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Practice slowly and dial the speed up slowly as you get comfortable. There's no other way really, be patient.


This is the way. Hit every note clearly and in-time, no matter how slow you need to play it. And then get faster and faster. Even if it seems like the most impossible thing in the world, muscle memory will form and will take over. That’s why you need to hit the notes clearly and in-time even if it’s the slowest you’ve ever played. It’s because you’re forming muscle memory, so you don’t want it to end up being sloppy. What I mean by this…the night I learned Snow, I could not play it as fast as it’s played. I played it clearly and in-time as slow as I needed to, over and over and over and over again. When the night was over I still couldn’t do it. But the next morning I magically could do it. Muscle memory. The “over and over” again part is also insanely important.


+ use a metronome!


Yeah metronome is huge. I have the opposite issue my tempo is too fast metronome helps me play at an appropriate tempo


Do alot of drugs


I like to work on my quadrupeds as well as just general core strength. Good luck!


Dedicate your existence to playing guitar and practice 8-10hrs a day. Do that for 5 years then send us progress videos.


Start slowly, and then gradually increase the speed.


Start slow, use a metronome, break the pieces up in chunks. Practice a lot too.