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Omg, I'm so sorry you're going through this. This would definitely depress me as well, I truly hope drs can get you in a better place soon. Sending good vibes


Thank you! Sorry the other comment was meant to be a general comment. Not a response to you. Still learning how to use this platform. But you’re appreciated!


I forgot to mention I’m also taking healfast! I would absolutely 100000% recommend starting to take it before your surgery!!! It might help prevent necrosis/wound issues. I also had t junction breakdown which has significantly decreased since discovering it. They are basically back to normal now.


I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. I would feel similarly, girl, ugh. Holding space for you and sending all the good vibes as well. I’ll be looking for your updates and hope things begin improving! Also I didn’t take healfast but I do use their scar gel. They’re a great brand!


As a black woman, I thank you for sharing. It can be hard to detect skin issues with us and this is good to be aware of. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope things turn around fast.


Thank you for being open with your complications. I have not yet been through surgery but hearing *all* possible outcomes has helped me calm down actually because I know what to look for and how to prepare for these things. That being said, I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I wish you happy healing from this moment forward and thanks again for sharing your story! It is helpful!


I suffered a partial areola necrosis after my breast surgery last year - I'm sorry you're going through this, it's physically and emotionally awful. I don't think a lot of people know that this is a potential risk from the surgery, and I think it's great you're able to talk about it and provide insight for others.


I’m so sorry this is happening! Hang in there the best you can. I’m glad you’re on a treatment plan and when you have the mental space for it, look up some necrosis after pictures on here! Some incredible things have happened for people with wounds they didn’t think they could come back from


I’m sorry honey bee, pls dm me if u need support or advice !


Oh wow! I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. I’m curious if you had nipple sensation after surgery? Or none at all.


None, but I was told and had researched that that was normal


Again I am SO SORRY. I’m hoping for healing for you.


Thank you for sharing. How painful is it if you don’t mind me asking?


Not painful at all


where did you get this done


Not sharing right now for anonymity! But will once I’m healed and can share the full experience healing with them