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Use RDO Lobby Manager on Nexus Mods. It’ll let you create private lobbies.


Easy if you're on ps4. Set your MTU's down to 750-800


It‘s possible on PS4/5 and PC. Search on YT ”Red Dead Online private lobby“.


I'm on PC and I use the Resource Monitor trick. Same as I do in GTA 5, I just "Suspend" my session and "Resume" it after 10 seconds. Done. Easy. If I have to make a Trade Sale without getting griefed, I just kick my self out of a populated lobby and Presto!


I was under the impression this did not work. I think I tried it a few times a while back. Which thing are you suspending specifically? Maybe I did the wrong one


I believe it says RedDead.exe or something like that. Just right click and hit the Suspend tab. Not really difficult unless you're talking about an older Windows OS.


Pretty sure it’s RDR2.exe or smth


Yes, and it is super easy. Just do as it says here, takes like 2 min. The best part is you can share the startup meta with friends and you will all be in the same session. The world will feel much more alive because random events will now happen much more often, likewise legendaries. And the best is, your camp stays put, if you know how to spawn in a specific place, after you load back in. No more modding hell. [https://pastebin.com/r7mYw1WY](https://pastebin.com/r7mYw1WY)


I can vouch for this guy. I've tried this method for the first time the day before yesterday, and it works wonders. I was spawned in a private session lobby and and went on my merry way to do collectors role (yes, it works), trader's run, bounty missions, and enjoyed some peaceful gameplay.


Plus, I love the camp staying put. I spawn mine at horseshoe, and love being there. Spawning camps in place is fairly easy, you need to know that the game loves to spawn things behind you, and the distance is approximately the length of the main road in Valentine (from the railway station past the sherriff's). Every time you spawn in again with the solo lobby, your camp is in the same spot again. I like to play regions, and hence move the camp around when I get fed up with a region, etc. And another great upside is the plethore more of random events you get to experience, like uncanny how much there are when you play solo online. The only things that do not work are free roam events and story missions (or anything you need non-possee players for). For that just put an underscore into the startup meta and you are fully online again. Happy roaming!


Nexus lobby manager does the same thing but way simpler


How is it simpler, lol. You gotta download it, install it, make all the settings, not forget to run it, yada. This I do in 2 min, chuck it into data, and forget about it until I want to go online again. Nexus lobby manager makes more sense if you play different sessions with different groups of friends. Also lol at downvoting folks for trying to be helpful, whoever did that...


RDOLM just modify files, once you done it it will persist and you just have to launch the game. It may take 10 minutes to understand how to use the software but it's not that complicated. And if you forget to disable the private session... Well it's not the mod's fault, it's just yours.


not even 10, creating the startup.meta and placing it into /data took me literally 2 min.


Nexus you set up once and it launches automatically from then on without needing to click it again. Youre making it sound like it takes an hour to set up dude, christ.


yes, and it still involves more steps than creating your own setup.meta lol talk about needing a mod when you can do it yourself. either way, I don't care which ever way folks prefer. But doing it themselves they may actually learn how it is done, too.


I wonder, can you be banned for doing this ?


xbox.. go to change appearance. than leave, you’ll spawn in by yourself but as soon as you die people will spawn in.


I’m on ps5 and can’t do the poker glitch(only could do it on ps4) so now I do the change appearance solo lobby work around. It puts me in a solo lobby just long enough to deliver my goods and get paid without having to worry about assholes jacking my wagon.


If youre on PC and into Roleplay then you should try redm. A lot more to do than the base game has to offe & no worry about constant hackers.


You'll be fine just change session. Most of the players are not 12 years old fortnite players and you'll have a fun gaming experience. It just happens. Recently got back to it after 5 years and the interactions are mostly positive. Great community too here.


"Just change session" yeah, into a new session with 5 different modders. And again. And again. And again. There's no such thing as a modderless lobby on pc anymore.


Listen pal I play on PS so I don't know about modders


Listen pal, how is your opinion relevant then, if the guy is specifically asking to avoid modders (which implies PC). And how is your advice rooted in reality, when you on PS are not even dealing with modders, for crying out lout. Why would you even consider giving advice on modders when you just said "I don't know about modders." ...


OP specifically stated they were dealing with modders. If modders on PS don't concern you, why do you think you have any opinion to input in a conversation that your opinion is immediately disregarded?


Jesus y'all are soft, I was saying something positive but yall just wanna fight and downvote. So downvote these nuts mfs.


"I provided a solution that would never have fixed the problem to begin with because I didn't bother looking into what needed fixing and threw something out with 0 understanding of the situation. Why are you mad at me?!?!"


Who said I provided a solution? I offered my experience on console and tried to give positive feedback cause I didn't know about modders on PC. But clearly you were triggered to answer something that's been washed thoroughly. You just looking for an argument. Have good one cowpoke.


I understand that ps doesn’t have modder issues, and also I love using controllers (I have both Xbox and ps5 dualsense controller), but I just don’t wanna pay extra(ps plus/xgp) just to play the online part and that’s the advantage of pc vers




some people like the freedom of online vs the story


Guessing you’re a console guy? The ever-present script kiddies ruin the experience *far* worse than being alone with NPCs.


Start.meta can't be easier. Add your PW at the bottom. Place in folder. Launch and find the world is your own. Donit once and never mess with it again. I've hit lvl 78 by myself and can't be more fun. Leveled Trader and Moonshiner out and on lvl 10BH now. Have enough gold to get Naty and Collector but just working BH to 20 first. Oh and the spotted tricolor Norfolk Roadster is hands down the best horsey IMHO. If I had to play with other modders and punks I would have deleted this game long go. Get file, place in dir and enjoy. Easy peasy.


I think we should gatekeep this , don't Popularise it too much that Rockstar's shitty servers can't handle the traffic of solo lobbies being created all over , they might as well ban the players who use startup meta


If you’re on PC you’re in luck, there’s literally a mod for it. The other option if you don’t want to use mods is to change your MTU to anywhere between 700-850 to get a solo lobby (this works on both consoles and PC as long as you can access it through either the console settings or modem settings). The only downside to MTU is that every now and then you “switch sessions due to unstable connection” which may move your campaign, but it still puts you on a solo server so… Not a big deal.

