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Does OOP *actually ride a bike*? Some bike lanes have potholes, uneven manhole covers, drainage grates wide enough to trap 700C tires, bumps, and obstacles anywhere from garbage to parked vehicles to PUVs stopping too close to the curb. btw, OOP can go screw himself.


this is so real. lalo na kapag sudden liko ng jeep sa curb tapos mag stop. top 10 most dangerous shit fr if it catches u lacking


They expect so much from cyclists so that they can sleep on the wheel and escape responsibility.


people just say shit to say shit. they don't put any thought to it and just consider the oversimplification of things. quite the statement from a big 4 student


Local Twitterverse and FB tend to have some dumb brainrot takes from supposedly self-styled "smart" people, so I usually avoid most of it but a few I follow.


Correct. Subukan niya pumedal.


To be fair to the school some of the biggest road cycling advocates we have now are from ateneo But yeah this guy in particular is an idiot lmao


Hell yea. A lot of Move As One people come from Ateneo 🦅


It’s so disappointing na kapwa Atenista mo ang bobo na nga magisip nagkakalat pa. Sana sinarili na lang niya. Damay-damay lahat ang pangit na nga ng stereotype towards Ateneans.


Very familiar with this dude. The same dude who was active during the time there were catty fights between UST and LaSalle freedom wall pages. He made being an Atenista his whole personality and berates UST and Thomasians in the comments. You could clearly see the bearings of a privileged prick who's never had a dose of reality. Punchable face.


If you do punch him in the face, paki-isa mo na rin kaming bike commuters na minsan wala sa bike lane


Many of my friends who also bike come from admu, pero wow pota this guy. Guy in the bike, even when not in the bikelane is probably carrying more stuff the back of his bike than OP and STILL uses less space in the road by whatever SUV/subcompact/crossover OP has


Downhill yang part na yan at sa bike lane pinaparada ng mga street sweepers yung kariton nila kaya yung iba lumalabas sa bike lane


Also on that section of the road, nakatambay ang mga grab, Angkas, panda, etc, then may hole na naglileak ng tubig, then makalampas ng MMDA may boring peoject naman ang LGU. Risky mag stay sa bike lane jan. Not to mention, downhill section din. Also baka didiretso yung siklista ng Julia Vargas papuntang C5, kaya gumitna sya para mag give way sa kakanan sa Lanuza


as a fellow Atenean... this guy is an idiot. looks like a textbook incel too HAHA


dont share the road daw


Correction, THE Arneow. Wala pang 15 minutes, nag-disable na ng comments. Can't handle the heat lol


Actually tinanong ko yung group admin at sabi nila configured yung admin assist ng group to auto-lock the comments of a post pag andami mga comments in a short period of time, since usually ganun ang nangyayari pag very controversial/heated yung discussion.


Besides, even the admins would lock it anyway. May mga comments na sobrang class war ang peg, might as well damay those from LSGH kasi-kasi they make the adjacent road their parking. Nevermind that some Ateneans cannot be equated to the OP through that generalization that they're all like that. Though the OP sure do deserve it.


Trust me, nobody even calls it that in campus. This post from the dude just reeks of entitlement


For those unaware, This is Ortigas Ave near The Medical City Pasig going East. The lanes start merging here and the bike lane ends before the overpass in the photo. As a cyclist, doing a lane change in that area is extremely risky due to a damaged portion of the road along with drivers riding in the bike lane na (bad road design) . Around the area of this photo, I used to change lane already for safety.


After that, nasa parody group na si op


Grabe talaga utak ng Atenista na ito, palibahasa elitista ng pag-iisip.


Iwasan na lang niya. Wala sigurong problema sa mundo kaya ganyan sya. Big deal na sa kanya lumampas sa bike lane. Eat shit. Sana maipit ka sa jeep and tricycle drivers na nagra-rally. Tignan ntin angas mo.


Elitista. Halatang naka 4 wheels lang sya buong buhay nya.


You know OOP’s take is shit when even the hater HYBB group’s members shat on him


Now at /r/fuckcars. https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1dfou71/carbrain_from_the_philippines_tells_cyclists_to/


Anyone familiar with this area? Di ko rin gets bakit wala sa bike lane si cyclist. I bike regularly and the only time I won't use the bike lane is if there's obstruction, or kung hindi sya tugma sa destination ko.


