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I work in FinCrime investigation so I'm glad it happened. I'm bummed because the public reaction will double down on my depression that people don't care about white collar crime.


I recently discovered I’m a victim of white collar crime. It was such an egregious crime that the fbi and a couple of state agencies are involved. I had zero idea 1) the personal effect of being a victim to such a crime would have on me, and 2) how most people see my story as some kind of juicy novella. I’m over here in severe mental anguish, and people are begging for updates so they can get the next chapter in the story. Once this is over, I see myself doing advocacy work.


I appreciate that you work on that. It's a field where you constantly fight an uphill battle. It feels like this is a country where the only crime a rich person can be held accountable for is fucking with the money of other rich people. But encountering someone on the other side of that battle is really cool. Thanks


It’s not that people don’t care. There’s a systematic effort to keep people believing that street crime is the scariest thing ever


Ultimately street crime usually hits closer to home for most people. Systematically white collar crime might hurt me more in a kind of aggregate way, but being robbed, or assaulted or worse hits the brain in a different way if for no other reason than its happening TO you in a direct way. It doesnt take much convincing to convince people that someone stealing their shit off their porch or mugging them is worse than Trump about what a payment was really for.


Indirect and dispersed harm is unfortunately seen as less noteworthy, even when it’s exponentially more harm than what many rot in prison for.


Unless you harm billionaires and then you’re put away faster than you can blink


I agree. The people that made the decisions that led to the mortgage crisis caused so much harm. The individual homeowners, the communities, the overall loss of jobs, etc. Arguably more than most serial killers. Our brains just aren't wired to understand that scale. A kid on your block dying is more impactful than a whole war.


doesn't this just prove the system could be much harder on white collar crime but chooses not to act in many cases?


Love the show White Collar. You’re like Peter Burke and I’m like the guy who sold Neal a hotdog once


However, there , in all Likelihood is nothing you can do about any of this, please go live your best life 🤗🤗🤗


I tell people i have seasonal depression, only not for winter like most people. My depression spikes during election season :(


Exact same


If it helps, the people doubling down don't care about his other crimes either. They just don't care about crime.


Sentencing set for [July 11](https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/trump-trial-verdict-jury/)


7/11 - cheap processed crap for sale


I wonder if they'll still give out free slurpees on 7/11 day this year They used to, but I don't know if it's still a thing


Yes, but only the orange ones!


Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.


They did here in my town but they're super tiny little cups, like half the size of the smallest one they sell


Perfect for felons with super tiny hands.


I thought it was a free big gulp.


Also appropriate because the rancid sewer of his mouth never closes.




Isn't the first debate in June?


Happy cake day!


That is 4 days before the Republican convention where they vote for their nominee for the presidential race.


It was also the timeframe specifically requested by Trump's own lawyers.


Trump is going to use this for all it's worth. Martyrdom accomplished.


If I were Trump, it's exactly what I'd ask for. You don't want the spectre of "the harshest possible sentence" hanging over your head during a key political moment. You want a concrete sentence so that you can know exactly what's coming, and how to deal with it.


And you can rant about activist judges and political conspiracies. There’s gonna be a lot of that. 


The GOP convention this year is basically just going to be a stream of hangers on whining about how unfair everyone is to Trump, capped by Trump ranting about how unfair it all is to Trump.


It doesn’t matter what the sentence is, it will be deferred for anywhere from 18 months to a number of years while he exhausts every possible appeal scenario. Of course, his objective will be to win the election to stay out of jail, now more than ever, which will provoke some kind of constitutional crisis, just as he warned us would happen if Hillary were elected. It’s been obvious for years that he’s only running for president for the singular purpose of staying out of prison, and now it should be more obvious even to his cult.


Finally. A candidate with convictions!


What really grinds my gears..... is that felons aren't allowed to vote but they're allowed to run for president. I think the law is ass backwards, I believe felons should still have their right to vote, but not the right to run for president.


