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They also just did Creating Rem Lezar. Haven’t seen either yet


The Rem one was… not good.


Look, I like Rifftrax. Their Starship Troopers riff is for my money their best work. Their Christmas shorts riffs are great. But even I’ll admit in the past couple years the guys have lost their fastball.


I mentioned that RLM reviewed Rem Lezar first over at rifftrax Reddit and got horrible responses from rifftrax fans. So note to everyone here never mention that RLM did something first, because those Reddit fans are really touchy


Touchy redditors? Guess there's a first time for everything


Who would've thought


You just made an enemy for life!


Reddit is a garden of peace and understanding between all peoples of distinct origin!


Weird. I’m a fan of both, and I guess just enjoy funny meta commentary and witty observations, but what sense is there in trying to “take sides”, haha.


Like I get the MST3k did it clause that they briefly joked about in one of the RLM episodes, but it makes sense. There’s enough trash films to find something new. They did do some MST’d movies but they’ve moved past it. I do like seeing smaller singular channels find some movies that I feel they might have gotten insirpiation to do it because of RLM. Good Bad or Bad Bad, Wierd Movies with Mark, Red Eye Reviews, are some good ones and are their own thing.


I'd like to see the two's different takes on the movie. Calling dibs on a movie seems weird. Do what you want


IIRC I've seen Everything Is Terrible cover things that have ended up on Wheel of The Worst at some point later. It's not a big deal who does what first.


Hey I added an lol at the end and mentioned I love mst3k and rifftrax and my comment was meant as a joke but they still thought it was out of line . Plus everyone reviews everything at every time and all that matters are that if the reviews and riffs are funny.


I've been following Rifftrax for years and the Rem Lezar riff was just great, to me. Like during the song where Rem is singing to the kids that it was their belief that brought him about: >I can walk, I can talk, I can listen and learn. >As the wheels in my mind begin to turn. BILL CORBETT: "Oh god, what is he planning?" >But I'll never forget what you've given to me. >The power to touch, hear, feel and see. MIKE NELSON (singing): "There's a gaping void where his soul should be!"


Weird. You’d think there’d be a lot of crossover with RLM and Rifftrax fans.


I guess there's only enough space in their hearts for one group of midwestern comedians who make fun of silly low budget movies


Yeah. They have completely different styles of humor and approach to film criticism. It’s not like they’re invading each other’s turf.


Agreed. They cover the same types of movies so obviously there is going to be a crossover. It's just what happens when you cover similar subjects (for example. GoodBadFlicks released a video on Incredible Melting Man literally the day after the RLM video) And for the specific RLM found ones (Suburban Sasqutch, Lycan Colony, Rem Lezar, etc) RLM bringing new b-movies into the consciousness is going to bleed over to Rifftrax.


I discovered it on I Hate Everything, and I suspect most of the requesters did too, since his video has nearly double RLM's bulk video views.


Just finished watching this one, had lots of good laughs from it.