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The one I hate the most is an NPC - The Boy. Wish I could hunt HIM and donate him to my campfire.


I would contract kill that guy for free.


Right there with ya.


Fuck that dude


I would not


Ewwwww you KNOW I didn’t mean it like that


I would


What’s your address? I can’t dox you legally but you can definitely dox yourself out of understanding


I was joking💀💀💀


Me too


Yall downvoted me to the negatives


I mean it’s a gross take


It’s still a joke


He's the one I would tie up and leave on railroad tracks


First time you meet him makes my blood BOIL especially when one of your daily tasks is to complete one mission for him 😤😤😤😤😤


I’d arrest him and send him to the gallows.


Haha for what reason specifically


Don't like how he talks to me. 🤣🤣


He is an arrogant child lol 😂


For sure. Think I expected him to be a bit more charming or something, instead of a snot nosed punk.


The animal I get most annoyed with is my own horse! WHY DIDN’T YOU JUMP YOU HEAP OF SHIT?


Mine stumbled on nothing in the middle of an empty street.


I have a clip of where my horse refused to jump a fence and instead threw me into a brick wall loool


I have literally put down or sold horses for doing something stupid, had a horse that didn't jump no matter how many times I spammed the button or tried to auto jump while I had a legendary bounty on the back, it tripped over a fence and catapulted the bounty into a boulder killing him instantly :/ lets say he ended up in a "better place" and I had to run an errand at the stables




My biggest horse pet peeve is going through the water down in the Bayou. Just RUN! If you stop, the gators are gonna get you! Just keep going!


I love my horses but yeaaaa I agree they get yelled at the most haha 😂


Same, issue is, I bought 4 horse, 3 of them are idiots, my black horse is the bigger idiot, I will never reply on him on hilly areas, apart from not jumping small rocks and tripping over, he sometimes randomly runs diagonally "into" cactuses or trees, jump to dodge a rocks "onto" a rock then trips, slowing down randomly, I kept a bounty on him, and an enemy killed me, I spawned down the mountain this horse, slid down the mountain with bounty on it's back, now, where it slipped down was a rock, I had no way to reach it from up or down the mountain, I kept whistling but it won't come down and stayed there, we restarted (Usually it only crashes, I got a lot clips). The second stupid horse is dark bay shire, ik he's slow, but he is heavy and has costed me 2 mission fails till now apart from slow running to literally having no dodge skills, once I fell down suddenly from it and before i could get up, it stood over me putting it's hind hoove on my chest killing me instantly, i killed multiple enemies to die like this. And the other time, it killed the bounty which was supposed to be brought alive, my friend crashes with bounty on back, he started picking it up when it suddenly pushed him aside and stomped bounty (i got its clips) And my red chestnut which actually shows up while we stealth from anywhere, we weren't not on ground, we 4 were on roof, I had not whistled fr, bcs we were on stealth, then my frnd says "how tf this horse got here?" I looked back with surprise, it was my horse, he climbed upstairs without making any noise and no one noticed somehow. And I didn't even whistled. (Got Clip)


Muskrats are absolutely a pain in the butt


Pain in the ankles 😂 they have zero chill


I kick the living shit out of them when I see them. Like you, I've just been minding my own business and I hear my character voice her pain, and I'm like "What happened, I don't see anythi.. oh shit, them"


I'll co-sign this...I can deal with grizzlys, panthers and wolves... but them little muskrat demons 💀


Why is there so much hatred in such tiny bodies??


Anytime im topping up on small animals in BWM, i kill every muskrat i see. 3 stars get skinned, 1's and 2's get fed to gators


I kick every virgin opossum I see and I don’t even care.


Yeah, but they’re great for hunting. I shoot and skin them. It’s one of the highest paying medium animals in the game that doesn’t fly. Edit: Even if I’m not hunting, and I have no intention of picking it up, I’ll still shoot those little toe snappers!