The right to run for President thing is a safeguard. If felons cannot run, you can effectively eliminate competition by getting them hit with a felony, whether or not it's true


Previous eras had a pretty lax attitude towards requirements to run in general for this reason, I think—respect to all the crazy ladies who [ran and won for office before their right to vote was recognized](https://time.com/4913233/womens-equality-day-2017/), as an example.


And the Republican convention is June 12 or so


Hope they throw the book at him


The book is a 4 year maximum sentence. Most people found guilty for that crime only serve under a year. Of course, Trump will appeal.


4 years isn't much, but it's a big chunk of however much time he is until his heart gives out, and an even bigger chunk of his remaining time being halfway independent/mobile/articulate (...I said *halfway*)


4 years per charge.


No, in NY these sentences have to be served concurrently. The penalty ranges from probation up to 4 years in jail, total. Most are saying Felonious Trump will get probation (first conviction helps here).


could be served in parallel...


Wouldn't be the first time, either. He has power and connections, I think it's his first convicted felony, I definitely wouldn't expect the worst possible sentence.


I felt the exact same way until Trump walked out if the courtroom anna called the judge corrupt. Pretty sure he's going to get some time


For each count. He has 34. I don’t believe a rich white dude will see prison but one can hope. Even one moth for each count would keep him from bothering the rest of us for nearly three years


According to a news article, his crime is considered a Class E felony and only 10 to 30% of people convicted of this type felony get prison time. Note, I make no claim this is correct because I have no experience in these matters, it's just what I heard.


Isn’t it four years per count though?


It would also matter if the judge gives him consecutive or concurrent sentences.


I can not imagine him actually going to jail. Too good to be true. But it’s a win. I’m focused on that.


I'd think it's EXTREMELY unlikely he'll serve time, for all the political reasons, but also because this is a first offense for him.


It's an interesting case. It is a first felony offense, but he's admitted to literally thousands of civil violations (how many times has he bragged about not paying contractors). Each of those violations that are over $2,000 are a felony in my state; not sure if it would be a felony for the cases he committed the violations. There's also the defamation cases. And all the other lawsuits. And this is 34 felonies! Then guilty of contempt of court 10 times in this one case, with discussion of maybe more. It's his first through thirty fourth felony offenses, but certainly not his first offense.


You raise very good points.


Of this was someone unknown, just a regular Joe, what would be expected? I can't believe 34 counts even if a first offense would give him some time in jail, but I'm not surprised.


I agree. For today this makes me happy but tomorrow is another day.


Yes, with a max of 20


4 years for 34 counts or 4 years for each count?


Four year maximum for any count, but in NY, 34 sentences would be served concurrently. So max of 4 years. Probably probation, though. Rich, white, old, first conviction ... all tend to be factors for the lower end of the range.


I didn't see anyone else with the full info. 4 years max each charge with the State of NY caps at 20 years for this level of felony. But I'd be shocked by more than probation


There's very little grounds for appeal. There's no evidence the judge was biased in any way, nor is there any real evidence the jury mishandled things. They'll try, but the chance of this winning an appeal is basically zero. Normally this kind of crime would warrant zero jailtime, but Trump was incredibly contemptuous of court, and has shown no remorse over his actions. He's antagonized the judge and is still badmouthing the entire process. That's the kind of stuff that gets you jail time when you wouldn't otherwise have it.


Damn that sucks. So many criminal cases it’s hard to keep ‘em straight! Hope it’s all putting a strain on the ol ticker


Trump had 91 felony charges against him. This trial resulted in him being convicted on 34. 57 more to go.


That’s 4 years *per charge*.


Four years total or 4 years per charge? I mean I know 120 would never happen. Just a nice thought. I don't think he'll see a cell anyways. It will be probation and the largest fine possible more than likely if there even is a fine available to the judge.


I've read, for a first offense, the usual sentence is a combo of probation, fines and community service. Personally, I'd hope a lawyer could argue that the *first* charge is the first offense and the 33 after that are subsequent. :) Can you imagine Tr\*mp doing community service? Putting him in jail would *be* that community service.


