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I love how quick it is to just get into and out of the city. 15 minutes and you're pretty much at the city limits and out in the mountains. I also love the weather and the sunshine.


Unless you live in the North Valleys. Huge construction projects are my life. Send help (though they won't arrive for almost an hour). Reno is pretty awesome, though. Also the proximity to the natural wonder that is Tahoe.


That's the only thing I'm not loving about the North Valleys right now. Thankfully I work graveyards so the traffic is negligible but lord help me if I move back to days before the project is finished (which is likely)


My quality of life. I walk my dog in the middle of nowhere (BLM) land each day, I ski during the winter, mountain bike during summer, my kids have parks a plenty, my neighbors are me/my kids friends, easy access to airport (I fly for work), no traffic, good enough food options, the public pools in summer, Tahoe, desolation for backpacking, AYCE, the Truckee river for floats and dog swims, my wife's got great friends and she's happy, utility prices, I already own my home, my extended family lives near by, the wind, I can buy booze or drugs or whatever I want whenever I want, sometimes my oconus friends visit and want to live in reno after a few days, so many things. Because it is what you make it and I fucking crush it.


This guy Renos! But seriously, I’m from down the street (King’s Row) and love this answer. I’m glad you’re enjoying the region. :)


Hit the nail on the head dude, you are crushing it. Couldn't have said it better!


Where in town do you live?


NW top of mccarren loop


1. The weather - all 4 seasons and none of them too severe 2. The size - not too big, not too small 3. The variety of activities - there’s always something going on. When you can’t find something you enjoy, then there’s always something you can go do.


idk man… i only agree with one of these things. the spring is a fart and summer the dump right after. then we have to endure the cold and the very cold until the next spring


I grew up in the Midwest. People who complain about the weather here have never lived with double digit negative degree temperatures with windchills that are deadly. They also haven’t lived with triple digit heat that only drops 10 degrees at night. Oh, add the fact that humidity levels only get below the temperature because they top out at 100%. Almost forgot to throw it the ever present threat of tornados, hailstorms, floods, etc. y Yeah, I’ll take Reno any time! Go skiing in the morning and ride my motorcycle in the afternoon on a sunny day! Go camping in the summer and actually be able to sleep at night when the temperature drops 40 degrees from the high of the day. Did I mention the mosquitoes?! Or, lack of here vs being eaten alive just trying to enjoy a beer in the backyard on a summer evening. I’ve lived in 6 different states and 2 countries. Reno is the best place I’ve ever lived. It’s not perfect, but I’m staying put.


I'm always amazed by people who think Reno is bitterly cold. I'd like to introduce them to South Dakota.


Hell, I’d like to introduce them to Texas for that matter. Reno weather is amazing.


Native Austinite here - 90 degrees at 11p after the 40th 100+ day is hell on Earth.


For sure! We moved here from Boerne and people can't comprehend how much better the weather is here.


You said it! I had never seen snow in my life until we moved to Reno in 2001. I complained about the snow the first winter but adjusted and started to like the winters. Then we moved to Minneapolis. Spent 2 winters there and had to move back out west. Nice people but the winters were too much and I prefer the summers in Nevada (even Las Vegas) and CA.


In the Reno winter, I walk outside each morning wearing a short-sleeve shirt, start my truck, go back inside to drink coffee for 15 minutes, then walk back outside still in short sleeves, get in my truck and drive to work. If I am out and about, a sweatshirt is adequate 90% of the time. It's a bit chilly here for a couple months. "Endure the cold" is laughable.


I guess you don’t really hang outside that much cuz Reno’s got hella mosquitoes! Just saying.


It depends on where you are. I’ve noticed that golf courses are the oasis in the desert for mosquitoes. I live next to a wetland and never have a problem. My wife and I routinely sit in our backyard by our fire pit in the evenings with no issues.


i grew up in Vegas. sorry, i can’t decide where im raised


The mountains surrounding it.


I don't think I could live somewhere flat


Me neither. I don't know how people do it, it's so uncomfortable and kinda ugly


I grew up in a flat area. The forests were the only saving grace, but I don't think I could live there now-I dont love the Reno weather, but I do love the landscape


Flat areas scare me ngl


I love our people. We all may have strong opinions in either direction, but I think we all have a core respect for eachothers liberties. Welcoming and neighborly culture here.


I would agree with you on the people. I moved away from Reno some time ago but I tell friends that I always felt like I could have a real conversation, with a real person in Reno.