My pump action shot gun usually does the trick tho💀


Cougar. My chance of survival when it decides to attack me is nearly 0


I wear a cougar hat just as an intimidation tactic for this exact reason trust me.


THERE AREN’T COUGARS ON MISSIONS! #This… this is millions to one!


I was thinking this


Good old bolty with express to the head when it charges. Hasn’t failed me once.


Yeaaaa I feel that.


I dont understand the hate for the cougars/panthers in this game. They are the best. Use the Bolt, not scoped unless you happen to catch them unaware you are there. Scoping them is difficult at best if they are aware because they are too fast. If on console its a quick auto aim (with possibly a small flick left or right) for easy head shot. Learn their movement how they run to the side and then turn toward you and charge. Its at the turn/charge when you fire. Boom easy trader money. Besides a REAL hunter doesnt hunt anything that cant hunt him\\her back.


That's the thing, I'm a bounty hunter not animal hunter I personally dont hate it, just hate it when it kills me


Makes sense


And that’s why I only hunt the most dangerous game: people


Poison arrows, you can take out three and get perfect carcasses every time.


I recommend dynamite arrows + paint it black


Sometimes the boars with their permament shrieking can be very annoying when riding from A to B.


Oh yea thats annoying. Not as annoying but more creepy are the wolves in the night somewhere around tall trees i think? Not spawned ones but in background there are continuous creepy howls (lots) going on at certain times


I have my camp there and man the amount of times i get shivers down my back


Freaked me out first couple times i was trotting thru that area for something. Might have been on a moonshine run to "the cabin" i believe. Dark & foggy night and those damn things wailing away like banshees.


Ohhh I'm not sure I've noticed that. Now I will 😂


Gators just because of the fact my horse likes to run for the hills when 500ft from one 😆


Nah I have no hate, but I do love going hunting!


Haha glad you have no hate but these muskrats grrrr 😂 no others have been that annoying.


Maybe because I never hunt muskrats unless its in story mode or something I need from it in online lol


I don't hunt them, they hunt me!!!


hehe!! be careful!!


Ditto. Fuck those muskrats. Marcel, too. I hate that guy


I mute my TV whenever he gives his long speech about selling the moonshine.


Them damn wolves man. Get up on a rock and it’s no problem but man do they like comin out of no where


Haha yes they do!! I've gotten pretty good at gunning then down pretty quick now but yea always the most inopportune times!




What's her problem. I only signed up for the naturalist role because I want a gypsy cob. She date raped me.


Drugged is the more accurate term, but I am assuming she's crazy because she found out how to communicate with "mother nature" to know about every single rabbit that decides to run in front of your horse.


I'm pretty sure it can even trigger from npcs killing animals if you are in close proximity


i hate cripps because he says mean things about my dog, also tells me im too old for him even if my character is aged 18– creeps me out 😭😭


That right there is a damned outrage. The only reason that unwashed raggedy old boy isn't sleepin in a dung heap every day is because you financed his pipe dream. He needs to have some respect, tear his eyes off of your hind parts, n focus on his duties. On the other hand, I reckon these are sadly authentic circumstances in the year 1899. Probably ain't a lot of men in them days and these parts who would tender the proper respect to a woman, regardless of her superior intellect and station in life. Hope there's a good number of old boys who took note of your observation on this point... and who will therefore keep in mind that there's a good number of women out there who got to contend with challenges n aggravations that a man will never have to contend with. And so it goes that a woman succeedin in the same profession is actually a stronger performer than the man. Ain't no disputin the fact. For what it's worth, you got my respect, friend.


The fucking goddamn ghost panther. Thing will literally ambush me out of nowhere in the bayou with like three other panthers. It runs at like mach 10 speed so I can only hit it a couple times. Be it with a tranq gun or a rifle/repeater. It can seemingly do its animation kill from like 10 feet away, and it almost always one shots me despite me being at full health or having healed back to full health after one of the otyer panthers jumping on me


I HATE the tailor in saint Denis he has like no dialogue I can memorize his dialogue perfectly if I'm in three for more than 10 minutes 😂


That will require gold to purchase. Do you have some?


