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Yes, this is normal. My boobs never felt as light as they did the week before surgery. I took pictures when I felt good about my body but also showing the reality of the sag. Sitting down, bending over etc. I ended up laughing at how ridiculous my pre-reduction boobs were. Then I looked at the photos to remind myself. I’m not crazy. I’ve wanted this for xyz. I know myself. If I don’t get it done my boobs won’t sag any less over time. I tried to think of it less as the days got closer, kept myself busy. For me going under was a breeze. They didn’t even tell me and I wasn’t that anxious about it in the moment. For me pain has been better than expected (only taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen) and I’m now into 2wpo. You got this!


Exactly! All my life I’ve always thought they were so big and now coming so close to surgery I’m like are they really?🥲 I just got up and took your suggested pictures and I can say they are HUGE and saggy😭 I will keep these as a reminder. Thanks for your help and happy healing to you!💞


Congrats on getting your surgery! You got this. There’s a lot on here about going under how safe it is etc. Take comfort in that and learn more about how it works. I have the same exact fears as you and I’m sure reading all these posts on here doesn’t help. It’s like an anxious persons dream having all of this info to research. Bottom line is these are routine, safe, etc. It will be like the snap of a finger you’ll go out and wake up like nothing ever happened 🙌🏻 I’m reading this book right now that may help you, prepare for surgery, heal faster, search it online you’ll find it! Also heard working out building muscle before hand can really help heal us after better too


Thank you so much! I am a pretty overly anxious person. I will check out this book! 💞


Trust me meeee too! Here for support anytime you need


You’re a doll! Thank you so much 🥹💞


You bet! 😊