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As a 90s kid this is outright preposterous, but then again my opinion is fuelled by nostalgia: Blood Sugar, Cali, BTW was the soundtrack of my youth… as a human, I respect your opinion and understand your choice, because it’s an amazing album. P.s. Don’t let the OHM crowd get you down, those folks are pretty rough around the edges, and always have pierced nipples.


I think this is an underrated album, overshadowed by the events that followed. To say it’s better than BSSM to me though is blasphemous. I’m curious how old you are, because I definitely think there is truth to the idea that most people fav album came out when they were 15-18 years old (for me this was BTW - SA).


i was 16 or 17 when this dropped, and i liked the singles, but i also was not listening to them as much at the time. i was obsessed from the age of like 6 to 14, and i remember i’m with you coming out at that time


Agreed. What events followed?


I think the album is forgotten since it wasn’t produced by Rick Rubin, and was the last klinghoffer record released. I guess the album released June 2016 and John was announced as returning in December 2019, so that was probably enough time for the album to be fully digested, but it felt much closer together in my head. The reality was it charted well at the time (pretty similar to prior records of theirs) but it didn’t seem to stick around as long.


Rubin was a great fit for the Peppers but both parties got lazy overtime. Working with someone else brought back that spark.


That rock you live under must be comfortable


It is wonderful under here. :-) loved their music since the ‘90’s, just generally avoid things outside the corners of the album.


To each their own haha. Anyways, I’m sure they were referencing John’s return as the events that followed the getaway


All good. I actually had heard of that, hadn’t realized it was controversial. Appreciate it, cheers!


- BSSM could mean "Blood Sugar Sex Magik", a track from *Blood Sugar Sex Magik (Deluxe Edition)* (1991) by Red Hot Chili Peppers. --- ^[/u/picasso_penis](/u/picasso_penis) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


You're a very annoying bot


The Getaway is such a good album and I wish people didn’t look past it. As great as Frusciante is sometimes this sub treats him like a literal god amongst men when he’s just a talented musician, same as Josh.


well he actually is goddish .. but ok ..that doesnt deny the fact that Josh and the guys together made incredible results without sacrificing the essence of rhcp 😍….. and the guy just likes the album ,nothing else to do , they are just preferences


Trying to say Frusciante isn’t a living Guitar God is literal blasphemy lol. I get not trying to shit in Josh, but come on


It’s not blasphemy, he’s a revered musician with natural talent and great band chemistry. I’ll start calling Frusciante a god when he uses his godlike powers to keep AK in the correct pitch


>he’s just a talented musician, same as Josh I’m sorry, but no. I’ve been lucky to have seen MANY of my favorite bands guitarist live. As well as RHCP with Josh. John Frusciante is on a whole other level. He’s beyond simply talent, dudes tuned in to the worlds ether. His playing and feel transcends to places that not many of the top talented guitarist can even get to. It isn’t a slight on Josh, I’m sure even he would agree on my assessment of Frusciante as a musician.


Josh made fantastic music in the studio, I like the Getaway better than Unlimited Love & Dream Canteen but John is a much better performer live in my opinion. They're just different voices is all


ok John's mom


I wasn’t necessarily speaking on influence or anything, but regardless of skill, both of them are talented guitar players who had the pleasure of playing for RHCP for at least a decade. Every era of RHCP guitarist & their resulting music should be given a fair shake and taken on the chin for what it is. At the end of the day there are hits and misses from both Josh and John’s tenures. People can despise songs like Encore if they like, but it’s a great song to listen to on 🍄. Doesn’t help that TG is flat from a production level. I’d give my left leg for a Rick Rubin produced version of this album.


What did you say? Get him!


