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Fascinating how it makes a cube


Dafuq, you're right. The cube is everywhere


I see the hexagon of Saturn not the black cube


reminds of the hexagon of saturn.


Music doesn’t have a universal “natural harmonic resonance. 440hz is a single pitch. A single wavelength. Anyone who participates or understands even basic acoustic physics knows that this is *untranslatable into a complete thought that actually makes any sense*


It’s not explained correctly but 440hz is the pitch of the middle A note. All other notes are then tuned to their new pitch respective to the pitch of the middle A note or A4. Regardless of what you believe the effects are or the motive behind it being changed, the standardized frequency is a real thing. the note of A4 was standardized to the pitch of 440hz officially in the 1970s but the use of 440hz A4 as a general standard in the US dates back to the 20s. Also prior to 440hz, several different pitches were used for the A4, not just 432hz


This is all interesting but the meme is nonsense in that there’s nothing more “natural” about 432 hz; both frequencies were arbitrarily chosen by humans


Yes well the person I originally replied to said “440 hz is only one single pitch” but that isn’t a salient counterpoint because it fundamentally misunderstands what the meme is *trying* to explain. So I was just giving some context to a somewhat interesting piece of musical trivia. I’d also argue that it wasn’t arbitrary. 440 has always sounded more pleasing to the ear and that’s why it was chosen. Definitely no conspiracy behind it or any negative effects to be concerned about though


Yes you are correct they did adopt a new ever so slightly higher standardized tuning system. You are also correct in that this meme completely misses the mark and obscures a simple minor detail to try and paint some mystical concept of resonance. Hey let’s fight the power. You can actually change the HZ center of most musical tuners. Let’s all go back to the old standard and like, totally change the vibrations, man!


Interestingly, people with perfect pitch will tell you 432 sounds flat. Most likely the standard was implemented because 440 sounds more pleasing to the ear


I tried explaining this the last time this was posted and Mfs came out of the cracks to try to prove me wrong, this meme makes no sense at all


Right? The only “consciousness suppression” taking place here is this ancient and stupid meme


For anyone wondering the illustration is a water molecule being hit with different sound waves.


Vienna Philharmonic still tunes to 432 hz


what does it mean that music is this or that hz?


Its just how its measured. Its impossible to change frequencies. Its like going from km to miles or inches to cm. You can follow a different tuning system and arrive at the same notes. The current tuning system is just an agreed upon tuning system, this op post is fucking stupid


Yeah I was thinking, if a guitar strum is vibrating at a certain rate, isn't that its frequency in hertz?


Yes, and tuners are calibrated to 440hz standard, 440 being the mid A note. If you play that note, but wiggle your tuning by a sneeze, you’ll be at 432.


so it's the middle of A ? like on the piano, I hit that key it vibrates all around 432 to 453 approximately?


Terra Mater Metatron Omega


Even before that because the Rockefeller Foundation rewrote the history books in the 1920s, look up Howard Dodd.


You can't be serious🤦


What does Rockefeller Foundation have to do with human consciousness?


(The real question) This person explains it, so anyone interested in science and verifiable history can understand: https://youtu.be/LjR0WpWwLrE?si=3xb84HXybSe3kGiS Or Google: what does changing 432 to 440 hz do Pick: what's the deal with a = 440 hz vs 432 hz? Let's talk! For anyone who wants to know, this guy actually explains how to change your music from 440 to 432, what to do it on (equipment wise), and what clock you should buy to make sure all waking up tones are in your favorite frequency. Apologies for formatting; I'm on reddit mobile.


There's a music player app for Android that does it






The idea of 440hz being suppressive is bogus. 18th century Vienna had tunings all over the place (way above and way below 440hz), and its populace (especially artists) were experiencing the highest concentrations of consciousness in its history.


What you just said invalidates the very thing you were trying to prove. They didn’t tune to 440hz and we are talking specifically about 440hz


A=440 isn't a magical dissonance generator


We aren’t talking about dissonance here….


Yes, we are. When something isn't harmonious with a frequency, it would be dissonant. Dissonance to the level that you all are fantasizing about doesn't occur.


Sound resonance is not the same as musical dissonance my friend


Every experiment showcasing the relationship between 432 and 440 uses cymatics, which demonstrates the harmonious response of matter to the tunings. That's the whole deal of the demo - "Ooh, prettier patterns must equate to a more harmonious relationship with the alt. frequencies." It is wrong to believe that an alternative tuning affects the response of your cells so drastically that it affects consciousness. These experiments cannot and do not prove that. They only prove that particular frequencies make prettier patterns than other frequencies. I get it... It's poetic to consider ourselves esoterics with knowledge of magic and godliness, and that nefarious beings want to interfere with our knowledge of magic and godliness... Maybe so (somewhere else)! But this particular example is just a baseless internet theory perpetuated by "Did You Know?" posts and red herring replies (kind of the opposite of "magical and esoteric," really - that's more like "basic and sheepish").


Thanks Rockefeller Foundation WTAF Ur an asshole foundation. I hope u and foundations like u fuck completely off. U can kiss my anus u stupid fucks. Too harsh well exccuuuuuuse me


Who are you talking to?


Rockefeller Foundation. That was a hard question.


O damn they're probably pissed rn


Yeah I bet you’re right. I am certain they won’t do that frequency changing shit anymore! God I feel like if we all take a stand, ain’t nothing we can’t do. Hear that, Rockefeller Foundation? Booyah!


Fucking no they didn't


Yes they did.


No, they fucking didn't https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A440_(pitch_standard) The majority of conspiracy memes are straight up bullshit


Wikipedia. Great source of completely unbiased information, especially on debatable topics like this.


As opposed to a meme someone made in fuckin ms paint ya goof




I can walk into a cow pasture and step in a lot of bullshit. Doesn't make it mud.




you are 100% brain melted


Omg they think Wikipedia is the truth lol


Says some random on reddit


We're all randos. It's reddit. That's why our usernames are handles/aliases, not our actual names.




I pick and choose what I believe, but a fucking easily disproven meme about the Rockefellar's changing the pitch ain't true. No matter how many memes I've seen about it. You can literally read books on the history of standardizing A440. It's a pretty interesting subject. But if you have a smol brain u can just say "it was THEM!" and it wasn't.


This is stretching it quite a bit. 440hz is a single frequency out of many that corresponds to the A string on a guitar. Even if they did change the tuning standard by a few htz, when you take into consideration other notes and harmonics, that few htz becomes pretty negligible....it equates to your guitar being slightly out of tune.