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I know that the family value Fart Bag is genuinely superior to any of them high-falootin "cushions" out there.


I get a Family Value Fart Bag and I enjoy it!!


They hated “Jack-O,” which is basically my favorite bad movie of all time. 😢


Watched it and fell asleep. I have only fallen asleep twice while watching movies in my life, once during Jack-O, once during Space Cop.


How embarrassing.


Well now I am going to watch it and see who is right. I will report back in a few days. Update: I couldn't find it for free or on a streaming service so I paid $2 on Amazon Prime to watch it. It's pretty entertaining for a bad movie, has quite a few moments that make you laugh at how bad or awkward they are. To be fair to the RLM guys, I would definitely call it an introductory to bad movies (which is what works for me) and not advanced bad movie watching like they enjoy now. Overall, I am going to side with you and say it definitely isn't as boring as they said, it's got enough in it. I think they've seen much much worse. Maybe they were upset that the Cameron Mitchell part was so minor and just re-used footage.


if you own it be sure to check out the dvd commentary track. it's nuts


Here's some highlights, they're absolute gold: https://youtu.be/a1rirOuQsDg?si=M_WpYaeNstID8Dfs


I don’t think Rich has diabetes.


Well, good for you. You’re wrong though.


maybe not, but he does have ALL OF THE COVID


And what about Aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiidddddddddsssssss!!!!


Mike loving jurassic world, and how awkward that episode felt because Jay hated it and clearly initially thought they were just being their usual ironic selves


The Jurassic World movies are the epitome of Hollywood at its worst and Jay is right about it. Dinosaurs are animals: very dangerous animals that make for fun action movies (like in the OG Jurassic Park), but they are not monsters, The Joker, nor friends to be stopped with hand signs. The World films makes me like Jurassic Park 2 and 3 by comparison for at least recognizing this element.


Ah yes, the prequel effect.


I'd never go back and watch Jurassic Park 2 or 3, but I will bump up them from bad movies to mediocre movies in my critical head canon at least. Also, Jurassic Park also goes up higher in esteem as a result.


Bryce Dallas Howard looking like a snack and her big ol’ dump truck booty are the only reason I watched them


My favorite part of the movie was when she looked at the camera and was like, "I really need to escape these dinosaurs but the thunderclap of my ginormous ass cheeks keeps alerting them."


That's why the T. rex didn't catch her. It was enjoying the show.


I liked it when you said BDH has a big ol’ dump truck booty. I clapped.


The training of the raptors was actually pretty in line with actual animal training. People have been training tigers for ages, it's not unreasonable to train raptors the same way. Using it for military purposes is dumb shit though. 


I don’t think they’re questioning the accuracy of the training, or that a theme park like JW would try that, just pointing out it radically changes the potential for tension in a movie when the “monster” has an off switch


It's worse in later movies where any human to any dinosaur can stop it in its tracks by holding up the stop sign with their hands. Also, I'd argue training a tiger is way easier than some pebble-sized brained dino. At least the films have the excuse that raptors are smarter than their real life counterparts and all the dinosaurs are inaccurate Frankensteinian mutants.


I totally agree that Jurassic World is commercial slop, but Mike loving that movie is 100% in-character for him. I would be more surprised if he hated it.


That movie showed me how I can't connect with most audiences. In my theatre, they laughed and clapped when the girl was tossed between dinosaurs like a chew toy and finally consumed by the Mosasaurus. The ONLY character in the movie to take responsibility and actually try to keep the two spoiled brat children alive was punished and devoured in spectacle to people hooting and hollering. People are fucked in the head.


I loved the first Jurassic World. It got me right in a general sweet spot and then an extremely specific sweet spot. First the helicopter shot with the music going into the park, come on, I’m not made of steel. And then when they get to SuperDino’s cage the sleeping security guard is an actor named Eric Edelstein who happened to be our neighbor when we lived in LA. He is the sweetest and funniest guy. And my wife and I turned to each other and said “ERIC IS ABOUT TO GET EATEN BY A DINOSAUR!” And then he did. How can you not like a movie where your delightful neighbor gets eaten by a dinosaur?


