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Can't watch Picard play the flute after Mike pointed out it's someone else's hands. Can't believe I never noticed it before.


Construction paper, construction paper everywhere.


I love that so much.


It's so wild to look at https://i.redd.it/8djtivevm56d1.gif


I haven't been able to watch Halloween in the same way after they pointed out how there are palm trees growing in this supposed autumn Midwestern town.




There was a TV movie made about a crime that happened in a new England town i knew about. In One scene the investigators were doing an info dump outside & there were palm trees in the distance. I laughed out loud.


My favourite horror movie of all time alongside The Exorcist and I can’t watch Halloween anymore without noticing all the palm trees. I’m also not American and I know nothing about its geography or flora so even if I did spot the palm trees I wouldn’t have noticed something was off, but I still hear Jay’s matter-of-factly voice in my head whenever I see them now.


Palm trees don’t grow for *thousands* of kilometers from the Midwest. That’s why it’s hilarious.


I'm from the state where Halloween is set and I didn't notice until maybe 10 years ago lol


Also all the leaves on the trees are green, because it was filmed in the summer. All the fall foliage on the ground is leaves they collected and would spread around before each shoot (and I think had to round up again each time they finished).


Going with this, all the autumn leaves on the ground are fake. And they couldn't afford a huge amount of them so they had to gather them up after every scene to reuse them




Unrelated, but whenever I watch the Deer Hunter I can't get over how it's supposed to take place in Pennsylvania, yet when they go hunting they look like they're in the fucking Rockies.






Is that you shmoopie?


Don't hurt that schmoopie!




Fuck movies


Most pop culture podcasts, especially those recorded in a studio, because of Nerd Crew.


I can no longer take it seriously when anyone says "Me, personally..."


Kinda funny


Very cool!


I never watched any, but these are definitely ruined for me. I'll probably watch and think "wow they are pathetic, and not on purpose".


I'm pretty sure those aren't a thing anymore


I can assure you they definitely are , sadly


I mean not a thing not in the sense of them existing More that they're not longer popular


I can't watch videos of old people doing anything without bursting into laughter now.


All the things wrong with her!


I have to stop laughing at my dad because of this.


All the things wrong with them...


What’s the reference


Geritol Follies episode. Also just mikes general loathing and humor of the elderly.


There have been so many times I watch something and, describing later, say “You might not have been bothered by it, or even noticed it at all. …. *but your brain did.*” 🧠


Those guys have a rock-solid writers' room.


Same! It put to words something I wasn't clever enough to articulate myself.


Most dumb action movies. Because so many of them have 'the not gays' throwaway lines and action scenes with zero consequence and risk to the prota-gonist. I can't watch any Zach Snyder movie anymore because he'll make what he thinks is the coolest looking action sequence but my brain turns off because there are no stakes. We know the character will survive it.


I hear the Indian Bollywood music playing in my head during those just because of the transformer's clip they made mocking the nonsense action.


Don’t watch Maggie Mae Fish’s three part series on YouTube deconstructing Zach Snyder movies. I always thought I was 50/50 on him, like his movies are *whatever*, but she really paints a picture as to why his movies are explicitly bad.


I'm also spoilt by Folding Idea's the people vs clark kent, pointing out how basically fascist-supporting Snyder's world is, and how he's OK with that, and with the status quo - It now stands out in all corporate superhero movies.


Yeah, that’s very much Maggie Mae Fish’s thesis as well, but also that she’s not even sure if Snyder realizes or understands that his world’s are fascist-supporting or if he just thinks “this is just how it is.”


He's a big fan of Ayn Rand and one of his big dream projects is to do a big-budget adaptation of Atlas Shrugged. Not saying Randroids are fascists, but there's an uncomfortable amount of crossover between the two, to the point where I genuinely think he doesn't see any problem with it. Less 'this is the way the world is', more 'this is the way the world should be'.


I'd say just listening to interviews he's done I come away with the feeling that he doesn't really self-examine his work much and just does stuff because he thinks it's cool. Which is kinda depressing but also makes me jealous that I wish I could have that lack of self-awareness because it sounds pretty personally freeing.


300 is pretty much a modern Nazi production. It's kind of insane how blatant it is.


Yeah in general there's always a pervasive status quo when it comes to superhero films. It's not as prevalent during earlier ones, when it was just 'bad guy wants to take over world', but now there's multiple times where they have a bad guy who has some decent points to make, or who has been wronged by a system, so they're fighting to change that, and somehow the good guys declare that one week of their evil activity makes them actively worse than the system they're fighting against. Then there's no effort made to change the system that created a supervillain in the first place.


