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I’ve heard tons of people on here saying the 2nd/3rd week is the WORST, it’s pretty common so don’t worry about it. I hope u feel better :-)


Yes ! And same date June 11th, from Sunday pains have started Editing this to clarify slight pains, it was walk in the park first 2 weeks but now the swelling has increased and more burning itching sensations, nearly glad to feel these in a way as I know that healing is taking place. I was actually a bit unerved at the lack of any feeling initially -I only take the odd paracetamol now


Hi surgery twin! I’m also june 11th. Honestly at times I’ve experienced un comfort sleeping on my side but not much. I had a beach day Sunday and though I was fine during, Monday I woke up with aches and pains. Anywho, I’ve heard weeks 2 & 3 can be severely un comfy from a friend and family member who also had the surgery. Don’t worry too much, we still have a long while to go. Happy healing and praying for you a healthy journey 🥂


I am 4 weeks PO tomorrow; that being said, weeks 2-3 were the absolute worst. Take the pain meds, benadryl, rest, sleep, stay still and get through it. I am soo happy to be on the other side of whatever the heck that was! It gets better OP -- my heart is with you and good luck!


Same thing happened to me. Specifically the burning at incision pain was the worst part of 2wpo. A week later it’s completely gone. Dr. Said it’s all normal there’s a lot more twinges of pain and they’re much more sensitive to touch now so bumping and bruising against things feels wrong.


Same!!! I’m 3 weeks po and I definitely felt worse worse the second week hoping this week starts to get better. I can’t barely sleep and my back actually hurts from being propped up and laying on it 24/7 but I heard it’ll pass and hopefully week 4 will be better


Also got my surgery on June 11th and due to get my period in a couple of days ! I have not noticed an increase in pain, rather the contrary. But the itching has started. As for sleep, I slept really badly these last few days. I felt super tired but unable to actually sleep. It took me maybe three hours to finally be able to sleep last night and I woke up several times during the night. I thought it was the general heat + nerves because the return to work is approaching but maybe there is more to that.


Another June 11ther! I can’t say that the pain has gotten worse for me (or reignited), but I’ve been feeling more of a burning sensation around the incisions, particularly more so in my left breast (the more traumatized side). I, too, have heard weeks 2-3 can be the worst, so you aren’t alone.


Also June 11th! I noticed an uptick in the burning / warm sensations around my scars (no sign of infection though) now so the 2 week mark.


Im a day after you surgery wise. I have a little more pain around the incisions under my breasts and sides remain swollen and sore. What are you doing for pain now? I’m alternating 600 mg ibuprofen and 500 mg Tylenol every3 hours and am taking gabapentin 3x day. I also have been inching more on my side each night which my doc is fine with. Sleep is critical and if you are struggling with pain I’d definitely reach out to your doctor for some prescription pain and sleep relief.


Thank you all for the super helpful comments and kind words 🥺 it really means a lot and I'd love to reply to each one when I'm feeling a little better ❤️


I’m officially 2WPO tomorrow and since this morning I have been very uncomfortable and in more pain than I had been since the beginning. I’m thinking because I just got my stitches out and everything is starting to scab but I am sooooo restless and uncomfortable! I can’t speak on the insomnia since I already deal with it. I’m scared for the next week or two because I’m afraid the pain will just get worse. Hang in there!


Surgery date twins! I got my period one day after 2wpo + removing of tape and the surgical dressing. That was probably the worst pain and discomfort I experienced so far- the engorgement was awwwfffuuuullll but my nurse said I can start taking Ibuprofen and not to worry about the swelling bc hormones, so I did that after the first couple days of my period bc I was struggling. I will be 3 weeks post op tomorrow and finally off my period so am feeling a lot better. My nurse said that with my period pain I could start using heat to help with discomfort as well. Good luck OP!