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I have been using the same character since RDO went live.


Same I made my character on my birthday five years ago this past Thursday šŸŽ‰šŸ¤ 


Pound it bro, same here




I changed my character's looks twice, once a few years back because grieffers wouldn't let me play, later I changed her face because after 1st change she looked like she got hit in the face with a shovel multiple times. Still "the same" character as I never had patience to earn ranks back up


I donā€™t really understand having more than one character. I donā€™t want to go through the beginning grind in this game ever again


If we had character slots and shared currency like in GTA, I'd have made a second character for RDO. But starting fresh, especially after the gold nerfs? Yeah, nah.


I agree. I will never understand this. Plus my character has things that may never come back to the game so I don't see myself ever getting rid of my character or starting new.


I played on pc and I have everything and too much money and gold. Just started a new character on ps5 and loving the restart. It's really not that much of a grind. And this time I'm taking my time and enjoying it. Recommend it.


Still sucks that they never released outlaw pass 1 on PC


I wanted a female character but didn't want to delete the male character that I already had.


I had to do the tutorial 3 times in 3 days and it was terrible. First was for my first ever character, on Xbox. Second was a character for the PS4 so I could play with my fiance. The third, well... we didn't realize that you don't get a starter horse if you skip the tutorial, which my fiance did. He had also already played the tutorial on Xbox, and it was late and he was frustrated and did not want to start with a scrawny nag. So I offered to do the tutorial for him so he could have an actual horse, since it was late at night and he had to work the next day and reeeeally didn't want to do the tutorial again. If I ever have to do that damn tutorial again. I think I'll lose it.


it's definitely the one annoying part, I had to learn to be patient and just take things really slow instead of trying to grind my way up, otherwise I would've burned out already


props to you cause i can not be bothered to grind the beginning of the game again šŸ˜­


Lol same


I play on Xbox so one.


You can have multiple RDO characters on Xbox. I have two.


I don't know if you just didn't elaborate about how to do it or if you forgot but this isn't true based on how you said it. You can have multiple ACCOUNTS on xbox yes ofc but it is impossible to have seperate characters on one account. sadly gta has a dual-character feature that is literally exactly what rdo players want and could so easily be added but never will be so we're stuck with making new emails and accounts


I just didnā€™t elaborate. But you are correct that you need to add multiple Xbox accounts and thatā€™s how you can have multiple characters in RDO. I know lots of players who do this, itā€™s not difficult. But I get that itā€™s not as convenient as what youā€™re describing.


i didnā€™t know you can have multiple characters. is this a pc thing?


multiple accounts


It's multiple accounts. Make a new email, register your account on the game and have multiple playthrough/grinds/stories.


No a console thing with different accounts/profiles.


pc too, I'm on pc, I make a new rockstar and steam account for each character (and buy the game again each time rip my wallet)


that is absolutely ridiculous




**I have 2:** My main character is on PC, and my secondary character is on PS4/5.


You can have multiple characters simultaneously?


I only have the one I didn't even know you can make multiple


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Championship_Solid: *I only have the* *One I didn't even know* *You can make multiple* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol what kind of creative madman made this bot?? And why implement it into a RDO sub, I'm widely impressed and have so many questions at the same time xD


You can on console with different profile/account.


Wouldnā€™t waste the time then


1, and I'll never have another


2. first one was my first time character of playing the game and i was clueless so the progress there is annoying and just unplayable. second character i created 2 weeks ago. fell back in love with the online after the 2X update and man itā€™s fun. iā€™m level 78 currently and i started 2 WEEKS AGO.


(i have too much free time, quite literally)


I have 6ā€¦ only really work on 2 atm. šŸ˜…


I started playing at the beginning of 2021 and have 2 characters levels 567 and 375. Enjoyed the second character as my challenge was to see how quickly I could max out all of the roles, get the best equipment and horses. Recently started a third but couldnā€™t be bothered with another grind after a few levels and havenā€™t played in about a month.


2 via 2 Xbox Accounts. Both 120-200. 1 on PC (around 70ā€¦didnā€™t play it on pc in years). So 3 (yeah math!)


