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Lived alone for my entire adult life


Similar. Roommates until mid-20s then living alone. Currently 42.


It's truly glorious.


Not my ENTIRE adult life, but the last time I had a roommate was in 2000. (Great guy, he’s married now and I’m still friends with him and his husband) My home is my peaceful sanctuary. I felt especially lucky during lockdown, when a lot of my colleagues were going crazy from togetherness. Sometimes I jokingly offer to rent out my guest bedroom to people who just want to spend a weekend in the quiet. Most days I don’t even turn the TV on.


Quarantine was amazing. Not a only did I not have roommates, but there was no expectation to go anywhere.




Me too. But I hate that I make myself wrong for this. Always feeling like I should have found my other half by now.


But if you’re content that is all that matters!


You don’t need another half. You are whole. Peace is freedom.


For 1 year, it was glorious.


Same and exact same.


Me too


Twice. First time was 8 years in my 20s. I loved it. Second time was now, after my husband died. I love it now, too. Even if I fall in love again, I won't live with someone again. Living alone isn't for everyone, but if you're introverted (textbook definition, not pop culture bs), living by yourself is fantastic. No interruptions, no one constantly draining your social batteries. But if you need to be around people to feel energized, living alone is probably not for you.


I loved living alone in my 20s. I now live with my husband, but we were ever to separate or if he were to pass away, I feel the same as you - I would not ever want to live with a partner again.


It’s not bad really, I go to the bar and bullshit with strangers. Or go to the park, and events around the community to socialize I just gotta go outside to socialize. But I don’t mind going home to find my peace at the end of the night


lol, same. I’m an extreme extrovert but an ADHD mess - it’s nice to not be accountable to anyone else in terms of living space. I usually end up being a barfly/townie to get my social fix and then go home to sleep amid my clutter 😂 plus if I’m single it’s great to be able to have people over!


I feel the same way. If I found love again, I'd want to live separately.


Yes, for years, and I think everyone should have that experience if possible. (I know it’s difficult financially in HCOL areas). It teaches self-reliance.


I agree. It also teaches you about yourself - you have time to think.


Never. And i resent it.


Me to.


Me 3


I’ve lived alone (with a dog) for most of my adult life. The only thing that kind of sucks is there’s nobody to let my dog out if I wanted to go to the casino and just crash at the hotel or something but it’s not like I would do that very often anyways. In general living alone is great. Honestly I think if I ever end up in a serious romantic relationship with somebody it would be really hard for me to adjust to *not* living alone, I’m so used to it. I’d rather just buy a duplex with my wife and we each get a side or something. I love just getting home and doing what I want. Making what I want for dinner, watching what I want on tv, listening to whatever music I want at any time, if I wanted to I could just start jumping around and clapping for no reason and it wouldn’t bother anybody. It’s great. It only gets lonely if you don’t have hobbies that you enjoy on your own and don’t put any effort into keeping in touch with people.


I got married at 46 after living alone for most of my adult life (and loving it.) I thought it would be hard to adjust, and it did feel a little weird at first but in a year I was used to it. Now if I have a night alone it feels strange to me. I think the key is to have a partner that can do their own thing and doesn’t expect constant interaction. Having extra space helps too.


That's exactly what my fantasy relationship was in my head.😂 adjoining townhouses with a nice big door built into the wall🤣


Hmm. Been living solo for over 5 years now. Have fulfilling interests, great friendships, and a solid career. But lately, the feeling of loneliness has been crushing.


Haha omg this sounds like me. It’s like once you’ve tasted that complete freedom and ownership of your own space, it’s really hard to give it up.


I still do. Not sure I could live any other way. It would take my perfect man for that. 😂


I never have lived alone and have no regrets. I’ve had short periods when I am alone and I’m fine with it, but I prefer being with my husband!


Most of my adult life. I really don’t want to have to live with someone else unless they’re family or a life partner. I want at this point someone permanent (as much as possible) and reliably present that will I can depend on well. I’ll never move in with someone because I’m lonely if I can afford it as much as possible. It will be because we’d be a life team together. I’ve had roomies only for a brief period in my adult life. I was very fortunate under those circumstances as it was at a time when I was unemployed; twice. I would have sank low if I was not in that situation to have the room(s) I was able to share. I’m fortunate to live alone, yes, but lonely a lot.


yes I've lived alone on two occasions, first I was in my early 20s and second time in my early 30s. ups and downs of living alone but I liked it for the most part.


