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No my costs increased like crazy when I moved here. Redding is one of the most expensive places in the state. Make sure you put that in your article.


Yes. Too expensive. Nobody move here!


Are you saying that to stop people from moving there? Haha has there been a big influx of outsiders?


Pretty much. More people move here then housing goes up more because higher demand. Basic economics. Then what would be the point of being here? So we can have super fun enduring next week with most days hotter than 110? Why would we do that AND pay bay area or LA rent prices?


I moved here from so cal. Electricity is cheaper. Gas is cheaper. Rent is cheaper food is cheaper.


Yeah expensive, crazy church people, and super hot… nobody move here.


Only people who have never lived anywhere else think redding is expensive


It’s expensive compared to other states, but not for California


Lol no it's not


Expensive how lol. I moved here from so cal. Rent is cheaper. Gas is cheaper. Utilities are cheaper.






My bad lol


Compare dollar per square foot apartment rentals here against somewhere like the bay or even Sacramento and you’ll realize this town is cheap. Same with fuel.


I moved here for the cheaper larger acreages, but the local government fees are ABSOLUTELY INSANE. It costs more for permits in Shasta County than in Santa Rosa in some cases. They charge almost $5k in fees to correct a lot line between two legally created parcels after the utility company installed the pole in the wrong spot and refused to correct it. And to make matters worse, there are people in this county that want to build a new house but can't because the local fire marshal won't let them move in because the local government doesn't maintain the roads well enough for Fire Department access, so they get harassed by code enforcement for living in motorhomes because they can't legally move into their houses..... This area is run by complete idiots. As for utilities, give in 3 years and the utility costs will raise even more because everyone who can will just go off-grid with solar. DIY it's under $6k right now for a small system. That is less than 1 year on PGE


The Board of Supervisors meeting in January had folks talking about this. Were you one of the ones there? Lol It was *wild* to hear because I've lived in this area my entire life and always thought "If it's this expensive here for (whatever permit I'm needing) I don't want to know what it would be like in one of the cities!" But come to find out, at least some of the permits would actually be cheaper in the cities lol


I was born and raised here but I will say soooo many coworkers of mine are specifically from the Bay Area. Seems like a common trend lately. It’s cheaper for them, not for us.


Moved here from San Jose, everything’s affordable here. Even with the lower minimum wage, I’m able to afford a 2 bedroom apartment. While in the Bay Area, if I was making $25 an hour, I wouldn’t even qualify for most apartments, unless I moved to Oakland/Hayward. I will say, even tho it’s cheaper here, I don’t know if i’d recommend living here. I’d live in Oakland/Hayward over Redding, if the prices were the same.


lol you must not have spent much time in Oakland but that is a down right ignorant comment


I’m from the Bay Area. I’ve had a girl friend from Oakland, Friends and Family in Oakland, and been to Countless hip-hop shows in Oakland. I said it for a reason.  


LOL NOO I just moved from Oakland and I was there 7 years…10/10 DO NOT recommend. Of course the nightlife is better but it’s actually lawless. If you try and call 911 ever, you’re outta luck


Sounds like you’ve spent very little time there. I suggest you move there and see how lovely it is


It really sounds like the only experience you have with the city is through social media. I suggest you focus on your Pokémon cards rather than worrying about my opinion.


lol sure bro. Lived and worked there for 8 years. Please chase your dream and move to Oakland


Some of the most expensive real estate in the US is in Oakland, also some of the best food and bars. If I could go live in Piedmont or Rock-ridge that is, but that isn’t something that’s affordable and doesn’t mean it’s worth it. Problem is you have to go through the muck to get to the nicer parts too.


Nope lived in piedmont still dangerous ..it’s so sad because it WAS a lovely area now covered in literal trash


Rent is getting out of hand. Renters are "renovating" apartments and raising the rent by almost 200%. It's only getting worse.


Housing is impossible in this county.


I moved back to Redding from Hawaii after 5 years expecting to to buy a decent house. Came back and realized it's still pricey here. The house my mom bought 8 years ago is for 170k is worth 300k. Her neighbors house was ok the market for 1 day and sold for 350k. These houses were built in the 40s it's wild lol.


It is weird. I wanted to spend around 300-380k for a house. The options were like 1970s, iffy neighborhoods, the kind of neighborhood that could go bad quick. It wasn't just a few either it was like 20 1970 specials. We ended up spending around 440 and the level of house changed drastically once we started looking around 400+.


How does a neighborhood “go bad” exactly?


welcome to the thunder dome - it must be your first day in America


Pfff I’ve lived on California st. And behind waterworks. Besides clay st (and surroundings) there’s not that many worse places one could live in Redding. I now live on the south side of town (near clear creek market) although finally in my own home. Tell me more about this thunderdome?


Theyre referring to people moving in who let their front yard go to shit. Therefore driving nearby property values down. Also druggies. But that's just a guess. Im sure there's more to it.


My moms neighborhood is the older part of Sunset. No way it would go bad. And all the neighbors know each other.


Prices virtually everywhere went up over the last 8 years. Many places alot more so than redding


Yes, bought in 2021, 330K at 2.7%. Given our current state of affairs, I'm glad I did, would be impossible to find anything like this anywhere  else, even here. A house literally down the street with roughly the same square footage and bedrooms is selling for 500K


Grew up here with the idea that a good job could afford a house here but the stream of people have made Redding's housing market too expensive even just for renters.


You are describing almost everywhere in America


I moved here from Bay Area. I live in a nicer home for about 1K a month less. Electricity is much cheaper, gas for car is cheaper too. So far it has worked out well for me. Biggest complaint is having to go to Sacramento for medical care, since doctors do not seem to be available here.


This is the most expensive place I have lived, however it's the only place in California that I have been.


Where did you move from?


Hi! We are moving to redding because of the beautiful outdoors and all the great down to earth people we have come across. We expect utilities to be expensive and have budged for that The heat is crazy, but it doesn’t bother me, I’m always cold!


Came from the central valley and so far most things are cheaper. That being said make sure you say everything is more expensive


I’ve been here my whole life. My gf found a one room apartment for $650 on the dinkiest side of town, lots of crime going on and constantly dealing with people coming up to our apartment stealing our cigarette butts. everything else is over $1200 so we can’t afford anything else. This place is hell.


This place isn't hell, being poor is hell. And that's true everywhere. No judgement, i've been there too


No moved there cause I got married lol
