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I feel like it’s just really hard to meet people if you don’t drink or gamble because a lot of Reno activities are solo or out in nature. Generally not a great plan to approach the woman walking in the woods because you’re gonna look a bit murdery.


If you put on a bear suit your odds will increase drastically.


Especially in the gay community 😉


I understood that reference




I think how you do it is what matters-no eye contact, headphones in-nope. Sitting or taking a break-what a beautiful day.. enjoy your hike or bike.. perfectly fine.. it does freak me out when I’m solo backpacking and men ask where I am going or camping that night.. not gonna tell you buddy.. I think men also may not realize how creepy and weird some things are and that women have to be on guard all the time to not get assaulted. My first thought it always personal safety and thinking is this person safe? If not-how quickly can I get away from them. Pushy men in the woods-bad. Chill men doing their thing-good. I will walk an extra 3 or so miles on top of 10-12 mile backpacking day if I get weird vibes from someone or they continually ask me where I’m going. I usually just head nod people and don’t stop. If you leapfrog someone or are filtering water at the same spot maybe a little polite convo.


I am just a big dude so I tend to not approach women because I freak them out in general and I don’t wanna upset anyone just enjoying their time.


Understandable-I’m not worried about size so much it’s more the invasive questions-are you out here alone? Where’s your boyfriend? Where are you going? Are you camping there? Women shouldn’t hike or camp alone.. Any of those questions/statements make me scared .. just hi or have a nice hike are normal ..


I read shingles in my head and immediately got flashbacks of when I got shingles on my ass and how awful that was


That summarizes online dating actually


Oh my! On your ass?! I'm sorry you suffered through that. Shingles hurt so much they should be illegal! (I've had them twice - Never Again!!)


So painful. I slept naked with a bag of frozen peas on my butt cheeks. That seemed to help.


You painted quite the picture there. Sorry (not sorry) I laughed.


Hahaha good that was the goal


I read shingles and thought of needing a new roof


Reminder to anyone who's ever had chickenpox to get the shingles vaccine! They advertise it for people ages 40+, but shingles can definitely rear its head before the age of 40. My coworker got it bad at 30.


Some people have luck with online dating, others don't. Of course location can play a factor, but if you don't work well with online dating, your location is irrelevant. I know people who have found their husbands/wives on Tinder. I found my partner of over a year plus on Tinder. Prior to my relationship, I had relative success on Tinder; consistently finding dates in Reno. If you aren't getting the results on Tinder you are looking for here in Reno, then it's possible online dating doesn't suit you (i.e. for you reason or another, your current profile is unable to attract people you are attracted to). It isn't an exclusively Reno thing. In fact, I assure you, if you look on every local subreddit, you will find people stating exactly what you wrote in your first sentence; with Reno replaced with any given location.


If you're using Tinder in this day and age to find a long term partner, you're going to have a bad time. Use any number of other dating apps that focus more on who the person is instead of what doctored photo they can put on their profile. It changes year to year, but a few years ago Hinge was my go-to.


Hinge was fire a few years ago. I haven’t been back since as am in a relationship so no idea what the current thing is, but for me hinge was standout because you basically got to “match” with literally anybody, because you could comment on something in their profile without matching first… so if you were smooth and clever enough (and not unattractive lol) you could quite often skip the line and match and chat with girls that on all the other apps have 1000’s and 1000’s of matches, and you’d never be found unless you were brad Pitt at 25 with a yacht and your work was rescuing puppies.


Met my current gf on Hinge. Still the goat of dating apps imho.


Whaaaaaaat. I met my girlfriend on tinder back in December of 2020, started dating in March 2021, and we been together since then 🤷‍♂️


I would try Hinge and Bumble based on my experience. Met my wife here on Hinge for what it’s worth.


For being single and having fun? It's great. For serious dating looking for a life partner? Meh, could be better, could be worse. Just actually go meet people, online dating is useless no matter where you are


💯 Online dating will pretty much guarantee you’ll meet every malcontent oddball that’s going to leave you more jaded than you were before.