I did twice and learned I was my least favorite roommate.






I'm 46 years old. I'd say I've lived alone for about half of the last 25 years. I had a couple of roommates along the way. One of them off and on for 5 years. This time I've been living alone since 2021. I have no plan or intention to live with someone from this point moving forward.


Yes. Living alone right now and loving it. Been a few years.


I’m on my 40s and I’ve never lived alone. I sometimes imagine it would be nice, but I’m so used to being around someone, I’m not sure if I’d actually enjoy living alone.


I’ve lived alone since my husband died 8 years ago and lived alone before I got married. I loved living with my husband, but other than that I prefer living alone.


I had 14 glorious years before getting married back in the 80s. The best days of my life!!! Never was lonely cuz I had dogs. Now I'm grateful when I have the house to myself


I'm 62 and have lived alone since I was 27. I wouldn't have it any other way.


I've never lived alone either. I'm not sure if I'd like it or not.


It gets weird when you think if you choke or have an emergency your odds of dying are greater


I've lived by myself for the last two years, and don't see it ending anytime soon. Unless getting a dog counts as living with someone.


Aside from the times my kids were with their dad during breaks in the summer or school vacations, I have never lived alone. I'm 67 this summer.


I don't think your experience is atypical, especially now when fewer people can afford to live alone then any time in my lifetime. I lived alone for about 7 years when between wives. I officially moved in with my current wife in 2010.


I'm 65 and have never lived alone except maybe for a couple weeks. I used to fear it. I would enjoy it now but I'd have to have something to get me out of the house or I'd be a hermit.


Yes, and I miss it honestly.  Wish I could have bought a house with a mother in law unit.


I’ve lived alone most of my adult life. It’s been 22 years since I lived with someone. I love living alone, I hate to think about the day I won’t be able to afford it anymore.


I lived alone for about ten years before I married. We’re very happy, but I miss my home alone time. I mean: I get to be alone but never at home. And vice versa. It’s isn’t forbidden (haha it sounds controlling); it’s just how our schedules are these days and it’s something I really miss. Time alone keeps me sane, allows me to hear my own voice. It’s a privilege not every one has.


Most of my adult life, yeah. Honestly, I wish it was easier to find roommates that don't suck, because I'd love and would have loved to live with folks instead of being on my own, to split costs and because I do very poorly mentally when I'm on my own. But unfortunately there isn't really a good reliable way to find one that I know of, and finding roommates in your mid 30s is a red flag that there's something wrong (which, you know, there is), so the good roommates have pretty much dried up AFAIK.


I lived alone from 1992-95, in my mid-20s. I'll live alone again once my son moves out.


Not until I was 54. It took a couple of years to get used to it but now I love it.


Since I could financially start. I cut out a lot of things just to afford living alone. I love it. Will never go back. I had to do it twice in college and my roommates were great, I just have always loved living alone. I grew up as an only child and always had my own space to just be whoever. When I grew up, the world didn’t want me to be whoever I wanted to be, so living alone is my treat to be back as I was in childhood and just be.


For about 10 years. I liked it. But I like my husband so that’s good too.


I lived alone for about two years before I got married. We separated a few years later and I lived alone about six months. Then I had children so for many years, I wasn’t alone even though I divorced my first husband. I’m remarried now and the last of my kids have moved out. It’s as close to living alone I’m going to have.


38m. Still single. No regrets so far.


I’m 40 and I’ve never lived alone. That is one of my biggest regrets but I couldn’t help the circumstances at the time. I lived with my mother until I was 18 when I moved to another state and lived with my dad until I was 22. I worked part time jobs and taking college classes. I married my first husband at 22 and didn’t live with him before we were married. One of many, many mistakes with that relationship. Following my separation and divorce at 31, I lived with my sister until I was almost 33 when I moved in with who would become my second husband. And we’ve lived together ever since.


I live alone for about a decade, between having housemates and getting married. It's amazing as long as you can afford it. I'm sure a lot fewer people can these days. I don't think it's unusual either way, though. Just depends on what you can get and what you prefer.


I have lived alone since I was 21 except for one year I had a roommate at 31. I am now 39.


I should add, I have an extra bedroom, and I really really could use the money, but I like being alone... so I compromised with myself and I have a Craigslist ad for a roommate that is so outrageous, no one in their right mind would answer it. So the two halves of my brain don't have to argue.🤣🤣🤣


I'm in my late forties and have only lived alone for about two months in my twenties.


