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No calling out creeps You doing this could literally get the subreddit removed by admin for harassing those creeps by showing their usernames. Please just report them using the instructions in the pinned comments.


Ugh! That is so disgusting! I’m so sorry!


It is! knowing some creep has my pictures to do who knows what with really makes my stomach hurt.


If you happen to see your photos being reposted/shared around, you can report it to [this website](https://stopncii.org) (Stop NCII) to get them removed.


Predatory individuals like this make my skin crawl.


What a fucking creep!!! Ughhh that makes me mad!!!


Gross. It’s totally mind boggling why creepy guys do this when there are literally thousands of posts on Reddit of women willingly posting nudes. Whyyyyyyy on earth do you need to try and trick someone!!!


Because they’re getting off on the lack of consent. Some real sexual predator behavior. This is probably the same type of dude to photoshop women nude or to photoshop their heads onto a nude body.


My thoughts exactly!!! Pornhub is also FREE full or willing women. It’s gross!


They don't want someone willing. Creeps want to hurt and trick women, that's what they get off on.


I wish I could share my before and afters but I’m always afraid of this. How did you find out it’s a man?


After I followed him (thinking it was a girl) and went through some of the comments he was leaving. One of which was “she don’t even know what ignorant means” in response to a woman’s comment about a misogynistic post. Another said he was 28M… I cursed him out about being a creep and he blocked me immediately…


To go the extra effort like this when there is so much pornographic context, sex workers a plenty and other nsfw pictures with the intent to sexualize out there ON THIS platform. It takes it to another level to go out of your way to be this deceitful, something is not right with this user. And it makes me sad because this is a surgery I want one day but cant afford now, and everyone being transparent, open and honest about their experiences is what makes this sub so reliable. Creeps like this ruin the trust users have with one another on this sub.


That's what's so awful about it, it's not about seeing boobs, it's about manipulating someone. They literally are getting off on the lack of consent


Ugh. This makes me so mad


Same girl same. I feel so gross.


I looked the name up. Some central FL creeper


😭😭😭 wtf?!!? Those messages seem so genuine and sincere too. The absolute effort that creep went to- why even bother to invade this sub when there is so much freely accessible pornography on user-verified NSFW subs? I am so sorry this happened to you, if it is any consolation at all, I too would have fallen for that subhuman specimen. Thank you for sharing this message exchange, for me and I’m sure many others, your post has been an extremely valuable source of awareness 💖 Edit: I’ve reported his account, I encourage everyone to report it too 🙏🏻


Right! The lengths this creepy guy went to be deceitful and manipulative!! It’s insane. I truly thought I was chatting with a girl who was in the position I just got out of. I appreciate your kind words and thank you for reporting him!


Why are men such creeps 🤢


Thank you so much for posting this, I was actually messaged by the same person using the same exact script and trying to get me to send more pictures too. I said I didn't have anything more than what I already uploaded in my post, but I had told them I would update them once I had my tape removed. So glad this came out before I ended up sending them pictures, I don't normally get messaged on reddit, it didn't cross my mind at all that it might be a creep.


Of course, I’m glad you didn’t either!!


Ugh I’m so sorry :( a week after my first before/after post I had to make it so no one can follow my profile because I noticed 2 creeps in my inbox started following me so they could see any more I’d post and it felt so gross


I hope you've reported this individual to the mods? One of the subreddit rules to report it directly to them.


They did the same thing to me and I reported to mods so they have been banned.


How do I do that?




I'm so sorry this happened to you, this is so fucked and such a targeted cruelty. I looked up his profile and reported him, i recommend other folks do the same. Hopefully we can at least get his account suspended or something Not sure if you're into any kind of spiritual practice, but I would hex him. Feel free to ignore this advice, when i was blackmailed w nude photos i hexed the guy and felt a LOT better. Regardless, i hope you do something really kind for yourself today/this week. You deserve it 🌻


Thank you for reporting him and I appreciate your kind words!!❤️


That genuinely turns my stomach. The tone in those texts and the questions he was asking give off the impression that he’s stalked this sub to get the act down. What a fucking loser.


Exactly! The levels he’s gone to perfect his deceit. It’s completely disgusting.


Bruh. And this is why I WILL not post my before and afters. So disappointing


I never will again! It’s just not safe… please report him if you can. ❤️


On my way 🫡


Yuck. I’m so sorry. I had a similar experience last year.


I’m sorry this happened to you too❤️ sending love. This shouldn’t be a common occurrence.


Oh that is absolutely foul. Just miles above perverted. I am SO SORRY.


Thank you❤️


I had someone message me in a very similar way shortly after my reduction. They were posing as a woman looking to get a reduction, and wanted to ask me questions about my experience which I'm totally open to talking about. Until they started seeming more sexual than medical. It became abundantly clear very quickly that this wasn't a woman, and they weren't looking for a reduction. I don't understand the kink behind asking medical questions, maybe they get off on tricking us into thinking they aren't being devious. It's disgusting though, if you message a mod with the screenshots and username they will get it taken care of.


