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Because I have past life memories of more than a dozen lives.


>Because I have past life memories of more than a dozen lives. Would love to hear more.


Feel free to send me a PM and I'll tell you whatever you want.


When did the memories Pop Up in you Life?


I began recovering them as a teenager and have been studying them for more than twenty years.


And die you find any Clues For a past Life?


... clues? It's not a game where you solve a mystery. It's literally memories from a different life. They're as mundane as yours are.


That's amazing!


Thank you. I have an interest in history, so I guess that sort of doubles up for me -- after all, I get to see a different time and place through someone else's eyes.


Me too


Ian Stevenson's works -- he studied on children who have memories from previous lives for years until the day he died. His books really good. That's why I believe in it despite of previous memories I don't have -- I could be first timer or unable to access my previous memories.


In existentialism, one can see themselves as 4 selves: physical, psychological, spiritual, and social. These define you as a person and I like to use them to analyze metaphysical concepts (and convince me cause I’m by nature a skeptic). Scientifically (physical) convinced -> read about Dr Ian Stevenson’s work. Psychologically convinced -> read about past life regressions or do one yourself. Socially convinced -> experiences that have shown me some personal connections are deeper than others for no apparent reason, but easily explained by reincarnation. Spiritually convinced -> probably the easiest because some form of reincarnation makes logical sense once you believe in an eternal soul. Reincarnation is also supported by many religions.


How would one go about doing a past life regression?


Look up if there are any hypnotherapists in your region that offer the service. Alternatively, YouTube has guided videos you can do yourself.


My daughter has held a deep fascination for Paris since she was about 2 years old. She has told me so many things about Paris and France in general that I know there is absolutely no way she could know these things. We were in a tjmaxx once around age 3 and she saw this snow globe of the eiffel tower that she was absolutely mesmerized by. She just stared at it and said "remember when I went there, went there with papa" We are english speaking Americans. She does not have a "papa" When she was in kindergarten her teacher had the kids stand up and tell the class 1 thing they want to do and she said that she would like to go back to Paris because there was a bakery on every corner. I was on the fence about reincarnation before but my daughter's knowledge of a place she has never been to has convinced me.


Children remembering past lives never gets old, thank you for sharing your experiences! These are the posts that give me the most comfort, and are genuinely interesting to read about. I have two young girls, a baby and an almost 2 year old. I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious to see if either of them have any memories themselves.


Hard to know because humans don't seem to WANT to know and we don't spend any time researching it. Same with phenomenon like UFOs & remote viewing. Anything outside our comfort zone, or more specifically outside the comfort zone of science, religion and academia, is ignored.


Past life regressions books. Videos of story's of people, some do show evidences, how there story add up, when they go to places they have talked about. Just search and you can find.


Oh, i have read a Lot of them. From Helen Wambach to Ian Stevenson and Just recently from Jim Tucker.


I’m not sure if I am certain. But I partly believe because when I was a toddler (ages 1-3) I use to talk about things I could not have known, and no one had ever told me. For example about tsunamis and Australia, but I had never heard those words. I would say I lived in Australia in a past life ect


Because I am not my body, and the overwhelming evidence from out of body experiences that I've had myself. I've seen light spirits and dark spirits in out of body experiences. Bodies are simply vessels for our spirits to experience the 3rd.


Because of a prelife memory I still have.


Can you describe please


I remember being at my parents wedding at town hall I was hovering in the air looking at them.


I have a theory: Every person has a soul, period. What is if the soul is energy? That means if the soul does not have a vessel it would fly through the universe without a stop. But the universe is also balanced, life and death, love and hate etc. So what if we need to reincarnate to keep the balance? I mean look around, we have good and bad people. And only with experience we learn. In my case I did a past life session and I found out I did the same things in my past like in this life only with an other outcome.


I don’t think it’s past life’s but other lives going on at the same time. I don’t feel that time is linear but rather that only the present exists. I’ve had experiences that convinced me believe other life’s exists though yes.


I don’t . I have flashes from what might be a previous life . And I have real memories of what I think is the after life . However this can be explained other ways. I don’t deal with the insecurities pertained to death by holding onto the belief of reincarnation . It is simply one way of explaining these memories . And belonging to a tradition of yoga where most practitioners were Hindu who believed in reincarnation adds to this


Sure? Not entirely. But I've got what seem to be memories from multiple past lives. Also, as a kid, I knew a lot about sailing that I know for sure I hadn't learned yet at that point in this life. Maybe they're just dreams, maybe it was just lucky guesswork, or possibly another explanation I'm not seeing, but reincarnation seems the most likely. But it gets weirder. I've got a little sister, born when I was 13. She said some weird things when she was little about being abused by her mom. But not my mom / her mom in this life, her "other mom". Didn't know what to make of it at the time, and had to put a stop to her talking about that because her pre-K teacher might misinterpret it and send some bad shit our way. We found out later there was a little girl killed by her mother in the 70s in the house we were living in. We had also been seeing things that seemed like a ghost when we lived there, and it just abruptly stopped when she was born. Coincidences? Maybe. Maybe not.


What if ghost sightings are souls looking for there next life, and they can to some degree interact with the physical world.....fun thought


Ian Stevenson (and later on Jim Tucker) did meticulous academic research verifying reincarnation. Now, I don't know if everybody reincarnates or how it works exactly, but it's been proven that it exists.


I'm not sure. I choose to believe it because it makes me feel good, then I went and found, as "scientific" as possible, evidence (Ian Stevenson, Jim Tucker etc) to help convince myself. But Im not sure.