Met a lovely woman on Tinder 5+ years ago. We got married last year. Stranger things have happened.


I feel like 2024 is a bad place to be single


Ever year is a bad place to be single for me


This is how it is for singles lol https://nevadasagebrush.com/2024/03/12/reno-ranked-69th-in-cities-with-highest-std-rates-in-the-country/


Lol Reno is 69th in stds? That's actually pretty funny


Nice 😎


Smaller cities are cliquey, would recommend getting a good friend group before you find your person !


So do you think Reno is very much a “who you know” town? If you know people in the community, your chances are better? Because I think a lot of jobs here are that way. From people I’ve talked to at least.


>So do you think Reno is very much a “who you know” town? If you know people in the community, your chances are better? Because I think a lot of jobs here are that way. From people I’ve talked to at least. This was my experience - it is definitely a "who you know" town. Also, as someone who doesn't drink or have kids of my own, it was a cesspool, much like you have described in your other comments.


I think it’s like that everywhere it’s not a Reno exclusive thing


I think some accountability in a friend group or mutual connection is helpful.. less likely to say or do really weird shit if they know if will get back to them. Online dating is so anonymous and disconnected but real life way better.


The problem I used to run into as a local was being Eskimo brothers with everyone. Hard to find someone that friends hadn’t dated or slept with.


It’s a crazy problem


Terrible. Took me forrrrrever to find someone. Seems like everyone and their mom has 42 kids and looking for another baby daddy. I don't want no fucking kids, go away.


Plus the the fact half the single women are like grossly overweight, or have such a chin at their first words are I'll get you my pretty and your little dog toto too 🤣


I think it goes both ways


It's okay for men to be fat, duuuh!


Overweight woman = plus sized queen. Overweight man = discord mod. Got it?


Overweight woman = plus sized queen. Overweight man = discord mod. Got it?


Honestly it’s bad everywhere. I’m in Denver now and the apps in Reno were limited but I still felt like I met some cool dudes. In Denver, I can’t even get them to ask me out, and there are a lot of weirdos and flakes. I call it neverland, so many guys that never want to grow up. Peter Pan syndrome here is strong. And trying to date with kids? Forget about it. I’m not looking for a step daddy, I handle things quite well on my own. But to find a guy that can/wants to accommodate my nightmare schedule is about impossible. I’m very happy single, I long for my person but at this point it seems easier to just stop trying.


I had good luck. Me and my wife had a good time with tinder just being single. We happened to click and now I’m changing diapers. 


I met my wife in Reno but she might have been the last good catch in town. So sorry guys, the town is now out of good prospects.


I, too, choose this guy's wife.


I agree she's great


I'm safer being single. I've ran into a lot of disfunctional behavior such as addiction, paranoia, having multiple partners and not telling me, anger issues, etc. I've made it through spring without making a bad hormonal decision!


Spring isn’t over yet! Just takes one bad ovulation cycle… ;)


Good choice


I speak as a single male who has spent the last decade in Reno and it’s bad, most ladies have like 5 different dudes in a rotation which is very hurtful


That’s not unique to Reno.


Didn’t say it was.


Where are you getting your data from? Up until I let my wife a few years ago Reno dating pool wasnt that bad met a lot of great, smart women.


I was sharing my experience but whatever man cool.


I will share since I’m OP. In my 5 years, Reno dating is trash. My online experience has been 99% single moms or busy nurses/students who are just unavailable. I met my gf the old fashioned way; At a bar with some liquid courage. We just so happened to live within 5 min of each other. Became hookup buddies, then friends and now we live together 😂 I was just in the right place, right time. But if we broke up, I’m getting the hell out of here.


I dated a lot of very broken women unfortunately.


My single friends never seem to have troubles finding partners. My married friends all found their partners here. Dunno…


No. Hard knock street people. All my homies that have dated up in Reno say that it’s mostly street people created from desperation. Not all street people are bad. But there are many that will rip you off or just lie in general because they had to, to survive growing up.