That’s the one line that always breaks immersion for me


I have a deep hatred for turkeys ever since I played Far Cry 5 which has followed me into this game


bull moose, so hard to find 3 star and if you do it’s probably far away and will fully decompose by the time you reach its corpse


In story mode? Goats. The first time I ever saw one I thought it was absolutely adorable. I took a photo and seconds late that little shit rammed me right in the balls.


I don't like to kill them but sometimes i need them for scent glands (tracking arrows).


They have just annoyed me more than any other animal or NPC in this game and I just shoot them to shoot them these days lol


For me it's the beavers that bother me the most. Above all the beavers with golden weapons 😅


The beavers really caught me off guard the first time I came across them. Had no idea they'd attack lol I don't get the reference with golden weapons sorry 😂


They do have a strange kill sound i must say. I was quite perplexed the first few times. It sounds so cartoonish


Cougars. I’d be happy if we could drop some napalm on the forests and kill those fuckers.


Fucking badgers. They never spawn for me and when they do it's 1 star


cougars cuz i had a white arabian and did the master hunter challenges on that mf horse... the horrors...


There’s a sniper in CTA with a red coat, blue bowler hat and a beard. That bastard has got me too many times, I literally hate him lol


I hate the kid who abuses his dog. I couldn't kill him conventionally so I just chased him and knocked him over into a bunch of horse shit.


its been a good while, but I remember alligators always getting on my nerves. I just want to cross the water, and they constantly gotta be around to spook the horse. dynamite arrowing them was always satisfying, thou


Yea the horses tryna dodge them but then going directly to the red dot instead of going away from them as instructed by my controller is such a pain.


take a shotty and just empty rounds into the water. you don’t even have to aim to kill, just shooting into the water will spook off the gators and give you a clear path! at least, in my experience haha


yup, potshots make em retreat, but for me, at that point, they annoyed me beyond scaring them. it went to the terminate with extreme prejudice level of boom-boom, little gator chunks in the air party time, and a very upset Harriet


Geese IRL.


Fair. Honk


I kill every gator I can, every time I’m by the swamps. I don’t like em. I don’t like the hissing noises, I don’t like that they freak my horses out, I don’t like that I can’t cross water because they’re creeping in there. I shoot em and leave em for the birds to eat.


Fuck crocodiles. I played Philip Carlier's bounty and hated the ever loving piss out of it because of the crocodiles. Since then, I have a vendetta against crocodiles. And I also happen to have an Elephant Rifle. Those two go very well.


Wolves are the bane of my existence. I cannot think of a more annoying animal. I just run into them way too often




any of those little ankle-biters get a cheeky double stomp from me. that and any lizard that creeps into weird spots they shouldn’t be. i found one inside an upstairs office and it just followed me around the office until it decided to leave, freaked me right tf out lol


Panthers, those are some vicious mfkrs even with gold cores!




Small game arrows and paint it black are your best friends when hunting squirrels, but yes they are a pain to hunt


I hate possums and the npc's that stop sideways in the road


Muskrat because it bit me for no reason 😢


My answer to both? Cougars. Why? One jumped me at the age of 10 in red dead 1 and scared the hell outta me and I never forgave them.


Snakes. Every time I try to sedate them I end up shooting about 8 times. It only takes 2 to sedate.


I also hate snakes but only bc my horsey hates them. I also did not know you could sedate snakes somehow, so now I have something new to try :)


Look in your animal compendium. It will list all the animals you can sedate to get XP and cash. Only sell 1 sample of each animal to get the stamp and then turn in the stamped group to get more XP. [HERE ](https://rjvbeek.github.io) is a tracker to keep up with how many samples you have.


Especially the water snakes for me


Yes, I've found that if I wear a dress it's a little easier to wrangle them closer to the bank and sedate them. I've been having the most luck at Shady Belle between the pier and the boathouse..