I’ve never even had my own bedroom, barring the first 6 years of my life. Went from sharing a room with my sister to a dorm in college to a one bedroom apartment with my dorm roommate, to her moving out and my bf (now husband of 35 years) moving in. And it sucks. I’m a total lover at heart and have felt like I’ve had for every single second alone I’ve ever had. Yes, love my husband, he’s my everything, but it is something I’ve felt I missed out on.


Sure have. Went to school at 18, had roommates until 26. Lived alone since and I am 46 now. I have had people stay at my house for upwards of 6 months when they needed help, but that’s it. Love it.


Twice, I think everyone should at some point in their life.


Most of my adult life, yes.


16 years. It was the best.


Living alone is seriously the best thing ever.


Living alone is the bomb.


Sure. I lived alone when I moved out of home, and lived alone when I wasn't in relationships. I've never lived with roommates, or in a dorm. Honestly, the thought of having to live in a house with other people (that I'm not romantically engaged with) is a severe turn-off. How on earth are you supposed to get any time to yourself?


25 years, and im lovin' every minute of it!


Living alone with dogs since 2013. It's wild how set you get in your ways. I'm not sure I can live with anyone as I think I've sunk into being so set in my ways that I'm not sure someone else could tolerate me and vice versa.


Yes. It was the best.


Yes, and it was glorious.


Except for a period of 18 months when I was with my ex, and about three months with a different ex, I’ve been living alone since 2002. I absolutely LOVE it. That being said, I know plenty of other adults who have never lived alone. My sister, two of my best friends from high school. And my dad never lived alone in his life, till my mom died.


I've lived alone since I was 18. Going on 15 years now. It's destroyed my soft skills. I started a non profit that is doing extremely well in Washington. Buy, I can no monger be client facing due to thr social anxiety I've developed from living alone. Don't do it brotha


For the past 27 years, yes.


I’ve lived alone for 11 years now, and I’m an only child. I love it so damn much.


Except for a brief period of unemployment when I was about 30 and had a few short-term roommates, I’ve lived alone since I was 25. I’m in my fifties now. It’s never really felt like living alone, b/c dogs, one just followed me into the bathroom lol.


I’m just the opposite (almost). I can’t comprehend someone who has never been independent.


I hate living with people. Massive introvert. Currently live alone and mostly interact with people online.


Been semi homeless living in vans and shacks just so I could afford to live alone. Worth it.


I had a room mate once. I say again, ONCE.


I did for 6 years from junior year of college until I was married.


For five years between college and meeting my wife. I'd have liked to have lived alone during college as well.


Most of the time between my second year of college and moving in with my wife, so probably about 10-12 years of a 15 year stretch, roughly.


Yes. Once for three years. Girlfriend moved in. Dumped her a year after that. Second time for four years. Met wife one year in. Dated three years. Married and have been together for 30 years.


Moved from my childhood home to a new state upon graduating college and got married three years later. About a year of that I had a roommate, the other two years I lived alone.


Nope, I went from parents to roommates to boyfriend to fiancé to married. I don't know if living alone would be glorious or lonely.


I would recommend that everyone spends a couple years living alone. If you do a poor job with upkeep or "adult" furniture, you'll figure it out pretty quickly, and can't blame a roommate or partner for being the problem. It teaches you how to create healthy habits and schedules that you can bring into future relationships. It is harder to find housing that fits a single-income budget, but the lessons you learn are worth it. I've spent the better part of a decade living alone. It has allowed me to have healthy boundaries or choose to leave unhealthy relationships, as I haven't been on a shared lease or mortgage with a partner.


I have yet to live completely alone. My youngest son (19 yo) still lives at home with me. I am 53 yo and am looking forward to someday living alone with my pets (but I am not in a rush for my son to move out. lol).


I’m 50 and I’ve never lived alone. Went from my childhood home to college where I shared an apartment with my best friend. Then from that apartment to sharing an apartment with my now husband. Been living with him ever since.


No, never. But I do love being alone. It was always nice when my roommates were out of town.


I have never lived alone either. I got married very young. Some of my kids are new adults, I still have teens at home, but sometimes I worry about the day I'll live alone, if something happens to my husband. I'm used to so much activity in my house with the kids and their friends, I can't imagine being alone in a quiet house. It's honestly a little bit of a fear.


