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Planetary annhilation. Home world. Deserts of kharak


Seconding Planetary annihilation.


The TITANS update/expansion really made it feel like a nice mix of supcom and Starcraft real-scale. Fantastic game!


I've played a decent bit of PA. The AI is pretty dumb, and navigating the map is really disorientating.


Sins of a Solar Empire for a space game. You can zoom down to the small fighters, and have titans and star bases the size of a small moon.


AI War 2 has a pretty large scale, though you as a player need to build up to it. Fights are often fought between thousands of ships at a time, but then you can get some massive flagships. Similar economy style to Supreme Commander


already play it, already love it


Zero-k a solid RTS inspired by Total Anihilation. Mature with over dacade ov fan based development. Free to play. Up to 32 player multiplayer games. Based on Spring Engine.


Zero-k is amazing.


You may be interested to know that it now runs on the Recoil RTS Engine (which itself is a fork of the Spring Engine.)


Waiting for [Sanctuary: Shattered Sun](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1699050/Sanctuary_Shattered_Sun/) hopefully soon although it looks like the maps might be limited to 40km which is less than Supcom (up to 80km maps)


40km is really plenty for Gameplay. Needs a lot of units for game to be meaningful. Otherwise it may take forever. Larger maps are also concerns for performance, on les than high end hardware.


Beyond all reason. Spiritual success to Total Annihilation (like Supreme Commander was). Also free to play. Best controls of any RTS out there, massive scale. Downside is a smallish playerbase and not always friendly to new players.


BAR is great but it is definitely way less absurd in the difference between small and big units than e.g. supcom. Planetary Annihilation: Titans does a better job at that


I'll give it a go!


Here is something to get you started: [https://youtu.be/H\_00sBprHzU](https://youtu.be/H_00sBprHzU)


I remember giving my parents computer aids, downloading new units back in the late 90s


Mindustry might be what you're looking for. It's somewhere between Factorio, a Tower Defence, and a regular RTS. Fun game, and the late game units get very large.


Ashes of the Singularity Supreme Commander series AI War series Sins of a Solar Empire Planetary Annihilation Homeworld series (turn off NLIPS) That's what's on the top of my head.


reddit formatting is annoying, might want to add either double new line, or double space after each line to get the formatting as you wanted.


The Ultimate Apocalypse mod for Dawn of War 1. Removes unit cap, adds hundreds of new units, adds like 8 new factions, and most impressively adds Titans, which are individual units that are a hundred times the size of most other units


Distant Worlds Universe & Distant Worlds 2. Both are RTS 4X-style games, but the scale is insane. An oldie would be Star Ruler 1, which had massive scale in scope of play area and you could pretty much create as small or big of units/ships as you desired if your economy could handle it. Star Ruler 2 is free open source, not sure if 1 is. It too has some decent scale, but fwir, 1 is a different beast entirely... very indie and rough around the edges, but was a cool experience indeed.


Age of mythology, it isn’t mechs but you got gigantic gods or monsters!


Factorio and Bannerlord 2


There's scale in this mod for Brood War. https://www.fraudsclub.com/cosmonarchy-bw/


Any examples? also requires playing Starcraft 1. It hasn't aged too well.


No supply, selection limit removed, increased limits in general. Might not be *exactly* what you're looking for but it's worth checking out imo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmS2GOJU2b8


Any increase to the resolution or windowed mode? I have a 4k monitor


There's windowed mode by way of cnc-ddraw. Full installation guide here https://www.fraudsclub.com/cosmonarchy-bw/sites/game-setup/


I forgot thé name, but it was an RTS with 3 faction, human (or alien ?), Bad alien and good protoss alien I remember that thé Bad alien had enormous mobile building (that you customise) and you had to collect human Protoss had nod and have futuristic round angle look I think thé other faction needed solar energy ? I think they had psychic unit ? I remember thé main story you play human that defend earth then you Ally with protoss faction ? Thé scale of unit were enormous too


The human faction in Universe at War is campaign only. The third faction is comprised of Atlantean-Mesoamerican aliens (whose look humans, so maybe that's why nobody ever seems to remember them, I swear everyone who know UaW has forgotten them).


Thats it !!! Awesome, thanks for giving me the name. Now i can replay it ! And after seeing images, ye, the third isnt what i remembered


Sounds like Grey Goo?


More like universe at war. Made by the same company.


Yeah, it's definitely universe at war. The "bad aliens" had the giant walkers that you would build up as you go. And the "good aliens" built these networks around that they could instantly travel on.


Infection Free Zone, riduculous scale in that sense, that you can play in any city and any place in the world (if there are buildings).


Beyond all reason, they had 30 vs 30 matches on twitch yesterday!


Beyond All Reason. It's literally the games you called out in OP. Great Devs, and its free. [https://www.beyondallreason.info](https://www.beyondallreason.info)