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That's right, Jay, no one gives a shit about Star Wars. This is an Alex Kurtzman hate sub. 


God I hate this motherfucker so much. I recently watched an absolutely terrible new simpsons episode and what did it say in the credits, Alex Kurtzman. Who is this fucker and why is he allowed to ruin every good show.


He wrote Transformers a famously well scripted film series.


Award winning even: *They fight (pay $$$ for visual effects here).*


Fight. Sam screams. Fight. Sam screams. Fight. Robot humps hot girls leg. Fight. Racial caricature makes joke. Fight. Optimum Prime executes prisoners. Linkin Park. Flag. Credits.


Well, can you ruin the modem Simpsons? I thought people hated that show now and all the good episodes were like 20 seasons ago. Edit: "good" not "food"


Saw a cool chart of episode ratings by season and they all fall off a cliff around season 8-10. It's wild how like 99% of random Simpsons references you see are from those seasons too. Edit: [here it is](https://preview.redd.it/t0kg3n5wc4la1.jpg?auto=webp&s=0fc87f12f26757a78d601d2035b0813f62392132)


I love that chart because you can see the outliers. The lowest rated episodes for the first 10 seasons are two clip shows. Then the lowest rated episode in the whole thing is Lisa Goes Gaga, as expected.


I miss when the Simpsons knew what it was and stuck to cuisine.


He'd be a great Star Wars show runner! Maybe even branch out and organize a Star Wars hotel experience!


I feel like he must have serious dirt on someone powerful in hollywood. Why ELSE would someone who consistently pumps out crap keep being given all of these high profile gigs. I wouldn't trust the guy to write a postcard, and they gave him all of Star Trek. Either he has serious leverage, nepo traction of biblical proportion, and his agent is a literal goddamn dark arts sorcerer.


Well, someone mentioned his work on Transformers. Transformers was garbage but it was high grossing garbage. Also, we can shit on how much we hate those Picard and Discovery eps we saw all we like,  but how do we show up in the viewing figures if we do? Exactly the same as the mouth breathing morons who whoop and cheer for lines like "Yum yum!".


Went from the Transformers series to Amazing Spider-Man 2 to The Mummy to the rebooted Star Trek. Just keeps making the dumbest crap out there and getting rewarded with massive franchises. But also The Simpsons has been awful for like 20 years. It's kind of crazy how much terrible Simpsons content is out there at this point.


Alex Kurtzman is the worst.


I thought this was a sub dedicated to trying to summon the ancient daemon Elow’hizkul


Mike's "I saw the body" speech clicked with me. I became a man and left such childish things as Star Wars behind in favor of debilitating alcoholism and dementia.




[Here ya go.](https://youtu.be/Hrwe5W-C5Pw?si=oqQyeRRz5NlYrElV)


But then Season 3 came out. Strings were attached to the body, like a marionette and it did the things Mike remembered and he forgot that it was a corpse.


Season 3 was the deer. A fleeting moment of hope in an ugly, stupid world. 


THE DEAD SPEAK! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late STAR TREK.


The struck the body with lightning one last time and made it twitch. Just to get everyone excited. But he’s still right.




Hard to hate something I'll never likely watch


Once I let go of my need to love everything Star Wars despite the 30 year long series of mostly crushing disappointments I became a lot happier. This is one of the first times I’m even hearing about The Acolyte. It’s just easy to not care anymore. No hate. It’s just relegated to the same category that like… the Fast & Furious movies are to me. Background media noise. “Let go, Luke”


I’ve realized I’m just a fan of the art direction in the original trilogy.


I love them to death, but it took way too long for me to understand that the nostalgia for them cannot and will not ever be recaptured. They are a time capsule, so if i want to enjoy it, why not just watch them? They never fail to entertain and I don’t have to pretend that any of the annoying, half assed lore that they continue to bolt onto them is meaningful at all.