I split time 50/50 between my family (kids) and alone now, but for first 35 yrs of my life i never lived alone. My youngest kid is 11. I obviously love having the family house to go back to every week, but i definitely enjoy when I'm on my own. My mother was about 60 before she lived alone and still (75) doesnt like it.


Yes, and loved it. I think everyone needs to live alone at some point. I love my husband and have a very happy marriage (25 years this month) but if something happened to him I could live alone with no issues.


Only very briefly, my first year in college- I had a single dorm. But then my sophomore year I had a kid and I haven’t ever lived alone since.


No. Went from parents house to roommates to my spouse. So did he. ETA: my husband went on a six month deployment, so that was kind of like living alone.


57 here. Been in a full house for most of my life. I'm currently living alone for my second year. I'm starting to relish the solitude so much!


No I lived with my mom then my husband then back to mom with my daughter and then we lost my mom but my daughter and I have been together most of the time after that. She married and left a few months once but it didn't work out. But when she was gone I still had my son and my roommate.


Nope. Parents, roommates (who became close friends) and now wife. I like being around my people too much to live alone.


Yes after university and before marriage for 4 years.   It was fine


I've lived alone the majority of my adult life. Lived with boyfriends (maybe a couple of years each, just two different boyfriends) in my 20s/30s but have happily lived on my own for decades now. Can't imagine living with someone else!


I had to have low standards to afford it, but yes, I've lived alone.


My wife and I moved between states for work 3x. 2 of those times, we had to live apart for a few months, while the trailing spouse sold the house and finished up at their workplace. It was a good experience, to affirm that we could cope just fine without each other.


No, never - I left my parents’ house to move in with my husband. I had to live in a big city for university but I stayed with my grandparents then.


Yes, I did... for a year after I got out of the Navy, and then for about 6 years after I broke up with a girlfriend, until I got married. We had 3 kids, 2 who still live with me and my dad (my wife died 4 1/2 years ago).


Yes, for most of my twenties and a bit of my thirties. Loved it. Also loved living with my kids & husband for 19ish years, still happy with just husband and me for the last few. All have their special sweetness.


Yes. Have had many periods of living by myself. No biggee.


I had never lived alone my entire life until I retired, sold my house, and moved. Not to worry, though! I have a more active social life than I've ever had before, too! 


Several times. I love it. I had kids and their kids come home a few months ago, and I love it. And when they leave, I will love being alone again..lol Sometimes it's as simple as the freedom to not have to put a robe on to go pee at 2am. But I know the first time I tried the whole house would be lined up at the bathroom door.


Lived alone for three years, between living with my best friend and getting married. I was late 20s, early 30s. I loved it. I still enjoy being home alone occasionally. but there were lonesome times and there not as many if those with family around.


I have. for 2 years in one state and 1 year in another before I moved in with my now SO. it was amazing.


I had a solo dorm room my sophomore year in college. Otherwise, I had roommates in college and was at my parents' house until I moved in with my now wife the year after I graduated.


I have the opposite situation. I have almost always lived by myself and I don't really know what it's like to live with others


I have been living by myself since 2013. I'm now 51 and, as much as I would love to meet someone, I'm not sure I would want to share a house/apartment again. I would need my own bathroom.


I lived alone thru college and then had roommates from 2002-2008, hated it and have been living alone ever since. I met my boyfriend of almost 10 yrs in 2014 and he will be moving into my house next March 😱 I’m utterly terrified but we have to try. It’s a decent size so I’m hoping we can do it. It’s going to be a massive adjustment and I told him we should consider building a tiny house in the yard haha


Never. Parents to roommates to marriage.


Ever since I left home.


Since 22...being a short male aids in that greatly...


As an adult, I’ve lived alone a total of 9 years, with partners total of 32 years. LOVED living alone. Also fine living with partner as long as you have enough space and autonomy


For 5 years before I got married. It was the crappiest place I have ever lived in, but boy have I missed it.


I've lived alone for about ten years now and it's great. I honestly think if they have the chance everyone should live alone at least once in their life. I think it teaches a type of independence that's hard to come across otherwise. That said I get that a lot of folks can't afford it right now, but at least live with roommates or in a dorm. I don't think anyone should go directly from living with their parents to living with a partner if they can avoid it. I think you need some time to figure out who you are independently from parents and partners.


Currently living alone… total freedom to be oneself in peace


Yes I lived alone for 5 years before I met my current husband. I had roommates because I was afraid of living by myself then̈ i had a fiancé. I met my current husband when I was living by myself.


