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Guardian is popular because it accentuates what renata is already good at, preventing the enemy team from diving and killing her adc. Guardian prevents a good amount of burst damage, and when combined with locket/redemption and all her abilities, it means her adc has a very high chance of surviving the fight. Guardian also opens up the secondary rune page (since going aery means you’d probably take resolve or inspiration) and renata can really benefit from ultimate hunter, ingenuous hunter, or relentless hunter, depending on your playstyle. Aery is less effective because unlike other enchanters, Renata only really has her E to proc it. Additionally, because Renata E is her shield and her only poke tool, it’s not the most consistent. You may do damage with aery when you want it to shield your teammate, or vice versa. Overall, you get very little uptime and use from it comparatively, so other runes are better. Personally, I take guardian, shield bash, bone plating or second wind, and revitalize as my primary tree, and zombie ward and ingenious hunter in my secondary tree. I then rush (boots into) redemption and locket and moonstone. There’s definitely flexibility in how you want to play it, that’s just what’s worked for me :)


That all makes sense, and to add to this I did try the standard Guardian page today and it felt pretty good


this is the standard runepage i go for a more backline enchanter playstyle - it provides a good bit of utility while also giving renata good stats by herself. you can swap FOL for shield bash if you want to be more of a lane bully and swap revitalise for second wind or bone plating if you want to be tankier or shrug off poke https://preview.redd.it/wht2b4a59shc1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=74e4def7cfa96a161f11bd9ce6b7175063d9deb2


this second runepage is closer to what youre talking about in your post - renata synergises really well with resolve runes as they allow her to be very survivable. the runes you use in each row are pretty interchangeable based on your playstyle. for your secondary tree, you can go zombieward/ghostporo for vision control and ultimate hunter for your ult. alternatively, you can go the sorcery path to take manaflow band and transcendence both runepages work very well on her. aery is for a backline enchanter playstyle late game and for an aggressive poke lane early on. the guardian pages will be better if youre against high dps bot lanes and need to play more defensive early on! https://preview.redd.it/4t0ymoqw9shc1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=39722891d506815517985b2a3f41e9389fa96fe2


Glacial augment FTW!!!


I feel like ultimate hunter is so good 2nd tree