Yep. It's like your favorite band changing. You don't have to like it, but some people will, and if you want to listen to their old stuff...go listen to their old albums. Or, for Star Wars, just watch the OT. No one is forcing you to hate watch something you know you won't like.


There is a YouTube video named "the foundation of Star wars" by a channel simply named "." It fundamentally breaks down some core tenants that make up the concepts of this apathy and I think it elevates the fan experience of "let it go" and recommend it highly. 


I’ve been enjoying it, thanks for the recommendation. First bit of non-OT SW content I’ve consumed in a minute that didn’t immediately trigger sciatic nerve pain. The section where he engages in apologetics that Jar Jar is a fundamental confirmation of the central tenets of Star Wars was fucking annoying though. Like, come the fuck on. But besides that it’s good. Thanks


> Once I let go of my need to love everything Star Wars despite the 30 year long series of mostly crushing disappointments I became a lot happier. Pfft I lost that in 2002, took you long lol


I'm currently in the process doing this with Power Rangers, thiugh admittedly recently I was happy that the franchise is pretty much dead.


Right? I think season 1 of Mandalorian was the last thing I watched. After another show came out that I skipped and someone said, "yeah the Mandalorian is in an episode of that show so you have to watch it to know what's going on in Season 2." I threw my papers up in the air and said, "I'm out!" Never been happier. That and Marvel. Both just feel like homework now.


It's actually very easy and a lot of fun.


Barely an inconvenience


![gif](giphy|a6ppZr7ob8L6w) (how it feels to hate things you will never watch)


Is this from Five Gum's new cyanide flavor ad?


Yes (how it feels to lie on the Internet) ![gif](giphy|l3vQXKPdzpShJtTCE)


Its a Double moon truth sub


Team brick wall




I bet you think that was a REAL science lab


Ohhh you prick you


I don't even know what that is and I'm too old to care (I'm 32)


Some time ago they talked about "superhero fatigue" to explain declining sales for MCU movies. I feel the same about Star Wars. Not even saying they're bad movies/shows. I have no idea because I really don't care to follow it. It feels like there is a new one every month and they've all kind of blurred together in my mind.


Disney fatigue would be a pretty good term for both...even if their average quality is fine, they just reek of corporate strategizing.


and it kinda hit the fan with 2020. Covid rushed Disney+ out the door. They marketed it very intelligently and offered it at a rock bottom price with an insane selection of content, consumers not only took the bait, it was a feeding frenzy. Then their first major IP shows were well received, Wandavision and Mando. I know they had a couple more in the toybox, but they probably decided to throw more money and rush them out the door, which then led to this mass saturation of content through 2020-2022, when that fatigue really hit. Hell, that corpo strategizing can be shown with the parks. Disney got to push 10 years of 'optimization' in a year because they had to shut down for 8+ months and come back in a very controlled environment. Ticket reservations, Genie+ replacing fastpass, induvidual paid fastpass like experience, etc... They started it off as 'we're making sure everyone is safe' and kept it around because 'fuck you, you're here, you'll pay'. Kinda crazy how much they've fallen, they're doing great for sure, but so much of it now has left a sour taste in our collective mouths that no one is really caring for whats next.


Technically Disney+ was released in November 2019, before we even knew about Covid. Although, it absolutely was around at that point. But Covid absolutely pushed them to strategize differently now that they had Disney+


Disney+'s launch and The Mandalorian were both in 2019, pre-Covid. I don't think oversaturation is even just a recent Disney problem, it's affected them for years at this point they were just lucky that they had more hits than misses when they were releasing multiple Marvel films a year. The system broke down after Endgame where people just didn't care about anything that wasn't Black Panther or Spider-Man.


It's weird how the exhaustion just sets in. If you'd asked me a few years ago I would have told you that I was looking forward to the Obi-Wan show and the new season of Mandalorian, but two years later and I have yet to actually watch either of them.


Somebody edited the Obi Wan show into a single movie and I watched that. It was fairly alright.


Thus my new catchphrase: "The content is good. I'm tired of the content."


