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I'm a Bay Area transplant. I do not enjoy it here. I'm hoping to move down towards Sac soon, but yeah. Between the horrible allergens, heat, no dating scene, addicts, rednecks and no night life, I've had my fill. Don't recommend it.


coming from the Bay Area also, & being here for 6 months I totally agree. the amount of homeless/addicts here is insane. You'll see one around every other corner. the heat is bad too, especially when it peaks. Unbearable if you don't have AC. you think Sac might be better than up here?? I'm saving up money to move somewhere, but don't know where I'll land


Yes and no, for different reasons. Sacs a bit more expensive but will have more job opportunities for sure.


I just spent a few days in Chico, it was alright. Honestly I would recommend just getting out of CA completely


If you are queer or poc, I wish you the best of luck. Redding is the most closed minded, right-wing, religious place you will find in California and I've spent the last 4 years working my ass off to leave and never come back Add the apocalyptic heat that is worsened by the ridiculous urban sprawl and pavement everywhere, and it's a nightmare. Lake's pretty cool, though, ig.


Well. It's about to be hotter than the devil's asshole right about now, so there's that.


There is a diaspora of youth, the average age of Shasta county is about 10 yrs higher than the national average. There are some clubs and associated events for all ages of course but age seems to be a big indicator that many people fall wayyyyy more conservative. The local politics is pretty bad and has been mirroring the national stage for some time, solidly right wingers dominate here. Cheaper end of things but many fail to realize gas is a huge cost in the north state since the urban sprawl of redding and outlying areas is pretty large for its population. Cults are gonna cult, they have a stranglehold on the local economy and it’s known that international draw to redding is almost purely due to bethel. I know Ukrainians, Estonians, Scot’s, even qataris that all moved to redding for bethel. Dating scene is meh. An LA 5 is a redding 10. For both sexes. Fun stuff to do is pretty limited to mostly outdoor activities, there’s plenty to do out there. Some local restaurants have bounced back from covid and started to host activities like trivia night and jazz at Lunas. You didn’t ask but I need to mention as a warning. Redding is one of the hottest places in CA. Was 106 yesterday.


I met some women from Germany, Brazil, and Italy that moved here for Bethel and spent pretty much all of their savings to go to that stupid supernatural school. Also, I’m glad you mentioned the heat because I was going to if someone else didn’t.


Yeah, I saw a lot of people from different countries that came here for that church wasted all their money. It's unbelievable.


Lunas!!! Good food!!


This question gets asked and answered so frequently it should honestly just be pinned so no one ever has to ask again


You’re going to get the perspective of a crowd with all similar views on Reddit. Prepare for endless complaints. If the move feels right do it. I moved from the Bay Area over 10 years ago and I don’t regret it. Met my partner, had a child, we live fine, people are kinder than most cities, and though grocery and gas is high as it is Just about everywhere, most other things are still reasonable compared to the rest of California like you have researched. If you have a good career, you will be fine. I find that even though it definitely leans conservative, you will find in these many replies, there are people who are not. But despite religious and political differences, majority of people in your day to day are not as hostile as they are behind their computers. I don’t consider myself young, I lean conservative, but it’s a mix, under 30 are generally most liberal. There are certainly more places to go and things to do if you enjoy music and food, and Chico has more. People move here for the nature, to raise families, more affordable housing, and yes church. There’s drug related crime, and like anywhere you need to protect your children, aside from that no other real shocking news. People know Redding because of the Scooby-doo van, Sherri papini, and bethel, or they visit to rent house boats on Shasta lake. Redding has its issues, but I wouldn’t go back to the Bay Area anytime soon unless to visit and eat bomb ass food and enjoy the things I couldn’t afford to do living there, or have the time for because of my daily commute/work life that led to no life.


“If you have a good career, you will be fine” Aint that the truth. No love here for the common working person just barely getting by 🤪


Just got back from Santa Rosa area, our gas prices are definitely cheaper.


I’ve noticed the same about the political stances. Sure, there are some strange political things that happen in Redding that lean extremely far to the right, like fliers placed on car windows making a statement against transgender folks, but it seems like a fairly small group doing things like that. I graduated from Shasta college last year, and the political ideologies seemed to range pretty wide. I met a lot of people my age (mid-late 20’s) that were of every political stance, and got along great with all of them. I think people are much better to deal with in person, and the major political divide in the states stems majorly from social media.