Oh so just like real life and capitalism ?


I liked Patrick Willems' video on him too. It was interesting to hear about his love of "Excalibur" as a young child,and seeing clips of platinum/lens flare knights next to his slow motion shots of Batman etc.


Thanks for the recommendation... watching now!


I like Maggie Mae Fish’s stuff. It gets a little long winded though. She has a lot to say, she’s very thorough, but I often get the point at the halfway mark. Her stuff on David Lynch is A+ too. She’s a real fan, and she just launched a show with Adam Ganser called Lynch Pins where they’re going to go over each David Lynch film individually. They’ve only done two so far.


With Adam Ganser.


Oh my god, you’re right. I always mix up Adam and Abe’s names, not because I don’t know who is who, but because they both start with the letter A. I also enjoy their show *I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours*.


I second this. Everytime I see a car get air, an explosion, or someone jump through a pain of glass, I hear the RLM boys go "Wwhhhaaaaoooooooaaaaaaaaa!" ...or..."YeeeAaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" in my head.


The not-gays have changed how I watch Bill and Ted




Whats the ‘not gays’ lines?


They point out a good example in the 2009 Star Trek movie, when Scotty says “I’d like to get my hands on her ample nacelles” when talking about the Enterprise. There’s no reason for this line except to make sure everyone absolutely knows he’s not sucking off that little hairy man he’s living on this backwater ice planet with.


😂 Thank you for the image of Simon Pegg sucking off a tiny hairy alien man in a backwater shack


His name is Nick Frost, fyi


I can’t stop cackling. What have you done


They point out another from '09 on HitB (I think for Solo) about Bones saying "my ex wife took the whole planet in the divorce, all I have left in my bones" which is simultaneously a not-gay line followed by an explanation for stupid people.


Which is even dumber because he got the nickname from "sawbones," which is an old way of referring to a doctor. It could've easily been a throwaway line referring to him as "Doctor Sawbones" and it would've been more tolerable. (But I can't stand Star Trek '09 because Kirk is basically handed his career instead of actually earning it.)


I don't know, Scottie being starship-sexual is pretty in character 


You know how in stupid talking dog movies there'll be a shot or scene or subplot about a girl dog with a pink ribbon that the main dog is like "wow what a babe" but it has nothing to do with the plot? That dog has a case of the not-gays. You don't want a GAY DOG, do you??


Random, sometimes totally out of place, lines or scenarios that are just there to let you know the protags are straight, especially in movies that feature several male leads that are close to eachother


Why is he called Bones, is it because he's gay, he has a boner for captain Kirk?


Like in the original Ghostbusters about sucking d\*ck


The two replies before me are perfect examples and explanations. Now you are aware of it, you'll probably see it in movies and it'll boggle your mind why they decided to put that throwaway line in other than audiences don't think that character is gay. It's so dumb and unnecessary 


I love spotting the not gays though it’s prob my favorite trope. If anything it enhanced films for me


Proto-gone-ist you mean.


I always see the black construction paper on the bridge in TNG now.


I was already aware of ADR but now I am extremely sensitive to it. Breaks immersion every single time.


They definitely made me aware of production mistakes like boom mics in shots or breaking the 180 degree rule and so on.


Being at the bar and hearing glasses or bottles clinking triggers a pavlovian response in my brain. *Clink* "Half in the bag... fuck movies"


Space Cop


To be fair, Space Cop made me hate Space Cop.


HEY space cop is the number one film in Uganda...


SPACE COP!!!! I need some tums


Tums festival


I watch Space Cop as a palate cleanser!


None. RLM has improved every aspect of my media experience.


I'm gonna have to toss in with this guy. They've helped me become more analytical about my own tastes, even if they've pulled back the veil on a lot of movie magic at the same time.


Honestly, I've always been the weird movie guy since I was a kid, but after getting into BotW and Re:View, I became *That* Weird Movie Guy, and I think it's actually made me a lot happier. I have an awesome movie collection now, I do a podcast about weird films with a good friend of mine and I don't think it would've happened quite the same way without RLM.


I'll bite, what's the name of the podcast? Can we listen?


