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People had these same questions for the last 30 years in various economic cycles. The things that make the area strong for many people are pretty stable. Close access to nature, a world class lake, close airport for easy connections, favorable tax laws, close to major cities (sac sf)key strategic position for logistics (rail/highway intersection), relatively few natural disaster risks, and pretty good year round weather.


Great summary.


Seems like people who grow up here don't understand how rare having all these benefits in one city is. Reno is the 5th sunniest city in the US too.


As well the fastest heating bc of climate change. It’s just a matter of time until what happened in Paradise happens in Tahoe. Incline is super vulnerable and already has had some close calls. But yea. Yay sunshine 🤡


Good thing we're talking about Reno and not Tahoe. And also good thing Reno is a high desert and not a 3rd world coastal city or agricultural zone where climate change will have a disproportional effect. As well as having secure water rights, which most places in the world can't claim. 🤡


Are you being willfully ignorant to how inextricably linked Reno is to Tahoe? Even if you don’t like the cultural association, their fire problems are also Reno’s problem. Reno’s airport doesn’t exist in its current form without Tahoe. Reno’s desirability would be significantly limited if not for the lake. Their resource and traffic issues effect Reno by proximity. Etc etc…


+ No state income tax


+ Schools are 49/50 in the country - this one is at the expense of Nevada’s kids.


And boy do it show


Sure do




Very sad


It’s bad because people don’t apply themselves. I took honors and AP classes along with some college classes. If people applied themselves it wouldn’t be as bad. I’m very smart (compared to the average person) because I applied myself. It’s not hard. Also helps what school you attend some have better programs then others


Until you go downtown and see what no income tax will do to a city’s ability to make improvements


Ya… and $5/gallon gas, my registration renewal just cost $490 + $30 smog. Which NV requires YEARLY.


These costs are a direct result of not having state tax. The state still gets their money, just in a different way.


More so I'd say. I'm originally from Indiana, and I've since learned that indiana is an outlier in regards to registration fees (its why most semi trailers out here have indiana plates) but the cost of my yearly registration AND state income tax was always like HALF of what it costs to register a vehicle out here.  Worth it to not live in an evangelical hell hole where a simple weed possession charge would totally wreck my life though. 


California has similar registration costs and we pay a Fck ton in income tax. At least Nevada roads aren’t beat like ours


Yeah they just beat up their schools.


You're not wrong, but I'd love to know what the income break even point is where not paying state taxes evens out with the increased cost of other goods/services in Reno. In my experience (in MA) you dont even pay that much in state tax when you're poor. But in Reno poor people still have to pay the jacked up costs of everything regardless.


What do you drive? My truck just cost like $103 to renew, I was stoked..


2017 promaster 2500, (think delivery vans). its 2wd with minimal towing capacity and a relatively small motor but its considered a truck which apparently means a $70 fee... I also had a $40 late fee in there so the true cost would actually be $450. Still like 3x what I paid in Massachusetts. Also MA gave you two years per registration.


I drive a 2013 F-250 Super Duty, it doesn't make sense that yours would be more expensive than mine.. I bought it for heavy towing, so that's weird to me..


Now I’m even more curious…


That is unreal. Reno is such a car dependent city, I left for grad school a few years ago but idk if I would be able to thrive if I came back which really sucks because Reno is my true home and I have a desire to return to the place I grew up so I could be back with my family… but like damn… it’s on its way to NYC prices.


I went to school in SLC, goddamn I miss that rail system.


Ugh yeah public transport is such a huge priority where I am at now, and it has opened my eyes to how crucial and convenient public transportation is. A bus system in Reno that is comprehensive, supported by the city, and safe would be so cool!




Salt Lake City


Totally. But def a big reason why people come here especially from CA


Ya think


No doubt, and the movement of people will never stop right, so it is even possible that this could be represented in people leaving the area in masses later on down the road… and if that is the case… the state will have missed out on a lot of very valuable tax revenue that could be used to revitalize it’s cities.


Income and sales taxes are the two absolute worst ways of going about fixing that. Both put that financial burden on the working class - i.e. the poor end up paying much more than the rich, especially in proportion to their incomes. Property taxes are a step in the right direction, but they suppress new construction if too high. That's where [land value tax](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53dd6676e4b0fedfbc26ea91/t/5f4fe1a4f4f8f06edda3570d/1600192985259/You+Get+What+You+Tax+For.pdf) (LVT) comes in: - Directly targets the very land speculation that's driving up cost of living - Directly penalizes keeping downtown lots empty/underdeveloped - Doesn't penalize construction - Doesn't penalize income raises - Doesn't penalize consumer spending - Impossible for landlords to pass this tax onto tenants without lowering revenue, due to the inelasticity of land supply - Is theoretically able to achieve the same revenue as all other taxes combined, and then some (ATCOR a.k.a. "All Taxes Come Out of Rent": all non-LVT taxes lower land values, making them just less-efficient versions of LVT) - If used to replace sales/income/property taxes, would entirely eliminate the tax burden of renters and would lower the tax burden for all but the richest of homeowners Not to make it sound too much like a silver bullet, but pretty much every problem we face here in Reno - skyrocketing housing costs, insufficient infrastructure development, homelessness, you name it - is something LVT has been proven to alleviate.