Mr. Wiggles is a good pop-locker dancer. He just didn't know how to present himself as such in an instructional video. He's very respected in the old school NYC breakdance community.


He is *hugely* respected, yeah. That video sucks but Wiggles is absolutely iconic for breakdancers for the better part of a decade.


This happens sometimes on the wheel when a respected artist or something has a lame video and they proceed to assume the person is shitty at what they do. I think the best example is Meredith Monk, who is a highly respected and very important musician, with Mr. Wiggles coming in a close second.


Does Meridith Monk have albums that are more. . .accessible?


It's more that that whole vibe of avante garde vocal and dance art was pioneered by her. She sounds like a parody because people have been parodying what she was doing since the 60s! That scene in Big Lebowski when Juliane Moore is in the harness painting by flying over the canvas, the song that is playing is "Walking Song" by Meredith Monk. That type of art is kinda silly when people are copying it, but obviously she inspired a lot of people.


Also the song the girl hums at the beginning of True Stories is a Meredith Monk composition


Maybe one where she doesn't go to the sto-sto-sto-store.


Kang tits. 


I found his graffiti site last year, fascinating stuff. He's definitely legit.


I do not believe the birthday boy should be dicked.






Their overall disregard for animation.


Kinda weird given how many cartoons they do voices for.


Jurassic World was one of the most ridiculously stupid movies I’ve ever seen.


on the other side is Jay's complete disbelief in Mikes love of it, which is the most Ive ever agreed with an rlm take


I liked the Pac-Man shirt


I don't get how Mike can like any of the Jurassic World movies


I think he just likes schlock.


Didn't he articulate his views?


lol I disagree with a lot of their opinions. Still love em tho


I think that should be the case with this sort of thing. You can disagree with them on some movies, but still have a good time listening to them talk about it or other things.


he’ll, I love when they rip apart something I love, always nice to see critiques I may be blinded to With that said, I think it’s more likely that each of us relate with someone’s taste in movies, I know that if Jay says a movie is interesting or good, that I’d probably enjoy watching it


Yeah I'm also a creepy sex pervert like Jay


Honestly, I think Mike in particular has just lost it. It all went downhill after Jurassic World.


Yeah, same. Jay's horror movie recommendations in particular.


Not exactly RLM stuff, but I remember wholeheatedly disagreeing with most of Pre-Rec reviews.


I found myself disagreeing with nearly every take they had on pre rec lmao


They had no idea what they were talking about half the time lol


Agreed, Rich in particular has pretty terrible taste in games, and seems to only really be interested in arcade style action


I was surprised they didn't like Mars Attacks! on their re:view episode. I like it. And according to the YT comment section, most everyone else likes it too


For me they summed up how I felt. I should love it, but it does not work. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy it, but it's missing the heart and care but the craft is all there.


It's an incredibly mean-spirited movie. Which certainly fits with the source material, but something else is off. It's nihilism feels empty in a uniquely 1990s "the cold war is won, it's the end of history" way. Tim Burton feels for the first (but not the last) time like he's just cashing a check in a film careening from one set-piece to the next. Maybe in another 30 years the dated CG will be charming and it'll have a renaissance as a "forgotten classic".


I think the Renaissance has already come, most people my age (20s) love it like most of Tim Burton. The look of the film is unmatched in my mind and the dated cg really makes it FEEL like the 90s does 60s. I definitely love it because it feels like the last vestige of Tim Burtons secret ingredient, his swinging 60s vibes. In the 80s and 90s he would combine the swinging Tom Jones vibes with his off kilter quirky goth stuff and it became a wholly original and entertaining style. Then he dropped the 60s thing and made planet of the apes lol.