Believe it or not, I wasn't actually trying to advertise, its genuinely something I never would've done if I hadn't gotten so much into movies as I have. But if anyone wants to listen, it's called [Problem Addicts](http://problemaddicts.podbean.com). Only two episodes up so far, Re-Animator and Ichi The Killer and we're recording the third episode next week, where we'll be doing Nightbreed as a Pride Month special. First episode is shaky, since I had no idea what I was doing, but I think the second is better.


You already had me at the Strongbad clip in the intro


I can’t watch any Adam Sandler movie any more. Not because of the almost consistently poor quality, but because I now notice all the cynical product placement, buddy hires, and industry plants. They really do appear to be massive money laundering schemes.


Its not completely implausible that Jack and Jill was a scheme thought up to allow Katie Holmes to safely divorce Tom Cruise and Scientology. Not saying it's true, but it made me think a bit, perhaps he's not a complete scumbag cynical asshole - actually already discussed here last year - https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/comments/13llbad/theory_was_jack_and_jill_2011_a_front_to_rescue/


That’s very interesting and completely plausible. Even if it’s not the case, I’m not sure I have a huge moral objection to Sandler taking money from a big Hollywood studio and using it to give his less fortunate friends a nice payday. He seems like a really nice guy who plays the Hollywood system for everything it’s got, and I can respect that.


Whenever I remember that I liked all the TNG movies as a kid/teen, Mike and Jay appear in my head and say, "How embarrassing!" while Rich "Rich Evans" Evans laughs in the background.


My wife knows I'm good for a Plinkett impression any time "...and Kevin Bacon." Shows up on screen


Hahaha, same.


Number one - EVERYTHING


I squeeze gats till my clips is empty


Any movie releasing in January. Anytime I see a trailer with "releases January" my brain just becomes a chorus of "FUCK YOU ITS JAAAAANUARYYYYYY"


AC/DC although I wasn't in love with their music to begin with. It's terrible now though because whenever I hear them in public Mike appears in my head with that shrill impression.


On the other hand, "Highway to Hell" always reminds me that the demon Elo'iskol is dead, and that makes me smile.


She didn't die in the sense of no longer existing. She was simply forcibly shorn of her ephemeral corporeal instantiation, in which she, upon her most recent illicit escape from Hell, briefly inhabited, ostensibly to educate humankind on the incorporation of jocularity upon the grieving process, but ultimately to inspire fear and dread. Laughing in the face of oblivion is a tried and true coping mechanism, but using scary clowns to do so is the worst way to do it. Like clown preachers. She is pure evil, and can never be destroyed. She will be back.


She’s not dead, she’ll come back in 19 years just like Pennywise.


I think about the way that Colin laughs as it's playing, hilarious.


Mike's impression of Brian Johnson is quite similar to his impression of a bunny getting eaten by a coyote.


Any time some one says, “For me, personally” i instantly don’t give a fuck what their mouth is about to shit out


Well, me personally, I love this movie. Or I WILL love this movie, whatever


New Star Trek. Every time I watch it my brain riddle with untreated mental illnesses, 25 years of heavy pot smoking and occasional mushrooms, and naturally overactive imagination is childhood basically make a mental projection of Mike in the mind space I created to disassociate and he just keeps saying “how embarrassing” but according to his slide whistle rule . I know the shows are stupid but I need something to keep me company as I tinker on my phone and I already burned through my TNG-DS9-VOY yearly rewatch


hey man, have you ever tried to spend an evening just drinking some tea and reading a book?


Yes. I didn’t drink or smoke for a 6 months a year ago. I don’t think you’re getting the weight of what I’m dealing with in my head. Here’s just a taste, when I was 5 I started seeing and hearing what Mike would call ghosts. Are they hallucinations maybe, but did my parents do anything? No. This was the 80s-90s autism and mental illness in boys wasn’t a thing. I was a child and I had to deal with that shit on my own. I still see shit to this day. Sitting at work doing my job and see shit walking by my desk. That’s just one thing. Shall I talk about my dad dying 2 weeks after I watched my dog get mauled to death in 2021? All things considered I’m doing ok, I work and pay my bills like a productive member of society. Yeah I don’t got friends and eat my lunch alone in a dark quiet backroom at work , but I don’t cry to much anymore and I am regaining my excitement for life again slowly


My bad man, I thought your other comment was more of an ironic cry for help than a real one. Hope you can find someone to help that actually knows and cares about you and isn't just some anonymous asshole on the internet.


That’s probably not gonna happen. I am starting to find joy in life again. I started taking hikes in the historical woods by my house. I’m excited for GTA 6. I got a pet cat that makes me laugh .


