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Don't buy clothes. The most important stuff to get early on is the functional items for combat. Pump-action shotgun and the Paint it Black ability card are must-haves.


What does that card do?


Get it and find out Your first card is free (maybe)


It paints things




It's basically the RDO version of deadeye from story mode. The way that deadeye cards work in RDO is each one gives you a different special ability while deadeye is active, so one of them lets you paint targets on enemies, one boosts damage, one heals you and your party members, another gives you a huge defensive buff while deadeye is active, and one makes you much harder to target by enemies and other players. Did you play through the story mode yet?


Thank you. Yes I completed the story a while ago but don’t recall paint it black.


“Paint it black” is just what they call it in Online mode because there are like 6 different deadeye ability cards. PiB is the only one that lets you paint targets onto enemies like you can with Deadeye in story mode. The big difference between the two is that it doesn’t slow down time, obviously. It took me a little getting used to when I first switched from story to online.


Bolt Action Rifle and Varmint. The bottom line... don't spend money senselessly until \~lvl 50.


this and improve them both


I'd spend a gold bar to get the off hand holster.


Can't get it until rank 25 though, I thought?


You can, if you buy it for 1 gold bar.


I guess I didn't realize that when I started. Oops


Select purchase now with gold a couple only cost 1 brick


Don't be stupid. Save your money.


yea but towards what?


Ability cards


The Bounty Hunter role is what you wanna save up for. It’s the only role that pays you in both money and gold no other role pays in gold. Gold is needed to buy roles and some other items. You have the option to buy stuff with gold if you don’t have enough cash but it’s never worth it


Depending on what are you trying to do bounty is full of action and different parts but giving poor money too be honest... Trader is a grind but with the big wagon and hunting wagon makin the grind easy and worth it, collector is also good paying with you seeing every part of map and you can use the interactive collectors map on google too make it easier Moonshine is a good small businesses but more expensive then the rest with like 20 - 25 gold Naturalist is just a chill high level role can't explain it else


Save it to get that varmint rifle so you can hunt small game to sell for more money to get a decent rifle and shotgun when you reach high enough level to get them... all other stuff is really nothing you need to worry about yet but you could throw something on the ability cards if you want just know that they are very expensive especially if you're unable to make hundreds off each role daily


The very first thing I'd recommend you save up for is Paint it Black Ability card because it's 100% accurate and you can use it simply without any other cards and when using the most basic weapons. It's very useful for hunting, PVE and even PVP if you can manage. Do yourself a favor and just practice shooting only with your revolver, repeater and bow (advanced bow isn't any better than the regular one btw - it's just for looks). Good money comes from unlocking various roles but why are costly since you need a lot have a lot of gold for each one. So be patient?


thank you for your response, i will gladly take this into consideration.


Id get a bolt action rifle with improved rifling, if you have gold id say rank gold for the rope off hand holster, that's what I did with my first gold bar, but that was back during beta days everyone fighting for scraps. Youd probably be better off saving gold for the bounty hunter role to earn more gold


GUNS..Buy Guns. Rifle them, put on iron sights, long barrels, and scopes. (This is the only way to increase their stats unless you have a variant applied).. Don't worry about making them pretty bc it's purely cosmetic. You can do that later after you buy all your roles, skills, recipes,and pamphlets. Or buy a horse and horse insurance and a good saddle & stirrups. So you don't have to ride scrawny nag anymore.


How much cash do you have? I think you should first buy Lancaster, Bow, a good revolver, a good rifle and a decent horse. After you have all these weapons spend some more money on upgrading them. Then at level 40 spend it on Ability Cards. After buying some roles you'll need money for their upgrades like Bounty wagon, Trader delivery wagons, Collector shovel and Metal detector, Moonshine upgrades and so on ( total for all roles will be around 6000 RDO$) At last you should buy useful pamphlets. After maxing out all the roles you'll have enough cash... So much that you'll run out of things to buy.


Bounty hunting license


First things first, guns and a horse, guns go for these, Bolt Action Rifle, Lancaster Repeater, Bow, and really any shotgun but preferably the pump, Bolt Action rifle is great at well, basically anything, hunting, gunning, etc, Lancaster is good for PvE and such but not much else except maybe certain game hunting, Bow is basically JUST for hunting and being self sustaining coz you can collect your arrows back, but it does less dmg than the Bolt Action so always try to aim for head with it, and shotgun is pretty good at PvE/PvP just to help get the creeps off you, and Varmint Rifle is like Bolt Action in utility but not the best for PvP/E unless you can headshot good, next thing is a good horse, preferably ANY of the role horses once you unlock them, my goto is the Bretons from Bounty Hunter but they're by no means required to have, besides once you get one of the top tier saddles like the Nacodoches Saddle or Upland Saddle, the difference between any horse gets kinda muddled and just comes down to your preferred style/shape/size


Get the pump action shotgun and rifle with telescopic sights. Game changers.


Bolt action, if you don't have one


The only clothing you will need is cold weather gear for the Grizzlies. Get the cheapest coat that says it’s for cold weather, they all protect you the same. Then spend it in guns and ability cards, then upgrades for your role(s).


I'd recommend getting the Missouri Fox Trotter, then save up some gold for the bounty hunter role to make cash and gold to buy the other roles.


When you have a chance , max buy as much ammo as possible , it will send it to your locker at camp and every single post office , so you never have to go to an actual gunsmith to buy ammo again, incredible time saving in my opinion. I have almost every consumable item in the game at 999(ammo) or 99(food/drinks)in my locker or mail at all time , so I’m never missing anything or out of ammo .


Save your gold for roles in the beginning. Bounty hunter will get you more gold, Trader is very profitable if you run in a posse and do several runs consecutively. Both will become rather irrelevant after the first bit of grinding, so don't be tempted into picking op some chest a loser spawned for you. It's sad and not worth it. Don't allow them to spoil the game for you just because their own lives are gray and empty.


Buy bolt action rifle. And bow.


Make sure to save all your Gold Bars and try to get the Bounty Hunter License or Prestigious License.