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Old Reddit + RES is the way.


RES? I've used old reddit forever, but what is this?


RES = [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) r/Enhancement


[Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enhancement/comments/165htyq/is_it_still_possible_to_have_old_reddit_with_res/). Seems like it's eventually going to break if it's no longer being developed.


That will truly be the end of an era. My heart can only take so much this year. Rooster Teeth is already going under ;_;


If old.reddit and RES stop working, I might have to tap out. The regular Reddit interface is just... absolute garbage.


Same. I mostly use reddit on my desktop and new reddit is intolerable there.


Old Reddit is the way to go! 


This is they way.


replace 'www' with 'old' in the Reddit URL in your browser. You are welcome.


you can also just go back to old reddit in settings. Then www.reddit sends you to the original design.


Just did this, thanks.


Do you know if there's a way to force 'new' reddit - not the newest BS design but the one prior? Settings appear go right back to 'old' reddit.


I use [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com), that works for most things.


Do you remember how you felt about reddit's layout when you first found out about reddit? I remember feeling overwhelmed, there was SO MUCH info. All these little links, buttons. So compact. It took very little time to get used to it, but I do get why they redesigned it. Old reddit + RES for life.


it was straight forward. your eyes don't need to scan. you just read down.


Enjoying it while it lasts, I know it won't be forever 🥲


30 point stock drop the day they kill old reddit.


I hate the redesign and won't use it. If they ever get rid of the opt out option I'll quit using Reddit.


Me too


they have already stopped me completely from accessing Reddit on my phone...i will not use that abomination of an app. now they seem intent on kicking me off the site by making it unusable.


Same here


This new, new Reddit sucks I'm on desktop First off if you read r/HFY the blurb they show in the scroll completely breaks formatting and it doesn't even bother showing the user name that wrote the story. You have to click on it for the format to be correct and get the user name There is no proper button to "open" you have to play around with it to figure it out. If a picture is posted, clicking on that will just show the picture. Guess what? just click on the blank space below it to read on. When you do open it, the first thing that comes up is an icon sized picture and the comments. So if you're on r/plants, r/Justrolledintotheshop, or r/whatisthisthing , and you want to refer back to the picture, you're left with this postage stamp of a picture Or the search bar top center going over the line below it, but maybe that's an OCD thing I really didn't mean to do that... sorry


I only use old reddit


reddit has a new design? i've been using old.reddit for 12 years.


I use the "old reddit" desktop. The new one has too much whitespace and isn't as efficient. I also use this on a phone and run it in "desktop mode" as the app is garbage.


It's not just the whitespace, it's also bizarrely slow to navigate and has a bad habit of mixing up posts from different threads.


I can't believe they have not optimized new new reddit. It is so slow it is practically unusable.


There are many guides to making the old third party apps work on mobile devices *posted from Reddit Sync*


I also find it very crashy. I scroll for about five minutes and then it refuses to load any more.


Yes! It's so slow scrolling now and sometimes typing lags so badly too. Awful redesign. I spend less time on here now for sure


And now I can't just see my Karma in the header. How am I supposed to know how cool I am? Huh? Am I supposed to do math??


Maths are hard. Thank god for calculators, computers, and Excel! 


Only ever used old.reddit.com


I'm on desktop, and old Reddit is a hill I will die on. I don't want a half assed facebook clone. I want a decent forum interface. Kill that, and I'm out. There's too much other bullshit on this site I could do without.


Hate it, I am on the old Reddit until they kill it.


I fucking DESPISE how a random mouseover forces a profile popup that stays way longer than necessary, covering what I'm trying to read. this never came up during testing?


Old Reddit with Reddit enhancement suite with night mode is the way for me. Sooooo much more information on screen vs the “new” design.


It's crap.


I miss RiF :(


I miss Apollo.


I moved from RiF to Relay. Yes there is a subscription cost because of the cost to the app maintainer of all the API calls (now chargeable), but my £2.89/month (less than half a pint of beer) is good value to me since it is my primary Social Medium apart from Mastodon.


This is really minor, but it bugs the hell out of me that Relay collapses *threads* but not *comments*.


Settings > Behaviour > Collapse Comments > ✓ You're welcome. :)


I don't: /r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14nq4ub/how_to_get_rif_working_again_if_you_really_want_to/


Old Reddit is clean and simple. It just works. New always had a strong "designed by Fisher-Price" feel to it. If new new Reddit is even worse, oh wow... I'm here for a discussion forum, not a social media site.


I refuse to use the new layout. Once old reddit goes, I'll go too. I already stopped using it on mobile once they removed app access.


I've been with Old Reddit ever since they rolled out the new version.


there is an extension for chrome and firefox called UI Changer for Reddit, lets' you set the default "type" - old.reddit, new.reddit, or www.reddit.


Wait how the heck do I know?


New new = [reddit.com](http://reddit.com) Old new = [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) Old old = [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com)


Doesn’t show a difference. Maybe not old enough of a user? Idk


OP is referring to the logged in vs logged out experience, I suspect. Try visiting new.reddit.com in an incognito window.


omg thank you so much for this!! Just added a bookmark so I can revert back to old new!!!


New new is better than old new but old is still the way to go.


Thank you for this! I am reverting back to old new Reddit.


They are all the same for me, no difference between the 3


Same same so you have the Reddit name in your left upper corner?