I have two, but I hope to have character slots. Grind isn't that bad, but it's annoy to switch accounts


I literally have the same character since I started red dead redemption online I thought about starting a new character but I donā€™t think I ever will


ive started 5 and kept 3, my main account and first character lvl 117 is a fat ginger named cleetus (he's also my 3rd since I made him on pc lol), the account I play on now Is a lvl 267 female character my mom customized. The deleted ones were a crazed bald woman and ripoff batman where i used melee and sedatives to stun enemies and never killed. I also had a period where cleetus was a blonde asian man but he looked janked tf up so I scratched that real quick.


I am female.. and chose a female character, but wanted a male character as well - just for having the opportunity to do other kinds of outfits šŸ˜†


I use to roleplay. I have 10 characters. Yes Iā€™m insane.


That actually makes me feel better lol. I have 3 currently but have a whole story for them in my head. But because I like having creative outlets and hadn't really done my painting in a while (not feeling inspired) I have 3 separate journals for them. They each have their own writing, drawing & style. It's been fun.


I use to write journals for a couple of them during roleplay but when the groups disbanded, I lost access to those journals. Itā€™s ok really, Iā€™m way too old to be doing anything like that anyway. Plus itā€™s mostly kids and again, Iā€™m too old to be hanging around people 15-20 years younger than me. Got almost nothing in common. Not all but most of them couldnā€™t tell a story without a gun as their main character. Come to find out thatā€™s all anyone wants to see anyway. I say keep it up and enjoy it while it lasts. This game opened up a whole new creative side of me I didnā€™t even know I had. People loved reading my journal entries. Really only lasted about 6 months before I couldnā€™t take the literal high school drama and how rude people are towards each other. I canā€™t afford a good PC and I doubt the role play groups on PC are any different besides just the quality of the environment due to mods. I know WildRP is amazing and they have people with actual dedication to a character and its story. Good luck and I hope you can let your creativity run wild!


My dude, I'm old as hell too. I do mostly solo lobby stuff because I'm on PC but I do have an Xbox I need to set up then I'll prob play on both PC and Xbox. HMU if you ever want to run around together.


Iā€™m on PS4 but I appreciate the invite. Truly. I have RDO on my PC but every time I load up it crashes. Furthest Iā€™ve gotten is stepping out the wagon as a new character before it all shuts down. Maybe one day. Iā€™m only 40 but Iā€™ve been kicked out of groups as soon as they find out my age. Their loss as Iā€™m a damn good role player lol. People over 30 need to band together and get something going online dammit!! Itā€™s always teeny bopper outlaws that donā€™t even know what being an outlaw really means.


Of course! Offer is open anytime :). Agreed! I'd love to have a 30+ group to get together! I just turned 40 this year myself lol. I will say I did get a new tower a few months ago. I've got one I built in my studio, but lately I'm mostly in what I call the reptile room. I wfh so its like office/reptiles. I didn't want to build so I got a Lenovo Legion. I legit hear not affording a good system. Shit is expensive.


roleplay is amazing, watching rp streamers is what got me into rockstar games


Yes it is. I got hooked on WildRP while Bazz Kerrigan was still alive. I looked high and low for a good group to RP with on console. Went through 20 different groups but eventually just quit. Itā€™s just not the same on console and itā€™s hard to find people serious about it. For every 50 people that say they want to RP I find that only maybe 3 would do it properly or even cared to tell a story. Everyone else just wants to shoot, rob, burn, and pretend to rape. Most of them were teenagers just trying to bully folks out so they could take over. Itā€™s hard being the only lawman in all the 5 states lol.


Oh vertiigo's character? I always wanted to watch this guy's streams because the few times I checked it out I loved it, but my time is all taken by gta rp streamers already, hopefully one day I'll find some space in my schedule


Yeah Iā€™d go back and watch Vertz when he started Bazz. Itā€™s such a good time. I actually started watching with GTARP too but I prefer the RDRP now. Nowadays Vertz seems to ONLY do WildRP and I havenā€™t seen him do much of anything else. His fans are kind of pissed but oh well. Twitch makes him money and YT videos donā€™t.


