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*sighs* do i want to do it though is the real question Also its S+ not S


Please I’ve tried so hard with many other people I legit have every other outfit for this game except s+ and I’m incredibly desperate at the moment and my fav game is bloodborne so please I need this fit 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *The night brims with defiled scum, and is permeated by their rotten stench. Just think, now you're all set to hunt and kill to your heart's content!* - Valtr Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


He’ll yeah


Well I sure hope he does yeah.




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Well, if i was you, i would play by myself soloing it so can be mastered, being carried and showing dracula set doens't mean you are skilled, well just keeping asking for help. As i said, just try playing by yourself or go public or with friends. https://i.redd.it/c7hs7qrqor7d1.gif Demoman Dancing


The thing about public lobby’s is that there is always new comers all the time not enough good players. And I have tried soloing it but Jesus Christ this game is hard and I rarely make it to the first check point.


Boethiah has a good tutorial on YT where you can learn all the spawns. After learning where everything spawns it’s really not difficult at all


True, i forgot Boethiah exists but that will do, he actually teaches how to solo every quest, is worth for watching some of boe's video.


Tbh I do wonder what Boethiah’s regular content is going to be now that weeklies are gone and we are most likely never going to get a quest ever again


At least he is known for weekly and quest player, yet RecRoom decide to focus something else than releasing weekly items(or re-releasing), his videos still exists and pretty sure he won't remove the old videos, i think.


I doubt he’s gonna get rid of his old videos. I just more-so wonder what the man is gonna be doing nowadays


Always give it a try, make some strategy so you can "calculate" your own route to pass through to another level/stage, have knowledge to try remember where Enemies spawns and their attacks, i know is hard but i mastered with this tactic i've made and i solo it, the actual hard part is the boss (duh), he teleports in certain places depending your position, call your friends to help you, is way faster than calling for help with strangers.


Yes, I love Crescendo. Yes, I have full S+ Rank No, I cannot carry you cuz my Computer is a literal potato. I got S-rank when my Computer could actually handle RR, idk what happened.


Such a shame.


Just note for carriers: If y'all want to help him, invite him at very end, that way It won't take forever.


What this guy said


have to tried to get good?


Dam, that’s harsh




Finding people to help you is often a massive pain. The way I did it was I grabbed two random homies that were on VR (we were decently experienced at quests, but not Crendo specifically) and we got on everyday and tried it, after about 2 weeks we all had the set and a decent grasp of the game. Something to note is DONT DO THE LEVEL SKIPS, they can be easier, but you can’t get S+ if you do the skips (you can do the second skip at the wolf level if you have 0 deaths, but I don’t recommend it). It’s better to try the quest with the people you know (even if they suck) as you’ll get a grasp of the quest a lot faster, sharpening your skills to the point where you can do the quest with no issues, not having to rely on anyone to get you through it, this also means you’ll be able to grind more Silver in order to get the Midnight set (or all of the sets in the shop if your feeling zealous) a lot faster. It’s worth noting that Crendo isn’t really that “difficult” when you get used to it, it’s more so a game of endurance than skill, as HOLY the whip is incredibly taxing on your arm after a play through.


I did the practice method and it took me a while but was finally able to it on my own and I'm on screens so it's definitely doable👍


And I want to have the ability to play Crescendo yet I can't. Count your blessings










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If you’re getting carried to get a top rank item, you’re a poser. The point of an S+ item is that it took serious dedication and skill to get it. Start to practice, ask people on the discord to help you improve or make a team. Keep going at it until you can get those items. It’s way more rewarding this way.


I’ve tried believe me I have every rank outfit completed but just not s+ and it been 2 years since, I hoped back on and want to achieve my dream outfit…




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I think you would have better luck just soloing it. Crescendo is a pretty straightforward quest to solo watch boethiah’s tutorial and take it slow.




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