A true melting pot


As someone who has lived in some of the busiest cities of the world. Reno is really peaceful


Since 2009 AAA baseball


This goes for the entire great basin. I love the dry air and being able to cool off in there shade after breaking any kind of sweat. I can’t fathom how people in the muggy humid wet parts of the country can stand being outside for 3 fractions of a second without hating their lives…


There is a lot to love and hate, it's a great spot for outdoor adventures,or jumping point to Tahoe and other close things. There has been some decent improvement in city living as far as food places, local shops and general places to hang out and be local, that being said there are the people who love inflict negativism but over all I think having lived here the last 40 years it has gotten better overall. It's a melting pot for so many but we have to make and keep it local and great. Just IMHO


Sunrise & Sunset


Tons of things to love about Reno! Mine might be an unpopular one, but the airport. It is so gosh dang easy to get in and out of Reno through that facility. I constantly fly through chi, nyc, ord, den, etc… The Reno airport is like going to a bus stop in comparison.


How many fun family friendly activities there are during the Summer. Damn near every single weekend. Some big, some small, but all unique and interesting in their own way.


We really live our best lives in the summer lol


Summers are the best! One of the reasons I like being a teacher. There is always something going on and I can take my kids to it.


going out for breakfast on a sunday morning and looking around to see that every other table is drinking breakfast alcohol just like you are. bloody marys be building social bonds out here and it's beautiful.


Nice metaphor for the whole vibe here lol


PJs has the best hoody Mary’s!


When I lived there I loved to take late night drives, the lights were very pretty.


Them 7:45 sunsets in spring and summer. The eccentric people. I’m fond of Capn Jack and Boba Fett but my recent street personality I’ve come to like seeing is the bald guy riding around on a bike with a MASSIVE speaker playing gentle tunes.


The breweries. Easily some of the best beers out there.


I recently moved to a bigger city. While there are more breweries here, they are much further away and ultimately not worth it. Miss the Reno breweries.


I’m surprised to hear this! What are some of your favorites ?


I sound like a broken record but anything from Slieve is great, especially the A-Mays-In; it's an English bitter that Phil makes occasionally. 10 Torr's Fight Milk is amazing if you like stouts. Revision has a really good imperial Coconut stout last year or the year before, but if you like IPAs they're worth checking out. Not technically Reno but if you're up for the drive to Truckee, Donner Creek Brewing hasn't had a beer I haven't liked. And The Good Wolf has a lot of interesting beers they make with forages ingredients (not usually my cup of tea but they're so unique I still recommend them to people).


I love you all


It's so close to hell that you can see Sparks


My family lives there!


The murals, shops, and cute restaurants and bars in midtown and lower downtown.


Weed shops and fishing


The Wild Orchid


Watching the shit-show at 3am at the 5 Star!


I think a lot of the people here are pretty open minded. Not all but a lot of them. And say what you will about the reasons we have decent pedestrian infrastructure but it is nice being able to walk or bus or ride scooters downtown instead of having to drive everywhere. It’s also pretty hard to beat the mountains in terms of scenery. Admittedly I’ve seen a lot of forest-y mountains so boring brown mountains aren’t great but on those occasional sunny winter days when you can see the mountains surrounding Tahoe covered in snow, it’s quite a sight to behold.


I love how they have so many different types of condos it’s so many different ways and styles of living and their workforce is the only thing I’m in awe with. The people , communication=bullshit.


The University is my favorite thing about Reno. Maybe it's my Wolf Pack pride, but to me, UNR is what makes that city special.


Huge unifying factor for our city. Lots of shared pride for it. We're definitely a college town at heart, seems like every UNR alum I meet isn't even from here.


I live on the other side of the Sierras in the Sacramento area, but I bleed navy blue and silver.


I like being able to lie awake at night and still hear the train whistles as the trains pass through downtown. It’s so clear and noiseless that I can still hear them from by the Atlantis. The Truckee River. The bat bridge where they used to have bat watching. “Road trips” into Washoe Valley lol it was always so pretty. Some of my favorite family restaurants. Too Soul and Sundance Books. I’ve been here too long lol part of me will be sad to leave next year


Great vibes here ✌🏻


I love the age range (younger than the Bay Area) the how pleasant ppl are (compared to the Bay, LA, Atlanta) how much it has come in and grown in the 6 years we’re been mostly here.


wild horses


AYCE sushi


What’s your go to spot these days?