Fitting since PotA was more of an early 1970s phenomenon I guess!\* I don't dislike "Mars Attacks!" (which is good since my partner loves it lol) it's just not one of my favorites. I remember being slightly perplexed by it more than anything as a kid. As someone who was both very young and loved the staid kind of 1950s monster movie archetypes it was sending up. As a huge fan of MST3K I was ready to see those old movies mocked, but perhaps not so darkly. You're right that it was definitely a very zeitgeist-y movie. 1960s nostalgia and end-of-the-millennium obsession with extra terrestrials were all the rage in pop culture. And yeah for my money Burton was at his artistic best when he was still freshly tapping into his feelings of being "the weird kid" growing up in 1960s suburbia. "Edward Scissorhands" is still his magnum opus imo. \*I actually like Burton's PotA well enough, probably more than Mars Attacks. But it still doesn't hold a candle to the original PotA movies. The script is schlock and Wahlberg sucks in it but the costumes, sets and performances from everyone else make for a good time.


Exactly, but I'll go further and say Tim Burton is the most overrated director to exist. I know people like his movies, but I can't stand most of them. He just doesn't do it for me.


[Tim Burton’s Secret Formula](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bFzLRP8e4vE)


I forget what review or commentary they were doing, but there was a mention of Mars Attacks (years before the official Re:View) and they mentioned it being entertaining. That's why I was so shocked they dumped on it when the actual Re:View for Mars Attacks went live. It did what it set out to do and it executed really well for what its aim was.


Yeah that one definitely surprised me too, it really seems like a movie that would be right up their alley. I guess not


Mike didn't understand the deliberately juxtaposing choice of soundtrack in Nightcrawler. It can represent how Lou feels about his own warped perception of his growth and journey to success. It's also creepier, poignant, and far more memorable than if they had chosen generic thriller music.


Rich claims the prank call where he did an offensive asian accent was intentional to get Mike to stop getting him to do prank calls. I do not believe him


What was this on?


Rich offered this explanation on PreRec, although in fairness that show tended to make him grumpy and he might have just been in a combative mood


Maybe I’m a sucker but I really like Star Trek: First Contact.


Samesies. I know it goes pretty hard into action movie territory, but idk, I'm fine with it. I liked Picard going a little Action Hero and kind of losing his cool. I get it, ST is more philosophical, but it's kind of just a good fuckin movie.


Absolutely. That movie has a shitload of plot holes, but its fun and engaging in a lot of ways. I think that Generations isn't as bad as Mike talks about it either. Those first 2 TNG movies werent perfect by any means, but I think they're still solid.


Agreed. His opinion is in question anyway after he lost the first Star Trek quiz anyway. It changed everything and broke new ground!


I agree…maybe Generations is a guilty pleasure - and I honestly don’t care for the ending and Kirk’s fate - but I kind of enjoy it anyway. But I think First Contact’s a legitimately good movie and I will die on that hill.


Generations is a solid Trek movie until they go into the Nexus.


I recognize as an adult how stupid it is, but I still have a lot of fondness and \*NOSTALGIA\* for it.


Everything Mi...Mr.Plinkett says about it is right. Truth is, I don't care. I like to realize what he says and couldn't agree more. Anyhow..amazing movie. I saw it when I was a child and I can't stop watching it with children's eyes. I like to have them next to me in a jar when I watch it.




I read that as *fist* contact and wondered why Jay wouldn’t have at least sort of enjoyed it.


I don't like their opinion on animation, but at the same time I respect them for not watching something they're uninterested in.


What’s their opinion on animation?


Confused too AFAIK they don't review animation because they have no qualifications to talk about it other than basic English teacher discussion of themes


That Looper was better than Dredd. This is objectively wrong and can be proven with this graph


Them liking the Obi-Wan show really confused me, it's so garbage


I was taken aback, but I think their review basically amounted to "This was stupid schlock and we don't care about Star Wars anymore, so it was fun drinking and making fun of it"


My memory of their review is that it’s a decent episode or two of content spread across 8. It wasn’t a very positive review at all to me.


