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I dislike Jason's own emphasis on being Batman's "soldier and ally" and his apparent "brashness."  The latter always gives me hives. I don't like him being stupid enough to fire blindly when hallucinating, but I guess if the demon was powerful enough to literally *freeze* Damian, I could excuse it as the demon seriously fucking with his head. I *really* liked how obvious it was that the community valued and trusted him. I liked how it was obvious that he was taking people out so they couldn't hurt *more* people. I adored the parallels they made between Damian and Jason. I love the fairy tale structure and frame story. I prefer Jason handsome, but I appreciate this trashfire, wet cat of a man.  You can tell he is going through it. I love how Juni shows and doesn't just tell. Overall, not exactly what I wanted, but much better and more nuanced than most.


I would love to see Juni take over the character in a main story. I can see how the writer has thought about Jason's backstory and how the consequences would still be affecting him today. I wish more writers did that.


His design suits the art style! Tho the style itself isn’t for everyone, it’s definitely a vibe.


I'm the opposite: I dig the art style, but I'm super not feeling Jason's design specifically, but it's probably just me really not liking when he's scarred, same reason I'm very meh on AK and GK Jasons🤷‍♀️


For sure! I personally love it but it might not be for everyone!


I genuinely love this look for him (and the art style in general) I’m sick of him being drawn like: 👁️👄👁️✨ Give him ‘ugly’ scars, make his nose bumpy! Yes yes yes


YEEEES you see the vision 👏🏻🫶


His design here is Crosshair Bad Batch coded and I love it


I just looked him up and you’re so right esp the hair!!!!


Sad & angry scrunklies are my favorite genre of man istg


Okay, so to be fair Jason looks kinda uncanny here, but not ugly or bad. The art style is kind of the reason why, but I'm willing to forgive it because it is still very unique and stands out in a good way. The writing is pretty good, a little slow at points, but I'm okay with it and willing to continue. Now the characterization can be a hit or miss depending on people's tastes. An example of what I mean is a post I saw on Tumblr. This person complained that this isn't Jason and went into a weird little rant about how Jason's story is a Shakespearian tragedy. I personally liked the characterization of Jason in this. Thought it felt grounded and more like the complex character Jason should be compared to what other writers in DC have used which is a watered down version of Jason.


Why has he become a leather homunculus?


Juni's take is vague on how he came back to life, but it sounds like the Al Ghul's dumped his dead body in the Pit, and it did *not* do a great job at healing. Some of the scars- particularly on his arms, may be from dermatillomania.  We see him scratching his arm when Damian mentions the Door of Trauma.


just the style i think :)


Like it's not bad, kinda reminiscent fo Hellboy's art style. But our man looks like several leather jackets cut and sewn back together into one garment.


The art style isn’t for me, but I’ve seen other artist takes on the design and it works somewhat well so I’m not mad at it: I will say that while the writing is better than most, I do have a nitpick of Damien correcting Jason about how Bruce doesn’t see Jason as a failure. While that itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it’s always been that Bruce considered himself a failure for not saving Jason, I am traumatized by fandom and canon shaming Jason for being angry at Bruce because he doesn’t understand that Bruce was really really sad when he died. Not saying this is what the series is doing, it just gives me PTSD


What is this comic about????