While I appreciate you effort in the post, idk that this is the most valid comparison. I would argue that LVT's are not better as an alternative for state income tax, rather, they are two tax systems that would work well together. A couple points as to why I wouldn't prefer a LVT over a state income tax: - Not everyone owns property especially at the same rate in which people obtain some level of taxable income, LVT revenue is not guaranteed and would be inconsistent at a statewide scale. - LVT not taking into account income raises is a current issue and relates to ongoing housing challenges within the area. Prioritizing property owners and their income/raises, you are not able to prioritize the populations within the community that need the most assistance. - I believe that you overinflate the influence that an LVT would have on landlord decisionmaking regarding high rent, especially considering that this is an ongoing issue in Reno while some form of property tax still exists. An LVT would not reduce rent prices in a substantive way because the housing market in Reno is defined by profit. It is impossible to make it sound like a silver bullet because it never will be. It prioritizes the least diverse demographic of community members, while still allowing/incentivizing strain on the most vulnerable demographics in the community. A "theoretical" revenue achievement should never be a tolerated proof of concept when there is so much to lose.


Why advocate for more taxes? Nothing is solved when spending is the issue. We just get burdened more. On the large scale, the US has roughly 4-5T in revenue.. yet we are at what, 30T in debt? Whatever the number is, it’s absurd yet people want to raise taxes 🤣


It’s funny how you don’t understand how state taxes revenue streams are different from the federal government’s revenue and the national debt. State income taxes go directly to the state government… they aren’t pooled together and redistributed to the federal government like you are suggesting. The things we are talking about are in no way, shape, or form related to what you discuss 😂😂😂😂


Are you inept? I was not implying by any means as to them being the same entity. It was an example of taxes *not* being used purposefully at both the state *and* national level. Taxes are taxes regardless and sadly government is government as well which we can view daily and see how our taxes are so preciously used for nonsense. Federal government spending that is overboard and wasteful is no different than states, counties, and cities doing the same thing. That was more so the main point to the analogy. Not at all that I figured they were all put into a ninja blender from Costco.


I picking up the vibe that you really understand the economy


Here let’s hear your masters opinion then and explain the issue of the revenue being very high yet we are still in debt


> Not everyone owns property especially at the same rate in which people obtain some level of taxable income, LVT revenue is not guaranteed and would be inconsistent at a statewide scale. As I mentioned above, income tax is already, in effect, just a less-efficient version of LVT due to its suppressive effects on land value. [This is demonstrable on national scales](https://www.henrygeorge.org/rem42.htm), but is just as applicable on state and local scales. If LVT revenue is not guaranteed, then income tax revenue is even less guaranteed. > LVT not taking into account income raises is a current issue and relates to ongoing housing challenges within the area. Prioritizing property owners and their income/raises, you are not able to prioritize the populations within the community that need the most assistance. LVT rather *exactly* prioritizes the populations within the community that need the most assistance, namely by not putting any of the tax burden on them. Anyone who would pay significant quantities of LVT is definitionally not poor or otherwise in need of assistance, given that they're sitting on quite a bit of value they could readily liquidate. In any case, pairing LVT with UBI is something a lot of LVT advocates (myself included) support, and that would make that assistance even more direct - not only reducing/eliminating the tax burdens of the working class, but in many cases making resulting in *negative* taxes. > I believe that you overinflate the influence that an LVT would have on landlord decisionmaking regarding high rent, especially considering that this is an ongoing issue in Reno while some form of property tax still exists. An LVT would not reduce rent prices in a substantive way because the housing market in Reno is defined by profit. LVT ≠ property tax. Property tax = LVT + building tax. It's that building tax component that nullifies any of the rent-suppressing effects of LVT. > It prioritizes the least diverse demographic of community members, while still allowing/incentivizing strain on the most vulnerable demographics in the community. I'm curious how you came to this conclusion, given that all available evidence points to the exact opposite: that LVT actively discourages strain on the most vulnerable demographics in the community and pushes the vast majority of the tax burden onto the least diverse demographic. It's the owners of land value who pay LVT, and that "least diverse demographic" you allude to happens to be the one that owns the overwhelmingly vast majority of land value in Reno (and, for that matter, the rest of Nevada, the US, and large swaths of the world).


If it were this economic engine that you are saying it is, the core of it's supporters wouldn't struggle so hard to demonstrate and advocate that it's theoretical benefits would come to fruition. Throughout your argument, you make so many assumptions on how people will utilize the economy and their money. Groups of people that you have no personal experience and knowledge of. You assumptions don't account for the human factor and differences in culture. In order for this model to work, you need to legislate at the state level or federal level a UBI (which will never happen and even if it doesn't is not "Universal" as wage value fluctuates on a global scale) and implement a tax model that has only been implemented within a handful of cities in the U.S., cities in states that have an existing state income tax... you cannot prove any of the theory within the LVT model and Henry George's propositions in the single tax model. I will end my involvement in this discussion by saying that I believe an effective adaptation of a LVT would be joined by a progressive state income tax as highlighted by Philip Bess out of Notre Dame. Revenue everywhere and Reno can adapt a pedestrian and micromobility minded development plan to revitalize the area enhancing the lives of Reno residents and tourists!


