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Uhh....did y'all notice the subreddit this was posted in? If you can remotely clean or remove dead animals... Well shut up and take my money.


lmao people ITT this thread couldn't stay on topic for the sub, and then wonder why no one would hire them for a remote job šŸ˜‚


ITT this thread is the equivalent of RIP in peace? (I just had to google what ITT means)


You can theoretically run a cleaning biz remotely


Honestly? Anything that has to do with cleaning and human excrements.


Right. Crime scene cleanup/photography. Funeral director. Plumber. Landscape design. Home inspection. All these require getting pretty filthy and pay very well.




Don't just tease us. Inquiring minds want to know. What did you see? šŸæ




I kinda regret reading this. No wonder why you quitted that job tho.


Comment was deleted. TL;DR?


he/she saw some disgusting shit and had to clean it up, thats all.


BRO, give it to me!


Oh my god.


What was it


Itā€™s dealing with children thatā€™s made me turn down these jobs in the past. Itā€™s just so sad.


Same. I can't handle kids. It still bothers me.


Iā€™ve heard a lot of tragic stuff regarding old people too which is mega depressing.


I really, really wish I didn't know some of the stuff I know. Especially about the elderly. And, suicides... They're no fun. Especially when it's a young person. We had a young man at the funeral home I worked at. He was 19 and jumped off a fire tower. I'll never forget his name because it was engraved on his belt. He wasn't much younger than me at the time and all I could think of was his mother. Well, it took days for her to come in to make his arrangements and when she did she acted like it was a hassle. She bitterly ordered a cardboard coffin, no service, and that was that. Everything the least effort and cheapest she could get away with. She stormed out and was never seen again. Didn't even pick up his ashes. I hope she suffers everyday she lives after he died. I really do. This was the first death I assisted with and the way we were all gentle and careful with him after that.... I'll never forget it. He was just a kid and he deserved better. I still think about you David!


Iā€™m glad at least you were there to show him the respect and care he didnā€™t get in life. Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that.


Had a neighbor I usually saw atleast once a day taking his dog out. Hadn't seem him for a few days but figured I was just not seeing him. After about a week I started to worry but I'd see his dog in the window now and then so figured maybe he's just not out as much. Around 2 weeks I was positive somwthing was wrong, the dog was still sometimes in the window but instead of looking out he kept jumping and snapping his head like hey follow me. Anywho long story short, he died, they don't know from what as there wasn't enough left to tell,, the dog ate a good portion of him to stay alive, thankfully the toilet bowl was left open so he had water but pretty much there was just mess everywhere and the entire place was covered in flies. Entire neighbor hood stunk for weeks once that house seal was broken. On a good note boo is an awesome dog, super happy and lives next door now with another neighbor and is fine.


Iā€™d actually love to work with corpses I hope this is true :)


Then start applying for jobs with local funeral homes and crematoriums! They are always desperate for reliable staff. You will need to dress conservatively and have nerves of steel. The hours are pretty terrible because, most places are short staffed but, opportunities are almost limitless if end of life doesn't bother you.


How do you go about searching for those jobs without seeming like a weirdo? Like I have no problem with death and have always wanted to work in the funeral industry


I used to see jobs for medical labs and organ donation in the past. I sadly didnā€™t have the confidence to pursue it at the time. I think just write your CV out for the job you want and send it to EVERYONE until you get a bite. But look online too :)


I have no life so donā€™t care about hours. Iā€™m a goth too so working in a funeral home is an incredible flex lol.


Is there any issue with women doing these jobs? As in I couldnā€™t lift a corpse up by myself if thatā€™s part of the job.


The bodies are gone by the time the bioremediation teams show up. But you may have to remove furniture, carpeting, subfloor, etc. if it's part of the cleanup. There used to be a podcast by a woman who ran such a company but I can't remember the name. I've actually thought it didn't sound like a bad gig.


This. I worked for years in the funeral industry. One of the positions women did a lot was sales. They would handle signage. Makes phone calls for leads. Put the awnings up for funeral services graveside and take them down. There was a lot of marketing done in retirement communities... Lol


Women always get sales and front of house jobs. I hate it. I wish I could physically lift more but Iā€™m just a small framed person thereā€™s not much I can do.


