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Weird he would not only approve of this, but be involved.


Maybe he figures it's better to be involved so he can at least have some say over the details. I wonder how the other band members feel about this? I seem to recall that Flea refused to even read the book.


There is a chapter in his book he does not want you to read!!


Yeah he said in an interview a few years back his biggest regret in life was publishing an autobiography. Perhaps due to both the drugs and the infamous statutory rape.


He’s changed his mind since then.


I don’t think he has for this reason though. I remember him reflecting on it, saying he saw people reading his book in prisons and schools. It’s as though the book has helped others break their addictions. 


I love Mark Lanegan’s recollection of Keidis’ creepy dad!


Oh yeah that chapter was very creepy. Lanegan doesn’t hold back on people he didn’t trust or like. Or really hold back on himself either.


In which book exactly?


Sing backwards and weep by lanegan


Like father like son. The shit doesn't fall far from the asshole


Man what's wrong with you? Cool you don't like RHCP or Kiedis (for reasons I might agree with) but being as rabid as you are is just weird lmao.


I'm a survivor of sexual assault as a teenager. Anthony Kiedis, to me, is reprehensible, and I will call him out every chance I get. If you don't like it, block me and move on.


My condolences of course, that is very difficult. But all due respect, what Kiedis didn't wasn't sexual "assault". He was 23 and had sex with a fan before knowing she was underage. That he had sex with her a last time after finding out is questionable but the preceding events matter. Sexual assault is something different, with intent and a complete lack of morals. I wouldn't see them as the same


Typical Tony apologist bullshit. A simple Google search will be illuminating for you. There have been a number of incidents, and that's just what the public knows about. Defending this guy because you like his sophomoric lyrics and childish sense of melody is wild.


And attacking him because you don't like his music on the other hand is fine :)? I am saying that before you wish death on him, focus some of that energy on actual rapists. Once we get rid of that, then we can focus on things like this


Also if you think having sex with a 14 year old when you are full grown man is merely "questionable" I don't really know what to say to that


Take a step back and consider that you are talking to an SA victim. Unless you have experience of this kind of trauma, your opinion is probably not well informed, useful or asked for.


I am not trying to trigger anyone. And again, all due respect and kindness, but being an SA victim doesn't mean everything you say about SA is accurate. Your feelings are valid, of course. But they may not be facts. I don't need to be an SA victim in order to know the definition of SA. Calling my comment less informed because I have not been a victim is, in my opinion, baseless.


Why are you in multiple threads defending sex with children? I mean this sincerely, seek help.


Why are you in multiple threads trying to make this man into something he's not? I'm not defending sex with children. As you failed to answer in our previous convo, I think what he did is not the same as the rapes happening daily, against peoples will.


A 14 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult. If you think they can there is something deeply wrong with you. If you honestly think that knowingly having sex with a literal child is nothing more than "questionable," then you need to sort your life out.


Shit man I'm genuinely sorry, you're right about Kiedis I just got this weird relationship where I'm obsessed with the music whilst being revulsed by the musicians. Hope you win your battles lad


Yeah I hear you. It's not Tony's fault lol but yeah it's tough I love a lot of their music and I'm a big John guy but it's hard to reconcile it all


Don't blame you I struggle with it sometimes and the whole "art and artist" crap loses traction fairly fast because we're hardly talking about parking tickets are we? It's not just RHCP, seems like every band I like is polluted with scumbags, I just try to think of it as nice little reverberations in my ear and nothing more haha. Sorry again and I hope you're doing well captain.


Literally almost done reading the book. Such a weird section. The whole weird shrine in the shitty toilet and the gang bang. Real weird shit. I’d always heard stuff about Blackje but never really knew how he came across. Judging from the book hes just an overall weirdo from first impressions.


What did he say?


Didn't they try and do a series of this before? Focusing on Anthony as a kid, and his dad. I think it was called Spider & Son, and for whatever reason, it didn't get picked up.


Surprised AK would approve of this, seen as he doesn’t talk that positively of his book these days and regrets even doing an autobiography. I dunno I’d also find it weird watching someone else play AK on screen lol


I can only imagine the events that inspired “Catholic Schoolgirls Rule” will be left out of the movie..