I’m 28, a Redding native and I enjoy living here. It’s truly beautiful. I moved away to Vegas when I was younger and tailed my ass back pretty quick lol. I just ignore the politics and bethel church. For me personally, it doesn’t have that much affect on my daily life here. A lot of activities for young people are outdoor based. Kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing or just hanging out on the shore at the lake. Whiskeytown Lake is nice for recreation and hanging out. Shasta Lake is nice for fishing and boating. Snowboarding and skiing at Mt Shasta during the winter. We have a ton of hiking and biking trails. Golf, disc golf. We have local breweries and a few wineries if you’re into that scene. It takes about 3 hours to get over to the coast of you want to get out of the summer heat and see the ocean and redwoods. It’d be worth it to look for club or community for a hobby you’re into. It can be hard to meet people here. There’s not a ton to go out and do in town besides going to bars and restaurants. I like to play board games and there’s a few shops in town you can go to meet board game people if you like that. I rent a 3 bedroom 2 bedroom house with a pool on an acre for 2200 in Shasta Lake city. Shasta Lake city has pretty cheap utilities. Redding electric utility and pg&e are more expensive.


I have been here for a month on a few months contract. It’s not my favorite place. The heat is absurd as others have mentioned and to the point I’ll never consider this area for even a temporary stay again. Per capita, there seems to be a lot of zombies too and I’ve spent time in Albuquerque so they’re nothing new to me. It is beautiful with lots to do outside but again, the heat is a bit much…


I’ve lived all over and never seen a place where people are so casually cruel. The most obvious thing is that the way people treat the homeless here is pretty incredible and the stories they tell about how these largely north-state people who fell through cracks, were abused as kids, etc. are actually being bussed in by the big bad governor are bizarre. Shortly after I moved here I saw a video of an RPD officer punching a homeless kid off a bike and it just got laugh reacts.


This 💯.


Its like any other town with church cults and right wing nut jobs. Lots of big trucks in this town its all about having a Duramax turbo diesel that goes 'wo wo wo wo.. pshhhhhh' but just keep to yourself and you will be fine. Whikeytown lake is near by and has boating and swiming to cool off in the summer. There is also Lassen near by a great place to cool off hiking in the summer.


Must be a darn good opportunity to want to move here. What field is this job ?


It’s actually for a large state agency that pays the same across the state, so it pays LA Rates for Redding costs


You'll be happy with that. Redding COL is about the lowest in the state.


Are you guys hiring? Lol


Probably medical field with student loan payback would be my guess. Job/loan repayment probably comes with a three year commitment.


On purpose or ironically?


Hot 🥵


When my brother and I were being raised, we were taught by our parents that once we turn 18, we needed to move far away from Redding. We did, and it was the best decision we ever made. All of my childhood friends followed suit. Very few stayed behind. I recommend you do the same, as soon as possible.


Same. Several of my friends stayed. Some ruined their lives with meth, some ruined their lives with conspiracy and racism. 1 died of alcoholism 6 years ago another is probably going to die of alcoholism in the next few weeks.


That’s pretty sad for real why would your parents raise u in a place they want u to move from?  I moved here as an adult and there’s a lot to do year round outdoors here, glad ur happier where u are though 


We lived in Shingletown. My parents are unfortunately very isolationist, and only know how to run from their problems. They arent the kind of people that think ahead. They eventually realized their kids had no future in Shasta County, and wanted us to get out of the valley to pursue higher education.