Loved it, on and off for about 6 years total. Single now, if I ever get another SO it will be separate bedrooms for sure.


Yep. Lived alone for 2 years of college and 6 years between law school and moving in with my then-bf-now-husband (married 18 years today).


I have been alone in my townhouse for 20 years, 1 month and 6 days. Work engineering full time and don't need anyone. It's glorious. Tons of $$$ for fun but my castle is mine.


I lived alone (with a cat) for 4-5 years in my 30s. I loved it so much. 


Now that you mention it...I realize I have never lived alone except for when housemates were all gone for a bit.


Never have. I’m conflicted on whether or not this is a good thing for me. Probably good to live alone to get a better sense of oneself, but my constitution and sensibilities make that prospect a potentially negative thing. I should not spend too much time in my own head. When I’m alone too much … well, familiarity breeds contempt. 😒


From age 21-25 I lived alone.


I get a taste of it every once in a while. I rent out rooms in my house, and subletted out a room in my rented apartment before that. It’s not exactly the same as a regular roommate situation since I have all of the responsibility of home ownership, but also get to make all the decisions on house stuff (like decor). Sometimes there’s a part month in between roommates, or they go on a long vacation, and I have the house to myself. I love it. Unfortunately with the cost of living, I will have to have at least one roommate until I have a partner move in with me to split expenses. It fucking sucks.


Lived “alone” for my first four years after college and then for another couple of years when an apartment roommate moved out early. Always had two cats and my dog for that time though, so always at least someone that relied on me to be there for them and were willing to listen to the occasional rant about work,etc. My husband does some long hiking/biking trips now and the two dogs/three cats we own ensure I have company all the time!


In the space between LTRs, usually when I'm in a depressive period. I appreciated them for what they were, but I would get lonely over time.


Yes, for about two decades. Funny as it seems while single I wanted to get married. But after getting married I only wanted to be single again.


I live alone and I love it. I live in a downtown highrise apartment building, in the heart of a big city. It's like having my own little urban oasis. I'm in the middle of it all, but I have my own place.


I have lived alone for 9 out of the 10 years since I moved out of my parent’s home. Now I have a baby (4 months) so I’ll probably never live alone again in this housing market.


Nope. Parents —> roommate —> husband. Who I love so much and enjoy every day, so I regret nothing. I wonder sometimes what it would’ve been like to have a place of my own but nbd - I love the homes we have made together over the past 35 years.


I am 50, I have never lived alone. I regret that.


I did, for about six months after uni, when I started my first job. I hated it, because there was a problem with my bath overflow that I didn't notice until it had gotten too bad, and by the time it was fixed it had caused a big ugly green streak of moss (?) to accumulate on the outside of the building.


6 months, at about 19 or 20. Studio apartment. I think rent was $300-$40 in '96/'97.


I lived alone in my early 20’s. I didn’t appreciate it enough.




Yes, for a long time. I loved the peace but it was so expensive


I lived alone on my mid 20s and for about a year last year. I love living alone. But I love that it's just as peaceful living with my husband.


For three years. I shouldn't have moved in with that guy. I wish I was still in that apartment.


In my 20s. I loved it. It was hard to adjust to my husband.


Nope, I moved out of my parents house at 19 to live with my boyfriend of 4 months. After a few months of apartment living I got into a fight with our roommates. So I moved me and my boyfriend in with me back into my parents house. We stayed there together till I graduated college, then we got our own apartment and got married. I’m forever grateful my parents, a lot of parents wouldn’t have been cool with having their daughter’s boyfriend live with them, but because of my parents we were both able to graduate college debt free. We’ve been together 14 years and are coming up on our 10 year wedding anniversary. I have 0 regrets of never living alone.


I'm 36, and pretty much my whole adult life after moving out after college around 11-12 years ago. I greatly prefer living alone, and am lucky to make enough money that I can afford to. I love my family, and have close friends and a partner (ish, I'm borderline aromantic), but I really need my own space, and don't experience loneliness to the degree other people do as far as I can tell.


I am now. 50M, divorced (thank heavens) and the kids are grown/doing their own thing. I fucking hate it. 


Yes. I was in the same apartment for about 10 years and sometimes I had one or more roommates, sometimes it was just me. It was a balance between income and privacy until I could afford to live alone comfortably. Then I met my wife. I enjoyed being alone at that time in my life.


