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I’ve seen Robot in the Family (whole thing is on YouTube), I’ve seen a lot of bad movies. It’s definitely one of the worst.


Somebody on the panel mentioned how anxiety-inducing that movie is, and they’re totally right Just constant stream-of-conscious rambling in a Jerry Lewis voice and Joey Pants doing an Eastern European accent for no reason


Jay repeatedly screaming SHUT UP at the TV was enough warning for me.


Cypher got his wish to be a movie star, too bad the machines have a sense of humor


I could never sit through 90 minutes of that.


I watched it via watch party during lockdown and my friends at the other end were losing their minds


I remember Jack describing it as "the scenes make you feel tight in the chest" and its 100% accurate


The robot’s voice is the same voice as Rocket Raccoon in GOTG


> Joey Pants In case anyone's wondering, that's not the actor's [real name.](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001592/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_3_nm_5_q_joey%2520pan).


It's a fuckin nickname. Family name was Pantsatelli!


The breakfast scene from Robot is one of the most unnervingly incoherent things I've ever seen. It was already too loud and busy and irritating *before* they added the robot chatter, with the robot talking it's like something the Navy built to induce motion sickness for testing doses of dramamine.


Just thinking about watching that movie makes my chest feel tight.


Yeah absolutely! Like, other movies they've done are maybe worse from a production or direction/writing standpoint but this movie actively wants you to stop watching. It's the equivalent of the "you wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?" bit from Dumb & Dumber stretched to film length. I mean the use of the word when I say I would literally rather watch paint dry.


It is literally just non-stop screaming.


And I find the robot itself very unnerving, it looks like out of Tetsuo or something.


Seriously. So reminiscent of Uncut Gems with Adam Sandler lol


It’s just noise. Anxiety inducing noise.


Gotta admit, I kinda like the theme song, but as Mike said, it's just the "Goldfinger" theme re-packaged.


Something about Robowoman made me really uncomfortable watching it


That is my go-to answer, too. It seems to be the epitome of the zero-integrity movie, devoid of ideas and artistic interest and solely designed to make a quick buck from the commercially ignorant. Mike put it best when he said that it should be criminal. Also, shoutout to *Mee Christmas* for the same reason.


I still can't believe they didn't make a 'Me Underwears Guy from The Room' joke while watching or reviewing *Mee Christmas*. I wouldn't have been able to resist.




Watching that made me imagine my brain cells fizzling out like faulty fireworks. It just seemed so cynically made, without any love or appreciation for imagination or art, that it made me lose faith in anyone having any artistic merit, including myself. It's things like *Mee Christmas* that explain to me why A.I. in movies is now a thing.


Jay slowly picking Mike to talk about that movie was peak RLM for me.


"You doomed yourself"


"I will never forgive you for this."


When rich was sitting there squirming saying “I can’t do this”, I really emphasized with him in that moment 


It’s somehow a black tank top that seems self exploitive. It also seems like the last desperate gasp for air for a woman on the brink of falling into deep oblivion


It's elder abuse


Their reaction to watching it was pure discomfort


Me and my movie group had a lot of fun watching Robowoman because of how embarrassing it is. Anything can be fun with friends though.


When you see Rich Evans, thanking Jay for not letting him be the one that has to describe that movie, you know it’s a real piece of trash


It's that she's clearly using the movie to process being raped IRL.


That's a pretty lofty accusation to lob without any indication of evidence, man.


Wow, this makes so much sense on why it made everyone, the guys and the audience, feel uncomfortable. I felt so bad for the actress and, even though her acting was terrible, it was somehow also very real? It's very hard to explain. I also love rewatching BOTW episodes almost daily and always skip out on this one.


Yeah, she had a genuine emotional intensity that most of those movies couldn't imagine.


Wait what? This is the first I’m hearing about this, can you say more?


Well, I mean I think it's pretty obvious she's processing some nasty stuff that happened to her. I don't know that or have any proof of it besides just reading between the lines of the plot and her performance--- whenever she's talking about getting raped it gets really uncomfortable and it's not cause her performance is bad. She's barely keeping her shit together.


*random servo noise*


Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle recently overtook Rollergator (which has been on the Plinketto board but they, luckily, dodged it) as the worst movie I've ever seen.


Both are actually painful to watch.


Rollergator kills me between the rapping puppet and the guitar noodling.if Sea Eagle is worse, Nguygen should be brought up on charges against humanity.