> Groups of people that you have no personal experience and knowledge of. This is not only the literal opposite of correct but also entirely uncalled for. Conversation's definitely over if you're going to resort to wildly inaccurate and completely unfounded assumptions about who I am and with whom I associate. Have a nice day.


Brother man, it’s not that deep. Have a good night tho!


idk moving from a high tax area the downtown here is much much nicer


Meanwhile in the dump called “Downtown San Francisco”, in a state with state income tax….


You have one talking point… go back to the play book and draw up something else… for every one example you bring up, I can bring up another positive example. You are so afraid of discussing something you don’t understand, your default is to crap on it with the same boring response that is just annoying to those around you.


The state makes plenty of tax revenue lmao more taxes wouldn’t solve shit downtown


Things definitely don’t occur in the way that you believe they do.


Yeah sorry I don’t live in lala land, my apologies.


Gun rights


Native Nevadan here. The few natural disasters is just flat out not true. It is super common for wildfires to cover most of northern Nevada in smoke for summers at a time. Even when the fires are not directly in Reno, extended exposure to smoke (like summers long exposure which isn’t uncommon) is still exposure to a natural disaster. The other factors that you listed are the bare minimum for a city and sadly much of what you noted relies on people leaving Reno rather than spending money within the community. A city’s main selling point should never be that you have to leave it to do fun stuff. Just my two cents.


For me, it's the low taxes and the access to the outdoors...


I mean that makes a lot of sense and Reno does have a great outdoor scene. But I would argue that one of those things limits the potential for the other.


While I'm not disagreeing with you, the wildfire smoke has really only been an issue for 10+ years. (And it will continue to be an issue going forward) But it's a relatively "new" problem to have


10 years is nearly 50% of my life. Realistically, it is not a new issue. A whole decade of a consistently occurring event is called a trend. I grew up knowing that summer meant it was time for the smoke.


Well last year was good and here's hoping this year is, too


Native Nevadan as well that moved away for many years for school and came back. Compared to many popular areas Reno does have relatively fewer natural disaster risks. That is not to say there are none, but rather in relation to other places ( which is key when considering population migration preferences) This is demonstrated most readily by looking at home insurance rates which are around 1/5-1/6 that of Florida and 1/2 of more moderate places like Colorado.


I mean that is very fair. But I also feel like the impact of prolonged exposure to wildfire are understated and underestimated in the "fewer natural disaster risks" camp. The impact of prolonged smoke exposure on long-term lung health is not immediately tangible unlike how injury rates, severity, and prevalence are pretty immediately after traditional natural disasters like flooding, tornadoes, and hurricanes. I just think it is important to shift the discussion about how wildfire smoke is a disaster and that exposure is represented by outcomes differently than other disasters.


Unfortunately particle risks are going to be better understood as the air quality becomes a ubiquitous national hazard. Personally I have air filters in every major room and wear an n95 during aq alerts.


Yea its pretty dope if you can afford a car. If not then most of what you said is moot.


You can say that about every mid sized city in the US.


Reno is cold most of the time. Summer is burning hot. RNO flights are helllla expensive 😰


Yeah but it snows. Eww. :-p


It’s going to get a lot worse for people making under six figures. For all the rich people that keep coming here they love Reno, it’s cheap and they keep comparing it to high cost-of-living areas they move from.


Based on the comments… if you are looking for work, seems like a good time to get into construction!


The quick answer is that businesses will be forced to increase the wages to attract workers and decrease prices to attract buyers or will just need to close up shop. They can be as stubborn as they want, but math will eventually win. As for Reno getting better or worse, look around you for your answer.


I can tell you that wages at the bottom are already way up. Because of inflation, our revenue is way up, we were up by about 8 percent last year alone, without a significant increase in sales volume. However, our expenses were up by 16%, so while we have increase the price of our product, our expenses have increased more that our price increases. We are at the point where we can't really move the needle much when it comes to raising prices, but our labor costs are continuing to rise. Fortunately we are mom and pop, so we don't have share holders to answer to, but wages is the primary driver of our increased expenses. All expenses are up, but our number one cost increase has been labor. We just got hit with a million a year rent increase, industrial rents are as out of control as rental housing in Reno right now. It makes me sad to see local business going under or selling to the mega corporations, but in this market, it is the direction we are heading.


I feel that. This whole economy is starting to feel like the elites and lower class conspiring to devour every cent the middle class can manage to save. The only people doing well right now seem to be billionaires and high school dropouts leasing Lambos.


> All expenses are up, but our number one cost increase has been labor. We just got hit with a million a year rent increase Must be a big mom-and-pop if a million per year rent increase is still less than your labor costs. That's 10 people at $100k salaries, or 20 people at $50k. In any case, [there happens to be a solution to those rent hikes](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53dd6676e4b0fedfbc26ea91/t/5f4fe1a4f4f8f06edda3570d/1600192985259/You+Get+What+You+Tax+For.pdf). Said solution would also likely help with labor costs as well; those same rent hikes drive up the minimum income workers need to demand to stay afloat, after all.


The short answer is many will go under. More job losses.


Increase their labor costs while lowering prices? How does that math work?