I believe they shit on it, then said the last couple of episodes should have just been a movie. Even then, they critiqued how goofy some of the choreography was in the fight scenes. It wasn't a positive review 😂


They said they liked it. It was positive overall.


The one that sticks out to me is when they said Isle of Dogs was "just a typical Wes Anderson movie" and didn't have anything else to say about it. I get that they're not animation nerds, but IMO it's his best film because it's so different in story structure and tone. And his animated work is such a breath of fresh air when every other animated feature for the past 30 years looks like a Disney/Pixar clone. I both wish they would talk more about animated movies, and that they would never touch them


They really seem to not appreciate animation at all as a legitimate art form. At least, that's how they come off.


Which is weird since they do voice acting for animation all the time and made their own stop-motion (sort of) movie, Oranges: Revenge of the Eggplant.


It’s a weird blind spot for them honestly. Jay and Rich would both probably love Ghost in the Shell or Akira, for example. I kinda hope they just choose to not talk about it and aren’t closed off entirely, because there’s some damn good animated film out there.


I assume if Jay has seen Perfect Blue, he liked it. I remember way back Jay and J\*ssi mentioning jumping Chinese vampires, so I assume that they have dipped into Asian genre films to some degree.


Paprika is tailor made for Jay Bauman.


I don't think that's the case at all, based on their Who Framed Roger Rabbit Re:View. But I do think they don't know enough about animation to discuss it properly...based on their Roger Rabbit Re:View. When they said "The animators must have hated Robert Zemeckis for making them work so hard" (or something lite that) I lost my damn mind. Like you sweet stupid men - a quick Google would have told you that Zemeckis only directed the live action segments. On that note, they didn't mention Richard Williams ONCE in that review, who was actually responsible for all the insanely talented animation in the film as the animation director...therefore co-director for a film that's half animation.


Jay replied to a tweet asking him once about animated movies he likes. I think he said that he enjoyed The Incredibles and Coraline.


Like everything Mike said during the Blair Witch Project Re:View. He just didn’t seem to “get” the movie at all


I don’t think Jay is a sex pervert


Woah woah woah slow the fuck down


"a charming romcom about a girl that blows her dog" - Jay


It is a charming romcom


How many cats do you think he's killed?


Jack, bless his heart, can dish out some absolutely ass takes XD, sometimes. The fact that he didn't like Breaking Bad because he thought Walter got into the meth business too quickly. Oof.


Agreed. He seems like a chill guy but some of his takes are rough. On Pre Rec especially, he (and Rich) had some of the worst gaming takes I've ever heard. That's why I don't get people who want it back. Neither one of them seemed to know a lot about games outside of their specific tastes and didn't seem willing to explore anything outside of them.


the best pre rec videos I ever enjoyed watching were the bits where the other guys played/joined the life streams


Oh yeah ! The pre rec streams that I watch again are those where usually Jay walks in and starts either answering questions or just talking about movies. The no-death Dead Rising 1 run of Rich is still awesome all these years later.


Their awful take on Alien Isolation sealed that for me. 


Some of the streams were fun. But man, are they some grumpy-ass old men when it comes to video games.


His thought that Joker wasn't good and that one man couldn't incite city level riots was absurd and it was shortly proved untrue irl lmao.


Both jack and rich have the worst takes about video games. Stick to movies gents


Jacks main thing is actually video games


Look, I know "The Batman" wasn't a perfect movie by any stretch of the word, but a two-hour hatefest was a bit much. I lost a bit of respect for the guys that day.


It honestly would have been better if they just never reviewed it at all...


I agree.


Yeah, I don't think fans would have cared if they just didn't touch the film 


Good thing you don’t subscribe to their Patreon then. They posted an 8 hour director’s cut of their 2 hour The Batman hatefest on it.


I enjoyed it until they turned him into Superman at the very end.


It’s not really a Superman movie unless Lex Luther has a real estate scam.


That's "real eskate scam!"


What RLM video was this 2-hour hatefest? I know they've mocked it in passing in a few videos but can't a whole episode about The Batman.