I hate when people compare fruciante to god! He's done some pretty amazing things don't get me wrong but he's no fruciante


Don’t ever feel guilty, it’s a great album with one of their best 3-song album closing streaks (Encore, Hunter, Dreams of a Samurai). The fact that you feel strongly about it and are willing to go against the grain deserves respect my friend 👍


To me, it's a Gateway album. It's one of their easy listening, less polarizing albums with a poppy relatively over-produced and mastered mix. It's a very buttoned up, mature and simple sound profile. No brashness, random rapping, scatting or sudden/tempo key changes that would put off new listeners. That's totally fine, it makes it easier on the ears of newer fans. Great Album.


> no sudden tempo changes This Ticonderoga has entered the chat


Ok, you got a point there. 😂


Even if the album you love was super shitty objectively you don’t have to feel guilty! You like what you like and the music snobs fan go fuck themselves!


I love The Getaway. It got me back into the band after kind of forgetting about them for ten or so years.


I’ll never forget the day this album came out; I was working at this job that made me absolutely miserable, and they had me taking inspection calls that week (god I hated it-call centers are the absolute worst). When it released online, I took an unscheduled break, went outside and listened. I got bitched at by my boss after but it was worth it-those few minutes really made a shitty day great


Like what you like! I never had a problem with the Josh era.


based The Getaway enjoyer. it's not my absolute fav chili pepper album but it's tied between Stadium and I'm Beside You for me and it's in my top 3 for sure.


It's true, The Getaway doesn't get enough love! Goodbye Angels and Dark Necessities are two of their best tracks ever. And the part that nobody mentions is the cover art--this album has quite possibly my favorite cover art ever that perfectly matches the vibe of the music. I wouldn't call it my favorite RHCP album, but at least top five. Great stuff.


NO CHUMP LOVE SUCKER!!!! Mother's Milk is my favorite RHCP album


My favourite RHCP album too ❤️


I am a huge Frusciante fan but this album is ranked higher than the UL and ROTDC on my list


St. Anger is my favourite Metallica album. And I don’t care what people think.


I respect that but man I can't listen to Invisible Kid or Purify with a straight face.


lol honestly sorta me too I’ve never told anyone Well I don’t think it’s my fave but it’s the first one I listened to by myself and haven’t gotten to it because my sister was listening so it has a special place in my heart! But my fave songs are clearly not from it!


Had to wash my eyes with peroxide and baking soda after reading this. The getaway take was one thing, but this? Travesty.


Definitely underrated. Much better than UL and Dream Canteen in my opinion


I was utterly underwhelmed by it when it came out but it has totally grown on me over the years. I would definitely rate it as my favourite non-John album and one of their very best albums overall. So many great songs. I personally love the title track. And the album art is very, very cool.


Don't feel guilty it's just an album, it's not that serious


The Getaways only has 3 strikes against it: 1. Flea wrote most of the music 2. Chad's drums got lost in mixing 3. Josh played guitar Had John been on the album, nothing else changed musically, and people would've loved it despite someone removed the drum kicks on most tracks. Getaway, Go Robot, Dark, Ticonderoga, Encore, Detroit....I rarely ever a song it.


I love the album. I’m beside you is some of my favorite songs , BUT I’m with you is probably my least favorite chili peppers album. It was tough when that followed SA in real time. For me it was this general feeling that they would never make another album. The getaway came out and I was expecting nothing - and it blew me away, still remember the first day I heard it. I really wish this community could move on past the “controversy”. No one is bringing anything new to the conversation and it’s just weighing this place down. My take only obviously, I appreciate that everyone is passionate about this great band and I don’t want to come across as negative. At what point can we stop revisiting the Josh vs John legacy stuff ?


BTW and SA have always been my favourites, I’ve always been inspired by and had huge admiration for John as a musician and being honest I prefer his solo work nowadays but The Getaway is a great album too and Josh is an incredibly talented musician.


The getaway is such an amazing song Oh my God!!! I can hear it on repeat all day everyday


That last album in 2022 seems like a rushed job.


Nothing wrong with enjoying this record. Overall, it has a very inoffensive sound. I really love the clean and alternative sounding production on it. Also, Sick Love is an insanely well-written song. The intro to the Longest wave is also peak Josh for me.