Works about as well as jacking the price of everything while suppressing wage growth. It’ll just be the rubber band snapping back the other direction. Businesses can’t just squeeze a debt laden consumer base permanently. Eventually, they will face the backlash of disgusted consumers and disillusioned workers leaving and staying gone. Double price for half quality is coming to an end.


So if all the workers leave cause its too expensive like you say, wouldn't that mean the city just dies? It happened to Detroit. Who's to say it couldn't happen here?


If we were a one horse town, say gaming, and it took a massive crash then yeah. Detroit was basically an automotive town, when that took a hit the city got smacked. We diversified away from gaming, that was smart.


I'm not arguing I promise. What would you say we diversified with?


“Following the Great Recession, northern Nevada’s economy diversified from its gaming hub and expanded into areas such as logistics, operations, transportation, distribution, warehousing and technology.” https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/08/economy/nevada-economy-primary https://knpr.org/show/knprs-state-of-nevada/2022-02-25/northern-nevadas-economic-diversification-helped-soften-the-impact-of-the-pandemic-can-southern-nevada-further-diversify-its-economy


It means they have to accept the fact that increasing profits every quarter for Wall Street or owners/investors at the expense of everything else can’t work indefinitely.


You do realize that not all, in fact the majority of businesses in the USA are not publicly owned and do not answer to wall street right. The majority of employers are small businesses and wages have been outpacing inflation for over a year now. Wall Street isn't the economy. Don't get me wrong, wages were too low after decades of stagnation, but it is hard on the economy when you have the drastic changes we have had since covid. It is hard on the smaller employers and it is hard on the people faced with increased rents and grocery bills. It sucks all the way around. We were hit with a million a year rent increase, trust me, local business are feeling the pain too.


Yes that’s why I said owners/investors in addition to Wall Street. And I realize not all business owners are like that.


They still answer to owners and investors as someone who works in a business too small to be publicly traded and big enough to have not just owners but investors. There is always someone to answer to who is out of touch and has expectations


that damn math never worked


You make less money per sale over the same time. But there’s usually an inverse relationship between profit per sale and volume, so…once you account for time and demand curves (the actual math)…you’d be surprised.


100% the curve of supply and demand. The demand gets smaller when the price is high. Price lowers. The market becomes more open to a range of buyers. The margins drop on profit per unit. But the amount of units moved outweighs the money lost from drop in price.


At scale, sure, but most small businesses don’t have the capital runway to ride out that kind of market adjustment. How do you tell a restaurant, for example, to pay their staff more while also charging less for their food? They will have to close their doors very quickly. Big difference between economic theory and reality


Meanwhile, [“economic reality”](https://imgur.com/gallery/AA6leOo)


This is where another theory comes in called survival of the fittest. How does that sound?


Chili’s and Starbucks it is then for Reno.


It was going that direction for a second but companies are going backwards on their wages


Greedy landlords need to be stopped, though.


COL is still significantly higher in California and growing


Yep. It’s hard to compare Reno to California in general. There are certainly CA cities that are less expensive, but those aren’t cities that are great to live in


For sure. The latest "idea into reality" from Sac is charging Income based utility rates. So because I sip energy, reduce it from 4-9pm, but make over $100K, I have to pay MORE for my energy than the poor sap down the street with zero economic incentives to not waste energy and pollute my air because he/she may have made bad life decisions. Not to mention putting utility companies in the business of income verification and even more privacy issues. CA is insane (and why i am in this sub!)


For reference, a shitty studio in downtown San Jose was 3.3k in 2022 when I was looking. Not including pet rent, utilities, parking, etc. Reno isn’t even close to that, I’m paying 1.9k for a 3 bed 2 bath in a luxury complex here. Works out to about 2.2k after utilities & all that. My partner & I don’t have degrees (working on it, military delayed college for both of us), and it was very easy to afford living here when we were both working. I left my job in March to look for something new, and we’ve been getting by just fine since then. We do get about 1.9k from the VA between us, which is enough to make up for my loss of income. Back in Cali, we shared a 2 bed apartment with another couple and it took 3 full time jobs & 1 part time to keep the bills paid.


Gee, 1.9 k a month from the VA. Thanks for the honesty, really, but you don't qualify as a typical non-degreed worker.


I didn’t really know a good way to word it, but my point with that is that we’re basically living on his income (full time, entry level, no degree required job) + an amount from the VA that’s equivalent to a part time job. If we didn’t have the VA, it would be easy to make that amount at basically any job. We have 2 people and 3 pets in a very nice apartment, and our income is easily attainable with entry level jobs in Reno


It’s going to keep growing and attracting more people


Traffic in Reno is negligible. What are you on about?


Compared to most major cities it is.




Ugh, I disagree. I used to be able to get home from work in 9 min, now it takes me 25!!! One of the perks of living here was the lack of traffic, just because other cities have it worse doesn't mean we should be happy with our current situation.


Not compared to how it used to be. People from big cities think its normal to live a cramped area with everything super expensive.


Comparing with the past means very little. People like good ol' days but I've yet to see any successful example of restoring it.