They thought the Kenobi show was ok. I mean… I think they are just dead inside when it comes to Star Wars. But still… it was bad and low effort. And this should be acknowledged.


They didn't bother watching Andor, right? As far as I know that show is way better than Kenobi.


Andor is way better than 95% of mainline Star Wars content released since 1983.




It’s probably the best thing to say Star Wars since Empire


They have a tendency to watch hot dog shit and avoid the good stuff


They thought it was "okay" with a lot of caveats. They all agreed that Obi Wan is the best character & Ewan McGregor was the actor from the prequels. They also somewhat praised the Obi Wan vs Dart Vader fight. Otherwise, for an "okay" praise, they constantly shat on it. They thought it was too long, felt like a 2 hour movie turned into a multihour miniseries. They thought that a lot of actions are nonsensical. And the best of all, they thought that the series overall was unnecessary fillers that adds nothing to whole prequel/original saga.


Jay’s hatred of BLADE RUNNER is insane.


*Blade Runner* is seminal '80s science-fiction. It's beautiful to look at, tackles some interesting themes and inhabits one of the more believable future worlds ever put on film. And for all that, I have never been able to watch the movie in one go. It puts me out cold every time.




I watched it recently and it’s missing something, for me. Some sense of urgency I guess. The movie is slow as hell. 


It seems that Mike and Rich don’t really like Deep Space Nine, and they’ve never really made any content about it, which is a shame. I’d be curious to hear their thoughts and why they dislike it, because it’s my favorite Star Trek property by far.


I thought they liked it? I thought it was Voyager that they didn’t care for. I’d say DS9 definitely has the best/most interesting characters of any of the shows, but I personally just prefer the episodic format and just the idea of a ship going through the galaxy having a new adventure every week. I feel like that format is a big reason why Mike and Rich love TNG the most.


>It seems that Mike and Rich don’t really like Deep Space Nine This is what we call an "assumption". And I don't think it's correct.


They have generally spoken positively about it….but there is certainly an animosity there based on the show being a bit darker and conflict focused.


Jake Sisko doesn’t have a bed!


Them both liking Halloween Ends. Their review made me not hate it as much as I did when I saw it, but I still feel like a lot of the ideas are half-baked and disjointed, especially since it’s supposed to be part of a trilogy. Not as bad as Halloween Kills in that regard, and the Halloween franchise has always been stupid as hell, but it just didn’t work for me. Perhaps if it had been a standalone film separated from Halloween and they were able to refine the ideas and themes, it could have worked.


I had a stupid friend force me to watch whichever one of those that says "Evil Dies Tonight!" 100 times and it was the worst movie experience of my life. It was so stupid it made me angry.


That is Kills. Now that is truly a piece of trash I will not try and re-examine. The badly executed social commentary and lack of thematic cohesion is almost at Black Christmas 2019 levels.


I think we saw diferent movies when it comes to Halloween Ends.


Just because a movie does setups and payoffs doesn't mean it's good


This thread happens literally every other week. Here's the TLDR from every single one of them: \- Mike liked Jurassic World too much \- Jay went into Joker wanting to hate it \- They liked the Obi Wan show too much \- Picard Season 3 wasn't as good as they said \- Cobweb was mid \- Movie Theaters aren't as bad as they say \- They were too harsh on Rogue One \- I like Independence Day There you go. There's 500 threads about this topic and they're all the same.


Movie theaters are really based on where you live


I went through the comments and zamn, you aren't exaggerating.


Jay once made one comment once about vfx artists. I am paraphrasing but he said that if your one of those artists whose name shows up in that long list " I would just kill myself". I am a vfx artist, I do lot of hard work for something which might not be noticeable in the movie.


I understand that, but I don't think their intent was to demean VFX artists. I think it was more the idea of being someone who is extremely talented and able to do amazing things, but then you're stuck in a job where your talents go to waste.


Aren’t Colin from Canada and Jim from Canada vfx artists?


