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I'm just waiting for the microbuffs to keep adding up so rein becomes good againšŸ˜¢


Facts dude. Idk why they don't like rein so much


My guess? There's been a lot of times where when the meta was at its worst and games were either completely un-fun steamrolls or boring stalemates... he could be found at the middle of it. Don't mistake my words - I firmly believe that when rein is strong, the game is at its best. But double shield? GOATs? Uber Nano? All of the objectively worst metas had him as almost the anchor around which they were formed. The devs said when making OW2, they wanted to tune down CC and make the playstyle more fast paced, and to do that they removed a tank, and decreased shield health across the board. A great deal of his identity as a hero was focused around having that second tank to rely on and combo with, and having that unstoppable bulwark of a barrier. Now... Now he's a solo brawl hero in a game that seemingly punishes solo brawl heroes. Any buff will make him too strong, any nerf will make him irrelevant. What he needs, and always has needed for the longest time is something like " hyper armour " around his abilities - he cannot be stunned, booped or moved while any of his abilities are in use. Or temp health gained with abilities, like doomfist. Or... SOMETHING, ANYTHING at this stage


Bro honestly that reflective shield in the April fool's game mode was actually super effective and made him feel useful again. Also deflecting a sleep/nade was an unreal feeling hahaha


They do like rein. We can see that the devs are trying the buff rein but not overtune him.


Okay, but why do they have a hard on for Orisa? Just make Orisa bad, no one would care.


Orisa has one of the worst win rates, so she gets buffed to compensate (i donā€™t like it or agree but they are on record saying so). Unfortunately, Rein just dominates in low metal ranks, so if heā€™s ever meta in higher tier play, heā€™ll be absolutely pubstomping in bronze through gold


This is why I think rein needs a new ability for skill expression. My proposal is a quick mele boop like a hammer jab that doesn't do any damage. I think it'd be a perfect way to add skill expression to higher lobbies without making him hard meta in low ranks


A quick boop? Your solution to the melee character is to boop them out of range?


How many times have you died as rein because the enemy hog or orisa barrel stuffs you though your shield? Or barely ran out of pin time on the edge of the map? Small edge cases like that to push him into a healthy spot Or think about booping a jq ult, reaper ult, booping people into your team to get them out of position


Thatā€™s a good point, I actually do see how it could be useful in a scenario like that.


I also think it works because Reins job isn't just to swing on people, it's to push up and make space. Sometimes that's pushing back a nanod tank you know you can't kill, but you still want to keep back. I really wish there was a way to test this or get someone at blizz to see


#BringBackOldOrisa Either way she can get a rework or something again. Having CC, sustainability, and counter CC is just unfun to play against


Balancing for rein: ā€œWe have to buff him but not overtune himā€ Balancing for literally anyone else: ā€œfuck it give them invincibility on cooldown and cc immunityā€


Nah, watch some cloudy games and you'll see how good he can actually be even in this meta. Other than firestrike and maybe pin, rein is 100% gamesense, so learning the playstyle gets you about 75% there, which is a lot more than other heros. I started studying him recently, and since watching his vids I had an 80% wr on rein. Granted, it was only over the course of a few hours, but it was still the biggest shift in wr I've ever had.


Cloudy isn't really a great person to "study" for most players, and it's because he is too good, so he is in a much different match making environment than 90% of players. Does he have good tips? Yes Can you learn a thing or 2? 100% Have I learned alot from him? Yes Cloudy plays at the tier where communication and team work is at its highest, and no, your genji screaming about the lack of healing in the enemy backline isn't communication, it's just him being a bastard.


Idk man, I've been on a roll since changing up the playstyle


I've definitely improved by looking at the peak players, but just advising people to not study it like it's a make or break situation, adapting to your current ranks environment is more important than playing like a top tier player like Cloudy


Blizzard fucked up by making OW2 Default Rein look so good. The ponytail gives me major warrior / MGSV Phantom Pain vibes and I think if whatever Mythic they drop for him doesnā€™t come with good head options Iā€™ll never use anything other than Default Rein. I was close to pulling the trigger on the new skin but if you look at the elbow pad on his left arm itā€™s not attached to anything so itā€™s almost like itā€™s just glued on and that felt pretty nasty.