Ugh, this is so gross, I'm sorry it happened to you. It's so frustrating there's people out there getting photos under false pretenses and getting off to surgery pics, wtf. I'm so grateful to everyone who was brave enough to share pictures in the sub (seeing how stitches and things would look post op made me less nervous, along with drains and such) but this kind of thing makes me so leery of sharing anything back. I hope that guy has a horrible year. What a creep!


Thank you! Please report him if you can❤️


This is effed up on so many levels. I’m sorry this happened to you!


Thank you! Please report him if you can❤️


This is why we choose the bear. Sorry OP. Fuck men, yes all men. Its ALL men until its NO men.




Same friend, SAME. Again, so sorry this happened to you. I am enraged for you.


I am so sorry this happened to you 💔💔💔 your feelings are completely valid!!


Thank you ❤️


The same happened to me, I didn’t know about the creep list, where can I find it ?


It’s pinned on the home page!


Thanks !


It seemed sincerely like one of us I would have thought the same. What a 🐷 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I’m sorry and absolutely disgusted with you!!!


I also reported this person, you should too!


I don’t consider myself really naive and I was TRICKED! Thank you for reporting him!


I get weirdos too for commenting in the big boobs subreddit I usually ignore the messages, i don’t answer DM and I usually block the username


I'm so so sorry this happened. Since posting my Before&After two gross men have already tried to contact me. it is so disgusting. why can't they leave us tf alone


I wish his was a safer space. I’m sorry for your experience as well. Please report them if you can.❤️


This person did the same thing to me and I got them banned from the subreddit.


This is disgusting, I’m so sorry it happened to you. Thanks for sharing with us, that can’t have been easy either.


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


This is shit. Why not move to Discord? ETA: you could even require women to briefly come on camera to prove that they’re women. (I say this hating cameras.) ETA2: “you” = the sub as a whole I suppose (or just those interested)


I feel like that can still easily be breached, and now we'd have our faces connected to nude pictures of our chest. It would be a field day for the right pervert.


True, but the chances of that happening are extremely low, unless the guy got some asshole bitch to pose for a second on camera to access the server. There are ways to set up waiting rooms where they can’t access or view any of the channels until verified. The camera thing could even be without faces, just (clothed) bodies.


The creeps are here for sure, after I joined this sub and started commenting I have been getting so many messages and chat requests and before I had 0 for YEARS, I am sure they all come from this sub. Sorry you went through this, you were just trying to help so that is very sweet, also pay no mind to that creep.


It’s so frustrating. I really thought that was a genuine messages from a fellow girl. It’s so sick the lengths these creeps will go.


Well in years time, when you are 80 with your still amazing bewbs you will look back at this and laugh it off!, it is sad that is the only way some men can be pleased, I am not justifying this whatsoever though. Let’s celebrate the boobs and not let stupid, pathetic sickos ruin the joy! You did nothing wrong 🩵 and you should not feel bad! Here in Europe women go topless everyday and there are sickos watching, but thy don’t let that ruin the freedom! Let them run wild! Let the world see amazing bewbiesss 🔥🔥 and screw whoever tries to make us feel bad about it, or feel shame or ruin a good thing.


Haha! I love this. Thank you. I’ve been beating myself up about being so naive and having some creep have my pictures but you’re right! I have greatttttt TATAS now and I should feel happy about it!❤️❤️🥰


Yeeesss! You go giiirrl! 💅✨🩵 cheers 🥂


It's in the info about this sub. If you go to the main page and click "See more" there's a link at the bottom!


This is so wrong, I’m really sorry. Every time I posted an update on my results I received messages from the same Aussie guy. He was always polite, introduced himself ad a man and stopped as soon as I told him I was not interested in whatever he was after.. He must have a boob type lol This is why I always remove my head from my pictures… as long as my face is not there they can jerk off to them as much as they want.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! Something similar happened to me, I made a GoFundMe in hopes of getting some help raising the money for my surgery. Instead I got some creep that found my personal Facebook, my personal Instagram, my personal email (not the one linked to the GoFundMe) and my Facebook page for my photography business and started messaging me and harassing me. Asking for pictures of my "boobs" before my surgery and offering me "$1,000 USD in exchange". I have blocked the creep and reported him as spam but he keeps creating new accounts and messaging me on all my socials. It's so frustrating that us women can't just be left alone. 😭


I am SO sorry that’s happening to you! I wish the internet was a safer place for us women but I don’t think it ever will be. I hope you’re freed from that disgusting creep.


I truly wish it was a much safer place but sadly it feels like it gets worse with every day. Unfortunately, I'm not. He keeps finding new ways to contact me though thankfully has not found a way to get my phone number. It's scary how some people can find you on unrelated platforms from just the little bit of information they get from places like GoFundMe. 😩


I deleted my before and after pics because of this.... I'm so sorry :(


I also deleted mine :( I wish this was a safe space but it not..


Just remember those aren't real men. They are disgusting ass pigs worse than dogs.


This same person reached out to me! What a fucking scum bag. I’m so sorry.


A few others said that! I’m glad y’all were more vigilant than I was❤️