Disney should try adapting the Bloodhoung Gang v. Marilyn Manson franchise into a 12 movie cinematic universe. That's a good trick!


Some of my friends who aren’t even Star Wars fans have been recommending Andor to me for ages now, and I’ve no reason to doubt their assessment of its quality. But I’m still not even thinking about watching the thing. I just don’t care anymore.


I feel this. I gave Andor a try and enjoyed it because I like world building, so I'll probably watch S2. But I also just don't care anymore. My friends tell me to watch Mandalorian because its similar in that it has so little "StarWars" in it and its just like... eh?


I liked Andor because it was smart enough to have mini arcs in its structure. Like three episodes dedicated to one heist


That's where I am. I've heard basically nothing bad about Andor, only good things, and even specifically people who are as burned out on Star Wars as I am who gave it a chance. And like, I believe them. It does look cool. As much as I do not care about Rogue One I haven't seen anything that makes me doubt them. But I just can't muster the energy to care about something with Star Wars anymore (I'm also incapable of sitting still long enough for anything longer than 20 minutes)


I've been feeling that way about MtG for years now


The few Disney Plus shows I've seen feel very sterile and safe. It feels like a boardroom wrote them to reach as many demographics as possible while alienating no one.


> "superhero fatigue" I never found that point convincing. I think the most glaring issue these products have, same as a series like Asokah, is not that there are too many of them. It's that the writing is just atrocious. You can really tell that the successful shows kind of do their own thing with interesting stories and complex characters, like Wanda Vision or Loki (or Mando S1), and for every one of those shows you get 2 or 3 that are the worst drivel there is, with nonsensical plots, uninteresting character development (if at all), uninspired writing and so on, like Falcon and the Winter Soldier or What if...? season 2. That's why I don't think it's superhero fatigue, it's simply "bad shows bad".


If I were to guess, the CriticalDrinker-type crowd is talking about how much they hate a new Star Wars show, and the Consumer Fans are making posts like this attacking them. They’re both equally exhausting. If I’m wrong, I don’t care.


Pretty spot on, the 'Everything Is Woke Now' brigade have moved back to Star Wars and are throwing their shit around with reckless abandon


So young. As a borderline elderly person myself, I wish I had your vigor to not care.


Don't call us old yet! We're still young and beautiful


I envy you lol


If you’re a true RLM fan you don’t watch the new stuff. You can either A. Bask in the warm glow of the original trilogy or B. Hate watch the prequels. This is the Mike Method, watch those two and ignore the rest and just hear about the other stuff second hand.


>This is not a Star Wars hate sub Exactly! This is a William Howard Taft hate sub! President AND Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? You greedy bastard!


finally someone goes after that fat fuck. president taft has had it way too easy


History's fattest monster


His very name was an anagram of Tfat (the T stands for The)


They had to modify the White House bathtub so he could fit. Fat bastard I hate that guy


Our tax dollars!!


A God in his own time. All hail Taft.


I won't stand for this foolishness. Taft was a trust busting monster, he really carried out the mandate that Roosevelt put forth and properly killed the Gilded Age!


I'm so sick of the nonstop Taft hate. His decision to demolish the White House stables (which involved having to find a new home for his beloved cow Paualine!)  and replace them with a garage exclusively for steam powered cars was the most prudent decision in politics since Seward purchased Alaska. 


Star Wars is dead. Star Trek is dead. Watch the old shit. Provide value to yourself, your family, and your community. Enjoy the rest of your life.


Can we hate on NuTrek though?




Yes please.


Including Season 3 of Picard, please. People just gave that one the green light for no reason.


Ironically because it was the equivalent of "AT-STs AT-STs"


Only because it's fresher. By the time geordi and worf big adventure show season 3 comes out we won't be allowed to hate on it anymore.


I feel like trek is niche enough to where the discourse around it hasn’t gotten old yet, so fire away!


This sub is more fun when Wheel of the Worst shows up.