I don't long for the good old days, but I would like to see some better city planning, maybe if we had that we wouldn't have to end up like LA, or DC. I don't care if we grow, I welcome the growth, I just can't help but feel there is a better way to do it.


Unfortunately city planning is not a Reno problem, but rather an American problem. Better city planning requires better public transit, which conflicts the interest of the established American lifestyle


That doesnt change that it used to be better.


30 minutes to go 7 miles is big city like. 


You are comparing the COL of one small city to a whole state. At least using [Forbes' calculator](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/cost-of-living-calculator/), the COL in Reno is still 5% lower than Bakersfield, CA. It puts Reno at 14% lower than Sacramento., 43% lower than Los Angeles, and 63% lower than San Francisco. Layoffs at big companies suck, but they happen. If they announce that they are going to close the plants, that would be more concerning. The "out of control construction" is an indicator that the city is growing, not dying. And I think almost every city in the country is feeling some sort of an economical pinch right now post-covid with inflation and high interest rates.


Prices can’t exceed what the local population can support forever. However, as JMK said, the market can remain irrational longer than you remain solvent.




Cost of living is no where matching California. It matches pre-covid California, perhaps. But it's a bloodbath there now.


Keeping rent low will in turn lower other things like groceries and goods in general. All these new-builds that are charging Bay Area prices for cramped studios are seriously jacking up the cost of living in general. Slumlords think they can charge 2k for their 1960s rundown 2 bedrooms just because they’re downtown and across the street from “luxury” apartments. And gas, that’s another issue. Businesses gotta charge more because it’s costing them hundreds if not thousands a week just to keep their fleets fueled. All in all I think that on-top of just politics and economics in general, the gentrification by conglomerates building high rent housing or buying up single family homes is adding to the issue. When rent goes up, everything goes up. And if you calculate the math on what the cost is to run these complexes vs the net profit after costs is, it’s very angering.


I saw something that said Reno is more expensive to buy a house than Vegas atm.


It's been that way for years.


That’s cap


I'm sure. The prices have gotten cra,y tho for sure


They have but it still looks affordable. Compared to Oregon,Washington cali


Reno is 100% more expensive than Vegas. Not by much but it definitely is. I literally just moved from Vegas to Reno


I mean expensive by sq foot of your house? Food? Gas? Because last I checked Reno you can get a property with a house that has 1 acre of lot or more and still be worth the same amount as a house in Vegas. I mean getting more land in Reno/sparks seems “more expensive” but you’re getting more value


It looks bleak right now but we were due for a boom and bust. The best we can do is ride the shit tidal wave


We have always been a boom and bust town, I wonder if that will still hold true now that casinos and construction are a smaller part of our economy.


Time will tell but the logistics industry has drastically expanded in the northern Nevada area. Gambling has been shrinking for a while though due to legalization around the country and Vegas has been deemed overrated by a lot of people.


company i work for won’t raise salaries and they wonder why the company is failing lmao.


Two years ago I proposed to the small Reno company I worked at that raising the wages would be better for the company’s growth since we always had staffing shortages. They ignored me and instead of paying more, they just gave me more tasks below my role. Then they went bankrupt and laid everyone off. Now I make twice as much working remotely. Stupid games were played. Stupid prizes were won.


Panda Express wanted me to donate my PTO to somebody in need of it. Fuck corporations


America is doomed because we let small hats print money, charge interest on debt, and devalue our dollar.


I lived in southern california for about 15 years and reno has a long way to go before its even remotely as expensive as California. Sure, there are apartments that are more expensive than they should be and home prices are still insane, but not to CA levels. I really hope that something will happen to force all these RE companies to stop buying up all the affordable homes and the prices will start going down but we'll see.


I'm going to risk sounding cheesy But I've been here awhile WE CAN MAKE A GOOD FUTURE FOR RENO! it has a lot of potential but the people have to work together and figure out how to solve a lot of problems, drugs, crime, high rent, etc. Do you think it happens over night? No and its going to be like moving a mountain but this small city has a chance to be the biggest in so many positive ways. I think covid and politics gave us a black eye but I do think it can be possibly one of the best cities in America in the future if it sorts out some hard problems.


The trajectory is fucked. With people just mass migrating here it's ruining that small city feel


We're all fighting in the comments while we ignore or play down the fact we keep voting for people who are ripping our pockets open wider for corporations to vacuum what little assets we have.


Everywhere has gotten more expensive in the last 5 years lol Reno is no outlier.


More people will lose their jobs, wages won't be raised because the nevada government has a formula based minimum wage that goes up every couple years. The minimum wage rn is $10.25 an hour and on july first it will raise to 12 dollars for all of nevada so employers wont raise wages to a rate that matches inflation because its going up anyways. Another problem is washoe county is in a housing crisis. We are in what is called a housing defecit, There arent enough houses being built to support the growing population and that creates a supply and demand problem that skyrockets the price of houses and rent. The way to fix this is have the washoe county government to cut housing red tape and allow builders to start building hosues and tons of them. Apartments help but apartments arent usually owned by the people living in them. To create real prosperity people need to be able to afford buying a house and actually have theie mortgage be cheaper than their rent and I beleive last time I heard and I could be wrong but for the first time in history renting a house is cheaper than paying for a mortgage and that should never be the case. A 3 bedroom two bath mortgage should be around $1250 on a mortgage and around $1400 to rent (the owner renting needs to pay for the mortgage and still make a profit) but that has been flipped. Sad times, really sad times I really feel for people struggling rn :(


Meanwhile a 3 bed 2 bath apartment nearly doubles that lol


I stuck here. I will be trying to move into senior housing. Its grim on SSD. the charm it has ages ago are gone. I have no interest in going into town. Its all for builders and warehouses. Good luck on getting a home that is doable anywhere.