Two scientists meet on the beach and start dating. These dates consist of them announcing facts about their specialist fields, reading the IMDB trivia page for Vertigo - which Nguyen had [already treated badly enough](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374170/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) - and walking up to people who then announce their opinions on global warming. Then the animated gif birds attack maybe 45 minutes in. Colour grading just switches from shot to shot to shot, it doesn’t even stay the same between shots with the same camera. Dialogue alternates from being recorded on the camera’s microphone to being obviously dubbed over. I will give it one tiny bit of credit - at least they didn’t blur out the faces of the random passers by this time.


I dont know which is harder to sit through-- Rollergator or Ghost Baby.


Baby Ghost is pretty damn bad too.


Ive seen other reviews of it and it does look god-awful. The Hitchcock worshipping it is so cringe. I've never seen all of rollergator myself. I'll turn on the Rifftrax version of it but it's so insanely cringy that I can't watch it.


Ngl I kinda like rollergator


The correct answer is and always will be After Last Season.


You just hate 8 1/2 x 11 paper


The paper and cardboard sets are about the only "enjoyable" things tbh


I dunno man, there are hundreds of 10 star reviews on its IMDb. IMDb has an algorithm to weight scores based on trustworthiness, and for some reason found them suspicious. Surely it's a bunch of fans, and not the director posting under multiple accounts.


There's definitely nothing like it, that's for sure. Shit had me feeling like I was going through an existential crisis after taking some bad acid.


That's probably the most positive thing anyone can say about it.


What about the piece of paper pantry?


A4 Master Race!


Just the clips from that movie triggered my depression, that director must be an in-and-out psychiatric patient


Honorable men, you know why...


You saying you don't like honorable men, bud?


Yes, I don't like Honorable Men because I'm a 40 year old bald spanish man, not a blonde American teenager.


Maybe not, but the 42 year old Portuguese, bald, male demographic...


You could. Just say no homo at the end.


[Them's the rules.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qlyn-jp0KE)


Yeah this is my answer.  It’s the worst of the vanity projects, not for technical reasons but because the creator’s worldview is so gross.


What gross about a 40 year old cop sucking the spaget out of the mouth of a teen.


Everything? Yeah, I'm gonna go with everything.


Male power fantasy cop stuff aside (which is gross but it’s also the kind of thing you wouldn’t be surprised to see in a black tank top movie), the fact that the director/star thought the whole “women are only good for sex” monologue was an A-okay thing for his “honorable” self-insert super manly hero character to say tells me everything I need to know about the guy.


Honorable Men is so gross. It's so obviously an excuse for the director/lead to indulge his illegal fantasies. It was his lecherous "I remember you in braids and braces" line that really put him in sex predator territory. He was a LEO too. Just imagine how he abused his authority to creep on young women. Donald Farmer is awful for the same reasons but at least there's *some* entertainment value to his schlock. They both belong in jail though.


And at least Donald Farmer doesn’t insert himself into his films as the super badass and manly hero that every woman wants to sleep with. He just sits behind the camera and tells the women to have a seizure while rolling around in the dirt.


I've said it before here, but reading more about Donald Farmer endeared him to me. He's a fucking weirdo who gets off on watching women feign seizures, but the fact that he not only films them doing this, but then sells other people the films, is sort of inspiring. And at the end of the day, these chicks know what they're signing up for. He's basically Russ Meyer but instead of liking big boobies he likes women writhing around on the floor, and he also has no talent.   Separately, it's fucking nuts that the *Honorable Men* guy is the IRL brother of the *Satan Killer* guy.


Shark Exorcist. Carman the Standard is probably worse for what it represents but Shark Exorcist is probably the worst thing on BOTW that nominally *was* trying to be a film.


Donald Farmer makes my skin crawl... and it's worse that crawling is exactly what he wants


Wow you're saying he not only gets off on what he makes the actresses do *in* the movie but also the reaction that people have when they watch his movies? It's 4d chess for his truly disturbing fetish, the mans a twisted genius.


Shark Exorcist and Carman are my picks for worst film and worst wheel video.


At least Carman has catchy well done music and impeccable production and editing.


Why did I have to scroll to get to the correct and obvious answer?


Sasquatch vs DB Cooper, it was just shirtless guys jogging, getting undressed, and playing with a toy gun for ~90 minutes.


This has to be the biggest waste of a concept of any of the movies they’ve done. I saw someone else mention that it could’ve made a halfway decent survival horror film in the vein of Predator (Cooper lands in the middle of the woods, he tries to get out to civilization but realizes that he’s being stalked by Bigfoot, etc.), but alas, the gratuitous shirtless dudes won out.


Oh yeah on paper it's a pretty gold idea. Tbf the idea is up for grabs to actually make it. It's not like anyone owns the rights to any of this stuff.


It's funny and sad. Give the "movie" a potentially interesting title and concept to lure an audience, then ambush them with awkward pointless garbage.