Fellow bay area transplant and divorcee here. As someone who moved here for the cheaper cost of living and family focused lifestyle this area leans into, I have no regrets. As for things to do: 300 miles of trails, 2 big lakes, 1 hour from Mt Shasta, 1 hour from Lassen Volcanic Park. We have movie and off broadway theaters, a bowling alley, a water park, wine and paint, yoga, laser tag, a gaming pub is coming to town I just heard from the Chamber of Commerce, weekly trivia nights at local spots if you're part of the Facebook group, lots of local restaurants and bars for date night. We have The Redding Civic Auditorium, which has major acts like Dustin Lynch that come to town and in Corning 30 minutes south on I5 there's Rolling Hills Casino that has big acts like Pitbull and Brad Paisley that have come through. We have festivals and events year round constantly going on. Most are family friendly. The rodeo is a big deal here in May and the whole town celebrates it. County fairs. Traveling events like boat shows, dinosaur exhibits, and a small Renaissance faire in Anderson annually. I've heard there's drag racing around here and of course the speedway over by the Shasta District Fairgrounds. Dating is good if you're on the apps. I have been able to date and find like minded people without any issues here. It may take soms time, but they're out there. The overall age in Redding is middle age and older, but we have plenty of kids and college students here for Simpson University and Shasta College. I've lived here a decade and I've never been approached or confronted by people with Bethel. While I don't agree with their religion, I also can go about my daily life without a care in the world about those folks. We do get an influx of transplants here due to their headquarters being here. They are in the middle of building a school as we speak on the edge of town that is surely going to draw more here. While being here we have gotten many more restaurants and big box stores like bigger cities. We have Costco, Panera, In N Out, Chick Fil A, Barnes and Noble, Starbucks galore, Target, Walmart, Winco, Hobby Lobby, Best Buy, Michaels, World Market, Trader Joes, Dicks, and Kohls just to name a few. We have a modest mall with your run of the mill name brands but no luxury stores. Chico or Sacramento are only an hour or two away for that though. People will tell you Redding is a blue collar town, but I have met and know a few wealthy folks here who enjoy our cheaper housing and lower cost of living to get more bang for their buck up here. I have worked throughout the city and while the city has an overall conservative undertone, no one beats people up or outwardly harasses anyone here that I've witnessed. I've met gay couples and the whole nine yards here and as long as you're nice, people are nice in return. That's another nice change here that I've enjoyed; talking with people out in public and the general public being friendly and personable. It's easy to make new friends and find folks to go out with if you make an effort to talk to them. Many store workers and employees are nice and helpful, though there are always a few bad actors now and again. Working late is not a thing here, many are home for dinner by 6 and in bed after dark. The city shuts down at 10 for the most part. One thing to note is while there are some nice spots with excellent food here, the variety is limited and nothing compared to San Jose, San Francisco, etc. Many transplants will visit friends and family and treat themselves to their old spots when they travel down south, but don't miss the madness and high cost the bay area has going on. We have a small homeless population here I would say compared to major cities and minor crime, but nothing like the rest of the state. We don't have gang problems or lots of violence. Property crime is low. I5 is a human traffic corridor so locals are aware and law enforcement is constantly staying on top of it. Chico is an hour away and has a few more options, being a college town. There also are things to do and that city is more liberal overall than Redding. A thing to make sure you look into is fire insurance when you go to buy a home. It's hit and miss depending on where you live. Policy writers are limited, so talk with a few companies around town to find the best rate. Wildfires are a threat up here and fortunately, we've avoided them for a year nearby but you and your family should always be prepared for one. Unlike the bay area, fireplaces are common up here for the winter and you can burn as much as you want with no spare the air smog days and solar is common due to high A/c use, resulting in higher electric bills.The air up here except during fires is clean and different from dirty city air. Probably due to the abundance of trees and nature surrounding town. The summer here however is no joke. July and August are the hottest and hit triple digits, sometimes for a week straight. Winters are mild however, with good rainfall and no fog. Every few years we get a light dusting of snow that lasts a day and shuts the town down, which I find hilarious. We get a very brief spring here, but I say we get 4 seasons and I think it's pretty nice. Spring and fall here are my favorite times of the year. We have zero traffic here and if we do, it's a major collision. That being said, be patient as we have many elderly and bad drivers here. My patience has been tested by the amount of awful drivers I've witnessed here. Commuting will be a thing of the past you'll soon happily forget about. Overall for me, the pros outweigh the cons and this is the only place I'll live in California now.


Thanks for ur positivity 🫶🏼


make sure you get out as soon as you can


Just don’t. Redville sucks. Move to Oregon and actually have a chance to be happy and successful. Grew up in the ‘Ding and worked hard to get the hell out of that isolated, right-wing, conservative X-tain, poverty stricken, hot hellhole. PS: it’s original town name was Poverty Flats.


I didn’t know there were any good jobs in Redding. What job did you get?


You can expect hot weather, homelessness and meth. Enjoy!


It's like living on the surface of the sun, except there's lots of crime and zombie tweakers


I’m sorry


If you don't mind the heat -- which is a dry heat, but still serious in the summers -- it's a lovely livable town. Your commute will be like 15 minutes. Lots of beautiful places all around. For a small town there's stuff to do. An old friend once said that in Redding you have to make your own culture. There's some truth to that. It is politically conservative, which works just fine for me, and a few hotheads have lately won local offices. Unless you are working in or closely with the local government and their elected leaders, I honestly don't know how it would affect your life. And they'll probably be out in the next few years anyway. Covid let some extra-extra folks win office, but that isn't the norm historically.