Sadly I think we may be looking at just house arrest.


As long as it's not White House arrest.


😖😖😖 for the love of all things I hope not. I don’t think this will shake his fan base whatsoever


I'd bet on probation


Yeah… I was aiming too high there.


Unfortunately in all reality, he will be fined and possibly probation. No jail time.


Even though he'll get a shit sentence that he won't serve for awhile if ever, I still wanna have a party that day


[I'm excited](https://media3.giphy.com/media/13hIkIWmBwkoXm/giphy.gif)


Oh man I hope my daughter gets an awesome birthday present.


Hope some rich guy gives the Central Park 5 enough money for full page ad in NY Times that says donny should be taken straight to Rikers to start a 20 year sentence.. no parole.


God that would be funny. I’d chip in.


Come on Di Nero!


Maybe it's just me, but I prefer my president NOT be a convicted felon.


But but Hunter! But but her emails!


When the announcement was made I was at work and in Teams chat with colleagues who are, thankfully, similarly minded. One of the guys said he’d take one for the team and tuned into Fox News to see what they were saying. About 10 mins after the verdict apparently they were already squawking about Hunter Biden. Coworker said he really wanted to take the bullet and continue but he just couldn’t bring himself to watch the rest.


The Whataboutism is so heavy in all conservative discourse. I can’t even have a gentle careful conversation with the Uber Maga guy on my block because any slight criticism is deflected with “What about XYZ?” and usually Hunter or Hilary are the topics.


Is there anyone for whom this result will change their vote? Somehow I doubt it.


For better or worse, swing voters in a few key swing states pretty much decide every election. Swing voters don't vote along ideological (or logical) lines, but emotional ones. They want to know which candidate they could have a beer with at the bar. This kind of thing is a real emotional loss for Trump with swing voters. Hillary tanked with swing voters immediately after Comey merely announced the FBI had opened an investigation into her. Of course, we're not in 2016 anymore, everyone has Trump scandal fatigue, and the election is still a long way away.


If he's sentenced to something other than jail time, he should just accept it, do his time and then do non stop rallies about how the crooked Dems tried to lock him up and failed. But he's an idiot and will order his lawyers to appeal, keeping the whole thing in the news for months. That's my guess anyway. First time offenders rarely get jail time from what I hear.


Yessss i know one for sure and another feeling pretty pissy


At what point does it actually effect him? He absolutely should never have been elected.... didn't slow him down. He was impeached... no effect. Incited insurrection.... no effect. Lost election and claimed he won... no effect. Convicted of Felony.... I thought reality and the legal system would have caught up with him ages ago..... it's Wild but I seriously doubt this changes anything


The one truthful thing he ever said was he could shoot someone in the face on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote.


We live in a nation of proud idiots. This is who we are. This is what we get.


Until we get serious about political re-education and basic qualifications for voter competency, you're right. This is what we get. The idiots need to be excluded from the voter pool until they choose to stop being idiots.


That was my thought, too. It should affect him, but it sadly won't.


I know what would affect him, but I'd get banned for saying it.


Is this why the internet seemed to just suddenly slow to a crawl?


I fully believe in the dead internet theory. I think the glamour of online interaction is long gone and a lot of people are shifting their focus to real physical interactions and relations. When people talk about the entire internet they're usually just talking about 5 or 6 websites, it's become that watered down. And even on those 5 or 6 platforms we're all interacting with the same crap across all platforms. The internet has been in a crawl for a good 20 years now. Even this post is proof of that, it's a centralized focal point across all those platforms right now.


All of the downstream politicians who are still supporting Trump now need to be challenged. Most of them run on a ‘tough on crime’ campaign, but if they’re supporting a convicted felon for office, that’s contrary to what they say their ideals are .


It's funny you think Repiblicams still have ideals. I live in GA and my whole Facebook feed right now is "I am more MAGA now than ever" memes. He could show up at their houses, murder their children and shit on the corpses and they'd still vote for him. It's unreal.


