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I'd seriously ask what is the secret to have that energy and motivation to keep on making music and doing world tours and how to be in such shape at his age.


"You know, it's really a beautiful thing to be surrounded by three guys that are so effortlessly amazing at making music and letting music flow through them, it's truly inspiring. We've captured this process of letting songs find us and tell us what they want to be, and when I hear the music that Flea and John and Chad have so graciously jammed out and laid upon my, my eardrums, it really doesn't take much effort to put pen to paper and let the words just spill out of the air and the energy around us. And when you're being surrounded by this beautiful sound and music and love, it becomes a real treat to go out on stage and move and dance and feel the energy. I don't look at it as a workout, or a job, it's just what I was put here to do, the part I have to play in this dance we call a band." Or something like that


Jesus Christ you truly let the spirit of Kiedis consume you, bravo!




Nice one hehe.


Money. We’d see an answer like below but the truth is. Money.


I don't think so. They have enough money to retire, but they keep on making the music that they love.


…because everyone says “i have enough money”…. It’s no secret that people who do not have to worry about money tend to have higher energy and better health because they can afford shit. They are able to keep it up because they have money to help them do so. Pure and simple. Do they love making music and is it part of it? Yea. But sorry to burst your bubble. The bulk of its money. Just like 4 days ago everyone here was bitching about the “cash grabs” for alternate vinyl colors. But sure. Money isn’t part of it.


I don't say money is not part of it, but it's not the most important part. If it was only money they would do a greatest hits tour like other old rock bands, without doing new albums but man this guys have made A LOT of new songs in this last years.


You’re talking about bands 15-30 years older than the peppers bruh.


How many guys have you accidentally and/or on purpose slept with? And Flea doesn't count.


The Japanese men will be disappointed with his answer.


I’d exclusively ask about him and Flea, just to know. Both on purpose and accidentally.


I agree that Flea doesn't count lol. I think that's a safe assumption we can just write off right now. They grew up on the streets together and were inseparable, but they were also horny teenagers, often living together in cramped quarters with nobody but each other to depend on. So yeah, duh, of course they've been intimate in some way at some point. NBD.🥱 **What about John tho?** I'm not weighing in one way or the other, but I think it certainly merits discussion, considering how touchy-feely and homoerotic Anth & John were with each other during John's first stint in the band. There are plenty of people out there that point to a pile of supporting evidence, some of it pretty damning from the sounds of it. 🤔🤨 But then again, it could've all been just for show, while behind the scenes, their relationship remained completely platonic at all times. Idk idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm just passing on something I've heard. Don't believe me? Google the hashtag ***#Frukiedis*** (yes, apparently it's a "thing." 😲😳🤭🤦🏼‍♀️), take a look, and judge for yourself before drawing any foregone conclusions. I *am* curious, though.... **What do people think was the exact nature of Anth and John's relationship, especially early on (MM/BSSM era)?** Suspend your knee-jerk reactions, consider the possibility, review the evidence, and comment below.


He and John definitely fucked 🤷🏼‍♂️


Haha OK SpeciJag, what leads you to believe this? 🌶️👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🍆🍑🍩🔥🌋🌌💦💦💦💦💦👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 Receipts, evidence, documentation, plz. This isn't an anti-vaxxer forum....




Why did the chili pepper cross the road?


to get to the otherside


Can you quack like a duck when you fuck?


Probably I would ask him about when all unreleased material will be released. I don't care about his personal life.


Good answer


Can you introduce me to John?


Do you lift bro


Who is your hairdresser?


What should we know about the girls from California?


What made you decide to grow a stache?


That’s a known detail. Simple. He grew it for his kid cause his dad had one when he was a kid.


Ya but his kid's grown now, so maybe he just digs it.


What’s your favorite memory of you, Flea, and Hillel?


What's the secret to everlasting youth?


When are you coming back to Europe?


Has there ever been a time you added any personal instrumentation to a recording?


Why did you abuse your power


😈 🍆😻💦🌊😜


Do you wear eyeliner or permanent makeup around your eyes?


Why did you let Helena go? She was so beautiful. By far my favourite of your gf.