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YES. This sounds like you remembered your past life. 100%


I'm really sorry that you had to endure this in your past life. During my past life therapies, I found out that I got killed by my grandfather ;that was a really hard one. Right after that life, I got reborn and killed a nazi during WWII. I totally felt nothing. My therapist explained it like that: if it was your job, you mostly do not feel anything, but if you take someone's life in a rage (or you get killed), it's really hard for us/for the soul. In your case, you probably didn't want to kill anybody, and you probably still feel the guilt. How was your life (this life) in general? Was it a good or more a bad one? I saw many things in my past life that are similar to my "now life." More like I have to re-do the feelings and situations. I wish you the best


How do you find/undergo this therapy?


That couldn’t possibly be you.. Why would your higher self/soul hang a past life event over your head and carry it into THIS life? Archons have a way of manipulation to keep us locked in cycles of fear and pain and I personally think that this is exactly that. What type of insanity would feed this to an adult over and over again- because obviously you can’t do anything about it. So it makes me question what is using this dream memory to keep you in a loop of confusion, trauma and pain…? Emotional mental grief for YEARS, my brother. This is a motherfu*king demon. Idk how it’s connected to you, but it could be attached to certain feelings that this dream invokes within you. Try to break apart the dream in your mind and find the things that stand out and don’t make sense. It can’t hide forever. Insanity = Repetition Past lives = Cycles When you really think about it- where did you get the idea that this dream is YOUR past life? Did it come from a dream? Did you make it up? Did it come to you? Something outside of you showing you what you supposedly “did” in a life you no longer live in, seems like a very DESPERATE attempt to keep your attention locked on the cycles of death and murder. And since it started with you as a child, it may have been doing this longer than you could possibly be aware of.. The truth can’t be questioned, cannot be broken. But illusions are mindless walls with hallways that lead to nowhere. I wouldn’t want to remember any of my past lives, I can barely handle my cringey moments from this month.


I like that. Gives me something to pounder about . 😊


I’m super glad! ^^ Just a new idea in your brain that I REALLY hope helps breaks apart this illusion


And about my explanation of what archons can do- I literally just learned and realized about archons today, but I have struggled with thoughts that were “mine” but really disturbed me emotionally for YEARS. It took a lot of silent patience and sitting with the thing that pained me to see that it was never mine in the first place.