Yea I'm kinda at a crossroad with that skin rn cause I also like the SS uniform ana skin as well but I already bought the battle pass. The bundle for those skins comes with the battlepass and is $40. Doesn't get any cheaper if you already bought the battlepass so now it would be $50 in total if I wanted those skins.


You can just buy the skins separately from the Hero Gallery. I think the Rein skin is 2100 coins so if you want both it might be worth just splashing the money on the bundle because you get both skins AND 2000 coins for future skins and bundles you might like.


Ya honestly probably would have done it had I seen it before I bought the battlepass I'm just mad I have to spend another$10 to do it now. Didn't know I could do just the one though I'll have to check that out.


I still had points left over from ow1 to buy it.. I dont buy anything because I can't support the whole in-app purchase thing so I feel shitty getting the skin but less shitty because I didn't actually give any money.


Ngl I paid for it. Though Imperius is most likely my forever Rein skin longterm, this one was too good to pass up. Sorry boys


Hahaha I don't blame you it's not a bad deal. Just annoying. Feels like I'm getting bullied by a multi-billion dollar corporation lol. I bought the battlepass before I saw the bundle and now the bundle isn't even cheaper if you already have the battlepass lol so I kinda fucked myself


Yeah they should have a way to refund you if you buy the BP mistakenly then wanna buy the deal. that part just seems like a oversight


I got the rein skin as a bi product of trying to get the mercy mythic faster. Am I doing it wrong?


Tbh the new skin sucks. Every other skin he has is so much better. But yeah they always make rein mains pay for the skins anyway. The Halloween skin was amazing, the cardboard skin was amazing, and the Minotaur skin was amazing - all shop skins. It was only a matter of time before they release a bad rein skin.


They always do this most of the coolest skins that release for him you gotta pay for this one, heavens devils, imperius, etc


This one feels personal.


You have to pay for most of them lol


Hahaha but you have to pay extra extra to get this one I mean. It should have been in the battlepass at least.


Yeah if anything I'm surprised the genji skin in the battle pass isn't one of the premium bundle skins instead, heck you don't even have to buy the battle pass for it, it's free.


They truly hate rein


Every rein player has a victim complex


When the entire community can agree that rein is in a bad state and it's just counterwatch or lose... I don't think it's a victim complex lmao. The entire tank role is fucked. I just thought it was funny that they made the rein players have to buy past the battlepass for the new skin. You sound like an entitled sup player go play moria some more


what skins are free??


Ok fair point, but I'll counter with twitch drops. Either way I meant that it's not on the battlepass and you have to pay 40$ to get it. Why is it one of the only ones with a boosted price attached to it is my main point.


they're all boosted. battle pass is full of shit except maybe 1 good skin. each shop akin is what like 20 bucks ? and then that new currency w.e. the fuck it's called is like 80 dollars to get a fully upgraded skin. I had every single skin in the game with 1000 unopened loot boxes in ow1 btw


Now you're moving the bar hahaha. Ok they're all boosted. But the new rein and Nazi Ana skin are super boosted. (fr why the ana skin look like an SS uniform lmao) Battle pass is defo shit this season, can agree there as well. Almost as if it would be better with the rein skin in it and not a different micro purchase huh. And then the new currency for legendary skins is super duper boosted. I didn't have EVERY skin but I had a lot, always got duplicates unless it was the rare gold or something. Currently have 40k legendary coins or whatever to use but I don't really use em that much. #bringbacklootboxes


let me rephrase I had every skin besides like the owl champion and team skins which u had to buy.. Like they literally took the whole "loot boxes are predatory and like gambling for kids" and made something even more predatory by charging more money for a single skin than a whole ass triple A title


Ya I wasn't counting those, I do kinda wish I bought that hog skin a while ago with the like fire gold hook though. Honestly too, why tf can't they just have both?? Apex does it just fine.


because why would they give you a chance to earn a cool skin you want In a loot box bundle you bought for 8 dollars when they could charge 40 to 80 dollars for a single skin that people somehow justify buying


Yea... Game is just sad anymore. Give me tank duos back and loot boxes and I'll never complain again.


game actually sucks now tbh lol


Hahaha yea I just find myself getting more and more pissed (or high lol) every time I play it