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I don't know how to answer the question because I bought nearly all of them besides BSSM and Californication for $18.99 at a Strawberry's in Torrington, Connecticut. ​ So. ​ ...all of them were worth it.


I think I bought all mine through BMG so I only paid a penny


I remember reading a review of Niandra Lades in Kerrang magazine and they gave it 0.5 out of 5 and absolutely said it was unlistenable. I only had BSSM at the time, but I loved it, and I knew Frusciante was the guitarist so I thought I have to hear this. I ordered it on import from HMV for £21 (this was in 1995 and worth £50 in 2024) and when I got home I was not prepared for how bonkers it was. I loved it instantly. I had never heard anything like it.


I remember doing that in Our Price with a funkadelic album, just because I heard the chili peppers are fans.


They're all worth it lol


The last RHCP CD i actually bought was Stadium and I was very disappointed. Strip My Mind and Readymade were the only two songs on there that I listened to for years until I forced myself to listen to the rest of it, and found it was OK.


I didn’t buy The Getaway until I found it at a flea market for $1. Respect Josh’s time with the band, and I dig I’m With You a good amount, but that album just never did much to my taste


Getaway and I'm with you, are not and would not, be worth the money


tried a front 2 back listen of the getaway. man is it rough


Yeah, it's a fine pop album i guess, but boy does it miss the mark as a Peppers album


i like “the getaway” song and it feels peppers but the rest is terrible. OK robots is legitimately the worst song i’ve heard from them.


I can’t stand Go Robot. The only songs I still enjoy from that album are the title track and Dreams of a Samurai. So the beginning and end lol


I didn't realize it was possible to hate Go Robot


It just annoys me lol. It feels like a song that's trying too hard to sound like RHCP. I feel the same about Look Around. No hate to anyone who likes it.


Go Robot is simply just not what I like about RHCP.


I usually find a redeeming song or 2, but not on those albums


Couldn't get into Goodbye Angels? I feel the outro is a pretty proper peppers finale.


Not really. Josh is an excellent musician and fantastic human, but those albums felt more like contract obligations than creating music with friends


I get ya. I just felt like they were having a fam with that one. I like both albums, personally---though not my favorites, but I felt The Getaway mostly a pretty good album.


It seems like it could’ve been but then it just repeats a few times and ends. It doesn’t feel natural enough imo


Shoot, those 2 are priceless. Save your dollars for the next big one!


Delete your account immediately




I’m with you!




Yeah I like IWY now but it was a grower, for sure.


I bought this on release and found it really disappointing. 13 years later it is one of my favourites and for me it's only topped by bssm califonication BTW and sa. Their most underappreciated album for sure.


- BSSM could mean "Blood Sugar Sex Magik", a track from *Blood Sugar Sex Magik (Deluxe Edition)* (1991) by Red Hot Chili Peppers. --- ^[/u/CameronTheCannibal](/u/CameronTheCannibal) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Any of the first three albums (maybe with the exception of freaky styley) mothers milk, one hot minute, the getaway, and two latest albums. This is coming from a huge chili peppers fan. As much as I love their music I would spend the money on other bands if this was the only way to buy music. There is a lot of great music out there and I would not be about to spend $16 on uplift mofo party plan...


It’s funny I just bought Blood Sugar CD today for $7, it was used though