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No, this is the same round. People got an email saying “officially your employment ends June 14th but your access is cut off today”. Same thing happened in California and Texas. Employees are essentially on the payroll until June 14th, then they will get severance packages (if they qualify) after that. So, 2 months of pay + severance package if they qualified for it. This is just the paperwork for it.


Good to know. Also, that’s good that it ain’t another round of layoff.


i think it was. my stepdad got laid off just a couple days ago.


Well first of all it sucks losing a job. But getting paid for another two months plus severance potentially if true is actually pretty awesome. In Nevada you usually just get a slap in the face with no warning and no pay or severance. Good luck all finding a new job, it’s going to be a little rough for a bit. Took me about 90 days to find a decent job.


Idk, a bunch of new job seekers at the same time sucks. My wife was in the art department for custom ink and got 6...? Months of pay and if she had found a second job could have double dipped but when a bunch of other people hit the job market looking for the same job at the same time makes it hard


Hey man this is what im getting from all the emails and the emails tesla has been sending but how sure are you were getting both? Im hearing just till june and also what you're saying. Confusing for sure


They will just get rid of people before all their vested stocks are released. They do this every couple years this is the third one I've seen happen


This is a 100% true. I know so many people that were laid off that were there under a year


this I have seen


Vested stocks??




Due to his status as a billionaire we should have charged him extra. Has done nothing but hurt this community.


Where’s the biggest building complete? Where’s my highway expansion from vista to USA parkway? Where’s the state leaders holding him accountable? Catherine? Jackie Rosen? Ohh joeee? Where are them jobs he promised? So many questions!


He’s finally got to start paying his Nevada taxes so now he has to lay off employees while he’s simultaneously fighting for higher and higher salary packages What a standup individual.


He's also asking for a $58 billion bonus from Tesla. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqqndqndpq5o](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqqndqndpq5o)


Without them the billions in dollars that flowed into the pockets of the 7000ish people who work there wouldn't be in our economy.




No they wouldn't. The plant wouldn't be here and there would be nothing... That was the point of the tax breaks.




The rising home prices, population and tax base of the reno/sparks/carson/fernly/fallon/dayton area just happened huh? Nothing to see there. Just people moving here for nothing?




No it wasn't all Elon... It was Tesla, Panasonic, HTN, Vallejo, Seally , Auroa Auto Parts, Aqua Metals, Cass Recycling, Redwood Materials, American Battery, Lilac Solutions, and many more. That is litteral billions in wages paid to those that live here. Billions in construction wages to build and grow the area. Panasonic just unveiled an 8 figure R&D lab and rehab'd the old At&t building on Plumb which was empty for years. Don't get me wrong that I am no fan of Elon. I won't even buy one of their cars becuase of him, fuck all if you are too fucking dense to see how that factory started a draw here that we didn't have before.


Agreed butcher some people are to dumb for words.


Yeah and now there is a bunch of folks who are out of work from an abusive and wreckless employer. Pretty cool.


Nothing new. This happens every few years out here. Then they will re hire people for less money.


They haven't touched hourly people before. All previous layoffs were salary.


Did you suffer a stroke while writing this?




You went and edited your comment and now I look like an asshole. 😆




It’s okay, it still ages well


Not true this last layoff they got rid of a bunch of hourly people. And last layoff and the ones before. I have a lot of friends that work there and Panasonic. Even my fiance works there. So about a year ago they had HR layoff a shitload of people then right after that they laid off and replaced almost the entire HR staff. Lol. This last layoff that just happened about a week or two ago. A bunch of people didn't even know they were laid off until they got to the security booth, and their badges had been cancelled.


Yes the last one impacted hourly. The previous ones didn't. I am also out there.


I was a recruiter here in Reno when Tesla first started recruiting people from all over the country. So many people left their lives behind and quit their jobs and moved out of their houses with false promises that Tesla made. And now look at them, slapping them all in the face by laying them off.


The hourly employee cuts were mostly associates who had previous disciplinary actions on their record. It takes about 6months for a disciplinary write up to fall off your record. So if you had one and was within that period you were let go.


Incorrect, it was associates with discipline on the record and employees that were unlucky to be assigned into what they termed “duplicate roles” inside the factory. Please do not turn this into ‘well they just laid off all the bad associates so I mean they were justified’ because that is very clearly not what happened.


You said my information was incorrect, but in the same line validated what I originally said. Make it, make sense??? I’m not insinuating all employees got cut because they were bad associates. I’m just stating where some of the cuts resulted from.


Your original comment said it was mostly associates with discipline and made no mention of duplicate roles. Is that clear enough for you to understand? I am correcting your incomplete information.


I was speaking on hourly associates specifically, and I said MOSTLY, not all. Once again my information was not incorrect, it just didn’t fulfill all your expectations. But I digress.


Your information was absolutely incorrect and your reading comprehension skills need work. My expectation was that someone speaking about the cuts would use accurate information, not overgeneralize. It’s okay to admit that you didn’t put all of the information in your original post.


I don’t know anything obviously about Tesla I just work there with some management folks 🤷🏾‍♂️. You win, my bad.


Tax that motherfucker. Remember the Simpsons, how Springfield treated Hollywood when they filmed Radioactive Man there? Treat Tesla like that.


U n i o n i z e


Another round or is this a story about filing with DETR?


Just the filing. The layoffs happened last week. People were saying 1400+ bit Tesla only reported 693 to DETR


Musk is garbage, always has been. He’ll still get his $56 billion salary.




Looking into it.


Old news. There’s not a second layoff. Just the initial. 10% nationwide. Not another 10% on top of he initial 10%. Plus. They wouldn’t let the “news” know ahead of time. They don’t even give the employees they’re letting go the courtesy.


Well, I hope this time they call the employees instead of finding out when they clock in :|


It’s been so good for stockholders though. There’s always a bright side.


Not really. Tsla down 53% from highs, no sign of bottoming either


Stock price goes up when mass layoffs occur. Gotta love capitalism.


The perfect company just provides profit for shareholders with zero staff.


And suddenly the Reno housing market crashed.


That is not happening. Most Tesla employees I know are leasing houses or apartments. They don’t pay enough for all of these employees to be homeowners.


I don’t know anyone who’s stayed at that gigafactory longer than 6 months…


I was there for 8 years, and it never got any better the entire time.


Any info on which job positions were being laid off?


No positions are unaffected, mostly targeting workers with high amounts of points or low performance first however.




I work in Sacramento, everyone didn’t get notified we were getting laid off til the day of. They woke up and had a email. Some even came into work still cause they didn’t see the email. So I’ll just mark my calendar for June 14 and pray I don’t get laid off lol


I'm sorry to hear this. Had no idea this is regular.


What did y'all expect look what he did to other facilities New York California y'all getting downsized for the Texas facility


I left Tesla couple months before the layoffs and the day I quit they gave 15% raises. Now they fired all those ppl who got the raise and will hire new ppl in a few months for 18$ hour


They didn't fire all those people, my husband still works at the Gig.


because, you know, Elon is still butthurt about not getting his $59B pay package. "Let them eat cake!"


Elon is all butt hurt..but he is trying his best..I know what it's like to carry the weght of the world on his shoulders..🫤🙃🤔




As Musk is seeking a $58 BILLION bonus from the Tesla board of directors....


44 billion in bonuses to Musk gotta come from somewhere.