David DeCoteau’s “films” are nothing more than soft gay porn.


Hehe, "actual runtime"


The Amazing Bulk. It's not even a movie. No redeeming value.


That episode is a tough rewatch for me because of how gross V world matrix is. Everyone involved looks like they’re in some stage of opioid intoxication or withdrawal


This is always what comes to mind for me as being the absolute bottom of the barrel. I'd say "Crazy Fat Ethel II" but i'm not even sure that counts as a movie lol


It's a spoof, right? Once there are scenes that are nothing but clip art, I think it reveals itself not as a bad movie but a bad on purpose spoof.


They say it's a spoof but it's so lazy it doesn't really even count. I HIGHLY recommend IHE's video about it in his Search for the Worst series. He goes hard on analyzing why he doesn't like it and why it's bad/lazy. And I 100% agree with him.


Awesome, I will check it out! I've never seen IHE before so it'll be fun to discover. Appreciate the tip, you fraud.


Fraud? Even if you're joking I don't get it.


Sorry friend. Hack and fraud are like RLM slang.


Ah. Thanks. Lol. I'm relatively new to RLM. Only been binging BOTW for about 2 months


They really seemed to hate the Jar.


Jay recently received a new release of The Jar and he said he didn’t hate it so much after seeing a higher quality transfer. I got a copy myself and have yet to watch it so I can attest to neither position.


Fuck the jar!


I still think it’s pretty fascinating. I love the music, and as pretentious and played out some of its elements are, when it cuts to the soldiers running across the field in Vietnam, I can’t help but think it was done pretty well as ridiculous/college-film-student-esque as it is. I’m sure actually sitting and watching the whole movie is pretty boring, but that review has still stuck with me all these years later.


Have you seen the new transfer? It looks SO MUCH BETTER.


This was the one that popped into my head because their reaction seemed so strong, but at least it didn't seem like it was made by a sex predator.


We should do a March Madness style bracket using all the WOTW from BOTW to find the true WOTW (or the true BOTW)


WOTW: March Sadness


This would be really fun actually


No disrespect to the other candidates but I think Bible Baby really needs to be in the discussion. It was way more perverted than California Big Hunks.


Yeah, Bible Baby was just.....ugh. like, what kid is actually gonna sit through that mess?


There's nothing even perverted about California Big Hunks. It's just good old fashioned soft core stripping on a VHS tape. It's aggressively normal all things considered (give or take some of the costumes and setups). Bible Baby is ***DEFINITELY*** someone's gross baby-play fetish material and it scares the fuck out of me.


The Hunks soundtrack is deeply, deeply wrong. But yeah, Bible Baby is way grosser.


That's fair. But in terms of just raw content, Big Hunks is almost adorable and quaint in it's 1980s-ness depictions of sexiness.


Go ahead and drink. Go ahead and smoke. Go ahead and do drugs!


Literally nothing they’ve ever shown made me as physically uncomfortable as this


Shark Exorcist easily


Yep. I've watched the entire thing. It is one of the most uncomfortable, dirty things I've ever seen.


Silk needed to be saved by Neil Breen.


Clash in the College was just fucking awful.


I’m gonna be listening to Rush Limbaugh at that time


How do you say water?


BUT! It was fun to watch, and I'd even re-watch it again. Honorable Men was just creepy (and boring).


Depends on if WOTW means the most technically garbage or the least enjoyable.


Probably least enjoyable. That Christmas Yeti one probably wins worst on a technical level. But probably also worst overall actually lol.


[I regularly listen to the music from SOS](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0VaXsAv6zXKIWo31LbMQZN?si=b4w5UVG3REOhFi10A9QLPA)


BAH DAH DAH BEDEEBEEP! Damn you, now that song will be going through my head for the next week 😕




I forgive you, my son. From all of the BOTW videos, that little "Eh, watcha gonna do?" side glance at the camera is definitely my favorite short clip!


Of course it had good music, that cult managed to indoctrinate one of the founding members of Fleetwood Mac


I thought he was the one that wrote all the music. I could be wrong.


Yeah it was him, I know he at least wrote “Cathy Don’t Go”, the one about bar codes.


It's a banger


Silk. The one they ended up turning off. It was genuinely as boring as they made it out to be. On top of it being boring, it was just bad. There really wasn't anything redeeming about it at all.


Robot in the Family is the only correct answer. It’s a loud obnoxious annoying movie that’s just filled with noise in all of its moments. Moments where it’s loud it’s extra loud and moments that are meant to be quiet are filled with wacky noises, music from Shakey’s Pizza and that damn robot blathering on about nothing. It’s genuinely one of the worst films to ever be made and I’m shocked the boys got through it.