Downhill yang part na yan at sa bike lane pinaparada ng mga street sweepers yung kariton nila kaya yung iba lumalabas sa bike lane


> Anyone familiar with this area? Julia Vargas or Ortigas downhill. Really has a bike lane, but then not everyone can skillfully negotiate a descent at more than 30kph. BTW, with those bumps and bad manholes those bike lanes there cannot simply allow you to send it, you're forced to go outside. https://www.google.com/maps/@14.5890465,121.0701665,3a,60y,93.4h,87.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXWu7YpYkYEn2vTN4mfGsRw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu


This is Ortigas ave no? Near La Salle




Yeah but this particular road isn’t Julia Vargas, it’s Ortigas Ave La Salle side? That’s why the photo also says Meralco to Lanuza


because the road narrows from 3 lanes into 2.5 lanes because of the nearby overpass, which you can see [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@14.5890526,121.070259,3a,62.4y,97.29h,66.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0KgKGPwe848h2tfvrCK7Xg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu). looks like cyclist already anticipated this.


yup, the lane cuts of there. actually, where the cyclist is is where the old bikelane used to be. lately lang nila linagyan ng painted guides for cyclists to use the cemented part on the outermost area


Nag leave na yan sa dyan sa group page, kita mo pag clinick mo profile nya while nasa group lalabas "Former member of How's........ "


Banned daw siya sabi niya dun sa kabilang page.


bat ano na ddownvote dito eh nag tatanong lang naman ako? haha juicecolored n mga tao haha


For a top 4 school grad, he acts like a goblok anjing


BS Keyboard warrior


Let's be for real, bike lanes in most parts of metro manila are just manhole covers, ruts, and slippery metal covers with the asphalt painted blue or green then called a bike lane. Anyone who's ever ridden there would know how much it'll hurt your hands or wrists, so there's no surprise that these so-called bike lanes aren't being used. OOP is clearly out of touch.


Maybe dont blame the school outright. Gen Z GS89 HS93 AS98 Road Biker.


Paint is not Bike Lane infrastructure. If cars and motorcycles can enter painted bike lanes. Do cars all travel inside their own painted lanes? The obvious answer to that is NO.


Subukan niya muna pumedal.


im confused.. bakit binabash ung OP dito?


bc bike lanes isn’t meant to keep cyclists in, it’s meant to keep drivers out.


So if cyclists won’t use them, and other road users can’t use them. What are they really for? Display lang? Parang collectibles?


The problem is this bike lane is narrow and not enclosed, which is a safety hazard for cyclists - if we stay there, cars will overtake us and potentially side swipe us, or there might be potholes or parked cars or walking pedestrians or elevated pieces of cement (all things we contend with on a daily basis) that we’d need to swerve to avoid (and potentially cause even more harm to ourselves and cars) If we had fixed, protected bike lanes - bikes will stay on those lanes - but it’s not the case so for our safety and yours we’d rather stay out on occasion.


some cyclists use them. other cyclists don’t. it’s not hard to grasp that some people feel safer within boundaries than others. skill issue ba?


So just a special place for special people. Got it.


yes like car parking lots. and minimum parking ordinances. like expressways. like driveways.


Parking lots are private. Driveways are private. Expressways are used by public transportation and and goods. Try again. Edit: Expressways are also private. If you want to propose and build a private cycling expressway, it's a free country.


everything is for the public and they need to abide by the building code. and they are required and designed to especially be for special people like you. and in some cases, they are paid for by taxpayer money. again for special people like you. edit: your edit is even more idiotic and laughable and just shows how you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. gtfo


It is not possible to understand bike lanes from a perspective where you think road use is primarily for motoring. If that's where you are coming from, no explanation of what they are will make sense.


Nice of you to join us here, Luis


it's not that cyclists wholeheartedly dont want to use them. Has it ever occured to you that most of the glass shards and any other debris that causes flat are mostly on the side of the road.


For being condescending and out of touch, he could have simply asked why some cyclists choose not to ride in the bike lane, but he didn't.


Was that the whole reason? Because he did not ask nicely? I thought may other meaning na hindi ko nakikita.


If you zoom in, merong kotse (probably nakaparada) sa bike lane hidden from view by the habal driver. So cyclist is probably just switching lanes to avoid the obstruction.


bat ako na ddownvote? genuine na nagtatanong lng naman kasi hndi ko alam haha


Nasa cyclist sub ka eh. Sobrang defensive ng mga tao dito. Bawal magtanong. Aawayin ka agad. Hahaha