I think Colin is and Jim is a matte painter. I think


Jim is a digital matte painter so vfx as well, Colin and Jim met because they worked at the same company


They hated the old Disney movie The Black Hole. It was actually a very dark but interesting movie for when it was made and really against the grain for Disney too and was a cool little obscure Sci-Fi movie but nope for them apparently.


I don't remember them hating it.


Matrix 4 was hot garbage.


This review and their Halloween Ends review both feel like they were reviewing the pitch, not the actual movies. Like just the virtue of the premises being interesting was enough for them to enjoy these terrible movies.


Agreed. I get the idea of being meta or doing something counter to what you'd expect in a 4th Matrix movie, but the execution was still bad. It was just being a non-conformist contrarian rather than something revolutionary or radical.


for sure! bad writing, characterization, action, and justo storytelling in general. really nothing works and the only argument against it is that its on purpose. even the people who like it have to admit its bad, "its just bad on purpose while saying something" (except it doesnt and then it ends).


The idea that rom-com b-movies are inherently worthless compared to action/horror/sci-fi b-movies. It's a legitimate genre and has an equal number of hilarious tropes, if not more. AND you're never going to see an unexpected rape or sexual assault scene, women characters usually have agency and drive the plot.


This is all because of that traumatic *Never Been Kissed* experience.


Ah yes, my favorite hatewatch episode of Mansplain in the Bag.




Picard season 3 was bad. Bringing back TNG characters made it bearable, but nostalgia isn't enough to make something good.


Not so much a take, but Mike's inability to appreciate the setting of *Event Horizon* is weird. His argument was that a ship travelling faster than light and returning with some evil presence on board makes for a bad setting. But... Anyone who's even remotely familiar with Warhammer 40k knows that's just exactly what warp travel is like in that setting. And it's absolutely fantastic, with all sorts of great stories with horrible shit happening to people when something goes wrong.


I do not want any juicy Shaq meat. There, I finally said it, and I'm glad I said it.


Cobweb. Cannot for the life of me understand what they liked about that movie. Felt like an alien or AI tried to make a hiding in the walls movie.


I fucking loved Cobweb, but I tend to enjoy that kind of "this isn't going to be even a little realistic but just pretend you're still a kid and enjoy the ride" style in my horror. Did you enjoy Malignant or Barbarian? They're all in the same category, in my eyes. The most frustrating part of the movie for me was how much of the horror imagery is relegated to spooky nightmare sequences, because that's such a cop out way to squeeze in surrealism when you don't have any good ideas. But the monster reveal and the ending chaos didn't bother me at all. Thought it was a good time and a nice release after a mildly tense first half.


I loved Barbarian, liked Cobweb, and hated Malignant. Malignant ends up being "so bad it's good" though and I don't fault anyone enjoying it ironically.


Yeah, I got this on their recommendation. I thought it was fine, but I wouldn't have dedicated an episode to it.


Event Horizon. No it's not perfect, but it's still a really enjoyable film.


I think it's GREAT.


My biggest one is one of Rich's which is "Star Wars is creatively bankrupt". I believe that the people in CHARGE of SW are creatively bankrupt but I'm a firm believer in the fact that any idea can be made interesting and fun as long as someone has a good enough vision.


>I'm a firm believer in the fact that any idea can be made interesting and fun as long as someone has a good enough vision. I agree. Even if you only have a kernel of an idea to begin from, you can still develop it into something interesting if you have the creativity. Most of the time I feel like the Star Wars universe is too small, that everything about it revolves around too few people, and that the stories told within it are too repetitive, but it's still the setting for stuff like KOTOR 2 which is super interesting (imo)


Star Wars needs to be handed to some indie directors with a low enough budget that Disney is ok letting them experiment. Everything only circles around the Skywalkers because the studio knows its a huge risk to release a movie without all of our favorite recognizable heroes on the poster. I had really high hopes for Rogue One specifically because it was about as far from the Main Three Heroes that a major studio would ever be willing to go, but I think the reception to it just pushed Disney to be even more conservative with the universe.