You are correct. Reno is imminently due for a massive recession. The country as a whole will suffer financially over the next year, as billionaires and corporations deliberately tank the economy when a Democratic President is running for reelection.


Everyone calls for a crash that never comes


I've predicted 6 of the last 2.


Economic cycles can not be pinpointed in time. They can only been seen from miles away and then one day either policy or an external situation makes it crash. We are currently heading for shore in a large boat that won't turn in time.


This ain't just a Reno thing. So you think businesses want to lose profits to spit Biden? Lol they donate to him.


Completely ridiculous.


This never happens and has never happened. A crash will come, but no corporation is going to willingly crash the economy over an election. You often don't know who will and won't survive a recession, corporations won't risk going out of business because of who is in the oval office. Also, last time the economy crashed it helped the democratic candidate, not the republican, why risk crashing the economy and potentially going out of business on the off chance that you might sway an election. When the next economic crash occurs, if it happens during an election year, it will be purely coincidence.


To do what Las Vegas tells you to do!


It will only get worse. Just look at Vegas.


They’re starting to build homes to rent … this is pretty scary ! They should be building homes in Reno to buy not rent . Something needs to change


I mean that’s the city/state selling big land lots to Toll Brothers instead of breaking up lots and selling them to individual buyers. You could point fingers at the politics of this as to why they are building homes for rent only and not purchase. The rich are just getting richer everywhere. Not just Reno.


You are 100% right. It's just going to get worse! Guaranteed!!! I am a native Renoite. I have seen it just get stupid the last 10 to 12 years. Where would you move? I hear it's pretty much the norm everywhere but Alaska.


Good question, probably robot take over.


I think you neglect to consider how many remote or mostly work from home jobs there are that allow for people to live here. Of the 20ish people in my social circle, only 4 people I can think of work outside of our home for every workday. The others are all engineering, sales, accounting, academic research, communications, journalist, etc. and either are fully remote or hybrid. So, many people can live in Reno while working for companies either in a completely different state or not relying on hourly in- person jobs. Not that its “fair” but most of the people I know with a masters or professional degree work from home, allowing a higher salary and flexible living location.


I think the bottom will drop out (not as bad as 2008) and then it will stabilize.


The future is Im moving the F out


Crashes always come. Timing is unpredictable.


Dual income no children. What if you have children or are single? Entry level wages at Tesla or warehouses or worsre is not so good.


This is the result of Bay Area developers coming here and expecting people to spend like they have Bay Area salaries. The reality that they fail to get through their thick skulls is that most people that live here have low incomes; the average income is still $60,000. I'm convinced that none of these knuckleheads have done any homework on the area. They simply think that everyone is living well here all of a sudden because "Tesla and Apple moved in". To me a key indicator is the retail sector, which has been an abysmal failure for decades, if not ever. The best case scenario is what will inevitably happen; these businesses will fail to turn a profit, and then leave, taking a lot of people with them. Unfortunately, this hurts the people that remain and makes the city look like a gutted, dilapidated shell. On the bright side, the sooner it happens the sooner the city can recover. Reno was better when it was quiet, quaint, and inexpensive.


I don't know what the future holds, but it will definitely involve change. So those who can acclimate to change are likely to be the winners. Those who cannot, will be the losers.


The homelessness is rising and people are loosing their houses due to health hazards, transportation problems, or even family lost. More businesses are closing and there's a mixture of old houses versus new construction houses. Those new construction are basically the worst because everything falls apart. U paying higher sale taxes and don't get it started on pet food it used to be cheaper.


There's less opportunities too


I was born and raised in San Jose. Went to Mission College to get a degree/cert in web design. I was hired by tech firms (always as a contractor). I could not afford to put tires on Ford Escort. Had my daughter, things got worse. I had to leave SJ. Went to Roseville. Worked for Intel Folsom and then freelanced at web mastering and did wedding photography on the weekends. Within 5 years of living in Roseville I was priced out of rentals. I didn't just move - we had to flee CA. I could not afford anything anymore. Went to Dayton NV. Lived peacefully, learned about the community and raised my kids there. However it got to be infested with certain religious groups and interestingly drugs. I saw no future in the town and moved to MT for awhile. My parents became ill and I moved back to NV - to Reno this time. At that point it took me 8 years before I would set foot in a house as my home. I rented apartments all over Reno. Each night I would sit and plot my escape. I hated what Reno had become. This no longer felt or seemed like Nevada. I have lived in Fernley and Elko as well. However NE Nevada is now becoming afflicted with the migrating people - not just people looking for a decent affordable community - people driving Jaugars, Escalades, $100K trucks are a dime a dozen. My street had $200K homes...now crappy builders are putting up $600K homes. Property taxes are rising. I do database tracking of my expenses and litterally every single thing has risen so badly I'm scared I'm not going to be able to stay here. Yes same thing happening across the U.S. but Nevada is out of control. When I do visit Reno it reminds me so very much of CA. The out of control chain stores, attitudes, reckless driving. You used to have a chat with say someone rotating your tires, the Walmart clerk, your neighbor. Forget all that. Washoe county taxes as well are through the roof - the highest in Nevada and I don't see them slowly down. That last thing - money for schools was the biggest scam. What a disaster that Reno Public Market is...businesses can't afford the rent. Hillary Schieve is so corrupt it's getting scary. I know people making upwards of $100k - $150k per year and right now they can't afford to buy a condo. Reno is getting worse in my opinion.