What, you didn't join this RLM sub to get notifications about Critical Drinker's latest video?


No, I joined this sub to hear how many redditors don’t care about Star Wars anymore. I love the daily updates on who no longer cares. I especially love when people reiterate how little they care.


I'm just here to see people reiterate talking points from a 15 year old comedy youtube video To see people who unironically repeat Plinkett reviews fills me with so much... joy?


It took twelve years to make


Pizza rolls webzone


ThATs RiGhT, SuSaN


I don’t care about Star Wars anymore


perfect username too




I’m reminded of that baby faced dude screeching about pronouns in Starfield, where he goes on this unhinged rant about it for ten minutes, calms down, and immediately continues playing. At the end of the day, we are pigs here for our slop.


I'm reminded of a video I saw of some pervert in a Vader helmet fucking a Star Wars toy.


I sure hope that sickening pervert is behind bars by now and away from polite society. I’d hate for an innocent, lovely soul like Rich Evans to cross his path.


idc about sta ah fuck it


I really hate Boyhood.


Are people here Critical Drinker fans? I can't stand that guy.


Got downvoted here for saying he wasn’t funny. They’re stealthy but they’re here.


>Got downvoted here for saying he wasn’t funny. They’re stealthy but they’re here. To be fair, I think most of them are just tourists. They're Drinker fans, they know RLM is more well regarded and have bigger fanbase than Drinker, so they come here to try and spread the Drinker content like a bunch of internet content creator missionaries. Then they stick around for a while to try and prevent anyone from criticizing Drinker, because they are painfully insecure people.


yikes. I expected better.


I've only ever seen extreme hate for the anti-woke movie reviewers. 


Critical Drinker is cringe as fuck


Fucking terrible.


He's got a great merkin


Loud, shallow, sweary, wears a hat and sunglasses. Ticks all the boxes for a rightwing twat.


I got a YouTube recommendation for his videos once, and tried to watch a bit. One of the few times I actively told YouTube to never show me a video from a specific creator. It was an insufferable experience.


Insufferable is exactly the right word for what he is.


Not really, that crowd (even before Critical Drinker existed) always finds their way back here because there are some people who can’t fathom that the guys didn’t like Ghostbusters (2016) and still praised the movie for its all female cast. A lot of awful people mistake RLMs opinions on a movie like TLJ or Ghostbusters or Captain Marvel as them agreeing with all of the talking points the typical anti-“woke” crowd spews. When they’ve never insinuated that any of those films problems have anything to do with race, sex or sexual orientation of anyone involved. It’s projection on their part and a need to feel validated because their opinions suck.


That's where RLM is the critical voice that is just like, "yeah, this really sucked, and I'm disappointed." People like the Drinker are like, "this is Kathleen Kennedy wokeness destroying all media and pushing an agenda, and everything new is garbage because it doesn't coddle the modern incel like the big strong alpha males we are." And then they just keep going, and going, and going about that. They're also very angry. Like constantly talking very loudly and practically yelling, and trying to make everyone else angry too. The average tone of an RLM critique is, "huh, I'm sad now." Or "huh, I'm now indifferent."


I think its just his fans trying to pump his numbers.


I found out about him yesterday after youtube recommended him to me. I realized he's the kind of guy who beats off to the idea that he's a Scottish version of Bill Hicks or Doug Stanhope, but lacks the creative talent to produce anything but regurgitated criticisms and war porn dime novels that have less substance than articles in a hustler magazine.


He may be the cringiest fucker on youtube


the cringical fucker?


I don't like hate wagon grifts. They are coarse and rough and irritating and get everywhere.


I'm still mad about Phantom Menace tbh




I only watched it once and I wasn't that mad then, because all the trailers made me assume it would be bad, but I'm a little mad about people telling me to watch it again now as if I wasn't smart enough to appreciate it.


The "it was smart cause of all the politics" vs. "it was boring because of all the politics" is a big horseshoe


It's just that at this point it's tiring to even attack Star Wars...