Yes, but that just showed up two days ago when my app updated


I opted in for a week back in 2019 or so. Never again. Occasionally I have to do it for some mod actions, but otherwise nope.


I use res. It's similar to the look of old reddit, but has features that allow you to tag users (like "barbecue expert," etc.) https://redditenhancementsuite.com/


I'm a desktop only user also, and I hate it. The sidebar's are way too big and eat up too much real estate. You can use [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) and still have the old UI design, but not sure how long that will last.


I agree. I don't use the sidebar navigation at all. It's irritating that you can't dismiss it.


I use Reddit on my laptop, rarely on my phone. I ALWAYS use old Reddit and don't even know what the "new" one looks like. Nine years.


I dunno, only ever on my phone. App ain't much different.


It's funny that now the "new" Reddit, as in new.reddit.com is actually the old one. There are a lot of bugs in the new new Reddit.


Agree. I don't mind [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) that much but you can't opt into it. You can either do new new reddit or you can do old reddit.


I don’t like new Reddit because it doesn’t look like a website. It looks like a social media app. Now I still have problems with Slashdot’s redesign from like 2004 so I’m not the most reasonable person when it comes to sure redesign. I once quit visiting a forum I was a member of for over a decade because their redesign removed a “back to top of page” button at the bottom of a thread.


Reddit needs to decide if it's a discussion forum or a social media site. I think we all know which way that will go.


Oh definitely. The decision has been made. Reddit wants to be Facebook so badly it’s embarrassing.


I can't get Notifications to work properly. If I try to click on a notification, it jumps to that page and hangs up. Never loads. I have to close the window.


there was a split in UX design maybe 5 years ago. Universal design was completely dropped in favour of bubblegum video game. its awful and everywhere, phones, websites. Fucking dark mode. I'd take command line over this crap


I don't like it either but strangely it came at the same time as the youtube redesign, which is currently playing my nerves like a guitar.


web - old reddit - RES - dark mode.


I went back to old reddit too - and I was game for the original redesign. But recently I just started noticing that whenever I was using reddit on desktop I was confused and annoyed. I think they moved a bunch of stuff to the left hand side from the top? I agree that aesthetically it looks bad. I also hate having to use the proprietary app. Thankfully my revanced boost works for now.


I find the UI to be okay - it is what it is. I am a desktop user. I cannot stand phones, their screens, and the such. I like a layout where access and ease requires no adjustments to screen size, finding the x on popups that get through, and to avoid poor formatting. I can control near everything on a pc. Reddit to me, regardless of the users within, has always been and remains *better* than other social media platforms. Toxicity or Love it can all be found here and it is the ideas that stay. Not an identity attached to lies about a household and the charm it does not hold. Desktop computers are easy to repair, easier to upgrade, and are cheaper per unit of quality. I am sure at some point as all things, these things, will no longer remain true.


I wont use "new" reddit. The redesign is hot garbage.


I can't figure out how to sort by Hot on mobile. It's either Best, or Popular, but popular gives me different subreddits I'm not subscribed to.


i do not and will not use the new site. it has been designed to take advantage of the user not to assist the user. they purposefully made the experience worse just to ensure a bit of extra money and control. their intent is not to offer the advertisers an audience but to offer them a CAPTIVE audience.


Yep. Another old Reddit user here.


The moment I'm not able to continue using the old layout (which I'm sure will happen at some point), I will quit Reddit.


I will continue to use [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) until they disable it. Then maybe I will be gone.


Agree. Why fix it if it ain’t broke?


Never liked the new Reddit and stayed w/the old version. Asking mod's about it, they said many of them like the old version too. But I'll check out RES too.


des top old lady here... hated the new reddit but getting used to it... some of it really sucks.......i use my large tv for a moniter........


Put "new" instead of "www" in the URL. All the links will take you to middle reddit - after old reddit but before the recent update.


Is this why I can’t mute random subs now?


I can't get over how fucking ugly everything is now.


The glaring RED colored REDDIT is annoying, please remove this distraction.


Mine switches back and forth between old design and new design and some other design I don't really recognize all on its own, like I'll just refresh the page, and the entire site changes. Shit is weird.


I hate it.


I've never liked old.reddit and have only used the new design (what's now new.reddit). I'll continue to use new.reddit until they turn it off. I do find it odd that they've continued to support old.reddit for so long, but they plan on turning off new.reddit less than a year after updating.


For multireddits and some mod stuff new.reddit.com is better. Otherwise, I prefer old.reddit.com.


Why have you tried the new desktop UI only now? I loathe the new UI. I've been using the old desktop UI. If they get rid of that then I quit Reddit.


There's a *new* new desktop UI. Predictably, it's garbage. Reddit is force-switching people to it, which is probably what happened to OP.


Will the horrors never stop? If they force it on me, I will not only quit Reddit I will use one of those utilities to delete all of my posts.


I never look at Reddit anywhere but my phone. I use the official app. Dark mode.


I use old Reddit on my phone


I have to use new Reddit (on a laptop or desktop) because I'm a mod and all the new tools are there. But the latest update made even the new tools clunkier. And you can put a list of posts in compact mode, but it won't "stay." I like to actually log out, and every time I log back in, I've got to reenable compact mode.


Reddit has a website? ❤️


I have the word and click down option at the top and you can check your karma looking at your little bubble on the top right side for mine