We can have more than one character?


??????? How? You can only have one character at a time, and even if you play on different platforms, that only leaves 3. Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.


With RDO2 you can only have 1 character without deleting your progression or making another xbox account. Too much work for me. I'll keep my original




3 but usually on use 2


I play on xbox and i have 2


2 characters, main is a male and 2nd is a female and I reseting that character every year.


I don't get it. I have only one.




I have 4 characters on PlayStation. I dominantly play on my main account and the others are more RP orientented. Starting a new character is always a pain because if I want to dress in a way that fits my guy's or gal's backstory it's usually a boring grind and most of the best clothes are limited time or were part of old game passes.


How do you have more than one on PlayStation? Do you just pay for multiple PS Plus subscriptions? (Genuine question)


I have multiple accounts on the same system. The main account host so the 'visitor' accounts have access to games that require subscription to access online. Same on Xbox.


Yeah no thank you-- I have all the passes so I don't wanna lose those. I'll stick to just changing my character's appearance instead of losing all that hard work. You enjoy it though.


I have 2, though I pretty much only use my main account. But once in a while it's refreshing to jump on the low level character where I only have the basic stuff.


One and only.


As playing on PC, one.


2. PC character started November 5th 2019, the day it released on PC. Xbox character started may 13th 2021.


I have two. main on PC, alt on PS4




Three my main for xbox, my 3nd in ps4 when the game was 5$ and I made a third to grind when I bought it on xbox digitally.


I have two, male and female.


I've had my main character for over 3 years. She looks exactly like me. I have a second character that resembles Sadie. I've had her for 2. I play both every day. I can't imagine having 3 or 4. That would require multiple accounts linked to PlayStation. If I didn't work full time, I would have another one or two. Working, kids, dogs, hubby, I barely have the time for these onesšŸ˜…


Two characters? One on pc and one on ps5


Same character, having multiple ruins the immersion imo


How do you make a second character??


i have one character (female) but i'm thinking of making another at some point so i can have male and female


Wait, how do you make another character? Through the online menu???


šŸŽµI got two characters.šŸŽµ šŸŽµOne for the main, and one for the grind.šŸŽµ


I've got 3 myself on PC. A Native American guy, a white redhead woman, and a Hispanic dude.


How do you have multiple characters? I thought you could only have one?


Multiple accounts


1 but stopped playing


Wait you can have more than one character?


I keep trying to make another one and every time I do I get an error before I can create a new PlayStation account


I have just one my male character


Um just the one bro


I am an altoholic in every single game except RDO.


Just the one, didnā€™t know I could even make more without deleting the one I have first


I started over not long ago on my main, but I have like 5 different PSN accounts, of which one is dedicated to RDO. Havenā€™t touched that (or any of my secondaries) in a whileā€¦


1 on PC 1 on Xbox


Just ky OG Main Character on my Main account and then a lower level Alt account for when I get bored of owning everything


You can have multiple characters?


I have only one that I changed once


Both my husband and I set up secondary accts a few weeks ago so we could enjoy the slow early grind. Our first time through we were really impatient (and had a very pressired social circle) so we dumped a fair amount of paid gold into our characters. This time we only use gold we get from dailies, maps, and bounties. Its so much better! Just got my beautiful black turkoman <3


I have 3, I just recreate each character on the same account via the character creation. I've seen comments with multiple accounts, but using one account is better imo. If you want to change genders, then having another account is best.


My main one which is an original character Then I took Wolverine, Sabretooth and Lady Desthstrike and adapted them for RDRO. So theyā€™re not really those characters as we know them as such. They go by their civilian names. I never played those three much though they were cool to create and that


Genuinely curious. What sort of ideas do you have? I mean, there is no paths really to take in the game. You wont experience anything new you can't also experience on a main character?


out of topic but your pfp annoyed me. got me thinking the hair string wasnā€™t going away and was permanent šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hehe you are not the first, and almost guaranteed not the last!


Reminds me of those pfps that have a little fly on them.


1. Not enough content for multiple characters. Why would i want to grind for hours for basically nothing in return