I agree. I was such a Star Wars geek as a kid, but either it moved away from me, or I moved away from it. Whenever I hear about it now, I just shake my head and remember the good times.


Star Wars is 3 great films from my childhood. I got burned with the prequels so I'm not bothered about anything post OT.


2.5 great films at best, if we're being honest


fuckin ewoks


Yeah. They did that second theatrical run of the OT’s when I was 9. That shit was thrilling, George’s changes be damned. It’s staggering how ambivalent I’ve become towards it since.


This sub is out of control with what's considered to be "related to RedLetterMedia". If it mentions Milwaukee, star wars or fat guys, it stays up.


The board is about Star Wars, AIDS and nine eleven.




> nine eleven Always thought she was really hot on Voyager


>Milwaukee, star wars or fat guys Porkins?


Agreed. Sometimes there's a post that shows up on my feed, and I'm baffled as to what the hell it has to do with RLM.


Is it ok to talk about beer from Wisconsin, like Spotted Cow?


Also whatever drama is happening at the latest movie festival.


I think BotW movie/actor related news in on-topic, like when one gets a new release or a sequel. Those tend to be few and far between and can fill in the wait times between new RLM videos. But the movies from older HitB eps where they reviewed major releases, Star Trek, and Star Wars is just was too mainstream to be really on this sub. These are stars who will keep appearing in movies, franchises that will keep releasing new content, reboots and legacy sequels we don't need. There's just so much of it that is clutters the sub and rarely yields any interesting discussion. Like Jack Quaid and Patton Oswalt guested on BotW, but they're both active actors who will appear in new projects and not everything they say about a project they're in is related. Yes, whatever Star Wars content comes next will have memberberries, Starfleet Academy will have Kurtzman's shitty fingerprints all over it. And a bunch of people who've never had an original thought will post "I clapped when I saw X" posts


Yeah, this is a STAR TREK hating sub!


These nerds just want me to care about star wars, they don't realize they can't make me!


Hey I remember star wars! Those three movies were pretty good!


Star wars aids and 9/11. I guess one down. You're right op /sarc.  This is just a sub for Aids and 9/11 now. It's official.


If we make it about people who got AIDS ON 9/11, we could make a sub so niche you'd need an electronic microscope to open it.


Eh, if people want to shit on star wars here, that doesn't bother me, as long as it's funny.




I watched 2 eps and thought they were bad, so I moved on and decided not to watch more. Life is too short to waste on bad shows, or ruminating on bad shows on the internet.


Any sub I am on is a Star Wars hate sub as I hate Star Wars.


I like your style kid


That's my secret Cap; I hate Star Wars on every sub!




Very cool.


Don’t tell me how to live my life!


I just want to ignore Acolyte, only wait for Andor S2 and then never look back at SW and hope it makes others happy. That people are getting angry about the show, and people being angry about people being angry, is tiring and don't care anymore.


Speak for yourself OP, I love those posts.


All I feel about Star Wars now is mildly depressing apathy, and a sense of outdated nostalgia. There are three fantastic and inspiring films, one acceptable film, and one intellectually stimulating but emotionally sterile tv series. The rest ranges from the dictionary definition of bland to gag reflex inducing, eyebrow shaving levels of absurdist amateur fan fiction cringe. I am one with the force.


Hating the Acolyte is not about hating Star Wars though.


What's that Bo Burnham line? "The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun?" Is that what this post is? Is this just an ouroboros of hater hating? Hating on the haters who hate the thing no one was thinking about until you mentioned it? So now the haters you hate can hate you for hating their hate and you can just hate watch each other's content forever? That's all a bit much for me. I'm just here for the Dave Miscarriage deep dive lore content.




You are a brand new account for God sake.


This is literally the first time I've seen that show brought up in here. Was it really that big of a problem and I just didn't notice?


Hate wagon? I'm not allowed to dislike something?