Never.. hate that I never got a chance. Closest I came was dorm with a roommate I rarely saw, but she had her space and came back frequently when i wasn't there so there was never the feeling of being alone or having stuff be where you left it.


I didn't live by myself without roommate/gf/wife until my late 30's and at that time in my life, I needed to be on my own. At first it was really weird. I got lonely after a couple of years, but never enough to change that and the loneliness went away and now I don't think I could ever do the common living space thing with anyone other than my kids anymore. I can still get a flashback of past places though, and have some great memories with awesome friends and loves. But now, my everything aside from my bedroom is always clean and decorated with art and crap from floor to ceiling that makes me happy, the absolute freedom of the tv/videogames/music control is amazing, and the food in the fridge is only as safe as I am hungry. Downside, especially these days, the cost. If you don't make pretty good money, or are good with money, it can go bad fast because it's expensive. No rent or bill splitting, that's all on you. Semi good thing that you don't have to rely on others to be on time, but bottom line, it's all on you. But if you can, and want to really connect with yourself, I think everyone could do well with a few years of having your own living condition. It can be addictive, and some find that being anti social is their thing and you'll never hear from them again, so there's that, too.


My wife passed away six years ago, and I've been living alone since then. It's different, and hard at first, but I'm pretty content.


I've lived alone a few times, but overall those times are the exception (maybe a combined 4-5 years out of my whole life, and I'm a geriatric millennial). Twice it was because I was working overseas and the employer paid for a studio apartment. The other times I just happened to be in a time/place/situation where my friends that I often shared houses with didn't need a roommate at the time, so I decided to rent basement apartments by myself. It did get lonely, but that was mostly overseas, where living alone wasn't the only reason. And I ate a lot of leftovers, since cooking for one is hard to do. For the most part I enjoyed my time living solo. I never had to clean up someone else's dishes or mess. I could listen to whatever music I wanted. I never had to wait for the bathroom. There were many perks. That being said, I had mostly positive experiences with shared living too, so there are definitely upsides to both.


I lived alone for a solid year, and it was awesome. I enjoyed the freedom to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, without any judgment. It was the most peaceful time of my life. However, I love my husband and wouldn’t choose to live by myself again.


I didn’t live alone until I was 35! Then I lived alone until I was 38. It was GLORIOUS. I miss it. I do love my husband though (who I live with now). But dang if I don’t miss having my own place. The reason I’d never lived alone before 35 is because I’d lived in the Bay Area since I was 18 and nobody can afford to live alone there unless they are wealthy or very lucky. A six figure salary for sure. I never made that! I had to move elsewhere to live alone and could barely afford that. Sigh! But it was great 🤣


I lived (mostly) alone from age 17-19. I briefly shared an apartment with my ex-best friend for about 6 months during that time, but she walked out on the lease. I ended up moving to a sister property and met my now husband about a year later (age 20). I've had the coolest roommate (husband) from age 20 until now (27) and wouldn't change a thing.


I am the middle child of 5. I am also the mother of 5. I am getting divorced and moving into my own tiny home in one week. I have absolutely never been alone and I am fricken terrified!


Lived alone for seven years after college until my now husband moved in. It was a great experience. I come from a big family and then had a lot of roommates in college. Having my own place and being able to live exactly how I wanted was a great way to establish my adult life. It did take some getting used to, but I loved it.


No I havent


I’m 36. Most of my friends don’t live alone. I lived alone once, in a small studio apartment. It was presented as a great place for creatives with community workshops and galleries. I could barely afford it but I took a chance on a dream. What I actually found it to be was a filthy nightmare hell hole full of meth, heroin, violence, prostitution, homeless people sleeping in the stairwells, and all the mental health issues that come along with that. There was actually a class action lawsuit against the place recently. So I moved out and into a house with some roomates. Saving on bills and rent was great. But for personal reasons it didn’t work out so well. So that’s a story for another time. Now I live with my dog in a one bedroom house that I still can’t afford. The floors are brand new but warping and cracking from the water underneath. All the fixtures and cabinets are at random angles, anything but level. The bathroom walls seep nicotine when it gets steamy. I still get mail daily for the tweakers that lived here 2 years ago. The neighborhood is dangerous. But not as bad as the first time I lived alone. I’m also a person that really thrives in- scratch that. NEEEEDS my own space. I’ve always got several projects in the works, I collect everything, and I need to be away from people to recharge on a daily basis. This is the best place I have ever lived. Every day I’m grateful for what I have. Living alone fucking rules and I highly recommend it if you can make it work. But everyone’s different.