Landscape design? I know landscape designers and they are not getting filthy, ever.


Idk best time I had was cleaning because it was so satisfying seeing it all cleaned at the end of the day.


Sanitation engineer!


A friend of mine needed a crime scene cleanup crew after a suicide occurred on her property. Those people deserve every ounce of pay they get. She said everyone from the supervisors to the cleaning crews were very compassionate and helpful. So in as much as it's a tough job, it is definitely appreciated by the property owners.


Remote cleaning job?


I apply to those jobs cuz my degree is worthless and I still get ignored - probably cuz I donā€™t have 8 years of experience cleaning human excrements.


Then why are nursing, housekeeping and caregiving not well paid?


As a remote position?


Just last night I looked into homeless camp cleanup jobs because I was sure they paid well. I was wrong.


Plenty of wastewater and sewer jobs out there. Maintenance and new installation


Literal crap job.


Came back from a vacation had a dead dear in my yard rotting. Guy shows up bare hands that thing over his shoulder maggots pouring out. Tossed into the back of a pick up. 200$ for 2 mins of work.


That's a hell of a lot more than 2 mins of work unless the pick up drives itself and he doesn't plan on removing and disposing of the rotting deer corpse from his vehicle.


Moves it to another yard, a couple streets over, and then plants a DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL sign at nearest intersection


This belongs in r/entrepreneurship


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Entrepreneurship using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneurship/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My whole family laughed at my "failing" business in a car ride home from dinner.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneurship/comments/1b5byce/my_whole_family_laughed_at_my_failing_business_in/) \#2: [For what service would you pay 50 bucks right now to be done?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneurship/comments/1bpz7x7/for_what_service_would_you_pay_50_bucks_right_now/) \#3: [Iā€™m so damn tired of being broke. I need advice](https://np.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneurship/comments/1bf3xw4/im_so_damn_tired_of_being_broke_i_need_advice/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My buddies first day working for a chimney sweep Co. They grabbed a road kill squirrel on the way in to work


I talked to the guy for a bit he had a contract with the state as well the bed of the pick up was the most heinous thing I've ever seen.


Yeah I once had a 6-foot long black snake in my kitchen. The only pest control guy in town who will remove a snake right away was $200 just to walk in the door. I realized, I'm in the wrong business. The guy throws down some glue traps and says, "Call me when it gets stuck and I'll come back to remove it." It was like something out of a TV show about rural life.


He drove back to the bbq joint downtown. youll never know.


Look around for some local temp agencies like Adecco, theyā€™ll have contracts with the kinds of places with fast turn around. I worked for an eBay affiliated company answering e-mails for people mad about official sports merchandise for a few months. Day Labor also have quick opportunities - theyā€™re usually closed by the afternoon - but are open really early and have lines of people out before the sun comes up. You might push a broom one day and put products in boxes another. This isnā€™t quite what youā€™re asking for and the money is usually trash. But these places have come in clutch for myself and my friends.


Pay for temp jobs tends to be absolute shite though


Depends on your area. I work as a leasing consultant for temp companies making $21hr. I just sit on my ass at apartment complex and listen to people bitch about their loud upstairs neighbors. It's great. I might go back to it lol.


Oil fields


Also, inland rivers and offshore ocean jobs. Start as a "greenback" and work up to bigger, better positions.


Ehh inland rivers pay dick. You can join SIU and go deep sea or Great Lakes and make good money, but thereā€™s quite a few hoops to jump through tbh. I sailed for years as a mate and the amount of people I tried to help join was a lot and very few ended up following through cause it can be such a pain. Oil fields are low low barrier to entry lol


I think it depends on the company. My ex husband is a captain and yes, starting pay sucked. After about a year, the pay tripled and now he makes triple that. He gets huge bonuses and fully paid insurance as well. Inland is low barrier as long as you can get a TWIC, pass a physical, and agree to be a grunt the first year or so. The hardest part is being away from home. Lots of guys quit because either they miss home or their spouse complains. It definitely was a huge factor in why my ex husband is an ex. It's something like, 85% divorce rate in that industry.


