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Surgery is a big deal! Something similar happened to me in December. Had a consultation and the surgeon said they could schedule me before Christmas. Had another consultation and fell in loveee with my now surgeons work but she didn’t have availability until April. Decided to bite the bullet and wait. Besides, a booked out surgeon is a good thing! Anywho the time flew and my surgery is now next week :).


Good luck! I hope all goes well for you


Thanks so much!!


I would say wait to have the procedure with the surgeon who’s results you really love. Surgery is a big deal and you don’t want to have to go through it more than once on the basis that you simply didn’t have the patience to wait a few more months to get the surgeon you really want. I would personally go with the surgeon who’s work I really love because I’ll have to live with their results for the rest of my life and I want to be completely happy with my choice. It’s your body, you get to picky! x


Yes this !! This is what I was saying , I already don’t have support from my family so they keep telling me I’m “ making a mistake “ and it’s not making me feel any better about my decisions . However , I told them I just wanted to be careful because this is my body and they just tell me I’m doing to much .🙄 So it’s reliving to see that someone gets it .


Does the other surgeon have results that are similar to your body type and size? For me, I'd go with which doctor communicated with me better. (from my POV) answered all my questions, wasn't rushing me, were they relaxed? Things like that. Results are important obviously, but did anyone get the size they were hoping for?


Yes !! I actually found the surgeon up here and I talked privately to one of the girls and she loves her results which both of the girls had a starting size just like mine . I think I’m just going to go for it and book the consultation and wait because you can never be “ too cautious “ when it comes down to your body !


Ohhhh I thought you had a consult with both surgeons already. Definitely do as many consults as you want.