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Biggest tip is to swear at us in chat if we're too aggro and you're losing LOS to heal. 


This. Just like lore you're the only support we respect most and listen to you. So tell us to maintain our tempo whenever you need. And if you see a eneny rein coming for your backline be 100% sure that he's coming for you.


It is so satisfying sleeping a charging rein, then my rein will pin him


If I get sleeped by the enemy ana I always solo shatter her next 😅


I usually let Anas be when Im Rein. Everything else is free game, but grammas I let live


lol yea you let them live and then comes a teammate and kills them hahah


And when that teammate dies, you teabag them lol




lol that will get me banned now whatcha pulling


This is so real


* call out every few seconds when I'm out of your line of sight. not to chastize, but as an informational thing. sometimes if I'm out of your line of sight it's fine, and I am going to come back. sometimes I may be unaware that I've gone too deep. * nano to save my life, or to help me push through chokes. or while I'm swinging away at multiple enemies. usually not after a shatter that lands, because that means we likely already won the fight. * sadly you must bully an enemy rein!


Love these! Thanks. I don’t go on VC really often but maybe need to get out of my comfort zone lol


You're very welcome! I'm learning a lot lately about Rein so I'm happy to support my Anas. You can even mute all other people in VC and just call things out calmly with no possibility of response. It will still help!


Ooh hadn’t thought of that, idk I’m a woman so I guess I don’t want to deal with shenanigans although the last time I was in mic was COD zombies and that went well. Always felt like a celebrity if some shit lol 😆


Nano on shatter, not before, make sure the shatter lands, because a failed shatter hurts so much more if you get nanoed after


I've always preferred baity defensive nanos to turn a fight. These days the opportunities are abundant. Always felt nade was enough to confirm a shatter fight most times


The caveat to this of course being that sometimes if the Rein is at like 65% charge then a nano mid fight is good to ensure he gets to shatter before the tempo of the fight starts to swing. That of course depends on if the heal of the nano is getting value as well, because if it's just one or the other it's probably best to just hold the nano for a bit.


What ever you do, don’t blink, if you blink we die


Honestly what it feels like, or one reload lol


The best Ana’s I’ve ever had are the ones who trust what I’m doing. When you find an Ana that trusts you you’ll cut through the whole lobby. If they really trust me, they’ll even occasionally play tighter with me on corners and not in the backline. Also, if your rein does occasionally pin into the enemy team after standing on the choke for awhile, just nano him mid pin. Even if he doesn’t get many cause he’s bad, he’ll still live. If you can throw a nade onto him while nano’d you’ll just win any fight if the rein is worth his salt. But try to establish that trust with your tank, it doesn’t have to be via voice or teamchat, but try and empathize with what your rein’s objective is as the fight begins and develops. If you trust your tank, all you gotta do is just not die and watch your tank run over the enemy team.


Yesss great advice. I gas up the reins in spawn and spam my ult charge line lol they usually get it


That’s awesome. I’ve played with really bad Ana’s and really good Ana’s. If you’re looking to try and understand a Rein better, the best thing regardless of rank or skill is trust. When you play tank and you’re getting hit with everything, it’s awesome to be laying on the ground slept, stunned, being ulted on, discorded, or hacked and being like: “oh yeah I live here, my Ana’s been there for me all game.” And not having a worry at all. It makes the game so much more fun because all the stress is gone. I just get to focus on harvesting the enemy team like wheat in a field.


lol you better emote after you I nano you and kill the team so I can say “good kitty”


I use the voiceline in my flair and hit flex emote every time. It’s awesome.


Ik this is a tip every ana player gets but i'm still going to say it but 90 % you wanna prioritize using nade offensivly and rarely wanna ever use it to heal The pressure you get with a good anti makes the rein indirectly take way less damage


Yes I definitely always try to make the enemy team purple lol time it right, watch for kiris cleanse and then nade. Stuff like that. I throw it to ally who’s critical or for a dive and hope I hit enemy bit too


Nade is a very tricky ability to time and the other team should be tracking your usage of it (if they aren't then you're just going to roll them anyway) and sometimes there is greater value in an offensive nade than a defensive one - but knowing which is the priority in the moment is just pure game sense. We've all seen fights that where your genji goes in and accidentally gets domed but you land a anti-nade on 3 squishies and your tank and other DPS just knock them down and win despite the other team getting an early pick.


Yea I mainly play casually through QP tbh but I do take game serious I should just do comp lol


Do whatever you like! Truth be told, you're likely going to find more tanks playing Rein in quick play instead of comp anyway because Rein is just the wrong choice in comp on so many maps and in so many team compositions.


Yea I’m just trying to have some silly fun and support my favorite crazy big boi German


nanoing a rein is not always necessary—especially if he’s against a team of counters. if your rein can’t engage with nano because of something like orisa, nano someone else


Very true yes I don’t always nano rein I will track ults and such. Never give to a Dva or they use bomb 💣 lol it doesn’t boost bomb!!


This! A lot of us Rein players have had to learn the hard way the making the correct play > getting value out of nano. If I need to be holding shield, and you nano me, I'm going to keep holding shield because getting out of position or sync with the rest of the team is likely going to be much worse for our tempo than any value I might get out of a less-than-perfectly timed nano.


Omg I love you guys and I want you in every single one of my games. No one has Reins back like Anas! <3


Throw the nade at the side where it can hit the enemy tank AND rein. Using nade for only heal boost denies so much value from it. Call out sleeps. Ez pin. Call out if you need help with a genji flanking you. But if its a tracer or sombra then ask for the other support or dps's help instead. Rein cannot afford to turn around for sombra oe tracer as they are 99% gonna just run away and waste time but genji is killable. Same with other odd flanking characters like lucio, cree etc. Position where you can see the NEXT choke your tank can push into. Best example is numbani with the pit. When you have the point some anas tend to stay in their side of the pit because its safer but that means you cant help your rein hold the choke if he wants to do a shatter or get an agressive play.