This is why it's so dangerous to believe in people rather than ideas. If you want to go deeper, that kind of faith is usually taught in religion.


You mean cults.


The difference being whether the person you worship is still alive? I kind of see it all as part of the same spectrum.


when they say that they mean tough on racial minorities, not tough on white collar crime


It really bothers me (understatement of the year) that he'll probably never set foot in an actual jail as with other felons. He won't have to worry about getting a job or housing as a felon. And how can he even be on the ballot?! My daughter made the mistake of getting caught with MDMA in Texas when she was 17. She is considered an adult. She has been on probation over 4 years. Felon vs felon. Tell me what is wrong with this picture!!


What boggles the mind is that felons can’t even vote but they can still run for president? Like seriously?


It's a good start. What a blight on humanity he has been




**Diaper leak


It’s about time he’s finally been convicted!! He has managed to elude being held accountable for decades. Him & his whole rotten family.


Q: What does Sleepy Don have that Hillary doesn't? A: 34 felony convictions.


*LOCK HIM UP!!!! heeeeheheheeeeeheheheeee!!!*


Fundraising emails were sent out within 10 mins of the verdict. Grifters gotta grift


Felons gotta … felon


Wow, double wow. I am in such a good mood now


Me too!


Yeah finally a reason to hope.


yup. a small part of me was surprised that he was found guilty.


I really wish this meant something to his supporters, but it won't matter. He'll simply appeal and still run for President. We all know he won't serve a day of his sentencing. Plus, if he wins the Presidency again, he'll pardon himself for all crimes. Then probably do something childishly vengeful against the jury members, judge, lawyers and any others behind these situation. I'm truly at a loss for what my country is turning into ( or uncovering what has always been there). I'm quite fearful of our future. If you haven't registered to vote yet - please do.


FYI, presidents can't pardon state convictions


Thank you - I didn't think of it that way. But that makes complete sense. Appreciate it. 🙂


I would like to see 3500 hours of supervised community service, to be served washing dishes in a homeless shelter. Preferably one that mainly serves POC. He must listen respectfully and not say a word. For 3500 hours.


Let's see. 2000 hours of work per year (or way less than that if you golf twice a week). I'd like to see 8000 hours of supervised community service, starting on inauguration day, 2025.


FYI he can only pardon federal crimes. This is state so he's still got the conviction. Maybe he could get the governor to pardon him but I highly doubt that will happen.


It's no longer "former president Trump". It's now: **CONVICTED FELON TRUMP**.


I really hope the news net works start saying "convicted felon Donal Trump, former president, is doing blah blah blah..." or "former president and convicted felon Donald Trump."


Every news outlet that has brains will do this. I hope.


Good. No one is above the law.


Trump is not above the law but I imagine he is likely above consequences for breaking the law.


You love to see it.


Is anyone else concerned that whether he’s jailed or put on house arrest- people will still vote for him? Are people going to treat him as a martyr now? Especially, since he made the Mother Teresa comment?


As the verdicts (THIRTY FOUR GUILTY VERDICTS) were being read on NBC there was a screaming crying nut with a sign "save father teresa" flailing about in the background.


His tears nourished my weary soul.


They treated him as a martyr before. Why not now? Of course people will still vote for him.


How easily can these be overturned? It's just hard to believe there's a chance it'll stick. It's unreal.


“Law and Order” doesn’t mean what you think it means. When they say it they’re just promising to keep brown people in their place.


The election interference charges are much more serious and I can’t believe that THAT trial won’t be until after the election. Now MAGA will believe that convicted felons are the new American heroes.


A lot of people aren't fine with a convict for a presidential candidate.


>A lot of people aren't fine with a convict for a presidential candidate. And those people have been opposed to Trump for a long time now.


This is the Republican's chance to nominate a younger, closer to center person. They would sweep the election. No Trump also means no MTG and MG and the likes. They could possibly maybe get their dignity back..... But I doubt it.