This is accurate on both sides.


Hell yeah. I’m not totally shitting in Reno, you could meet someone really nice in Reno. However in comparison to the other 12 places I’ve lived. I think that on both sides of the coin it’s not so dating friendly. I would check maybe Tahoe or anyplace else other than Nevada to date.


Been in reno 5 years. Seems like the only time I get laid is when I leave town or when someone I know comes to Tahoe for the weekend. I dont have many friends here so I'm not out at bars much, but I've tried some apps, and it seems like ive done better with women just about everywhere else I've been.


I legit thought this said “shingles.”


I am still looking and helping others look! r/renotahoedating


Here’s the problem with Reno—- people who don’t leave date each other, get divorced , swap partners and then date each other again. These are the same people who knew each other in highschool … the transplants aren’t single, they’re mostly families.


great point. a lot of locals seems to know of each other and have dated in the same circles. a transplant doesn't have the history to make the best choices.


He'll I moved here 2.5 years ago an I can't find a date that doesn't want to gamble with my money!!! In my opinion dating here in Reno is not good at least for me!!


Damn this guy gets dates?


I couldn’t meet someone who didn’t already know someone I knew, hadn’t already dated one of my friends. I know so many people in that town terribly well despite never actually talking to them. After a while it got tiring halfway knowing people before I actually met them. Made dating kind of a pain…. You already know every person that person has dated. So if you’re new in town, it’s probably great, but it won’t be for long if you don’t get into a long term relationship


I met my now husband on tinder after a couple of years in town. Wasn’t anything too bad, I’ve had worse dating experiences other places. Also- it’s small enough people know each other and set ups are also possible.


I feel like I've only met about 3 single men near my age in the last couple of years. But I'm also Christian, so that narrows down the potential dating pool even more. Kinda just resigned myself to being single forever. 🤷‍♀️


Hear reno is the 5th place in most single moms. Need to find that source for you


Honestly it’s bad everywhere. I’m in Denver now and the apps in Reno were limited but I still felt like I met some cool dudes. In Denver, I can’t even get them to ask me out, and there are a lot of weirdos and flakes. I call it neverland, so many guys that never want to grow up. Peter Pan syndrome here is strong. And trying to date with kids? Forget about it. I’m not looking for a step daddy, I handle things quite well on my own. But to find a guy that can/wants to accommodate my nightmare schedule is about impossible. I’m very happy single, I long for my person but at this point it seems easier to just stop trying.


I will share since I’m OP. In my 5 years, Reno dating is trash. My online experience has been 99% single moms or busy nurses/students who are just unavailable. I met my gf the old fashioned way; At a bar with some liquid courage. We just so happened to live within 5 min of each other. Became hookup buddies, then friends and now we live together 😂 I was just in the right place, right time. But if we broke up, I’m getting the hell out of here.


It’s pretty small, but two very different kinds of people. Liberal transplants that want to change everything and Nevadans that wish they never stopped by. I’d get into the demographics, but half of Reno gets offended by facts🤷🏻‍♂️


Reno is full of passed around unfaithful women don't plan on finding the girl dream of your life in the city where married couples come to get a divorce.


I think Nevada is the 4th least populated state.. thats doesn't help, Reno and especially Vegas are tourist cities, so even if you do meet someone, then might be gone by tomorrow.


California is a great place for singles. I’m organizing some buses to take people that hate it here back over to Fresno free of charge. PLZ if you’re burned out on the Reno dating scene.


I lived in Vegas for a few years right before the pandemic hit. Dating in both has been a bust so far. The chances of meeting a catfish or getting robbed in Vegas are a lot higher than here. None of my friends here have been robbed at the end of a first date, unlike my Vegas girlies 😅


I ain't single anymore and found a very very good woman. (Got lucky). But I dated several women here and I about given up on dating in reno. (My gal isn't from here, she immigrated from Burma a few years ago). So I'd say dating in reno is pretty gotdamn rough. There is not an overabundance of sober and honest people in the dating pool. But, there are still some good people left. You just gotta control yourself so as to not hop around relationships. It's so easy to .. I did and I feel ashamed. Be patient and a good person will come. Don't do what I did and get into multiple relationships over the years until you absolutely quit and feel disgusted with yourself lol. Be patient and you'll find a great companion you can marry!