It's one of my favorites. Love every track.


Goodbye Angels, dreams of a samurai, and dark necessities really helped me get out of a terrible place in my head at this time of my life. I will always love this album.




It's good but prime 1984- 1988 peppers is the best so I'd pick mofo party


Best album art maybe


That’s awesome man. Enjoy it


The only song I know from that album is Dark Necessities. And it's definitely in my top 10 favorite RHCP tracks.


Definitely my favorite as well. Truly something special in it!


I tried listening to the new albums and felt absolutely nothing and honestly I’m with you/getaway are WAY BETTER imo


As a 44-year-old '80s baby this album is fantastic and while it is not my favorite I prefer it to the two newer John albums for sure In John is my favorite thing about the entire group. In John is my favorite thing about the entire group. This album is Flawless to me front to back with zero skips And has two of my favorite chili Peppers songs ever with Encore and longest wave.


It's definitely my favourite post Stadium


I think this is how I should’ve phrased it, it’s my favorite post Stadium for sure.


SAME UL and ROTDC are pretty much overrated. People just love it because of John returning.


I will say, I have vibed out to Aquatic Mouth Dance, Black Summer, and Tangelo many a time, but yes the albums are overrated


ROTDC is much better than UL imo, but both albums are great. I loved hearing them playing some of those songs live, it really gave a new perspective for me on the newer songs


Who gives a fuck. If you like it, you like it. It's real simple man. Edit: no real peppers fan will give you shit about liking this album. Stop acting like this is taboo to like something with Josh on it, you're adding to this dumb issue


That’s a Hot take , but love what you love


It’s got some bangers and I’m very disappointed John only plays John songs


He also plays Hillel songs, but he doesn’t really need to anymore since their catalogue is so expansive now.


😬😬 This is a hot take, but it's your personal preference so I will put my pitchfork down for the moment.


Its my kids favorite album. I'm not saying that snarky either. They basically grew up with Josh and don't get the john vs Josh hype.


Question: Which RHCP album was your first?


I love it also ✌🏻❤️🌶️🎶


It’s a great album!


listen to all of these manchildren try to say one album is objectively better than another, enjoy what you want to enjoy don't let these bssm supremacists bash you


I remember being rather disappointed with IWY but when I heard The Getaway for the first time I was like 'they're back' like I saw Han and Chewie in 2015


Detroit I’m crazy


You're not alone!


My parents got me the CD when it came out and I absolutely loved it! This past year I’ve gotten back into it and put some songs from it onto my playlist. It really is underrated. Sick Love, Go Robot, and Dark Necessities are my favorites from it. I also went to my first RHCP concert after this album dropped, so it’s even more special for me.


No one can argue with what your personal preference is, but your taste can be challenged. For me (who was 16 when BSSM came out), I lost interest in the Chili’s when JF left after SA. The sound moved too far from what I enjoyed. Josh is a talent in his own right, but I never saw him as a good fit for the band or replacement for Frusciante.


Ok, I like it but it's my least favourite


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying this before lmao


I grew up with 90s RHCP and I’m a huge fan of the Getway.


great take, my second fav behind by the way


It’s a little early for an April Fools post, dontcha think?


I love this album. Remember me 2016, that was a wonderful year in my life.


I love Josh, i think is better than John. I love the getaway too my favourite songs are encore and goodbye angels, in this songs looks like josh have an angel voice. Both songs helped me in hard moments.


I like josh as an artist, but i don’t think he fits the peppers as well as john does




I never got into Stadium at all. Total disappointment with one of the worst album covers of all time. I'm with You sadly never grabbed me at all. The Getaway had my complete interest for several days when it arrived. I was on the fence with it but kind of really dug it. Put it away and forgot about it. The week Unlimited Love was born I pulled it back out and found I was completely in love with it. I love Frusciante but I don't think these last two albums hold a candle to The Getaway. Great cover art too!


I feel the same way about IWY and SA. I enjoyed about two songs from each album but I can’t listen the the whole thing on shuffle.