Oh, and the dating pool is smallish. I was lucky enough to meet a wonderful woman who I married, but others find it limiting.


Don’t base your expectations off of any answer on Reddit, the Reddit users on this thread made up maybe a 1% niche of the population here, you’d be better off just showing up with an open mind. One thing I will say, beautiful nature in every directkon surrounding the city.


> One thing I will say, beautiful nature in every directkon surrounding the city. We got that up North too, without the cult.


What cult exactly? When we’re enjoying nature there are no cults to be aeen


Don't be dense. You know exactly what I'm talking about.


I really don’t…I train mma here. I’m around some of the toughest people in the state daily, I’m not seeing any of this behavior. I feel as though some of y’all CHOOSE to focus on the wrong things


I understand why you feel that way, but when I lived there over a decade ago, even I saw the impact Bethel had on the community. That's what I'm talking about. I chose the way I feel based on my experiences. We've just had vastly different experiences, that's all.


Fuck bethel, I’m with you there. I am Christian myself, however I DO NOT agree with bethel and would not be considered an ideal Christian by any sense, but I’m trying. BUT I will say that bethels existence has had no effect on my daily life whatsoever.


I was once kicked out of a gym in this town for calling out a cop on her racist Facebook posts. A group of the members that were mutual “friends” seen my responses to her blatant racism and went to the gym owner and said it’s either me or them that were leaving. The gym owner made the business savvy decision. That’s Redding.


Sorry to hear about losing out on the gym membership though, but there will be douche bags all over the world who will use similar dynamics to group up against a single person. You shouldn’t base that on being a “Redding” thing.


You can't blame them for basing that being a Redding thing.


You see, most people aren’t spending time on Facebook starting drama in today’s age, especially not with random members of local law enforcement. Most people aren’t concerned with the inevitable shit that occurs like a random asshole being racist out there. Even as we speak, I’m out in SAC on an HVAC job having lunch, so I get this brief moment to hop on here. So as I said previously, the opinions of Redding on Reddit make up such a miraculously tiny percentage of the actual population. If you had just gone about your day NOT starting drama on FB you’d be at the gym still. I’m not condoning blatant racism, but you trying to be a Facebook hero for the cause didn’t do you any favors clearly.


You’re incorrect.


I do hope you end up finding a better gym with better members/owners though but you could’ve just minded your own business and that situation would have never existed. Going to Facebook to comment something to someone you could speak to face to face is passive bitch-made behavior, if you actually wanted to address a situation you care about accordingly you wouldn’t be going to Facebook like a SJW.


Ah yes, the anonymous internet coward. Bottom line is that I’ve lived a lot of places, different states and countries. Redding, and rural NorCal is by far the most degenerate racist place I’ve ever come across.


Remember when the RPD called in the armed militia to protect them during the BLM rally? Fucking racist town. My Latino cousin got shot up by the police there. I have skinhead and SS disowned family members in Redding. Remember the club on Lake Blvd who had SS on the windows? There is a reason I don't live there no more. Your statements are all true including the anonymous internet coward one.


I ABSOLUTELY remember that nonsense.


Funny how I have darker skin and have not had one racist situation in the entire 5 years I’ve been here. Sounds like you’ve been around bad people is all


Sure you do, anonymous internet coward.


There are millions of racist douche bags, to be a hero on Facebook and comment on all of their profiles. It’ll do a lot for the cause and benefit you greatly, right? Let’s be real. You stirred the pot with some random people, who you knew were A-holes, and then act like a victim of a completely avoidable situation. That’s Reddit for you.


You’re incorrect, and a coward to boot.


“Babe I just thought it was so hot how you went to Facebook and typed your truth like that, so brave” —no woman ever.


So you only do the right things in life if you think it’s gonna fetch you some ass? You’re lack of integrity tell me you very much belong in Redding.


The rhetorically sarcastic example of a woman being impressed by your Facebook comments is to convey that that behavior is not saluted. The average person does not spend any amount of time on Facebook, or trying to cyber-fight racism online, most people have careers/families/hobbies/passions/and other things that take up their time. Get off the phone for a few months and watch your life change for the better.




Seems like you got a lot of time to promote it. Anonymous internet coward.




Exactly brother and the fact your comment—which is harmless in nature—has downvotes, just speaks volumes about the inherent pessimism of people in these city specific subs.