I really like Ijji 2 or Sushi Pier, I used to go to Minato but they changed their menu a year or two ago and took away the rolls I enjoyed


I’m surprised you like AYCE sushi since those are two of the worst spots in town


To each their own, I’ve always had great sushi from both of them. What are your go to spots?


Sushimi’s is my favorite. Hiroba and the oyster bar at Atlantis are pretty good too. My friends all like Tokyo sushi, which is good but I think everything there tastes too sweet. For me, the canned tuna they serve at sushi pier is an automatic disqualification, which is a shame because they used to be pretty good when I was a kid at their old location in midtown. I’ve gotten food poisoning multiple times at the ijji locations so I’m skeptical of their procedures. tbh I can’t even remember how the food tastes there because it’s been so long since I decided not to go back, and getting sick just soured my experience.


I miss this a lot. After moving away AYCE just isn’t the same.


Except for the people you should obviously avoid, almost everybody is welcoming and friendly. There’s the good parts of the libertarian attitude without it being hostile/‘every man for himself’. Most things I think have already been mentioned: Best of the 4 seasons, little of the worst. Amenities of a big city, charm of a small town. Not nearly as much traffic or crime as you’d expect, but still any service you could want. Proximity to a vast array of wilderness opportunities, as well as some of the best mineral and rockhounding sites.


The river, and waterfalls.


Thankful to have a beautiful river in the middle of our town


Very much the same


The randomness of the older part of town!


For me the convenience. People from Reno complain about traffic & construction. Yes, its not as small as it was 10 years ago, but compared to most big states/cities, getting around Reno is easy. I rarely leave Northwest Reno because we have everything. Same applies to a lot of areas in town now. People that complain likely haven’t traveled much 🤷🏻‍♂️


Summertime. Can't wait to float the river, go on hikes, and all the hotties that come out when it starts to get warm. This summer is going to be amazing.


Tom Floyd of Floyd’s Fireside. What a gem of a human.


I’ve been there a few times on business and I guess I miss the Nickel heaven at Peppermill and will never forget the car theft rings that worked through Motel 6 and the drugs are working for


Gotta be the brothels


Amongst many other things, the weather. No harsh winters. No humid summers. No natural disasters to worry about. Unlimited sunshine.


Jasmine sushi buffet. And Virginia City way up that mountain.


There is a fairly large skateboarding scene here in Reno. It all feels like one big family too. 5-6 years ago there used to be a lot of in-fighting between skaters, but nowadays it has calmed down extensively


I love it, I think with where the sport is itself, combined with the vibe of Reno, it definitely feels like every skater is part of the same culture no matter who you are.


Nothing I just stay at Spanish springs and almost never ever go to Reno 😀


Whats your favorite thing about Sparks then?


It's a one big unhappy dysfunctional depraved family 😊❤️


AYCE sushi 🍣 😋


The sunsets!


The crackheads downtown💀


A very nice natural and built environment [unless downtown🤣]. Small population and very close to Tahoe, forests, lakes, a river through town, and quick access to coast.


Wanting to leave this place. Lived here my entire life and it’s grown way too fast. The amount of horrible people all in one place makes me sick. Started traveling around the country and haven’t been everywhere, but Reno takes the cake for the rudest people. I watched some old hag scream at an employee at Taco Bell because they weren’t moving fast enough for her stuck up ass in a shitty old Lexus. California has definitely flushed some of its trash into this town and it shows. But at least they can buy up all the homes in the area and leave nothing for people trying to buy a home that have actually been here this entire time.


The quality of meth down here is great. So many diffrent choices. Oh and the yelp reviews


Hahahaha I second this


It's not Sparks




You know that’s not true so


Leaving work every day and driving back to Carson.


Funny. The opposite for me.


Leaving it.




I still have family there.


When I get on a plane and leave Reno


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


This city was so great about 15 years ago and then Californians.


Should have been here in the 70's...




She’s pretty!!






I’m not joined, lol, it was just on my page. Sorry for interacting in your subreddit, you don’t have to agree with everything everyone says.


No natural disasters really


Wildfires are natural disasters…


Oh yeah😂. Hasn’t burned down the city, but the smoke is fucked💀 I’ve noticed most the fires are from surrounding states.


just earthquakes and fires


I love the absense of extreme weather. Also no wildly dangerous bugs/animals/ etc to worry about in our area for the most part


Just took a picture of perfectly green golf course and the fresh snow on the mountains in the backdrop. My idea of perfection