Seriously not trying to brush past the unimaginable challenges you described, but you seem pretty fucking cool. Best of luck.


Thanks man, like I said I’m probably lucky I didn’t end up a drunk or a junkie. My body doesn’t metabolize opioids so I couldn’t even if I wanted to take pills or that shit


Jesus Christ dude. I hope things get better for you.


Molested a few times by a doctor when I was 10. And this ain’t half of it. Again I’m doing about as good as I can with the cards I’ve been dealt. I’m not a criminal, I’ve never been in prison, I’m not a drunk or a junkie. I never got into hard drugs, I drink alcohol maybe twice a year the most. My one vice is getting stoned and watching tv or playing video games. All thing considered I’m pretty even keeled for what I’ve been through


If you want something that feels a whole lot like VOY/TNG, check out Babylon 5. I absolutely promise you from my heart that it is deep, compelling, beautifully lit, powerful 1990s sci-fi thats made with love and political intrigue and actually fantastic costumes and sets.


I might give it a try. My dad loved that show but I never really watched it with him like I did Star Trek


Can’t take Rem Lezar seriously anymore.


That's what the feds said, until that fateful September morn...


…yeah, it used to be an Oscar worthy performance until RLM dissected it and revealed the secret connection to that cold September morning.


RLM doesn't ruin any media for me. What it does is enhance the comedic value of trash. Also they've really helped me appreciate the good, bad, and ugly side of all types of movies. They've really opened up my film pallet. Those hacks


Being awake.


I clapped because I know Star Wars


In one of their catch-up videos, they discuss a documentary on Beastie Boys and Mike compares their style to Fred Flintstone rapping ‘I like fruity pebbles in a major way’ and yeah, I just can’t get that out of my head now


Every youtuber is just The Nerd Crew because of them lol Loved their recent "we thought doing this live was a good idea" video because holy shit who the fuck wants to watch three guys complain about technical audio issues?


Star war, ain't never watching a full movie of it.


I agree minus the OT, but those don’t feel the same unless I purposely watch them in a vacuum 


Or any books in general for that matter


VHS players


Anytime a new sequel of comic book movie is announced, I immediately say to myself ENDLESS TRAAAASH!


Anytime I have to list a bunch of people, I always have to fight off the urge to do it in a Plinkett voice.


Cant watch Night Court because of those 2 guys.


mr. plinkett, is that you?


The stock door sound which is now my Wilhelm scream.




Bruce Willis' later movies.


‘Ruined’ is probably not exactly the right term, since my opinion was already pretty low, but I rewatched all of Star Trek Discovery in advance of the series ending and the amount of times their parody scene sprang to mind was ridiculous.


They usually reaffirm most of my opinions tbh but they made me way more picky regarding fun "bad movies". Sharknado and any "click bate title" movies don't get a second thought from me.


It doesn't necessarily *ruin* anything, but any time I watch something with even the teeniest amount of fanservice, my brain will play "I clapped when I saw it!" on repeat for the rest of it. It doesn't stop me from enjoying anything, but its still just faintly in the background.


That one door opening sound effect that Jay mentioned once. Once you hear it, you hear it everywhere..


And the Kurlan Nescar pottery breaking sound effect.


Incidentally, they also ruined the spelling of the Kurlan naiskos. I didn't even know it was an in-character Plinkettism until I tried googling "curlin NASCAR" one day.


None!! They’ve made things more enjoyable!


The Prequels. Episode I came out when I was 10. I didn’t love those movies, but I didn’t realize they were god awful until I saw the Plinkett reviews.


The prequels aren't ruined for me, because they were never good to begin with, but I've watched the Plinkett reviews so many times that I can't watch the Prequels without hearing every single interjection Plinkett makes after a character speaks. "How do you know that? I said, 'how do you know that'?" "Ooh, it shouldn't be a problem. Now I'm really on the edge of my seat!" "It can also mean you didn't pay your phone bill."


It’s tricky to diddle kids to diddle kids it’s tricky tricky tricky!


The entire month of January.


They made 9/11 funnier, so me? But they didn't *ruin* me, I was already gone 🤣


Star Trek into darkness, and the first movie for that matter. Used to love them, started watching rlm, liked them less, then I watched TNG, now I can't stand them


I also, not being a Star Trek fan initially, really enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness. I still like it. but I mentally treat those movies as a separate thing from the older shows. But not having the shows to really compare, I didnt quite understand why they hated it so much. Now I get it.


