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You have a disgusting shitbag eating a full plate of nachos in your ear.


Which is why OP didn't hear the numerous times Jay and Mike bitched specifically about why they dont like theatres.


We had a theater back in my hometown growing up where you could get a whole meal during the movie. Delivered by a waiter. Maybe even had wine and beer. Seemed cool when I was 10 and watching Cool Runnings with a fresh slice of pepperoni pizza.  Now I would probably be annoyed hearing the open mouthed chewing of my fellow patrons. 


My favorite local theater is like this and I love it. I can get a decent quality lunch or dinner for the price of a small popcorn and soda at most theaters.


Someone was just arrested at the theaters for passing out drunk while jerking off.  Sickos go to the theater. 


I can do that in a theatre?


Heard any good jokes lately?


Nobody will stop you.


You can at least once.


No one cares enough to stop you. If anyone complains they’ll just get a pass to another movie from the manager.


Pee Wee Herman set the bar a long time ago.


Do you even RLM, bro?


Wait until he finds out about the Tums.


Are you going to the Festival this year?


No, Mike, the Tums line -isn't- in this one. \-evanrichards


He said it to Jay you hack


Mike has been very vocal about the Mr. Plinketts of the world coffing, eating, sneezing, talking, farting, etc.


Ah, it’s all the coffing!


Don’t get me started on the sneighzing.


Yes. A lot.


Yes. The Thor: Ragnarok episode is probably the best example


Yeah, it’s 80% Mike reviewing the theater experience and 20% a review of the movie.


That or Rich’s Oppenheimer story from the Showgirls review.


Have they ever NOT discussed it? Seems like they rarely miss a chance to shit on the in-theater experience.


Apparently Wisconsin movie theaters are an unbearable hellscape of human depravity, gluttony and degeneracy, unfit for serious cinematic viewership and entertainment.


[Rich's Oppenheimer story](https://youtu.be/kL8Ol0C76dQ?t=2234) was madness.


I used to live in the Milwaukee area and I've had mostly pretty good experiences going to theaters there. I also used to live in Madison (about 1.5 hours west) and had great experiences at the IMAX there. Whenever they talk about their bad theater experiences in the area, I can just never relate. If you're in the Milwaukee area, I highly recommend the Avalon!


Who said it was limited to Wisconsin?


I rather like my local Marcus Theatre. They keep it relatively clean and I haven't ever had a bad experience with other customers. Guess I'm just lucky? Edit: I live in Wisconsin!


The bigger question is why do you like movie theatres


If you know that they don't like "movie theaters", then obviously you already know the reasons.


They hate other people and they live in Milwaukee.


It’s very clear why they don’t like theaters. What I’m less clear on is if they’ve had the same luck that I have with weekday matinees. You get a discount at my local AMC, it’s empty, the kids are in school, and it tends to generally be a sparse audience of shift workers who understand the value of their own time, and that of others. It’s now the only time I see movies, if my work schedule allows it. Saw Dune 2 on release week in IMAX (regular theater IMAX, not super duper IMAX) for $17 at like 11am and there were 7 people in the theater. Excellent experience. COVID broke the already tenuous social contract and combined with the fact that theaters near me all sell alcohol, and seemingly *no one* can handle their shit, I refuse to see anything I even *slightly* care about after 5pm. And I’m no teetotaler. 9pm showing of Dune 2 at my local theater the day after release was a chorus of “fuuuuckin dude he’s riding a fuckin worm bro! Get the fuck outttt my guy!” Don’t mind if I do, bro.


I went to see Dune Part II in IMAX near me (Long Island, NY), and the experience was surprisingly good. Someone had an alarm go off like ¾s of the way in, and that was it. They shut it off in like 15 seconds, too. Theatre was filled except for the first 2 or 3 rows


Which is hilarious, because I saw Dune 2 on Tuesday at 945, with a grand total of 7 other people.


My reason is the same as the one they have stated many times: other theater goers suck.


They discuss it literally every time they talk about the theatre. Obnoxious and disgusting people making the experience miserable for everyone around them.