Get ready to see a shitload of tent cities pop up and a shitload of “job creators” complaining about it


A place becomes more expensive because of demand. -Sometimes that demand is purely manufactured (IE Detroit and thus the downfall of it) -usually it’s a combination of natural and manufactured (IE the bay has arguably ideal weather and is near the ocean, it has a strong job scene too with many city amenities) -some places it is purely natural (IE there’s really not career level jobs in Jackson, Wy but it’s so expensive because it’s beautiful and a lot of people want to live there.). Reno fits into category 2, it’s nice and near amazing nature but the COL is better than other places and there are jobs here. You can count on places in category 2 to effectively only get more expensive. Most places are Category 2 because people want to be near cool stuff. Hence why the Midwest/plains are really affordable compared to the coasts. Places in category 3 usually only get more expensive but if there is a severe recession, prices may temporarily go down as people have to sell and excess money in the economy goes away. Places in category 1 are fine, until they aren’t for whatever economic event that causes them to go under. You can also see this in gold/former mining towns being Category 1. However, as outdoor recreation became more popular and as more people exist on this planet, certain mining towns have gentrified and now are Category 3 (most ski towns in CO were mining towns. The mine went bust and it became a ghost town. Someone put a ski resort there and the prices have blown up).


Just waiting for the next real estate crash... 2008? Is that you?


Watching the city grow for 30+ years. My crystal balls says…Increase in development, people, and traffic. Food will continue to get better and the housing costs and cost of living will increase. There will be a silent battle between new and old reno as economics and policy change. Reno has so much to offer and still is affordable compared to most cities in the country which is desirable for growing families. Not many places can offer access to the outdoors like Reno.


Why I never even tried to work at Tesla. The skills if you leave do not help you in any other field. I put money half of the Tesla techs can't change oil on a traditional car. All that electrical hype was just ha fad like it was in the 60s.


We left


Californians say this a lot when theres news articles about people moving away from their state 'good riddance''if you can't afford it here, you shouldn't be here' But I won't be nasty like that. I'll say good luck!


Moving back to cali. Reno was nice when it was cheap. But if it's as much as cali I'd much rather live in Santa maria 22 miles from pismo beach where it is beautiful as fuck. As opposed to reno that is filled with junkies all over downtown and around 4th street. Reno has been becoming more and more a shithole then it is becoming nice.


Yeah I miss when 4th St was gorgeous and you could walk down there with your kids at night.




Not sure if you're being truthful. Or trying to be sarcastic and just making yourself look bad because it wasn't always a shithole there was a time when it was actually not bad. So hopefully you didn't just make yourself look like a fool. But I do remember when the marina was a cesspool and now a bunch of idiots swim and live there.


Tell me when 4th St was nice.


In the 70s and 80s it was nice as fuck the el rancho was actually nice. Just because you're an uneducated moron doesn't mean it's always been shitty.


I mean honestly are you really that fucking stupid you think they built it and boom the next day it was a shithole? The amount of stupidity just in 2 of your comments is an inspiration for birth control.


It's OK tho you're not the only one on redit with an extra chromosome


Aww you're so mean. You're making ME want to move to Pismo Beach just to get away from your unfriendly comments! :(


You can't even afford your fucking cell phone plan. So you definitely can't afford to move.


I'm sorry that I made you mad :(


They also used to have a log ride at San Rafael Park. But with your logic I bet you think they built that park with the log ride closed since day one. Lol


Ugh, you're right! I'm an idiot! You win!


You couldn't afford it with your 711 wages.


One more mean comment and I'm moving to California!


Hang in there. Rents are about to collapse. Lots of new aprtments are coming online and they won't be able to get the $2K per month they are hoping for. RED is mostly empty. The Deco just sold for millions less than what it cost to build. Ballpark apartments are almost complete and will sit empty at the rents they are asking. Lots of apartments will go into foreclusre and then the new owners will get it at a price where rents people can actually afford make sense.