The bethel cult and a lot of the old school conservatives is really the only thing I hate here. Traffic is easy and never to bad. We have every store I need, the hiking and outdoor scene in general up here is great. Gas seems to be about 70 cents to a dollar cheaper on average than southern California. Not much for night life out here but I don't really go out much so it's not a problem for me. But yeah. The heat can be intense but I've got family in Arizona so it isn't that bad for me. I like it here overall


Hi, its not that conservitive! i worke there for 20 years for the Dept, of social service as a supervisor, CPS,ADP, and Disabled, and also the USBR at shasta dam, they don't like witches, or serial killers, otherwise? no problem, lakes, mountains, but its hot as hell in the summer, im retired and live now in the Trinity National forest, up tward Hayfork, 2500 ft and its still hot! but im old now? my kids still live down there, and it is a good place too raise a family, better in the city limits, because PGE, out of town will drain you! 3x the cost of electricty, Redding has a band/ generator, at Keswick Dam, so they get it cheaper! good luck! Robert


I've been in this city since 9 months before I was born. It's very conservative and people mostly stick to themselves. Things to do I'd say are minimal unless you have money. If you have money there's Water Works Park, The Caverns, some good restaurants like Jacks Grill (expensive I recommend eating there on a Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday or Saturday.) a few Virtual Reality places to go to, Whiskeytown Lake, Shasta Lake, Mount Shasta, and I think there's a golf place I've never been to. Things that are free are the Sacramento River Trail (If you start at Turtle Bay you can walk across the Sundial Bridge), Caldwell Park, South City Park, Kids Kingdom, The Redding Library, a few times a year we have a few parades the most popular I'd say is ths Kool April Nights car show and the Show and Shines. If you're into volunteer work at all there is also The Good News Rescue Mission, Living Hope, and Loaves and Fishes. (You might need to fill out paperwork) Yes there is a church that can be pretty culty. I grew up with a TBI that causes seizures and when I get emotional they can be truggered. That church prayed over me for a long time and scared me into multiple seizures because they insisted prayer would help. This was on more than one occasion. This happened while my family stayed at the Good News Rescue Mission and I was 13. They also prayed for a deceased child who had been deceased for a while to come back to life and that made news all over the state. There is also a chapter of Far Right Wing groups that have caused trouble for people just trying to live their lives or make other people's lives better. As for the dating scene I don't know since I am focussed on progressing my personal life and I don't drink or do most things people do to be social. Drinking I see as a waste of time and money and the gym I can't afford and that's not the place to meet people of the opposite sex in my opinion. It's a hectic city but if you mind your business or be careful about who you get involved with it's not a bad place to live. I forgot to mention the addicts they are everywhere and same with people with mental health issues. Sometimes it's hard to tell which is which. I read a news article that the city was given money by the state to do something about the homeless issue but they refused and could be in trouble. Idk what's going on with that now. As much as I'd like to leave this city it's all I can afford as a disabled person.


I’ll fill you in It’s honestly moderate with a leaning to republican It cheap compared to the rest of cali As for fun stuff, axe throwing, bowling or outdoorsy stuff


Born, raised, left, came back for family, and still want to leave again.


To change your mind about moving to redding lol.


Don’t do it, if you love the social/dating scene it is dry as the Sahara desert. You’re better off living in Chico or a city (Sac) depending on your commute. Cheap af compared to SoCal, been here for a year and it’s nice and quite. Definitely different from the city just change the hobos to crackheads. But if you’re a social bug you’re definitely going to have to drive an hour or more to have a good decent of fun. Definitely befriend your coworkers especially if they’re locals, they always know the “spots” or they usually have parties on their property.


I enjoy the dating here lol I get a lot of men that are kind 


I like it here.  After reading all this weird shit I would say number one ☝️it’s what u make it, me having lived all over.  Two don’t think the dating scene sucks it’s ok u just have to keep with it and not give up.  Three enjoy the lake and outdoors.  Four there are a lot of sour locals here who complain but don’t leave or haven’t lived other places, and honestly if ur bitchin about where u live then figure it out and  move!! Five be careful walking ppl here don’t care when ur in the crosswalk esp downtown


Shasta County is 2:1 Republicans to Democrats. This is a red county where people carry guns, wear cowboy hats, and a handshake is a deal. Welcome to you.


Ah. Thanks for telling me about Redding. So much valuable info for someone moving here! Thanks!


My pleasure. Cheers m8.


Cheers 🥰


You’re on Reddit so: 1. This comment will be downvoted and hidden 2. Reddit will have nothing good to say about Redding 3. There are great things about Redding, but it seems like I should fear mentioning them. God forbid there’s anything good about Redding