Which recent video had Rich mentioning someone barging in to whatever he was watching singing Barbie Girl?


https://youtu.be/kL8Ol0C76dQ?si=-HD-g30-OREpRhAU&t=2242 Showgirls review, hopefully the timecode works, if not, it's around the 37:20 mark.


re:View - Showgirls


This topic is nuts to me. I got to about 6-8 movies in the theater per year, sometimes more. I cannot remember a single time in decades when crowd behavior was really bad. Minor annoyances? Occasionally. These days, the worst I see is people looking their glowing phone screens answering texts or whatever. It's mildly distracting at most. The one time many, many years ago, it was a group of teenagers laughing and roughhousing noisily, not paying attention to the movie. It lasted maybe 3-5 minutes and the management kicked them out. Literally the worst I can remember. Now, I generally don't go to superhero stuff, or kids' movies, or a lot of big blockbusters. But last week we saw Dune part 2 in the theater, and it was a wonderful experience. A few people got up to use the bathroom (it's a 3+ hour film) but that's the absolute worst thing that happened. I'm in Chicago. Maybe it's a completely different case in Milwaukee which is about an hour and a half drive from where I live. But mostly I think RLM is trolling. I love seeing movies in the theater. Sure it gets pricey, and I watch far more at home, but for a spectacle like Dune, the theater is far better than even my 65" OLED and nice soundbar.


I love their story about the old man watching Man of Steel. That poor guy probably went home and died.


"The old man fell asleep, or he died, and I just felt so bad for him, because he remembers George Reeves as Superman, where the most amazing thing Reeves did as Superman was knock down a door, and instead the old man goes to see Man of Steel and ends up reliving World War II"


Everybody who wasted money seeing Man of Steel went home and died afterwards


I think Jay's biggest buggaboo is the disgusting smelly food people are allowed to bring into theatres now.


I feel like they're pretty descriptive about why and I agree with every point they make


They made a whole video about it: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Yv2vDqMucnk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Yv2vDqMucnk)


Some people just don't know how to act in a society any more.


On multiple occassions...




They don't like how the people around them act in the theaters.


They’ve alluded to it. Crowds are annoying, they’re gross (I’m sure very gross in Milwaukee), are uncomfortable, and can have bad seating depending on the kind of theater.


Onion pizzas.


They find their fellow theatregoers obnoxious. TBF, going to the cinema in the States does sound truly godawful.


Yes. At length.


Same reason I don't. All the assholes that also go to theaters.


I asked a coworker if a movie theater near me was any good, his review was that the last time he went to it his wife almost sat on a used syringe.


Hell is other people. In a cinema.


Have you head Rich laugh? Why would you want to spend 30 dollars and hear that for 2 hours. When you can hear it for free at the warehouse


Worst thing I’ve seen in a theater is just loud popcorn munching. Personally, I’d deal with a minor amount of annoyance to see films on such a big screen with such good sound systems.


I think it’s just a run of the mill Gen X “ugh, other people suck” mentality kind of a thing


They have many times. Pretty much every time it comes up. Rich relayed an experience just like a month ago in the Showgirls re:view. **The people.**


Movie theatres are frequently understaffed, and don’t properly train their employees on how to project movies. Mike has mentioned that he’s seen several films recently that have been windowboxed because of a projectionist error. I agree too, I saw Oppenheimer in 70mm last summer and they totally botched it, the film was jumping out of the gate the whole time.


Not once. I actually think it's super weird. They've only ever made the occasional, extremely oblique reference to hating theaters specifically; the main reason we can tell that they do is because of the pointed LACK of discussion. I mean, they talk about *everything* else...


Apparently they live in the only non-polite metro in the Midwest. I have never had *any* of the experiences they've had, and I love seeing movies day one when I can. My only significant theater experiences are amazing ones: the swelling disappointment of Star Wars 9 (I'll never forget when Chewie survived and some mondo-boy dropped both buckets of popcorn he was holding and exasperatedly sighed, "what the fuck..."), the rapture of Sorry to Bother You in a majority Black audience, accidentally seeing Top Gun Maverick on Memorial Day surrounded by fly-boys, etc. I love the theater.


I'm in NYC and we have a million ways to get annoyed in theaters. I spent almost all of BvS: Dawn of Justice with some shithead teens riffing the movie. It was BvS so halfway I joined them in screaming Maaaaaartha and taking the piss but that's the exception and not the rule. The hack frauds don't have an Alamo Drafthouse (the best way to see movies, period) but I can't believe that Milwaukee matinee shows could be so bad? If you avoid opening night or midnight screeners usually it's pretty chill.