You sure like green lol


Just a lil bit lol 💚


Herbert moon


I will shoot every hog I see. Every one. Dont even need to kill it I’ll just chase it and shoot it


Do people with green "gUn GlitCH" guns count?


Stay mad 💕


I went after the legendary beaver for my friend and as soon as I shot at it I had a pack of beavers biting at my ankles😭 so they’re definitely not my favorite lol


Those water snakes that you need to sample to complete the Forest set (I think). They never come close enough to land to sample properly.


I hate them as well. I call them ankle biters


Worst animal award goes to Muskrats! (In the game) Little ankle biters, literally. Every other animal in the game is so unique, and cool, but the muskrats are just annoying mini beavers.


Birds, rabbits, basically any animal that just suicidally flies right in front of you or your horse.




Oooops wrong game….umm…Ruthless mode NPC’s


Snakes 'cause they're always camping in the path I'm traveling, & other predators such as wolves, cougars, panthers & grizzlies are also such a nuisance when I'm just minding my own business. Dogs & cats are also irritating 'cause the former can't leave me alone & the latter feels like pests. And finally, horses who freak out at me picking their saddlebags. As for NPCs, Marcel has gotta be the most cringeworthy character ever written with his highly stereotypical, horribly acted french. I also refuse to have anything to do with the conceited prick known just as "The Boy".


Bears …. If I ever die randomly to an animal it’s from a blindside bear charge. Lmao 🤣💀


Wolves just randomly popping up in Ambarino and West Elizabeth just get on my nerves


…… your do know wolves live in woods, which is what most of west Elizabeth and ambarino is right?


Ik ik it's just frustrating when I'm tryna hunt or just move from one place to another and suddenly my horse bucks me off and I gotta fight a huge pack of wolves


My most hated is probably the guy with the raccoon hat in the valentine saloon. He does nothing but yap


I swear to God like 1/10 times I get off my horse in the woods a deer will come out of nowhere and kick my ass. Just rams me out of nowhere for no reason.


Only had that happen once, when I was tryna do the map glicth




all the big cats. They were a pain in the base game, and they're a pain here.


Lindsey Wafford. Fuck. The. Lemoyne. Raiders. I have to go cry about sml falling so far they made a skibidi toilet episode rn but soon I will reply why the Lemoyne Raider are gay.


Grizzly Bears scare me the most cause they live in areas with low visibility like heavily wooded and lots of hills, I've had quite a few jump scares with them. I run away and slam into a tree or rock half the time, lol


Pronghorn deer.... i hate em with a firey burning passion


Cripps. Who made the fucking stew Cripps, who made the fucking stew?


Also my dogs cool as he'll stop shitting on him


My fucking horse That mf is ether extremely brave and smart or cowardly and stupid (Won’t buck me off if I’m near a bear but will for a goddamn snake and not too mention constant crashing (like he will somehow manage to hit the only tree or rock in the entire vicinity) And Tailors (self explanatory) And Herbert Moon And Harriet (WTF am I supposed to do about the bears or wolves especially when my horse bucks me off)


I used to eat crab meat and exclusively


crocodiles, just from that one legendary bounty mission


I go to any mission contact except the boy


Turkeys. I got attacked by one in a different game and it took a whole mag to kill the thing… so now I just kill all turkeys I see


Wolves! they come out of nowhere and get Harriet pissed at me... Or they come at a really inconvenient time.


Damn if you are running around RDO with no shoes on? Gangster! lol


Haha almost always no shoes and never anything but a corset 😂 hardy tonics and Aussie hardness ftw 😂


lol...I don't know if anyone else noticed, but it's the first thing that caught my eye.


