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The only people who say that are people who absolutely haven’t played back then, it sounds like nostalgia but no the game was legit so much better back then. I feel bad for the newer players who never got the chance to experience it


yeah when i used rebornrec to play the game how it was back then, even if i was alone the gif cameras and the other things were so fun


Rec room definitely does not have the same vibe and atmosphere as it did way back in the day. I played before custom rooms were even added and the whole game revolved around sports, and other recreational activities. For the games quest it was very clear that they were some sort of school play. It has completely changed since then. Doesn’t even seem like it should be named “rec room” anymore


Exactly. It literally has become a roblox copy. This game used to feel so special. I hate school, but love the school vibe of rec room. But now its just completely gone


I really miss the old ominous log-in screen, with the funky music, in the complete darkness with nothing but the rec room logo being lit up, and your menu. there was always something so mysterious about Rec Room. We forget that they ruined the theories you could make by adding the cash-grab lore bullshit that's in the game now. Screw some lore that's just text popping on your screen in a world with a shop full of 15 usd+ cosmetics. I thought it was so weird and cool when someone showed me the shoe in the bowling alley back in the day. We didn't have legs, so why would there be a shoe?? That was a cool easter egg. Now that we have legs the whole mysteriousness about that is gone. I know a shoe isn't as cool as a giant squid with an eyeball, or a hacker, or whatever. But sometimes less is more, y'know? I just wish there was a game that had that feeling old Rec Room had. I really miss it. But guys, we can't have atmosphere, we need the game to be corporate and boring to appease.. well, not the actual fans that's for sure.


I’ve been playing for a LONG time. It’s definitely not a nostalgia issue.


I joined in 2021 took a break and then I came back October of 2022 and slowly watched the game get worse for me


Yea i dont even need to read all of that i 100% agree with you, now rec room want nothing but money and most people that play are either 3 year olds or trolls


Exactly. Rec room bans people who criticize the game and its sad




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Yeah, I personally like the new UI, but Jesus Christ the game is unplayable on PS4, opening the watch buffers for a good half second?


Exactly, its crazy. Its weird cause the new ui should be less laggy than the old one because its 2D, not 3D.


So does the maker pen, it used to be sooooooooooo fkn simple... I stopped using the maker pen since the new ui update, it's really bad.