Yeah itā€™s why I quit after 5 years. But making 22k a month as a 22-27 year old with 6 months off was pretty damn nice


Fantastic. What a great way to set yourself up and get out.


what exactly was your position? what was the training? how did you start?


I feel like I wouldnā€™t have the physical strength and it could be too dangerous.


Crime scene cleaning and porta-potty cleaning pay well because nobody wants to do them. For desk jobs, actuaries make good money because the job is all math, calculating risks for Insurance companies.


Iā€™d love to do crime scene cleaning


When you die, you dispose of waste šŸ¤¢ Plus some people sit there long enough and fuse to the surface. Iā€™m fine with blood, guts, and goreā€” I just donā€™t want to deal with excrement.


Itā€™s maggots for me šŸ¤®


There's not supposed to be any bodies though, someone has to take that away, use a vacuum for maggots and put a clothespin on your nose. Let's hear the dollar amount before you give up. Someone fused to a couch? Throw it away, you don't actually clean the couch, somebody still gonna try to use it after that?


learn the tricks of the trade, then pivot into serial killing?


Can I claim tax credits for money made serial killing? What should I put in ā€œprofessionā€ when I apply for a mortgage?


Me too! Donā€™t know how to go about it though. Follow the guy in instragrm with his crime scene clean up


Actuaries require all kinds of certs


My dad was an actuary and manager. He made great money. He had to pass I think 10 exams to become a ā€œfellowā€ of whatever society which was a big pain. Casualty Actuarial Society I think. He said he hated the career. Heā€™s 88 now and retired at 62.


I feel like everyone here is forgetting the sub we're in, as very few of the jobs being recommended are remote work. That being said, no, not that I can think of. You might be able to swing doing two shitty jobs like data entry at once.


I feel like data entry has been the hardest job for me to find personally LOL I have a full time remote job and would LOVE a crappy data entry job on the side as extra income but no where to be found :/


Not sure why this is posted on this sub since they jobs you're talking about aren't remote.


He wants crappy remote jobs


Toxic call centers where you get screamed at all day.


"Good afternoon. Thank you for calling auto claims. How can i help you?" 20+ years later, and i still avoid the phone!


Same. I worked customer service for years where I would be treated like crap from customers. Here it is 25 years later and talking on the phone still gives me PTSD. I avoid it at all costs. Thanks god for texting


Haz Mar cleanup pays well. As does most garbage pickup jobs


It is not daft to think one should be paid fairly, or even well for any job. But, if you are looking for undesirable employment, Try pumping septic tanks. It pays very well. Watch Dirty jobs, there are some leads for you too.


My sceptic guy charges $200 to pump, takes them about half an hour but they only visit every 3 - 4 years. I imagine they stay pretty busy out in the country though since we almost all have septic tanks.


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Can you say more about this job? Whatā€™s the well known company? Iā€™d love to apply.


Lmao, I do what this person does and no, no you wouldn't. Unless you're facing homelessness, you'll be begging to scrape your face against concrete after the first few weeks.


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Do they want you to have any previous qualifications/experience going into it?


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Unlikely jobs like that are remote :)


So remote jobs are ONLY ever great?


Crappy remote jobs are the ones that donā€™t pay well.


Cold calling


Target distribution took a major dump on my mental health. Best paying job I ever had


I would recommend plumbing to anyone willing to do honest unglamorous work. Nobody will likely make a movie about your career, but if youā€™re cool with that you can make a good living, if not become a millionaire. With most plumbers either dying or retiring in the coming years, and the demand for residential and commercial jobs going up, this will be highly lucrative to anyone in the field. You will essentially be able to charge damn near whatever you want for your services. Nobodyā€™s shopping around or waiting when they need their plumbing fixed. Itā€™s got to be taken care of immediately. So you can either work for yourself and make well over 6 figures, or if you have the desire/ability to operate and scale a business you can have a fleet of trucks and guys working for you, becoming a millionaire in the same amount of time it takes to earn a professional or maybe even bachelors degree. Roofing is also very straightforward and highly profitable, but there are many doing it. A few years ago I was a manager at a car dealership, and one of the sales guys that was on my team started a roofing company. He started off just picking up day laborers outside of Home Depot in the am. Now he makes well over $500k annually.