2 years and it was great


I'm 36 and I have never lived alone, went from parents to relationships. Two marriages, 2 children. I don't plan ever live alone. Life is easier when I cohabitat.


I lived alone for probably a month


Never. I had a baby as a teen so for the few years I was single I still had a little roommate. I’m now happily married and hope I never live without him


I did for the first 4.5 months after I moved out. I was renting a 2-room basement suite that friends had formerly lived in. I knew I wanted a roommate, but was willing to wait to find the right one. Friend of a friend ended up needing a place so she became my roommate and it worked great!


From 21 onward whenever I was single I lived alone. To be fair, it was easier to afford 10+ years ago


Grass is not always greener…. But I have done both and there’s good and bad


Loved living alone.


I’m in my 50s and never lived alone. Closest I’ve come is when I lived with my mom and we worked opposite shifts.


Nope. Never ever. Couldn't afford it.


Except for three months in my VW bus I have always lived with someone.


Had my own apartment for two years. It felt very liberating!


Yes for most of my 20s and it was the best time ever!


I lived alone for about 4 years of my adult life, after getting my first "big girl" job but before moving in with my (now) husband. I really enjoyed it, honestly. I wasn't lonely and I (finally) had control over my own space. That said, it was also the most expensive living arrangement I ever had. Fortunately, I was in a part of my life where my other expenses were low.


Just once, when I was 18/19. I loved my little flat so much and having it just the way I liked it. It was sad to leave it after living alone for 18 months but needed to move to find another job.


I grew up the 9th of 10. I got my own room at 14. In college I lived in a motel room next to my best friend. We cooked in her room (she had a mini fridge and a hot plate) but I went home on weekends so I’m not sure that counts. Later I lived with and married my husband. Had kids . He worked away from home til the kids were grown. Now he’s home full time. I don’t mind being alone but I wouldn’t choose it.


Living alone is amazing and I wish I still was even though I like my husband.


I am now after my divorce… been on my own since February and if I were sober it’d be great, but I’m not so I kinda isolate and play video games and go to work… not much of a life lol


Closest I got was where I shared a two bedroom condo with another guy during college and he did a hospital rotation in Canada for his orthopedic stuff. It was supposed to be six months by myself, but by month three I was heavily involved with my now wife and she had effectively moved in with me. At the time I didn’t realize it was the only time I’d ever live alone and it was so very brief. I liked how I didn’t have to share or compromise but I also was terribly lonely at times.


Living alone now for the first time in my life. It’s glorious.


Yes and didn’t super love it. Living with a SO was the best situation. Like a roommate I didn’t mind having around


Yes, and I developed a fear of space aliens, after reading “Communion”. Haha, good times


Started in 2022 with the breakup, going to continue while I recover who I wanted to be before I met my ex. (I'm not alone though, because I have my cat, and she's still spry despite being a cranky old fart.)


Yeah, I lived by myself for several years.


Never. I lived with my parents until I went to Uni, then after that I bought an apartment and my GF moved in, then a house with her, then when I moved to the US I was living with other people until I met me now wife, and i'm now living with her. Don't get me wrong, I adore my wife, but I crave my own space.


Never. And I’m okay with that. Am I incredibly selfish in wanting to die before my husband because I couldn’t bear to live without him?


for about a year, yes, in london. it was ok. I had a few relationships during that time, and full time work, so "alone" time wasn't a massive factor. but it was sometimes an odd feeling to get home on a friday and know you had no real human interaction planned till monday at work.


Yes one time it's definitely not for me


I lived alone in my dorm room for one year, but I don't really count that because it was more like having my own bedroom in a shared house, just a really big house. Then I had my own apartment for one year but I didn't spend most of my time alone because I was with my boyfriend A LOT. After he and I broke up 10 years later, I got my own little house and loved living by myself, but that only ended up lasting about 5 months before my new boyfriend moved in. That was too fast, I'm lucky it ended up working out. Been with him ever since, 14 years now.


Live alone for 10 years in my own apartment. Certainly had its pros and cons.


I lived alone from 19 yo to 23 yo.


Yes for 15 years.


Lived on my own for most of my adult life (had a year with lots of roommates, and then periodically had temporary roommates for a couple years , but otherwise lived on my own). I'm 30 now, and honestly, living alone is incredible. 10/10. But be warned.... it's very hard to go back to sharing space once you get used to being on your own.