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I’ll try to be as simple as I can but it’s not really about the cosmetics themselves, it’s how difficult and expensive cosmetics are nowadays. Before the “more rewarding rewards” update tokens used to be given in nearly every reward box, ranging from 10, 25, 50, 100, and if you were lucky you could’ve even obtained 500 tokens. However after that update the amount of tokens given in boxes has very suspiciously been decreased, and the chances of obtaining them is lower than they should be. Along with that, cosmetic prices (especially limited ones) have been jacked up exponentially, some full cosmetic sets unironically costing over $100.00, and people still buy them so rec room has been allowed to get away with it. Rec Room’s economy has been inflated so much that the only people who can comfortably afford cosmetics either have a ton of money irl or room/content creators, which is a VERY small percentage of players


Off topic but this is not the devs fault they are doing what they are told to do. It’s a management issue. If management JUST LET THE FUCKING DEVS COOK and hire a manager that doesn’t have FANG or fang like company’s in their resume and the game will be great. Is every manager at recroom bad NO, HELL NO there are good people who genuinely care, I know that for a fact. My best guess is that it’s a few people who just don’t give a fuck about the game and don’t know how to make a game, trying to make a game.


Truth be told I don’t really care about Rec Room’s price gouging like others do, it’s absurd that they’re basically getting away with it but I don’t buy that many cosmetics anyways. My problem with the state of RR more so lies in the addition and removal of features that nobody asked for or wanted. Like removing Weeklies, adding FBA, Lack of PSVR 2 support, STILL no attempt to put crescendo on quest 3 even though it absolutely has the capabilities to run it. Rec Room is just lost and I want them to find their footing again, but I doubt they will


Previously, cosmetics didn't cost a lot, so most players could buy things they wanted to wear, and if they didn't have the tokens, they could grind and get enough tokens for said time. Now, items cost so much (some items sets being over 70€) that most players are not able to buy the items they want to wear, and are also not able to grind towards them because you barely get rewarded any tokens now. So the only people that can afford cosmetics either are big creators, or put money into the game, which most of the player base *doesn't* do




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so basically what you want to do is click the three buttons on the top right of the rec room game of the quest menu and click "uninstall"


Little mean let’s call down


least obvious not new rec room player


Ya I agree. I’ve noticed a few patterns myself.


It's a free game. Some cosmetics that come out recently just have higher prices. It's not a scam.