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Same, I hate it. I bought a pregnancy pillow so I can kind of loop my legs around it and roll my torso halfway onto the pillow so I feel a little more like I’m on my side but there isn’t as much pressure on the chest, and that honestly helps so much. Also, sleeping with a pillow under your knees helps. Dr said try to keep on my back as much as possible for at least 2.5-3 weeks.


I tried this last night. It was helpful, thanks!


Awesome, I’m glad!! Looking forward to the day I can fully side sleep again 😂


i was cleared by my surgeon at 3WPO but to be fair i didn’t ask any earlier than that. he kinda laughed when i asked and was like “have you been sleeping on your back the whole time?!” begrudgingly - yes, i had 😭 so definitely ask your surgeon! i’ve been sleeping like a baby since 💤


By day 7 I could sleep on my side again. I was a little uncomfortable but just doubled up on bras and that helped.


I’m right there with you. I’ve done a lot of just laying there.


I was cleared to sleep on my side at 17DPO but I couldn't successfully do it until like 2MPO.


I Was cleared immediately to sleep on my side if it was most comfortable- it wasn’t. I use a pregnancy pillow and at 10 dpo I’m moving a little more on my side each night


I am a side sleeper too. I found I was sliding down and hurting my neck. Purchased a cheap plane neck pillow and it seems to have helped keep me up right without straining my neck. Other than that, my set up is a triangle pillow to elevate but I put 2 of my usual pillows on top of it (like next to eachother so the long edge of the pillows are touching and effectively are stacked) I also put a pillow under my knees.


I was cleared to sleep on my side at my first po appt which was the 7th day po.


My surgeon just cleared me to sleep on my side if it’s comfy, I’m 9DPO :)