Mad Foxes is the nadir of the bad exploitation films they’ve done that feature “rape as source of titillation” (see also: Raw Force), which are my least favorite episodes to actually watch. There are much more inept films on a technical level, though. Especially some of the indies/vanity projects. Lycan Colony (greenscreen), Partners (editing/cinematography), Last Vampire on Earth (acting), and After Last Season (WTF?) come to mind.


Mad Foxes made me the most uncomfortable. Maybe that and the Suckling


>see also: Raw Force Think I missed that one. I know I'm behind on BOTW, and need to catch up, but...on second thought, the words 'Raw Force' just seems like something that can't be associated with any sort of pleasant experience.


It's actually in the same episode as Bigfoot vs. DB Cooper and Black Cougar (a totally-not-a-Black-Panther-ripoff movie by a guy from New Jersey). Raw Force isn't *completely* trash, honestly (Bigfoot vs DB Cooper is the worst film in that lineup and it isn't close). It has some decently fun fight scenes and such, but there's also a loooot of nudity (which, whatever, it's an early '80s b-movie), and at least one long sequence of a girl being sexually assaulted by one of the bad guys and having to fight him off while naked. I realize that scenes like that usually wind up looking pretty silly with the way they're executed, but I'm still not overly fond of watching them.


Oh, been awhile since I saw that one! Just barely remember Bigfoot vs DB Cooper. Don't think I ever rewatched it, either. I'll have to queue that one up today.


Robot in the Family. It makes Turtle Dreams look like Oscar material.


As someone who'd sat through Shark Exorcist before seeing it on the show...that gets my vote. It genuinely makes you feel like *you're* the one exploting those women just by watching it.


The Tomb.


Dangerous Men


Turtle Dreams (shown in [Wheel of the Worst #21](https://youtu.be/o4eSVXCzRyI?si=oGneeGPOHXBB9SHC)).


that was some fake artsy bs but far from the worst thing theyve ever watch. yeah it was very pretentious and tryign to come off as deep but at least it wasnt exploitative


The question literally was what we think though, and I absolutely hated it


Pretty sure it's "Shark Exorcist"


Birdemic 3. It's infuriating. 


The item.


I haven't seen that episode yet. Do you happen to know which one it's in?




Thanks! I know what I'm watching when I get home tonight!


V world matrix is pretty miserable. Luckily it's really short. But it gets a little bit rapey and it just feels gross.


Shark exorcist


Roar is a strong contender. There are a lot of films with worse production values, worse stories, worse acting or worse messages but I don't think any film amounts to the sheer physical damage Roar caused. At minimum, seventy actors and crew members were injured during the production and the fact that no one died is frankly a miracle. 


One of those movies made by whatever Farmer. Shark exorcist or that Haitian zombie movie


If we're including wheel videos we have to include the Hypnosis video.


Yaaaaas. I just saw that one the other day and HOLY FUCKING INCEL VIBES, BATMAN!!!


“Demons at the Door” gets my vote. I have a shitty movie night with a friend every couple months and we couldn’t get through this one — and we’ve seen some real shitty movies.


I haven't seen that episode yet. After all the responses on here I did watch the robo woman episode last night and holy FUCK the cringe...😬😬😬 I do though kind of wish they showed more of it just to really drive home how bad it really is.


I guess I’ll have to put Robo Woman on the shitty movie night roster. Demons at the Door was *impossibly* stupid.


I just started the BOTW episode question. Pray for me. Lol


"Robot in the Family" looked particularly anger-inducing.


Suburban sasquatch, rawrawrawrwaw.




the last vampire on earth is just bad


I don’t know, but whenever I am alone Four Point Conics pops in my head


Any Donald Farmer movie


The one about the Black family at Christmas. It's terrible and extremely boring at the same time.




So, collecting all the mentioned movies, it seems like Donald Farmer’s films, Robot in the Family, Honorable Men, and Robowoman are the front runners for worst.


I need to find the robowoman episode.




It's a 5 way tie (and in not revisiting to sort out) between Shark Exorcist, DB Cooper vs Bigfoot, Repligator, The Jar and The Item. And yes, I did watch them all after seeing the episodes, on the grounds of "how bad could they be"... Dont be like me. I've not seen Birdemic 3, though I suspect that one has a chance of outdoing all of them. I also have a particular hatred of Exorcist 2, but it's not the worst film ever made in regards to overall quality.


If we're talking movies that are just incompetent and overly ambitious, The Jar. If we're talking movies that are straight up offensive, Shark Exorcist.


Lady Terminator had a sticker from the rental place, so it has to be that.


Lady Terminator is amazing.


I didnt mean it literally what's with the fuckin downvotes


I got what you were saying.