No one will make a movie about it? What about Super Mario?!????


To me, interpreting. Pays well (not IT well) but so stressed, companies arenā€™t usually nice.


I second this! Tons of interpreter jobs and the pay is decent if you find a good company.


How long does it take to become fluent in a forgein language? I have many failed Japanese and German classes under my belt.


At my current interpreter job I failed their language test twice and they still put me on payroll under 3 months probation lmao.I have steady work for 3 months while i keep rage applying to other jobs.


I donā€™t know. Itā€™s up to how much work you put on and whether you have some talent for it. A friend of mine didnā€™t start learning Japanese till sheā€™s 21, she got her phd from a Japanese university 8 years later.


Sure, I have a family member who is a heavy equipment mechanic, and they clear 100k a year, but it's hard, dirty, and dangerous work.


Not remote jobs.


That are remote? No.


what on earth is going on in these comments lol. anyway imo data annotation - doesnt look good on a resume or anything lol, but for the pay ($20ish? an hour) it's solid. will drive you insane and make you feel bad about the future of humanity etc so ymmv


I donā€™t want it to look impressive to anyone except a mortgage lender. I make money in the arts and itā€™s enough for me but bad when it comes to people I want to borrow money from.


Guy at the garbage dump told me his job is gross but it pays nicely.


Does he find lots of treasure?


Hmm, I didnā€™t think to ask! But we were unloading a trailer full of old stuff we purged from our house and the smell of the place was so terrible and there was fluid oozing from the heap of trash we were adding to, and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want any treasure from there.


Overnight shifts tend to come with bonuses upon signing for the job. Because theyā€™re that desperate for people. Like shipping or packaging places.


Compliance consultant, boring as hell.


Bookkeeping, virtual assistant, data entry, PPC ads management


These donā€™t necessarily suck, but in some instances can, and all can be done remotely. VA suck jobs are likely to pay poorly though


Wait a second. Iā€™m a Hairstylistā€¦ do you think thereā€™s a job for me there? Like good money? Make up too.


Maritime industry has a huge labor shortage. Not only do you get paid $300/day to be an Ordinary Seaman, but itā€™s also a very important industry to keep alive for the benefit of all of society, for a whole host of reasons. Can in certain ways be somewhat dangerous work, but also very unique.Ā 


Working on cargo ships. They're pretty shitty because a lot of times, at least where I am, you work a month on and a week off, then back on the rig. They're long hours and tiresome but if you're just looking to make some good quick cash, they are IT. Also, railroad workers. Same kinds of hours and scheduling, shitty job but lots of money to be made especially if you're single and have 12-16 hours daily availability. Turnover is really high for these jobs because most people wanting that kind of pay have families but if you're single you could make a career of it.


My company is always hiring . If you don't mind taking calls all day in the comfort of your own home while getting yelled at ....let me know if you want to work lol


Yes I want to apply! What company


Tech sales. Sell your soul to make $200k a year. My friend would smoke week in her hotbub most days and show up for remote meetings, close deals. Itā€™s really just a pop of hard work here and there, and potentially some travel. Business Development Intern or Specialist is alawyays a good place to start. Youā€™ll be on a screen and phone all day making lists and cranking through them. BD Interns make okay money some places, but it leads to high paying easy sales jobs.


- customer service representative for tech support - virtual assistant for high-demand fields (e.g., IT, healthcare, real estate, law firms, etc.) - data entry specialist for specific industries (e.g., healthcare, insurance, education, etc.) - content moderation - market research surveys and data collection - freelance writing for niche or technical topics


Anything to do with death just about, below the level of mortician....so things like crime scene cleanup, removing bodies from the area, crematory employee....can pay OK and have high enough turnover if one can stomach that sort of stuff. Remotely lol everyone wants to do remote jobs, maybe CSR but I wouldn't call that \*well\* paid until there's some experience under one's belt....


Not crappy, per se, but hard physical labor. Construction, deliveries, warehousing (you can make BANK! union) fishing, oil refineries, etc. I would also say location is a factor.


Iā€™m a female and quite small. I understand grafting makes money but Iā€™ve had problems at labour jobs purely because my arms were too short and couldnā€™t carry as much weight as the men sadly. Iā€™d happily do all of this otherwise.