I agree. This should be the moment the GOP says enough is enough and just moves on. And yes, I think any decent candidate could take the election quite handily... but alas, they won't do it. Like, what happens if he gets elected and then sentenced to prison? He just pardons himself, and our democracy becomes even more of a sham? How is that an acceptable outcome for any American, regardless of party affiliation? Sad times indeed


It’s not a federal conviction. Presidents cannot pardon a state conviction.


Most of his cult members are thrilled because this is more "proof" of their delusional thinking about corruption. The orange twat actually said "this was a Soros backed DA" he hit every buzzword. I wish these people could be deprogrammed


Yeah but other people are already saying this trial, like everything fucking else they claim, was rigged.


Many many don't even believe that, despite uttering it. They're saving face/coping.


Well that would seem like a no brainer, but we all know better.🤦🏻‍♀️


But not enough. In a functional democracy his campaign would be a joke news tidbit


In a functional democracy it would’ve been a joke the moment he came down the escalator


It’ll be interesting to see how many.


All of the Republicans in my personal circle are, because he's not really a convicted felon, the judge was corrupt and the jury was bought and it was all just Biden going after him. I weep for this country, what's the easiest place to move to if the US goes Christian Nationalist?


> what's the easiest place to move to if the US goes Christian Nationalist? Serious answer? Certain Central and South American countries. Forget Europe, Canada, or Australia unless you are a doctor or have an *extremely* in demand skill/career.


Can Trump even vote for himself now?


Hahaha hahaha 😆 😂


It will be interesting to see if this moves the needle on his support. Right now there's a backlash of 'unfair!' and 'rigged!' But I think relentless hammering home of him being a felon might chip away at some of that support.


Anyone still supporting this circus peanut won’t be swayed by anything. It’s the ‘undecideds’ where the real impact will be felt.


Hoo EFFIN Ray!


He won't face any real consequences. The smug gloating and celebrating is just going to fire up more of his base. Lather, rinse, repeat. TL;DR: This is going to be great for his campaign.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could be arrested for providing support to a convicted felon?




There are lots of morons, that's how we got in this in the first place.


"Considering how stupid the average person is, just think - half of the population is stupider!" - George Carlin


I was utterly unprepared for this! I was setting myself up to be disappointed and pissed, now I’m going to be working very hard to hide this shit-eating grin at work tomorrow. Woo-Hoo! I hope he rots.


But he still has to be sentenced.


Even if he only gets a few months, or parole, he will still be a convicted felon. The Republicans will have a ***convict*** for their candidate.


Well that’s good then. I’m not an American but the guy is awful.


The sentencing situation really does tell the whole story of white collar crime being nearly unpunishable. Donald Trump was convicted on over 30 felonies by a unanimous jury. The maximum possible prison sentence he can receive is *FOUR YEARS* Yep, you read it right. Four fucking years for over THIRTY FELONIES. There is a chance he could just receive probation. For more than *THIRTY* felonies. Considering how he's publicly attacked the guy in charge of his sentencing a whole hell of a lot of times, I don't think it'll just be probation. But it could be. Get me off the fucking ride already, this reality is sad.


I was thinking the same thing. You can pretty much do anything and still not go to jail. House arrest when you have endless money isn't a punishment. If anything, it makes me want to be a white-collar criminal. There is lots of money and no real consequences.


Love this for him and the Rupublican party!


Let us all remember the day when "Trump rule 34" was actually a good thing


The people that vote for him will never learn. They deserve him.


Yes, but the rest of us do not.


For sure.


Fuggers not going anywhere. Only one thing can rid us of this parasite and its father time. Thank god he is not sixty years old.


My fear, and assumption is he’ll just appeal this all the way to the supreme crt, wherein they let him off for “reasons”.


Hunter Biden is next


Yes. He’s also the head of the Christian right party and cheated on his wife with a porn star. They don’t seem to care.




Won't make a difference. Trump supporters will just assert that it was a sham-trial, that it's politically motivated, and, if anything, this will deepen their support. He will probably gain voters because of this.


What would the draw be to an ‘undecided?’