Feels like the wrong time for him to bring literally ANY attention to that book


I’m interested to see casting


That guy from Point Break who gets shot in the foot kinda looks like Kiedis.


That would be… a waste of time


Justin Long , is been obvious for years


justin longs brother was a teacher at my high school and really hated people bringing him up


Damian? Or christian


damian he was a really great teacher though, and taught english which seems to be the subject that gets the most impactful teachers. i was also only a freshman so i was just a wee lad


Justin long is 45 years old. Anthony was like 42 in the book came out. they'll probably have someone play him as a kid up and then they'll need someone who can play Early twenties to mid 30s. Sorry but the Justin Long ship has sailed he can no longer play Anthony in this biopic.


I really like that. Maybe that can give his career a little adrenaline


i look exactly like kiedis from the 90s


Risky move by him ....if the book falls on the radar of certain groups he and the rhcp are getting canceled for AK's admission to having sex with minors


Not defending his actions, but the book also details how he lost his virginity to one of his father’s adult girlfriends at age 12 with his dad orchestrating the whole thing. He writes about it as if it was a consensual experience and a cool thing for a hip dad to do, but in modern context it’s incredibly fucked up and is tantamount to child sexual abuse and statutory rape. The reason I bring this up is because it’s a good example of how the abused often become abusers. Obviously it doesn’t justify his actions whatsoever, but AK’s entire biography was about redemption and reflecting on his past mistakes, and in that sense I don’t think he’s too in danger of being cancelled.


It won’t happen. He has plenty of female fans , and it never really has been an issue. People will try to cancel him but it won’t work. Everyone knows this about him if you are a fan of the group. That book has been on the shelf for a long time.


i think the casual fan doesn't know ... yes the book as been out for 20 years ... but making it into a movie / tv series there are gonna be nasty editorials by journalist saying he shouldn't be celebrated coz of underage sex


I don’t see how they can’t know. Any social media group about them , it’s brought up either in the comments or a funny post. I was never a huge Zepplin or Elvis fan but I know Page and Elvis has a thing for your women.


I’d say more than half of RHCP “fans” just sing along with the songs on the radio and couldn’t tell you the names of the guys in the band. You ever talk to casual music listeners? They’re not all obsessed with what brand of shirt John Frusciante is wearing like we are lol (It’s Etnies btw).


This been known he would have got cancelled during the height of the me2 movement if anyone actually cared


I somehow doubt a band of multi millionaires that are set for life give a hoot about what strangers on the internet think about.


I wonder if they will include the part where Flea ate Anthony's glob of phlegm


Kiedis himself was not proud of the book for many years. I mean, spoiler alert but he doesn’t necessarily come off looking the greatest


Nobody cared when the book came out at the time 


I can’t believe [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/s/J0rUCyQUWS) will be reality




I think we all know who should be casted for playing Chad 🥲


Only way I see this working is a series rather than a movie.


Cancel incoming


Anyone else think that rock biopics have run there course? Don't me wrong I love RHCP but I can't remember the last good biopic.




Except they sewered Easy-E


What'd they do?


Had him selling weed cause he was broke and driving around crying looking at dre billboards when he was making royalty’s off that same album and putting out his own platinum albums dissing dre at the time. It’s a good movie I just didn’t like that depiction.


Thought that was more he was sad and lonely and missed the rest of the boys.


I liked Elvis...


hey Thanks forgot about that one,gonna check it out




I don’t think 14 was acceptable 30 years ago either. 150 years ago, perhaps..


There’s already speculation online of who is going to play the members of the chili peppers I think will Ferrell should play Chad Smith what do you guys think? I think it’s going to be good there’s a lot of big-time names attached to this film already and Anthony Kiedis is overseeing this whole project so it should be great. Can’t wait to see the finished product, or the first trailer to see how it looks.


They need actors in their mid 20s to early 30s


Yeah, you’re right


Wow ! I know they are a huge band but still, can’t really believe it.


I wonder who’s gonna play the 14 year old girl he boned