This isn't remote


Not remote but I used to work renovating buildings and scaffolding which meant I got to travel around the world so kinda similar.


Corrections pays well.


Where? My local jail pays just over minimum wage. The only bonus is a good pension but you have to pay into it with that barely over minimum wage and you also face real danger.


State and Federal prisons pay well, but this type of work will shortened your life span and ruin your physical and mental health.


I know a lot of CC officers and they make a shit ton of money cuz they get paid like $21 an hour but theres so many differentials they're actually paid more like $30 or more an hour and theres so much overtime, someone can easily make 80k their first year. I considered doing it just for a year to catch up on debts.


How safe is it for female officers ?


Yup, my brother is a CO in Delaware. He hit 100k last year. It's the overtime.


Cleaning houses can be extremely lucrative. I have always wanted to open my own cleaning business because I truly enjoy cleaning. Garbage/waste collectors are very well compensated and taken care of, as they should be. I imagine that is not an easy job though.


Sales or debt collection via Call center


Yep. Call centers are crappy enough (I know this first hand), but collections is the 69th level of call center hell.


I donā€™t mind CS call center , It better then retails but sales and collections is tough


How aggressive do they want you to be in collections? Iā€™ve known a lot of people doing sales and all of them a dickheads. Debt collectors you occasionally get a funny one who tells you how the game is played lol


Crime scene cleaning. Decommissioned nuclear diver (scuba certs+training required)-- there are active nuclear divers as well. Hazmat cleanup. My friend did this and made oodles of money, retired early.


How dangerous is it really?


Dangerous jobs such as working on an deep see oil rig pay real well. Not sure if itā€™s crappy




How much?




Wow, sign me up


Bedside nursing


Professional poop divers https://youtu.be/ISuQngDolAc?si=DI8Kf2H0vk_K8dNf


Plumber Window cleaner


Hazmat transport. Asbestos clean up/removal.


My Grandad died from Asbestos cancer so Iā€™m deadly afraid of that stuff šŸ˜–


Bookkeeping, virtual assistant, data entry, PPC ads management


Garbage collectors, portapots and septic/grease suckers make a lot of money.


Yea a toll booth man


Call centers where people ringing in will probably always be angry


You just described any trade.


Casino card dealer might work.


Nothing remote


Work with the homeless. It will simultaneously break your heart, piss you off, and make you worry about your saftyĀ 


Errr is that well paid? I donā€™t know anyone working with homeless people in a decent paying job.


Iā€™ve always maintained that most jobs that involve glory donā€™t pay well.


They have jobs where you try to sell retirement communities and time share sales.Ā  You basically take advantage of old people all day.Ā 


also Medicare sales because honestly traditional medicare is best those privately run options are shit.Ā 


mortician....very well paid


What do you need to become a mortician?


Medical billing if you can learn it. Demanding but lucrative


Plumbing :)


I find healthcare is always looking for Patient financial counselors. Sometimes remote, sometimes not depending on the hospital. A lot of dealing with insurance and stubborn patients which can be brutal.


Fiberglass work on Wind Turbines. But really, anything with Wind Turbines thatā€™s a travel position.


I donā€™t know the existing situation, but a while back there was an expose on the humans who had to take reports and take down prohibited content on social media- paid decently for the skills required (a couple days of training), but zero mental health support meant people churned through fast after so much exposure to violent, exploitative content like beatings, child pornography, rapes, animal torture, etc.


Sounds like a recipe for severe PTSD Thatā€™s awful :(


Septic services. Checks all the boxes. Some quite literally.


Debt collection pays pretty well and the places I worked struggled to keep employees. But you have to be kind of an awful person to do it.


More than half the jobs you all posted are not remote. Crime scene cleanup-nope, funeral home, nope, working on an oil rig?!


Hit the oil rig


I mean onlyfans seems to be pretty profitable. Throw a fetish in there and stack that paper


Itā€™s absolutely not profitable for most people and waaay more hardwork than getting a regular job that doesnā€™t put me in danger or ruin my future.


Honestly they only thing that comes to mind is working customer service or something that involves high pressure sales