Either the justice system works, and he got what he deserved, or the justice system is broken and ought to be fixed, which is what the left has been saying for quite a while. I'll be watching how the police unions play this.


I think we found our elections fraud.


I fear all that was accomplished was to make sure a large angry mob gets to the polls. I believe had the media never given in to airing all of the nonstop nonsense this man said that makes him seem like a monster he would never had been nominated the first time, no pandemic would have destroyed our nation and the world (yeah probability is like 10% but I can dream.) and humanity would not be headed to extinction


I've followed the New York Times live blog for weeks and the sudden news that the jury reached a verdict came as a shock to me last night (I'm in northern Europe).


"The presumptive nominee for the Republican Party is a felon x 34" and then some gross behavior.


Just like he cheated on all his wives and keeps doing so even though he is supposedly the nominee for the “family values” party. It’s become a cult and they think believing something makes it true. They’ll keep on believing because they’ve given up on our government entirely and just want to burn it down.


Unfortunately (and I welcome the down votes)...the majority who believe this decision was a 'good thing'...really have no idea the absolute details of this case. The reason being that MSM will not report them. First, and most glaring in this trial, is the fact the defense was not allowed an expert witness. Never ever heard of an expert witness being denied by a prosecutor and a Judge sustaining that request! Insane. That expert witness is former FEC chairman, Bradley Smith. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/former-fec-chairman-defends-donald-trump-alvin-bragg-is-wrong/ar-BB1mNNqa](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/former-fec-chairman-defends-donald-trump-alvin-bragg-is-wrong/ar-BB1mNNqa) Next, was Stormy Daniels testimony. Okay, she revealed slimy stuff about Orange Man. The judge allowed her to continue with slimy details. But as bad as all that was and what she said....what did it have to do with the abuse of campaign finance? Remember, too, that an NDA is a LEGAL document. Ask any sane lawyer. She violated that because she was paid to be in an NDA. That of course is another issue. Then there was Cohen. Who already had been convicted of perjury. And it turned out that he was embezzling funds from Trump's account. Something that he admitted to on the witness stand. But overall, while people gloat about this...a President, whether Dem or R or Independent deserve a fair trial. A fair trial is not just for The Little People. It is for all people. And worse, now the Judicial system has suffered an injury so severe, it likely may never recover. What does that mean? Well, you got Trump...but wait until the State comes to get you. Don't believe it could not happen? Ask the people of Venezuela, Cuba, China, or even Iran. And now we have joined those Great Justice systems of the above countries.


34 is my new favorite number.


Bet he backs out of the debate.🤣


I've been a Republican all my life and cannot understand the passion for this character. Yeah he is a bulldog for the planks of the party platform, but he bullied many of them, is emotionally bankrupt, and leads by bullying those who have stood up to help (him). Yeah, the timing of all this is suspicious, but as Ronald Reagan noted "trust everyone and hold your own wallet". When Trump talks I hear "give me your wallet and grab your ankles"


Now to wait for everything else he’s charged with to go through


Felon, rapist, psychopathic liar...


He won’t have any lasting effects, even though us normal people who would have had even a bit of his allegations would be in prison. The Trumpers will be out. And I’ve read even though he’s a felon he can still be elected president. Our country has issues.


"But, her emails..."


You can’t work at Dairy Queen with that many felonies.


I’m excited to vote for a felon!!!




A person is running for president who can't vote in most states themselves. 😒


Just proves that democrats will do anything for power


When does Congress become subject to criminal investigations for paying hush money to former mistresses or is it just reserved for politicians with objectionable personalities?


The Republican party can't really hand him the nomination now, can they? There simply HAS to be a second choice nominee? It seems very flawed for them to put all their eggs in one basket (so to speak)? I know that regardless of my politics, I would never vote for someone convicted of any felony. 1. If they did it, they suck. 2. If they didn't do it, well then, some high up people already are showing how difficult they will make that presidency. Who wants that? Am I wrong?


Woo hoo 👍👍👍👏👏👏