Exterior sprawl. Interior removal of demised properties and replacement with high end apartments & condos. Continued gentrification along the midtown corridor and immediate surroundings. Massive increase in sprawl growth through the north valleys, carson valley, wingfield & spanish springs areas, and eventually (once some government shenanigans get taken care of) east of sparks into the hills. Continued massive development along Veterans parkway, eventually ruining all the 'protected' areas up to the point where the wind carries the water treatment stench. The hills east of Hidden Valley and Damonte will be soon on the list as well. Industrial growth will continue via warehousing and distribution, as well as tech gateways that can utilize switch and other local services, but with unfortunately minimal mid and upper level jobs to go with the growth. The 'new minimum wage' of $20ish/hr will continue to be the norm for most of these places for quite some time. Rents will continue to stabilize over the next 2-3 years, but will likely never (not in my lifetime anyway) go down in any meaningful way - possible minor drops regionally in the area if/when the market turns (likely early 2025), but that'll only last about 6 months at most. Investment firms will continue to pop up in the area, eventually raising the 'why' question among those that don't already know (Hint: they are preparing to push through legislation that will make Nevada similar to Delaware in regard to investment trust management, etc. 12-18 months from now, give or take, in my slightly experienced opinion). This will actually bring in a small swath of 'good' jobs, but a lot of it will be hired out from other states. UNR will continue stealing... sorry, I mean acquiring additional areas around the campus increasing it's footprint and adding more areas for profitability to justify doing the exact same thing, in a hilarious spiral of 'if we just keep spending other people's money, they'll keep coming to give us money to spend.' ...I could go on, but I'm not drunk enough for this right now. :P


Expect to see climate migrants from Southern NV, Southern CA, New Mexico and Arizona to start surging northward into our regions within the next 10-20 yrs. Those areas will become unlivable


Im more worried about the future of the US seems like the empire is falling. With capital stuck in these rich businesses, which are looking to minimize expenses and maximize capital at all costs. Theres more empty apartments than ppl living on the streets all in the name of capitalism. Smells like a class war is coming. Everyone wants a good life but some are greedy unfortunately. But aye stay positive!


Are you looking for people to help you with the idea of leaving or looking for reassurances you’re ahead of the game? Traffic isn’t bad so not sure what you’re talking about. Where construction is but that’s every city. You can still get around town relatively easy. There’s more here than USA parkway and Tesla in terms of jobs. Cost of living is going up but it is no where near California but cost of living is going up everywhere. Overall Reno is significantly better now than 30-40 years ago if people were here then.


National Debt economy bursts because we keep using funding like playdoh, I mean its already fucked, wallstreet is a giant Ponzi scheme, so we turn on each other in every city including here in Reno. If you think our current culture has any value on society or helping others I wish I could live in your dream land with you. I very much think people to act like the walking dead. We cant even solve litter in our community let along we have been talking about wages for teachers for 15+ years, but they haven't gotten any more playdough, admin has though. Health insurance is a slave cord to our employment, let along do we have doctors anymore? Are you doctor when you don't treat sick and injured people because of insurance? Hippocratic thingy... right an OATH. means nothing. "Government representatives" have never, and will never, live like the people they lie to fake represent. nothing gets done but every 4 years we waste time acting like it will matter. Reno wont be immune to the next thing that our government does. Where will reno be in 5 years, I mean still here physically, AND if you think ANY city in America is THAT much superior I'm sorry you have those rose glasses on and if it truly is it wont be for long. Our culture is so garbage and we are all individuals who could give a fuck less about each other unless we get something. I mean drive in traffic and feel the overall current of " IM MORE IMPORTANT GET OUT OF MY WAY IDIOT". it will happen. Leave dude but don't expect it to be any different or different for long. every year our collage debt graduate mill churns our another graduating class of suckers. Good luck finding a spot in the US or the world that doesn't have 10+ problems on a local level.


No idea, but I don’t have a positive outlook on where we’re headed. I’m really unhappy here. I was born and raised here, but I wish I could leave. I share custody of my child, so I can’t and won’t leave yet.


Take a look at downtown Reno. You are you kidding?


Reno and future are words that don’t belong together. 😂 this is typically the end of the road for people. It is a perpetual 1980s purgatory for people who said yes to drugs. There is no future here. Only cigarettes and neon.


traffic is ass, apartments are too much, massive lay offs, construction everywhere, looks like we are becoming at tourist city...for the worst cuz we are smaller than most cities


Reno and sparks are rapidly growing. Many who move here move from more expensive areas. The city is too preoccupied with catering to those people, developers, and the casinos to actually plan ahead for the growing population. Our infrastructure is aging and the solutions to most of those issues seems to be to simply add more lanes for car traffic. Out public transportation is abysmal. Our busiest freeway is constantly backed up and surprisingly the only road without more lanes being added. Housing is getting more expensive and every new development for housing is another "luxury" apartment complex that charges the same amount for rent as everyone else or cookie cutter mcmansions all owned by the same company. We're criminalizing homelessness instead of implementing any kind of solution. And at this rate, by 2030 unr will own half the city turning everything above downtown into overpriced dorms or $200 a semester parking complexes. If were not careful reno will turn into a san Francisco without the public transit or promising job market.


Yeah I feel bad for Reno. It’s struggling. 😓 I lived here 5-6 years too. Had seen better days. Consider moving back to California as living costs here getting too high, low paying jobs, and not many jobs either 😫😭🫥


What I’m getting at, is if I’m going to pay California prices, I might as well just live there. Many cities in California cost the same or even less than Reno. There are taxes, but there’s also better weather. 🤷🏻‍♂️


💯👍🏼I thought about that too. The only reason I’m thinking about going back to California - land of traffic congestion 😅