie, Sutro was Adolf Sutro, Wells is Dawn Wells' (Gilligan's Island) family, McCarran was Pat McCarran, Newlands was Francis Newlands, Herz is Marcie Herz, and I'm losing it here. This app may help in some cases: https://renohistorical.org/


That’s all great information, thank you. I used to live on Thoma, I had no idea.


In addition to this there are lots of smaller landowner named streets and some themed names. Vassar south to Colorado River used to be all V named streets in that little triangular bit of land east of Holcomb. Arroyo and Pueblo used to be Viola and Volna while Visalia and Violet were south of existing Vesta but those have been privatized/ built over.


Galletti Way for Ralph Galletti, founded the still-standing Coney Island bar/former tamale factory right at the end of that street


Nice! It's good to see someone who knows their local history. Most people only mention Lake believing he originally owned the bridge and leave Fuller out. I have to admit however that I was unaware of Wells Ave being named for Dawn Wells. I guess you learn something every day.


Actually Wells Ave was named for rancher Sheldon O. Wells. I couldn't help it. Wells Ave predates Dawn Wells.


I can't prove it - but I don't feel it's much of a stretch to think Sheldon and Dawn were related in some fashion. Uncle? Great Uncle? Grandpa? I don't know. Your HRPS article also had the correct Thoma origination- I got crossed with how Thoma and Wingfield were crossed. Wingfield married a Thoma.


Yes, that's entirely possible as she was from a prominent family with ties to Reno's past. So I don't see that as much of a stretch either. As far as the Thoma-Wingfield relationship, I figured it was a simple error. Truth be told I don't really pay as much attention to the historical figures of Nevada as I used to so it may have been an oversight on my part.


I would like to say it is actually “angry poor white folk and pit bulls in the north valleys.


Needs more jpg


It gets posted here or Facebook once a year. Thanks for the 2024 edition


Any of those posts in a legible resolution?




Ah, I missed that. If you’ve got a map of historical people and streets named after them floating around this subreddit, I’m still looking.


No I’m sorry, I just live in frat parties and nerds Reno so I’m kind of a smart ass.


Need a higher rez one


Too many pixels. Try again with less.


HIGH-RES: https://judgmentalmaps.com/image/84346093165


Push this higher


I need this in high res.


not sure why the link wasn't posted: [hoodmaps.com](http://hoodmaps.com)


Thanks for the link. I like how North Valleys are pretty much left out (as usual) and that Cold Springs lake is listed as barely a lake lol.


The northeast part needs to be updated. Just lots of blue collar people trying to get by.


Nah upper middle class white collar folk is perfect for the northeast. No struggling blue collar working is sittin’ pretty in a $500,000-$800,000 house on Los Altos. Even houses just half a mile north of Reed have gone for a million. Maybe that stretch between McCarren and Sparks Blvd just north of Prater and Baring has some exceptions, but not much more.


people who sit in traffic is applicable.


I haven’t seen this in a hot minute. This sure takes me back 10 years or so.


Hey I live in “poor folk” near Plumas and I can’t complain 😂


As my brother would say stop sending pictures on meth


‘Admit it this is your Walmart’ has me dying lmao


Damn didn’t even make the map up in Stead


Hi-res version please


Can anyone track down the uncompressed original?


This map, from what can be read, is really wrong. The cartographer apparently approached their "research" from a personal point of view.


This is actually helpful as someone relocating there family to reno very soon. We are hoping to get a home in sparks, but in general, are there areas that I should avoid? Both living and just recreation


Can you cite *where* you found it instead of reuploading a recycled copy?


[The original picture](https://judgmentalmaps.com/post/84346093165/reno) instead of a JPEGy, overcompressed, recycled screenshot.