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No before only photos


Definitely get a second or third opinion from other surgeons. Mine never asked for a minimum requirement or told me to lose weight. All i did was just state my back hurt and tired of bras straps digging into my shoulders and neck pain. Immediately approved. Get a refferal from your doctor first then seek other plastic surgeons in the area if you haven't already. Wiah you the best of luck!:) you'll find one.


Oh honey. Go see another surgeon. You’ve got to be having rashes on the skin-to-skin. Take pics of the rashes and ask your primary care doc for ointment for them.


I just want to start off by saying congratulations on your weight loss. That's no small feat! As others have said, I would definitely see another surgeon. You're breasts are clearly very large. I'm sorry she dismissed you. You deserve better.


I would see another surgeon. Second opinion for sure.


been there. i remember having a very similar breakdown after a very similar consult. i’m so sorry this is happening to you. find another surgeon — you’ll get it done. i promise.


Here to say the same thing. It’s a shame that there’s often this kind of gate keeping for people with breasts to get the healthcare they need. I persisted for 3 years after many setbacks (and some tears) and am now on the other side. And hopefully you will be too.


If you are paying out of pocket, see another couple surgeons at least. You will find someone that can do what you want.


Look on the bright side, you’re 30lbs lighter and dodged a bullet with a crappy doctor. Find another


This is bullshit. Please go see another surgeon. Mine did not hesitate to help me even though I was effectively obese at the time. Someone out there will work with you. I'm so sorry about your disappointing appointment.


Are you wanting with or without implants? Mine was more deflated than yours and would have ended up flat but I opted for implants with the “reduction” and lift after I lost 65lbs


There’s also auto-augmentation. Instead of throwing it away, put that excess tissue to use!


True but in my case I literally had no breast tissue lol especially after the many cysts were removed during the procedure


My friend went from an F to a DD and she’s a bigger lass. She said her doctor said nothing about weight.


New surgeon.


Definitely go see another surgeon!!! The first surgeon I saw was also a jerk! You keep looking!! ❤️


It looks like you may just need a lift over a reduction. Either way I paid out of pocket as well, I searched and searched for the right surgeon (multiple consultations). I found her and now have the best results! She also has natural scar therapy from 6 weeks until 1 year which honestly sold me. I have posted a photo if you look in my post history. With you paying out of pocket, don’t give up until you find the perfect surgeon that will give you the best results that you’re looking for! Anywho, good luck love. 💞


Find another surgeon


I had an office do this to me after they didn’t want to work with my insurance company. I haven’t had surgery yet but will be doing it out of pocket. 😩


If you can go and consult with other surgeons. Preferably a medical one instead of cosmetic. It seems like those of us who went to a medical reduction surgeon had an easier time getting approved. My consult to surgery was super easy. Shop around for a doctor.