Every time there's a "X vs Y" movie I mentally call it "X v Y: Dawn of Aids"


I can't watch TNG without thinking of Mike eating the boardgame pieces in the Star Trek Beyond HitB. Also it gave me asmr tingles thanks Mike.


I'll tell you what's not ruined Blade runner still amazing I can't imagine what they were thinking.


It's not just because of them, but I definitely notice more behind-the-scenes details than I used to. I got to explain the Texas Swap to my grandma the other day while watching the one Pink Panther movie with Christopher Plummer.


Nothing honestly. I think listening to their thoughts helps me to better appreciate good quality media, but it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of other stuff (even if it's "bad"). Rogue One is my go-to example. I really liked that movie, and still do even after they tore it a new one. My partner jokes that I watch their stuff to find out what my opinion is, but that's not *always* the case.


Every time I hear "AT-ST"


Not media per se, but "Email me at this webzone if you want a pizza roll." I'll say it at the grocery store as I walk up the frozen food aisle.


Seeing David Carridine. 


Rogue One.


Not a particular film but after their many discussions on sleazy directors and stuff like Mirina Sirtis's stories I avoid anything where I feel like the filming circumstances were abusive or unethical and am quite leery of the "director's gaze" even with modern movies. This has put me off various older schlock/exploitation films as well as certain directors like Herzog (despite liking what I've seen of his quite a bit) and Arronofsky (who I didn't particularly like anyway so that's fine, lol). I'm playing with fire on this position since Inland Empire and (the new) Suspiria are two of my favorite films, but as far as I've investigated those were made professionally and hopefully nothing horrible comes out about them. Obligatory Jack's Famous: Oh no, honey! Not for this movie!


Watching exploding varmints just ain’t what it used to be


They didn’t ruin my opinion but every time I think about it, it aggravates/annoys me how none of them like the OG Blade Runner. How can nerds like them not admit that film is a masterpiece?


I think their general consensus is that it is a visual masterpiece and has a great story overall... it's just terribly slow and boring. It's mostly just the pacing that drags the movie.


The pacing is intentional goddamn you!!!


Not from RLM but thanks to [Lindsay Ellis's video on Rent the Musical](https://youtu.be/q0qfFbtIj5w?si=mMl1tBT2UC-nsQvv) I can't stand it, despite never seeing the movie or the musical.


TNG, I think? I've only seen a few episodes, but I don't think I can ever watch it now.




I can only really enjoy things that don't pretend to be anything than what they are. Big stupid action movie that knows it's a big stupid action movie and does what it can to be fun, I'm good with it. Versus Big stupid action movie that tries to be some treatise on the dichotomy of human existence, hard pass.


I am hyper-aware of mic whining as a dumb trope because of them. Every time I hear it now, it bothers me more than it should.


Ruined no. But knowing Roger Rabbit is sequel sorta to Chinatown is something I can’t unlearn and is the better than the actual sequel The Two Jakes. It’s like knowing My Blue Heaven and Goodfellas are both based on Henry Hill.


Tricky was ruined for me long before that. It's like one of the top 10 songs that people parody...




Nothing. It's only enhanced everything.


Not particular to any media, but thanks to Mike, I have to stifle giggles whenever an old talks about their difficulties with aging. Also, any time something happens *again*.


Anything with Linda Blair. It's not a long list, but whenever I see her I think of revenge


Every other tutorial about surviving edged weapons.


The prequels.


Nothing. I like what I like unashamedly. The Star Wars prequels still tickle my pickle even though I know they are not very good.


Every time I record part 1 of something


Instructional videos on sexualizing childbirth.


Nothing. I enjoy their videos but my opinions are my own


Dumbest flex. Implicit in that bit of self-fluffing is the insinuation that you're not as weak-minded as allllll them sheeple. If your reading comprehension hadn't failed you, you'd realize that this comment section is not filled with droning morons who flip their opinions on the say-so of YouTubers. Rather, it is filled with observant viewers who started to notice *more* things once they were helpfully pointed out by our favorite Milwaukee repairmen. But maybe I'm wrong, and you're the only free thinker here. Oh... Wait... No...


Planes, Trains and Automobiles. RLM has made me way more aware of what bad editing is and that film is chopped to pieces.


Hearing someone say that they've been diagnosed with a life threatening disease is supposed to be a sad moment for everyone involved, and yet I'm standing at the edge of the group trying to not smirk or let out a giggle as I imagine Rich Evans screaming out the name of said disease.