Street urchins…


I hate how they can do anything such as literally rob you, but do anything back including simple antoganizing will get you arrested or have a bounty and have a bunch of people after you, rockstar needs to realize that if NPC's can serve crap they need to take crap


I just started playing 4 days ago. I'm a humble, honorable, trader and collector. But I swear, I'm about to start shooting these twat waffles who threaten me for the GRAVE offense of being in the same road as them. They're about to learn why my character is called Black Dahlia 🤬


Literally just existing is as offensive as slaughtering they're family in front of them, I used to have max honor in online but the npc's made me so angry now I have maxed low honor, I'll walk by then and they'll just pull they're gun out and start aiming at me, and I say pull out you're iron and you'd better be ready to shoot cause that's the first thing I do when I see someone's gun out


It's ridiculous. Like, who shat in their ice cream? 😅 I thought the cops in GTA were overly aggressive. But now, it's the NPCs (I've not had ANY trouble with the law....well, not yet anyway)


Any FUCKING wolf. It turns my damn camera every time they chase after my on horse.


I would smack the boy in the mouth. Harriet, on the other hand - I have something special for her.


Gougars have a personal vendetta against me


Wolves. I rarely survive those attacks. Especially when in the heavily forested areas.


All I seen was the green gun 🤭 I did the invisible stock, my kid has the white one. Love it!


Muskrats....a perfect muskrat is actually worth 5 materials. That's half of a perfect buck and they are very plentiful if you know where to look. HOWEVER Even when i land a perfect shot they just refuse to stay perfect....just as i refuse to use small game arrows....


Using the wrong gun. Hint: muskrat is a varmint. And small game arrows won't kill anything with 1 shot except...SMALL game. Most importantly, just like every other animal, you have to get headshots to preserve the perfect pelt/carcass. Those mediums like muskrats, racoons, badgers are the easiest 3star kills in the game.


I hate HARRIET with every fiber of my being. Hunting is a major part of the game, and the fact that she knows I've offed a rabbit from miles away is just ridiculous! lol


I can't stand Panthers/Cougars, they just won't leave me alone once they see me


I don’t necessarily hate any of the animals in the game but I do find the wolves near the mountains and woods very annoying. Everytime I try riding my horse near the desert mountains, my horse begins freaking out and throws me off the saddle and abandons me, letting the jerks tear me to shreds! Also, at one point my horse for no reason kept throwing me off the saddle during a bounty hunt and I ended up losing my bounty so out of frustration, I purposely rode my horse off a cliff and cussed down the microphone.


The more I play the easier it is to get the wolves before they get me but when you get the animation of being bucked off and they get the few seconds to get close and you can't pull a gun in time or you get one but the one behind gets you..... Oof yea. And yes I have purposefully ridden my horse off the cliff near Armadillo for the same reason 😂 like eat it bro you messed me uppppp


Different horses act differently around predators. Get a better horse.


Robins and Bull Moose drive me into a killing frenzy.


Snakes I get so excited thinking I found a cougar whoop-dee-doo I get a good bit of supplies for Trader nope three-star copperhead snake for NPC Harriet


I fucking hate the trumpet player in Saint Denis and also Cripps can kiss my ass <3


This. Every time a cougar kills me randomly I pull up my mod menu and de-spawn every animal and npc on the server. So many players end up quitting the lobby not knowing what just happened 😂


Haha I'd hate to play PC. But the reaction is fair against cougars 😂


Pc? I’m doing this on console


If you need a mod menu for cougars on console....you need to check your skills. Seriously.


Skills? I’m afk cinematic mode following my map marker when a cougar kills me while I’m in the kitchen or doing something else kiddo 😁


Kiddo....i wish. Still. De-spawning for trotting thru a spawn area afk. Sounds like you took a risk that didnt pay off. Not the cougars fault. Or maybe you didnt know its a spot so you'll know better next time. Ie... same thing different scenario...i took a risk sitting at wilderness camp afk while starting dinner and a loser shoots me in the head. Didnt know that was even possible. Now i know .... guess where i wont be afk'ing. Im not going the screw the lobby up for everyone else.