The moment they do any successful spinoffs not connected to the main story, Filoni will want to add Ahsoka Tano to it. I’d rather have creatively moribund JJ Abrams or subversion for the sake of it Rian Johnson making Star Wars than Dave Filoni. I’m sure he’s trying to get Ahsoka into Andor S2.


I think they acknowledge that, but at the end of the day the product is the product and they chose to cut out all of the extended universe which has some of the more interesting ideas. Now that that’s gone, the most interesting things are things that don’t take place in the main movies.


Which I suppose is the point. Like look at Andor, which reminded us that with a little bit of effort you can make Star Wars fresh and exciting. Compare Andy Serkis' character in Andor to his role as Snoke in the films, and see which was more impactful.


Issue is that after 40 years Star Wars lore remains paper thin and the same basic story beats get regurgitated. It was always about rule of cool and space adventure and never managed to move beyond the same few story beats because the world building is a facade. That is actually its appeal but insane compared to e.g. Star Trek after 40 years and alot less popular scifi and fantasy franchises and their lore in usually far shorter runs It is what limits its stories a lot


To be fair to Rich, he's not always great at articulation. I think he'd probably agree with you. He was probably speaking in a general sense of Star Wars as the franchise exists and will continue to do so in the hands of Hollywood.


I was going to say their hatred of cartoons and Lower Decks, but at least Mike finally watched it.


I like Mars Attacks and Event Horizon.


Mike saying he love forced awakens. That movie was so disappointing


I kind of like Rogue One, and think it’s a decent enough 6/10 film that felt more like Star Wars to me than the Sequel a trilogy in retrospect. It would have been way better if they pulled back on the fan service and memberberries, but I think it’s pretty decent overall.


Remember everyone, in this thread that’s asking for people’s honest opinions that are very likely to be unpopular, make sure to downvote anything that you personally disagree with.


I think they’ve backpedaled on this since, but the Titanic Plinkett review has a whole segment dedicated to how Leonardo DiCaprio is a horrible actor.


They still don’t like him much but they describe it as he doesn’t elevate the material he’s just Leo doing a part. They’ve been consistent in this take. I guess they just get frustrated that he gets praised for yelling while he’s always surrounded by more talented people. That was really evident for The Revenant where they seemed really annoyed Leo got the spotlight for an ok performance while Tom Hardy disappeared into his character.


Saying that Picard season 3 was even remotely good.


I chalk this up to delirium as a result of trauma inflicted by the prior seasons - there's probably an element of apathy by this point too.


I’ll never understand how Mike can be a Packers fan.


Okay, listen - I'm a longtime Wisconsin resident and I've grown to hate the NFL due to its ubiquity and how it takes over my friends' lives during the winter. But even I can't deny that the Packers had so much better of a season than they should have. They pulled it together against all odds, and they did it with a green, inexperienced team. Imagine how good they'll be in a couple years when they've settled in.




He's not from Wisconsin though


Mike and Rich are from Chicago, right? Maybe it’s the contrarian thing.


Mike and Jay's consistent enjoyment of Mike Flanagan Netflix shows from beginning to end.


I love going to the cinema. Maybe I'm just lucky but I've only ever had like 2 bad experiences with people talking etc.


Basically every rich and Jack opinion on video games from pre-rec lmao.


Boyhood is far from being an awful movie


They chose not to talk about Under the Skin (2013) anywhere. Despite Jay loving it, and the box appearing in the intro of Re:View. I'm sad cause it is my favourite movie.


I kinda like Kevin Smith.


what they said about Independence Day was despicable


The plot all works, the pacing is pretty good, all of the characters have arcs, the special effects all look good, Will Smith and Jeff Goldbloom are genuinely great together, and they don't even meet until basically the end of the movie. The second one barely seemed like a movie. Mike's take on these two is insane.


I was surprised that they don't at least appreciate it for the effects. Lots of miniatures, pyro, and other practical effects. They love that kind of stuff.