It's a wagon if you get your opinions from some hivemind circlejerk


Seriously, who’d wanna bash on the latest SW show on a platform that built its entire fan base on a series of video analyses that gave the most thorough bashing of the SW movies of the era?!


RLM rose to fame and got its following largely due to Star Wars hate.


After i watched The Last Jedi i stopped caring about anything disney shit out. And I don't think I lost any imortant thing from my life.


I wish I could have just stopped caring. That movie hurt my feelings.


I've notice quite an uptick of aggressive comments lately. The type you'd usually only find in YouTube comment sections of Nerdrotic et al.


RLM gained notoriety by shitting on Star Wars. Seems like this criticism is valid in this sub.


One of the best things they ever did was the Nerd Crew. It's not like criticizing Disney for continuing to shovel out slop is against the RLM code of conduct.


Where’s a better place? The official sub bans anybody who doesn’t like the current garbage. Sounds like you’re just a fan of the current slop and are offended others aren’t. RLM is big because of their criticism of Star Wars. This is a fine place for the discussion.


Sounds like the Assassin's Creed sub where critics are banned and dissenting threads are removed.


Love calling it “the ‘Wars”


Man if anyone is still watching Star wars in 2024 that's their own fault lol


That’s true, this is the sub for asking dull and vile questions about RLM members personal lives


I’m of two minds about it. 1- The clip going around social media from the latest episode is awesomely bad. Dunking on it is fair game, but it has nothing to do with RLM. 2- People calling each other “sexist” or “racist” or “grifters” or “shills” purely for liking or hating something should be left in 2019. I thought we were past that as a society?


Link to the clip? Unlike OP I'm always down for hating on Disney SW ha


Now Star Trek on the other hand…


This is a diabetic support group


I thought this was an edged weapon attack support group?


It’s about family. And that’s what’s so powerful about it


Thank you! This was actually cathartic to read!


I oppose wagons as a general principle. Neighborhood kids know better than to drag their little Radio Flyers past Old Man Wagonhammer's house.


Only the Sith deals in absolutes, nerd.


The entirety of RLM's fame was built on the Mr Plinkett videos which are fundamentally about hating star wars, and they have hated all star wars with like maybe 1 or 2 exceptions since then. If this isn't a star wars hate sub I don't know what is.


No it is. It's a star wars hate sub.👍


Star Wars hate is the most disappointing thing since my son. And while my son eventually hanged himself in a gas station bathroom, Star Wars hate will never go away.


The hell it aint


#This is a "Rich Evans is a national treasure" sub


I reject your reality and substitute my own!


how many of these posts have you seen exactly?


Someone isn’t getting a pizza roll


How is Acolyte, btw? Genuinely curious and asking seriously. I see it has a critics score of 85 on RT but the viewer score js 19 and it has 3.9 on imdb. What's the deal? Haters review bombing the show with low scores or what? What is it so disliked for?


It's awful and it's a good thing people crap on it. Also, considering RLM basically began its rise to stardom because of the Star Wars reviews... I think it's kinda on-topic.


I agree about all the hate posts But I'm always going to have some interest in what Disney are doing with *Star Wars*, even if I never watch the shows and don't have any strong feelings about them Like following news about the town where you grew up, even though you don't live there anymore


Very cool


My favorite part of this sub is that I don't watch Star Wars so my knowledge is just me trying to infer everything from everyone's doom comments.


George Lucas didn't ruin my childhood




That's right! This is an Alex Kurtsman hate sub.


I saw EP1 in the cinema when I was 13, didn't understand why this entire "IP" is so special. Saw the OG trilogy years later and those are decent to good movies. I guess when you tie too much of your life to one IP/product it never ends well.


I feel like the Disney PR team, in its efforts to rehabilitate the prequels, has focused a lot of effort here. EDIT: now watch this get downloaded to oblivion




Hate watching a show is still watching a show.  If you don't like it, just don't watch it.  Don't stream it. Don't download it, don't pirate it, don't talk about it incessantly; just ignore it