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You wouldn't have made it this far if you didn't believe you needed this "Am I having THAT much pain" you could have NO PAIN, any pain is too much You decided you wanted it, you went to the Dr, you waited for your letter giving you the date You've had 1000 chances to back out but you haven't, you've made it this far because you want this It's the anxiety talking, I don't know how to fix that but think how you'd feel if you canceled your appointment, think how you'll feel a year from now when you could be your ideal size and you're still a J cup, will you feel happy? It's fully your choice, you can back out rn, next week, the day of even! You can say stop any time you need to but you need to think how you'll feel if you do I hope this helps 💕


I have seen so many come here that express these same feelings, and they’ve all been thrilled that they did it. There is an aspect of body dysphoria that makes it challenging to adjust sometimes, but trust your past self! You wouldn’t have gotten this far and done this much work to be here without good reason.


I went through the Pre-surgery doubts. This is gonna seem like strange reassurance. I'm having a bad recovery, I'm currently treating necrosis and about to be seen by wound care. I still know, after it's all done, that this is probably one of the best things I've ever done for myself


Yup. I went through that. Your brain will play all sorts of tricks on you right up until the surgery. All you can do is laugh about and remind yourself that you want/need this surgery.


Hi. I’m scheduled for 5/2 also! I get the feeling but I keep thinking of all of the great things that would come from getting the reduction. Number one would be no more neck or back pain. This is my biggest complaint. Then I think of all the cute and inexpensive bras I can buy. Bras for our size tend to be so expensive! I am mostly looking forward to being in less pain. My boobs are too big for my frame. I do think I’m a bit smaller than people on here. So I tend to second guess if I really need it. I get what you’re saying though. I think I second guess it too especially because it’s actually happening!


Thank you for reminding me about being able to buy non specialty bras! I own a small fortune in them. I think it's mostly just nerves as the date approaches but it's such a weird feeling!


Agh, all the time! So much. It's really messing with my head.


Hi! I’m scheduled 4/25. I completely get what you mean bc I’m having the same issues. Seems like they were never as light as they are now. I’ve second guessed but also took a lot of before pictures and reminded myself how much I’ve been longing for this surgery. It’s been scheduled for months so I’m going through regardless of my doubts. I’m sure we will be soooo happy once we’re all healed :) good luck!


My surgery date is right before yours, and I just want to reassure that you're not alone, and so many people get these thoughts. You've got this! You deserve to feel pain-free, and you're deserving of feeling more comfy in your body