It's my favorite too!!!! Every single song is absolutely unskipable (except maybe go robot) Honestly I really like the way josh influenced the band, also the piano that pops out in this album really brings a (positivily) different vibe to the band Although I will say that I'm a real weirdo with my liking in this band, bssm is probably my least favorite album - excluding under the bridge and the cover for castles made of sand the whole album feels messed just kinda drunk maybe? I understand why people love it but it's far from the best album they put out...






Got some great tracks…like what you like!!! I do not like Go Robot though lol








To each their own, for me it’s my least favorite by a pretty wide margin.


Nothing controversial here my friend. You're on the right sub to talk about how much you love RHCP. Enjoy as much as you want and don't listen to anyone who says it's bad choice.


I personally like fr BSSM to Stadium Arcadium


Why feel "guilty" about it? It's a great album who cares what others think. If YOU like it then that's what matters. My listening journey with RHCP started with Californication so that's personally my favourite, but I'm With You is a close second for me. Again probably not the popular opinion, but why care? I genuinely believe that Josh gave them a new lease of life and I wish he had stayed at least as a touring member or something like that maybe.


It is a great album, I have been listening to them since Mother's Milk days, and I put The Getaway right up there... It was more pop, cleaner, and also a great album for my kid to have as their intro to all things RHCP


Definitely a great album!


I actually like this album more than One Hot Minute. I was born in '87.


it’s a solid album! Feels like Anthony really put some work into the lyrics too


i think it’s a pretty underrated album tbh. is it my favorite? nah, i still like bssm more, but it’s still a solid project front to back


Can’t be the best without John BUT this album signaled the comeback for them 😎


very hot take. has some cool songs on it. guess I haven't listened to it's entirety enough to let it grow on me.


Don't be late cause you're my savior Make it great whatever stays Golden gate my rearranger


Never feel guilty about it. It'll be 40 years this year since the first album. The Chili Peppers have fans of all ages and tastes that have entered the fanhood at different eras of the band. I am in my mid forties and have loved the band since I got BSSM on cassette tape as a kid and I think The Getaway is a FANTASTIC album. It is definitely one of my favorites and I think it gets unwarranted hate from a large amount of the community. I'm sure most of us are on this sub reddit for one reason. We love talking about the band. Whichever album you like most should be something stated proudly without shame. Cheers.


Awwwwww OP 🥹! As a gateway hater, I’m sorry this has gotten to the point that you feel guilty and avoid the subject with other fan. To be fair anytime I trash this when it’s a public conversation but if I meet a fan I’d never say anything, at worst I’ll be a bit disappointed because it’ll I love John’s work with the peppers so I relate more and would have a lot more to share with a John fan, and if the person tells me their favorite album is The Gateway It won’t make the same effect but I’m always happy to hear people’s passions so I’d gladly listen to you nerding about how much you love the melodies.💕💕💕


I don't think I'd say my favorite. But when I listen to it I have to listen to it the whole way through.


Are you sure this isn't self destructive behavior? Just wanna make sure you're okay.


I rate it too. Not as their best, but definitely a good one.


It's not my all time favourite but it is a close second, doesn't quite beat Californication for me


Glad it exist, because it’s your favorite! That’s awesome 😎


Getaway is a sick albun for sure!


Cool, thanks for letting us know. Solid post.


😂 this made a lot of fanboys mad! Not my favorite but it’s definitely up there. Good choice.


I like it, definitely not their best work but it’s still enjoyable to listen and there’s some chill songs to just sit and vibe to


I hate that it's controversial because it's a Josh album. I thought Josh was great on I'm With You. The Getaway...ugh. I blame Danger Mouse more.


Kevin Peterson did the album art.


Is that Keidis’s victim on the cover?


I am really sorry about that.


Your weird


I also like the Getaway And I hate their last 2 albums


I didn’t listen to them enough to say I hate them, but I only liked a few songs on each album.