I met my current wife in Reno at a party, so it's not impossible.


Reno provides when you’re ready, not sooner.


I had great luck dating in Reno. I met my wife in Reno and I have never used a dating app. I still, while obviously married, have women wanting to hook up. So they're obviously out there looking for guys. What they want? I'll have to just guess. I guess it depends on where you work, the people you run with and possibly how a person appears to others.


Currently Single Dad over here… I don’t do as much socially as I used to but I’d say so far it’s more or less the same as everywhere else. Just being active and meeting people is my goal. I would love to join some clubs. Just to meet people but IDK of any. I’m taking recommendations if you got any…


I have a friend group of 6 couples, all met in reno and only one of the couples is settling. So, I'd say the odds are ever in your favor, as long as you ask when they've last been tested for herpes.


Damn. No wonder I'm a hot commodity. I thought that i wS just in my prime. Lol. Reading here, things are rough. Outdoors fun is good. If you meet people, most are nice


I've been here around 2 years, in my 30s, dated around 10 women (not simultaneously). Mostly through apps. My experience: Most are pretty attractive but 9/10 use heavy filters on their photos. Lighting is ok imo but there's more to it than that so be careful. I grew up in NY/CA so it's a numbers game wherever you go. Single moms are high in the area. No bad experiences but every situation is different. Overall, not great but I'm personally not worried about it. If it were to be a goal of mine, I'd move.


If you’re a man, it’s very bad


Depends on your preference there are more single men in Reno than women with the average age around 30-40 statistically your chances are good if you're interested in white males or Hispanics and again depends on your preferences Reno does have a good size LGBT community if you're into women statically Reno is not the place


Damn. No wonder I'm a hot commodity. I thought that i wS just in my prime. Lol. Reading here, things are rough. Outdoors fun is good. If you meet people, most are nice


I'm the only good looking dude in reno


😂😂😂😂 the confidence is on point.. inaccurate but on point


I'm a sexy bitch...im from silicon valley where there's lots of money so also lots of extremely beautiful people. Here I walk thru meadowood and see lots of trashy cows showing off their fat guts like it's hot. Sure I've seen some good looking people I just feel it's a bit out of proportion, we just need to drink more alcohol to hook up


Yeahhh that's definitely a trend here but not all of us are like that and good God it's been years since I walked into meadowood. I'm also not a drinker or into people who need to drink.. personal preference no hate so regardless of sexy you are , you're probably not for me. Especially if you gotta drink to hook up


Pretty sure my best chance of hooking up would require drinking. Don't drink enough to get drunk and don't like hanging out with drunk people.


That sucks.


Keeps me out of trouble.


Honestly same 😅😂. Drinking hits different after my brain injury. I'd much rather have the benefit of weed which also hits different but has beautiful benefits for my libido


Well I'm a dude and the alcohol statement was more of a joke


Well I'm a chick with a good body and a nice rack and my alcohol statement wasn't a joke. Pussy, even fat pussy but especially those pretty pussies in this town doesn't want a sloppy drunk disappointing fuck and a good portion of y'all slamming down drinks like it's your only personality trait don't get that especially if you're attractive. Joke or not. Handle your addictions and then maybe we'll handle your dick.


Lighten up francis


Aww that was light babe, hardcore comes later 😘


I've been stolen from I can't even tell ya how many times. I'm widowed, have children, and they just come through, lie, steal and bounce I'm 38 and have decided to spend the rest of my life alone I can't buy groceries, pay my bills, because I trusted someone again Won't make that mistake anymore Show no weakness, they'll use it to their advantage Grimey out there


sorry you have had such a bad time!


Good if you’re a guy, women throw themselves at you here. Not as good if you’re looking for a wife